
English For All
Opposite Words

List of Opposite Words There are so many opposite words which we have to use to make negative and affirmative sentences. Opposite words are framed using prefixes and suffices. Some opposite words are totally different. Opposite words express a contrasting relationship between two things. They have opposite meanings such as big and small, up and down, or difficult and easy.  Read the following list of opposite words. Significant - insignificant Endless - Limited Useless - Useful Helpless - Capable Hopeless - Hopeful Fearless - Fearful Painlessly - Painfully Easily - Difficultly Gratitude - Ungratitude Restlessly - Calmly Sleeplessly - Peacefully Tirelessly - Tiredly Recklessly - Carefully Thoughtlessly - Thoughtfully willing - unwilling Unhappy - Happy Unlucky - Lucky Unkind - Kind Unhealthy - Healthy Unfair - Fair Unpleasant - Pleasant Uncomfortable - Comfortable Unnecessary - Necessary Unstable - Stable Unsuccessful - Successful Unpopular - Popular Unskilled - Skilled Uneducated - Educated Unusual - Normal Uncommon - Common Unfriendly - Friendly Inactive - Active Incomplete - Complete Inaccurate - Accurate Inadequate - Adequate Inefficient - Efficient Indecisive - Decisive Insecure - Secure Insignificant - Significant Inappropriate - Appropriate Inconvenient - Convenient Incapable - Capable much - less Imbalance - Balance Immaterial - Material Immature - Mature Impatient - Patient Impossible - Possible Impractical - Practical Impure - Pure Immoral - Moral Improper - Proper Improperly - Properly Immensely - Minutely Impossibly - Possibly Importantly - Unimportantly Immediately - Gradually Impressively - Unimpressively Immaculately - Messily Incessantly - Occasionally Inevitably - Avoidably Above - Below Absent - Present Accept - Reject Accurate - Inaccurate Add - Subtract Admit - Deny Advance - Retreat Afraid - Confident After - Before Against - For Agree - Disagree Alive - Dead All - None Always - Never Ample - Scarce Angel - Devil Answer - Question Antonym - Synonym Apart - Together Apparent - Obscure Approve - Disapprove Arrive - Depart Ascend - Descend Attack - Defend Attract - Repel Awake - Asleep Back - Front Bad - Good Beautiful - Ugly Before - After Begin - End Believe - Doubt Best - Worst Better - Worse Big - Small Birth - Death Black - White Bless - Curse Blunt - Sharp Bold - Timid Borrow - Lend Bottom - Top Boy - Girl Brave - Cowardly Bright - Dim Build - Destroy Buy - Sell Cautious - Reckless Cheerful - Sad Clear - Cloudy Close - Open Cold - Hot Comedy - Tragedy Common - Uncommon Complete - Incomplete Confident - Unsure Connect - Disconnect Construct - Destruct Contract - Expand Cool - Warm Correct - Incorrect Courageous - Fearful Create - Destroy Cry - Laugh Cruel - Kind Dangerous - Safe Dark - Light Day - Night Deaf - Hearing Deep - Shallow Defend - Attack Delicious - Disgusting Depart - Arrive Depressed - Happy Descend - Ascend Destroy - Create Die - Live Difficult - Easy Dirty - Clean Disappear - Appear Discourage - Encourage Dissolve - Solidify Divide - Unite Doctor - Patient Dull - Lively Early - Late Easy - Difficult Empty - Full End - Begin Enemy - Friend Enjoy - Suffer Entrance - Exit Equal - Unequal Escape - Capture Even - Odd Evil - Good Expand - Contract Export - Import Expose - Conceal Fail - Succeed Fair - Unfair False - True Familiar - Unfamiliar Famous - Unknown Fast - Slow Fat - Thin Father - Mother Few - Many Find - Lose Finish - Start First - Last Float - Sink Folly - Wisdom Follow - Lead Foolish - Wise For - Against Forward - Backward Free - Restricted Fresh - Stale Friend - Enemy Front - Back Full - Empty Future - Past Gain - Loss Gentle - Rough Give - Take Glad - Sad Glass - Plastic Global - Local Good - Bad Gradual - Sudden Great - Terrible Guilty - Innocent Happy - Sad Hard - Soft Harmful - Beneficial Harmony - Discord Hatred - Love Healthy - Unhealthy Heaven - Hell Heavy - Light Hero - Villain High - Low Honest - Dishonest Hot - Cold Humid - Dry Husband - Wife Idle - Busy Ignorant - Knowledgeable Ill - Well Implode - Explode Impossible - Possible In - Out Include - Exclude Increase - Decrease Inside - Outside Intentional - Unintentional Interesting - Boring Invincible - Vulnerable Join - Separate Joy - Sorrow Junior - Senior Keep - Release Kind - Cruel Known - Unknown Large - Small Last - First Late - Early Laugh - Cry Left - Right Less - More Light - Dark Like - Dislike Little - Big Live - Die Long - Short Loose - Tight Loud - Quiet Love - Hate Low - High Male - Female Maximum - Minimum Meek - Bold Mercy - Cruelty Messy - Neat Minor - Major Modern - Ancient More - Less Morning - Evening Mother - Father Narrow - Wide Near - Far Necessary - Unnecessary Negative - Positive Never - Always New - Old Night - Day Noisy - Quiet North - South Nothing - Everything Off - On Often - Rarely Open - Closed Optimism - Pessimism Order - Chaos Ordinary - Extraordinary Original - Copy Out - In Over - Under Pain - Pleasure Pale - Dark Part - Whole Passive - Active Past - Future Patient - Impatient Peace - War Permanent - Temporary Permission - Prohibition Permit - Forbid Pleasant - Unpleasant Plenty - Scarcity Polite - Rude Poor - Rich Possible - Impossible Positive - Negative Possible - Impossible Post - Pre Powerful - Weak Practical - Impractical Precious - Worthless Predictable - Unpredictable Present - Absent Pretty - Ugly open - close Std. 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English For All
Bonus Marks Will be Given

Breaking News In the first, English paper of class 12th, three questions in the 12th board English paper were wrong. So students were confused while giving the first paper. What exactly should be the answer to those questions? Such a question stood before the students. Instead of questions, the answers were printed. The mistake was in Question no. A-3  which was based on an English poem.  Finally, the board has realized the mistake, and all the students of those questions, Pune Board has decided to give six marks altogether.  In a joint meeting of the subject experts of English and the Chief Moderator (Chief Moderator) of all the departments and the faculty members, the final decision has been made. However, the joint meeting has been delayed due to the teachers' agitation. But, the students should not worry, the decision will be taken in their interest, said Anuradha, secretary of the board Class 12th English paper is of 80 marks and before that oral and oral examination of 20 marks has been conducted at college level. Most students get an average of 15 to 18 marks in it. On the other hand from the board As the question of six marks was printed wrongly in the written examination, those six marks will now be given summarily. So a student who is worried about passing in English subject gets 14 marks out of 74 marks will pass In this background, education experts have expressed the belief that the percentage of students who fail in English will definitely decrease this year. [बारावीच्या विद्यार्थ्यांसाठी खुशखबर! इंग्रजी विषयाच्या 'त्या' प्रश्नाला सरसकट मिळणार ६ गुण Source : "सकाळ"] Std. XII- Question Bank 2022-2023 Subjects Download Physics Download Chemistry Download Biology Download English (first language) Download Mathematics (Art and science) Download Yuvakbharti (Marathi) Download History (Marathi) Download English (Third Language) Download Std. X (Marathi Medium) - Question Bank 2022-2023 Subjects Download Science Part - 1 Download Science Part - 2 Download Mathematics Part - 1 Download Mathematics Part - 2 Download Kumarbharti (मराठी ) Download English (3rd Language) Download History and political Science (इतिहास व राज्यशास्त्र) Download Std. X (English Medium) - Question Bank 2022-2023 Subjects Download Mathematics Part - 1 Download Mathematics Part - 2 Download English (First Language) Download History and political Science Download         Join our WhatsApp community by clicking the following button and get latest educational updates and English notes on your mobile.  Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Online & Offline Classes Students can attend online or offline classes according to their convenience. Limited strength in each batch. Modern, innovative concepts based but simple teaching method. Disciplined and highly feasible learning environment. Excellent Previous Result Every year 100% result. In the exam of 2022, our two students are highest in Maharashtra. Completion of syllabus within stipulated time period.. Quality Study Material Notes of all chapters, poems, and novels are provided in pdf and printed form. From the content rich notes learn tips, tricks and strategies. Regular Weekly Revision Tests We conduct regular offline test on each and every topic, daily online test. Regular doubt clearing sessions. Every Sunday special classes for weak students. Long Teaching Experience More than 35 years' teaching experience. Student centered and Exam oriented teaching as well as individual attention. Thanks for Visiting Click to contact us 9822716201 4, Dewkinandan, Shinde Plots, Yavatmal. Whatsapp Us Follow Us

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English For All

Solve the Activities A preposition is a word or phrase that shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence. 1] My mother is ---- the kitchen preparing something ----- me. 2] The programme will start ----- an hour . 3] My Phone is ----- the table ----- my bedroom. 4] The meeting is ---- Monday ----- the next month. 5] The birthday party is -----  7 PM today. 6] We are going ----- the general store. 7] They must give this present ----- my friend. 8] My father is coming ----- my college. 9] The letter is ------ my teacher. 10] I am ----- my parents. 11] We are eating pasta ----- cheese. 12] The diary was written ---- Anne Frank. 13] The guest came here ----- car. 14] They are talking ----- the weather. 15] I am reading a book ------ social media. 16] I am preparing ----- my exam. 17] I bought this iPhone ---- my sister. 18] The car ----- the man 19] Mrs. Goel is the mother ----- this child. 20] We need to talk ----- our Government ------ the problems of our nations. 21] The dog is hiding ----- the wall. 22] Nitin is walking ------ his mother. 23] The sandwich was ----- the two pieces of bread. 24] The conversation was ------ the two officers. 25] The book is ------ the other books. 26] The discussion was ------ the players. 27] The bird is flying ------ the building. 28] The picture is hanging ------ the TV. 29] The boat is ------ the new bridge. 30] The child is hiding ------- the table. 31] The keys are ------ the door mat. 32] My brother is hiding ------ the blankets. 33] The black umbrella is ------ my head. 34] The roof is ------ my house. 35] I am walking ------ the Chatrappti Shivaji Maharaj park 36] The water flows ------ the Yamuna River. 37] She is swimming ------- the lake. 38] The road goes ----- the mountain. 39] The bus is moving ---- the city 40] I am going ----- my teacher. 41] Themes flow ------ London. 42] The river flows ---- the city. 43] They walked ------ the park and enjoyed the beautiful scenery. 44] The car drove ------- the tunnel and emerged on the other side. 45] The water flows ------- the pipe." 46] The train travels ----- the countryside. 47] The needle went ------- the fabric. 48] We communicate with each other ------- WhatApps. 49] The plane flew ------ the clouds. 50] The plane was flying ----- the mountains 51] The letter is addressed ----- my father. 52] The senior citizens are walking -------- the park. 53] The fence is ------- the school. 54] The flowers are ------ the big trees 55] The statue stands ------ the park. 56] The trunk of treasure is buried ------ the sand 57] This cave is ------ the mountain. 58] The book is ------ the laptop 59] I am sitting ------ my mother. 60] The temple is ----- the school 61] The painting was done ---- a new artist." 62] I am ------ Yavatmal. 63] The package was ----- Amazon. 64] My brother is going ---- the school ----- my mother. 65] My brother left ----- his license. [expand title="Show Answers" swaptitle="Hide Answers"] Answers 1] My mother is in the kitchen preparing something for me. 2] The programme will start in an hour . 3] My Phone is on the table in my bedroom. 4] The meeting is on Monday in the next month. 5] The birthday party is at 7 PM today. 6] We are going to the general store. 7] They must give this present to my friend. 8] My father is coming from my college. 9] The letter is from my teacher. 10] I am with my parents. 11] We are eating pasta with cheese. 12] The diary was written by Anne Frank. 13] The guest came here by car. 14] They are talking about the weather. 15] I am reading a book about social media. 16] I am preparing for my exam. 17] I bought this Iphone for my sister. 18] The car of the man 19] Mrs. Goel is the mother of this child. 20] We need to talk with our Government about the problems of our nations. 21] The dog is hiding behind the wall. 22] Nitin is walking behind his mother. 23] The sandwich was between the two pieces of bread. 24] The conversation was between the two officers. 25] The book is among the other books. 26] The discussion was among the players. 27] The bird is flying above the building. 28] The picture is hanging above the TV. 29] The boat is below the new bridge. 30] The child is hiding below the table. 31] The keys are under the door mat. 32] My brother is hiding under the blankets. 33] The black umbrella is over my head. 34] The roof is over my house. 35] I am walking through the Chatrappti Shivaji Maharaj park 36] The water flows through the Yamuna River. 37] She is swimming across the lake. 38] The road goes across the mountain. 39] The bus is moving toward the city 40] I am going toward my teacher. 41] Themes flow through London. 42] The river flows through the city. 43] They walked through the park and enjoyed the beautiful scenery. 44] The car drove through the tunnel and emerged on the other side. 45] The water flows through the pipe." 46] The train travels through the countryside. 47] The needle went through the fabric. 48] We communicate with each other through whatApps. 49] The plane flew through the clouds. 50] The plane wss flying over the mountains 51] The letter is addressed to my father. 52] The senior citizens are walking around the park. 53] The fence is around the school. 54] The flowers are amid the big trees 55] The statue stands amid the park.

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English For All
Poetic appreciation 1

Money About the poem and poet: ‘Money’ is a reflective poem written by W.H. Davies. He was a Welsh poet, known as the ‘Tramp poet’.  Through this poem, the Poet has described his self-experienced about money and personal happiness. Poetic device and language:  The poem consists of five stanzas of four lines each. It has a simple narrative style. Alliteration, Antithesis, Inversion, Simile, Onomatopoeia and Repetition are the figures of speech used in this poem. The poet has made use of vivid imagery. For example, ‘wives hum, like bees’ or ‘came knocking all day at my door’ and ‘Then felt I like a child that holds / A trumpet that he must not blow’, these lines effectively present the visuals. The rhyme scheme of the first four stanzas is a b c b and of the last stanza is a b a b.   The theme: The theme of the poem is the disadvantage of money. A rich man has many false friends and he lacks true happiness whereas a poor man has few friends, but they are true and real. Thus, he is full of goodness and happiness. The message: The message of the poem is that to experience true joy and happiness one need not to be rich and wealthy. It is not necessary for the poor to become rich, but the rich must become poor to enjoy true happiness. I like this poem: I like this poem because it shows the real value of money. It also describes the false and fake beliefs of being rich. This poem certainly teaches a valuable life-lesson to all that “prosperity makes friends and adversity tests them.”   Std. XII- Question Bank 2022-2023 Subjects Download Physics Download Chemistry Download Biology Download English (first language) Download Mathematics (Art and science) Download Yuvakbharti (Marathi) Download History (Marathi) Download English (Third Language) Download Std. X (Marathi Medium) - Question Bank 2022-2023 Subjects Download Science Part - 1 Download Science Part - 2 Download Mathematics Part - 1 Download Mathematics Part - 2 Download Kumarbharti (मराठी ) Download English (3rd Language) Download History and political Science (इतिहास व राज्यशास्त्र) Download Std. X (English Medium) - Question Bank 2022-2023 Subjects Download Mathematics Part - 1 Download Mathematics Part - 2 Download English (First Language) Download History and political Science Download        The SSC Board Exam will be conducted from 2nd March to 25th March and HSC Board Exam will be held from 21st February to 1st March. for detail see the timetable provided by the board. The provided question banks are only for the practice, but they are a golden opportunity for students to ensure they are thoroughly prepared for the examinations. Read this article to ensure you do not make any mistakes while filling the Board exam answer booklet: Maharashtra State Government Announces New Rules for SSC and HSC Exams. With the Maharashtra Board Exams for Std. 10 and Std. 12 students just around the corner, the state government has released certain rules to write the answer paper. The examinations will be conducted as per original pre-pandemic rules  in full swing.  Some of the rules highlighted by the Education Minister are as follows: 1. According to the latest circular released, students are instructed to write on both sides of each page of the answer booklet. None of the answer booklet pages or supplementary sheets should be left empty. 2. After receiving the barcode sticker, students can fill the subject, seat number and question paper set. Students must remember to sign their answer booklets and supplementary sheets. 3. Students must stick the barcode stickers given to them by exam supervisors are stuck properly in the allotted space. 4. Only blue or black pens can be used to write the answer papers. If any other coloured pen is used, the answer paper will not be checked. 5. Students should arrive at the exam centre 30 minutes before the exam time. If the exam slot is in the morning, students are expected to reach by 10:30 a.m. and if it is in the afternoon, then students should arrive at the exam centre by 2:30 p.m. Students must strictly follow these rules while filling their answer booklets For more information, visit the official website of the board: All the best for your upcoming examination! As soon as the other subjects' pdf will be released by the Maharashtra State Council of Educational Research and Training, we will update it. So stay connected with Us.  Join our WhatsApp community by clicking the following button and get latest educational updates and English notes on your mobile.  Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Online & Offline Classes Students can attend online or offline classes according to their convenience. Limited strength in each batch. Modern, innovative concepts based but simple teaching method. Disciplined and highly feasible learning environment. Excellent Previous Result Every year 100% result. In the exam of 2022, our two students are highest in Maharashtra. Completion of syllabus within stipulated time period.. Quality Study Material Notes of all chapters, poems, and novels are provided in pdf and printed form. From the content rich notes learn tips, tricks and strategies. Regular Weekly Revision Tests We conduct regular offline test on each and every topic, daily online test. Regular doubt clearing sessions. Every Sunday special classes for weak students. Long Teaching Experience More than 35 years' teaching experience. Student centered and Exam oriented teaching as well as individual attention. Thanks for Visiting Click to contact us 9822716201 4, Dewkinandan, Shinde Plots, Yavatmal. Whatsapp Us Follow Us

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English For All
Famous Temples of Lord Shiva

Lord Shivas Temples Famous Lord Shiva Temples Outside India Famous Lord Shiva Temples Outside India S.No. Temple Name Location   1 Prambanan Temple Java, Indonesia   2 The Shiva Vishnu Temple Lanham, Maryland   3 Shiva Vishnu Temple Livermore, California,USA   4 MadhyaKailash Temple Midrand, South Africa   5 Pashupatinath Temple Kathmandu, Nepal   6 Shiva Temple Auckland, New Zealand   7 The Sagar Shiv Temple Mauritius   8 Shiva Vishnu Temple South Florida, USA   9 The Sivan Kovil Lewisham, London   10 Shiva Temple Zurich, Switzerland   11 Shiva Hindu Temple Zuidoost, Amsterdam   12 Katasraj Temple Chakwal, Pakistan   13 The Shiva Temple Muscat, Oman   14 Mukti Gupteshwar Temple Minto, Australia   15 Munneswaram Temple Munneswaram, Sri Lanka   16 Shiva Vishnu Temple Melbourne, Australia      Famous Lord Shiva Temples Across India S.No. Temple Name Location   1 Amarnath Temple Jammu and Kashmir   2 Sukreswar Temple Assam   3 Srikalahasti Temple Srikalahasti, Andhra Pradesh   4 Bhavnath Mahadev Temple Junagadh, Gujarat   5 Vadakkunnathan Temple Thrissur, Kerala   6 Murudeshwara Temple Murudeshwara, Karnataka   7 Taraknath Temple Tarakeswar, West Bengal   8 Annamalaiyar Temple Thiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu   9 Daksheswara Mahadev Temple Kankhal, Uttarakhand   10 Kotilingeshwara Temple Kotilingeshwara, Karnataka   11 Lingaraj Temple Bhubaneswar, Orissa   12 Shore Temple Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu   13 Brihadeeswara Temple Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu   14 Kandariya Mahadeva Temple Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh   15 Pashupatinath Temple Mandsaur, Madhya Pradesh   16 Tungnath Temple Rudraprayag, Uttarakhand   17 Natarajar Temple Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu   18 Kirateshwar Mahadev Temple Gyalshing, Sikkim   19 Jambukeswarar Temple Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu   20 Bhojpur Shiva Temple Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh   21 Kailashnath Temple Ellora, Maharashtra   22 Mallikarjuna Swamy Srisailam, Andhra Pradesh   23 Brihadeeswarar Temple Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu   24 Ramanathaswamy Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu   25 Koteshwar Temple Rudraprayag, Uttarakhand   26 Lepakshi Temple Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh   27 Baijnath Temple Kangra, Himachal Pradesh   28 Thousand Pillar Temple Hanamakonda, Telangana   29 Meenakshi Amman Temple Madurai, Tamil Nadu   Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Online & Offline Classes Students can attend online or offline classes according to their convenience. Limited strength in each batch. Modern, innovative concepts based but simple teaching method. Disciplined and highly feasible learning environment. Excellent Previous Result Every year 100% result. In the exam of 2022, our two students are highest in Maharashtra. Completion of syllabus within stipulated time period.. Quality Study Material Notes of all chapters, poems, and novels are provided in pdf and printed form. From the content rich notes learn tips, tricks and strategies. Regular Weekly Revision Tests We conduct regular offline test on each and every topic, daily online test. Regular doubt clearing sessions. Every Sunday special classes for weak students. Long Teaching Experience More than 35 years' teaching experience. Student centered and Exam oriented teaching as well as individual attention. Thanks for Visiting Click to contact us 9822716201 4, Dewkinandan, Shinde Plots, Yavatmal. Whatsapp Us Follow Us

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English For All
Poetic Appreciation

Father Returning Home About the poet:        Dilip Purushottam Chitre (1938-2008) was a notable Indian poet, critic, painter and filmmaker of the modern era. His Ekun Kavita or Collected Poems were published in the nineteen nineties in three volumes.    Theme :       It is an autobiographical poem. The poet has shown the loneliness of an old man in our modern society in a beautiful way by depicting a picture of his own father returning home from work. The poem expresses the generation gap between a “father” and “children”. No one is there to take care of him, to converse with him or to understand and share his feelings. Special features of the poem:        The poem consists of two stanzas of 12 lines each. It is written in free verse with no particular rhyme scheme followed. Poetic devices and language:                             The language is easy and simple but full of symbolic expressions and poetic devices like simile, alliteration, Transferred Epithet, Synecdoche. The poet uses imagery and descriptive words (evening train, yellow light, unseeing eyes, eyes dimmed by age, gray platform). The message The poem gives the message that old people are neglected and not cared in the modern society. This modern world has no place for elderly people. No one thinks about their loneliness or care for them. Indirectly the poet gives us the message that we should take care of the elderly people and give them good treatment at home.   My Opinion about the poem: Overall, I find the poem highly relevant to today’s world. The aspect that I like the most about the poem is the simplicity with which it conveys a strong message to the readers. She Walks in Beauty        George Gordon Byron known simply as Lord Byron was a famous English Romantic poet and also a satirist. (व्यंगकार) At the age of 21, he started a tour of Europe and the Orient (East) after which he composed ‘Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage’ which made him very popular in England. ‘She Walks in Beauty’ is a short lyrical poem celebrating female beauty. The poet describes an unnamed woman who is exceptionally striking. The poet describes not only her external appearance but also her inner goodness. Byron compares her to the night sky describing her serene (calm) and perfect beauty.           The theme of the poem is beauty, the outer beauty and inner beauty. The woman’s eyes, her black tresses, her soft cheek, her clam brow and the lovely colour of skin describe outer beauty.    The peaceful mind, winning smile, loving heart, and glowing tint describe inner beauty. Using the word heaven he gave a divine touch to a beauty.        The poet uses here many poetic devices like simile, alliteration, metaphor, personification,  antithesis, inversion, repetition, tautology etc. There is rhyme scheme ababab used in all the stanzas. Imagery such as, “night”; “starry sky”; “cloudless climes”; glowing tint “cheek” and “brow.” make the poem effective and beautiful.       The poem “She Walks in Beauty” is a short lyrical poem consisting of three stanzas of six lines each which has a steady rhythm and the language is rich with poetic devices. Though the poet does not name the woman, or give any details of her age, it does not affect the poem.     This poem gives us a message about the importance of inner beauty, which is almost a divine thing that will make external beauty possible because if a person is sinless his mind is pure and clam.      I like this poem because it makes us realize that one should look inner beauty than just outer appearance. 'Small Towns and Rivers'     Mamang Dai from Arunachal Pradesh is the poet of Small Towns and Rivers. Being a poet, she is novelist, journalist and former civil servant, who writes in English as well as Adi language. She is also an active radio and TV journalist. She has received Padmashree Award in 2011 and Sahitya Akademi Award in 2017.      This poem is taken from the collection of the poems, ‘The River Poems’, published in 2004. The poem describes that the river is an important element of the nature. It is based on the belief of the tribal people from the North East that the souls of the beloved ones dwell in the natural elements around us. The title of the poem creates curiosity in readers mind.             The theme of the poem is preservation and conservation of natural elements to save the earth as well as all the living beings. It is the anxiety of the poet about the developments in the small towns.       The poem is written in free-verse, because there is no rhyme scheme used in all seven stanzas. She has used variety of poetic devices in the poem which enriches the poem. They are Alliteration, Repetition, Simile, Metaphor, Inversion, Transferred Epithet, Antithesis, Personification etc. The use of transferred epithet helps express the feelings of the poetess and personification makes the river alive.         Mamang Dai has used simple and easy language in the poem. It consists of seven stanzas each having an irregular line-count and the length of lines is also different. The overall poem doesn’t contain any specific rhyme scheme.        The poet gives us message that we should stop the degradation of the natural elements in our locality and protect and conserve them.         I like this poem because the poet now lives in the city but she has not forgotten her home town, her language and her tribal culture because she has recorded the poem with the help of the beliefs of Adi' community. I think this is the best poem by Mamang Dai. Question Bank For XII Subjects Download Physics Download Chemistry Download Biology Download English (first language) Download Mathematics (Art and science) Download Yuvakbharti (Marathi) Download History (Marathi) Download English (Third Language) Download Std. X (Marathi Medium) Subjects Download Science Part - 1 Download Science Part - 2 Download Mathematics Part - 1 Download

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English For All

Articles A, An & The A, An and The are known as Articles.Articles are of two types. A] Indefinite Article: a, an.1) Which is used before indefinite person or thing.(A teacher: that is any teacher)2) It is used before singular countable noun.(A pen, a book, a cat etc.) Use of ‘An’1)An is used before the singular word beginning with a ‘vowel’ (a, e, i, o, u) sound.(An enemy, an ant, an orange)2) An is used before a word of which sound is of vowel if it starts with ‘h’(An hour, an honest, an heir)3) An is used before short forms:(An M.A., an M. Com., an SP, an MP)4) Before an adjective begins with vowel sound.(an old woman/ an inspiring story.) Uses of ‘A’1)A is used before the singular word beginning with consonant.(A pen, a car, a class)2) A is used before a noun beginning with vowel but the sound is of consonant.(A European, A University, a one eyed man, a unity)3) Before an adjective begins with consonant (a beautiful garden, a nice suggestion) Definite Article “The”The is used before particular person or thing (we know it)1) He saw the teacher (particular teacher)2) The is used before singular countable, plural countable and uncountable noun.(The pen, the boy, the books,)3) Used when a singular noun represents a whole class/group.(The dogs is an honest animal, the rich should help the poor,The rose is a lovely flower.)4) Used before name of things unique of their kind(The sun, the moon, the sky, the Earth)5) Used before the ordinals (number)(The first, the second, the third)6) used before the word ‘same’ (the same boot, the same house)7) Before the name of newspaper magazines, holy books,-The times of India, the Lokmat times, the Hindu, the bible, the Vedas, the Mahabharata, the Ramayana, the twinkle,8) Musical Instruments: The violin, the flute, the piano,9) Superlative adjective: -The best, the most beautiful, the tallest 10) Historical events: (Day)-The Republic day, the Independence Day, the mother’s day.11) Historical buildings or directions (sides):-The Tajmahal, The red fort, The East, The north, The right side, The left side)12) Names of Oceans, seas, rivers, desert, canals, group of islands, mountains.-The Indian Ocean, the Arabic sea, the Sahara, the Panama Canal, the Ganga, the Andmans and the Nicobars.13) Before the proper noun when it is compared to other. - Tukaram Maharaj is the Shakespeare of Maharashtra.14) When the same nouns are repeated, use ‘a/an’ before the first noun and ‘the’ before the second noun.-I saw a book. The book is very interesting.15) Plural name of a country. The USA, The USSR.  Questions Choose the correct alternative [qsm quiz=12] Join our WhatsApp community by clicking the following button and get latest educational updates and English notes on your mobile.  Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Online & Offline Classes Students can attend online or offline classes according to their convenience. Limited strength in each batch. Modern, innovative concepts based but simple teaching method. Disciplined and highly feasible learning environment. Excellent Previous Result Every year 100% result. In the exam of 2022, our two students are highest in Maharashtra. Completion of syllabus within stipulated time period.. Quality Study Material Notes of all chapters, poems, and novels are provided in pdf and printed form. From the content rich notes learn tips, tricks and strategies. Regular Weekly Revision Tests We conduct regular offline test on each and every topic, daily online test. Regular doubt clearing sessions. Every Sunday special classes for weak students. Long Teaching Experience More than 35 years' teaching experience. Student centered and Exam oriented teaching as well as individual attention. Thanks for Visiting Click to contact us 9822716201 4, Dewkinandan, Shinde Plots, Yavatmal. Whatsapp Us Follow Us

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English For All
The method of solving

How to solve activity Sheet? General Instructions : 1] Maintain the sequence of questions and activities means complete the same section first and then write another2] Always start a new question on a new page.2] Spelling, sentence structure must be correct.3] There must be systematic and proper diagrams, legible and clear handwriting, brevity and clarity in expression, neat and clean paper .4] Avoid the multiple answers to the same activity which will be treated as wrong.5] Supplements are not recommended.6] Write the answers in full and complete sentences.7] Present the web diagram, flow chart, tree diagram , table exactly and neatly in answers.8] Don't use colour pens/pencils which are not allowed.9] Do not write instructions of the activities or all given options. Writing Instructions 1] Don't write instructions in your answer sheet. It's waste of time.2] Write answers directly.3] Write the Question number and activity number correctly.4] Write the number of question in the box. Number of Activities in the margin5] Choose correct two statements related to the theme of the extract and rewrite them.6] Write down only two options. Don't write three.6] Don't write in true or false form answer for the option type question. How to write True or False a] Don't write only true or false as given below:1) True2) False3) False4) True b) Rewrite the given sentences and then write whether the sentence is true or false. Correct Method-  1] Soapy was finally arrested. -  True How to write Match the following Question Que: Match the Following Fill in the blanks/gaps Write down the complete sentences and underline the answers with the same colour pen.  Only answers without sentence will not gain marks.Question: Covid-19 is one of  -----most hazardous diseases witness by-----world. (Insert the correct articles)Wrong method.-  the, theCorrect methodCovid-19 is one of the   most hazardous diseases witness by the world. MCQ/ Option If options are given, don't write all options. Write only correct option. Example : She has decided to write again.(Choose the correct Tense form) a) Present perfect tense     b) Past  progressive tense c) Present progressive tense. d)  Simple present tense Wrong Method a) Present perfect tense - answer a) Present perfect tense     b) Past  progressive tense c) Present progressive tense. d)  Simple present tense Correct Method Ans. He is doing it. a) Present perfect tense - Personal Response type Questions There are total 6 marks on this question (which are in Que 1A-- A4 /Que 2A--A4/ Que 3--A3)Write the answer of personal response question only in 50 words. It should not be more than 50 words or five to 6 lines. You can write your response only related to the given point, but don't spend time in writing long and lengthy answer. Don't repeat the same idea again and again.  Summary Write down the summary also  only in 50 words. It should not be more than 50 words or five to 6 lines.  Don't add your idea write all the points from the passage Write short and simple sentences in your language without changing the meaning. Main important - Give a suitable title. Time Management      Section 1 : (Prose) Question 1 & 2 A : Seen and Unseen ExtractReading the extract. 10 minWriting answers 15 minQuestion 2 B : Summary (Title). 10 minQuestion 2 C : Mind mapping. 10 minTotal 45 minQuestion 2 Section 2 : (Poetry) Question 3 A :Reading a poem. 05 minWriting answers 10 min Question 3 B :Appreciation in points 10 min Total. 25 min Section 3 : (Writing Skill) Question 4 AVirtual message /SOP/Group discussion. 10 min Question 4 BEmail/Report writing/ Interview questions. 10 min Question 4 C :  Speech/ Compering/Expansionof an Idea. 10 min Question 4 D: Review on film or book /Blog/Appeal 10 minTotal Time. 40 min Section 4 : (Literary Genre- Novel)Question 5A History of novel (Objective type)1st question. 05 min 2nd question. 05 min Question 5B To sir,with Love (Descriptive in 50 words)1 st question. 05 min2nd question 05 min Question 5 C : Around the World in 80 Days (Descriptive in 50 words)1st question 05 min2nd question. 05 min Question 5 D : Signs of Four ( Descriptive in 50 words)1st question. 05 min2nd question. 05 minTotal Time. 40 min To sum up : •Question 1 a+b. 16 marks. 30 minutes •Question 2 a+b+c. 18 marks. 45 minutes•Question 3 a+b. 14 marks. 25 minutes•Question 4 a+b+c+d. 16 marks 40 minutes•Question 5 a+b+c+d. 16 marks. 40 minutes• Total. 80 marks. 180 min. Join our WhatsApp community by clicking the following button and get latest educational updates and English notes on your mobile.  Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Online & Offline Classes Students can attend online or offline classes according to their convenience. Limited strength in each batch. Modern, innovative concepts based but simple teaching method. Disciplined and highly feasible learning environment. Excellent Previous Result Every year 100% result. In the exam of 2022, our two students are highest in Maharashtra. Completion of syllabus within stipulated time period.. Quality Study Material Notes of all chapters, poems, and novels are provided in pdf and printed form. From the content rich notes learn tips, tricks and strategies. Regular Weekly Revision Tests We conduct regular offline test on each and every topic, daily online test. Regular doubt clearing sessions. Every Sunday special classes for weak students. Long Teaching Experience More than 35 years' teaching experience. Student centered and Exam oriented teaching as well as individual attention. Thanks for Visiting Click to contact us 9822716201 4, Dewkinandan, Shinde Plots, Yavatmal. Whatsapp Us Follow Us

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English For All
Question Bank

Question Bank for HSC & SSC On 13th February 2023, The Maharashtra State Council of Educational Research and Training has released the question banks for Class 10 (SSC) and Class 12 (HSC) board exams 2023. The Council has released some subject-wise question banks in pdf format. Candidates who are aspiring for Maharashtra annual academic examinations 2022-23 are advised to visit the official website to download the question banks. It has released Maharashtra Board question banks for English and Marathi medium.   Teachers and students can download the pdf of the Question bank (English and Marathi Mediums) from the following tables.  Std. XII- Question Bank 2022-2023 Subjects Download Physics Download Chemistry Download Biology Download English (first language) Download Mathematics (Art and science) Download Yuvakbharti (Marathi) Download History (Marathi) Download English (Third Language) Download Std. X (Marathi Medium) - Question Bank 2022-2023 Subjects Download Science Part - 1 Download Science Part - 2 Download Mathematics Part - 1 Download Mathematics Part - 2 Download Kumarbharti (मराठी ) Download English (3rd Language) Download History and political Science (इतिहास व राज्यशास्त्र) Download Std. X (English Medium) - Question Bank 2022-2023 Subjects Download Mathematics Part - 1 Download Mathematics Part - 2 Download English (First Language) Download History and political Science Download        The SSC Board Exam will be conducted from 2nd March to 25th March and HSC Board Exam will be held from 21st February to 1st March. for detail see the timetable provided by the board. The provided question banks are only for the practice, but they are a golden opportunity for students to ensure they are thoroughly prepared for the examinations. Read this article to ensure you do not make any mistakes while filling the Board exam answer booklet: Maharashtra State Government Announces New Rules for SSC and HSC Exams. With the Maharashtra Board Exams for Std. 10 and Std. 12 students just around the corner, the state government has released certain rules to write the answer paper. The examinations will be conducted as per original pre-pandemic rules  in full swing.  Some of the rules highlighted by the Education Minister are as follows: 1. According to the latest circular released, students are instructed to write on both sides of each page of the answer booklet. None of the answer booklet pages or supplementary sheets should be left empty. 2. After receiving the barcode sticker, students can fill the subject, seat number and question paper set. Students must remember to sign their answer booklets and supplementary sheets. 3. Students must stick the barcode stickers given to them by exam supervisors are stuck properly in the allotted space. 4. Only blue or black pens can be used to write the answer papers. If any other coloured pen is used, the answer paper will not be checked. 5. Students should arrive at the exam centre 30 minutes before the exam time. If the exam slot is in the morning, students are expected to reach by 10:30 a.m. and if it is in the afternoon, then students should arrive at the exam centre by 2:30 p.m. Students must strictly follow these rules while filling their answer booklets For more information, visit the official website of the board: All the best for your upcoming examination! As soon as the other subjects' pdf will be released by the Maharashtra State Council of Educational Research and Training, we will update it. So stay connected with Us.  Join our WhatsApp community by clicking the following button and get latest educational updates and English notes on your mobile.  Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Online & Offline Classes Students can attend online or offline classes according to their convenience. Limited strength in each batch. Modern, innovative concepts based but simple teaching method. Disciplined and highly feasible learning environment. Excellent Previous Result Every year 100% result. In the exam of 2022, our two students are highest in Maharashtra. Completion of syllabus within stipulated time period.. Quality Study Material Notes of all chapters, poems, and novels are provided in pdf and printed form. From the content rich notes learn tips, tricks and strategies. Regular Weekly Revision Tests We conduct regular offline test on each and every topic, daily online test. Regular doubt clearing sessions. Every Sunday special classes for weak students. Long Teaching Experience More than 35 years' teaching experience. Student centered and Exam oriented teaching as well as individual attention. Thanks for Visiting Click to contact us 9822716201 4, Dewkinandan, Shinde Plots, Yavatmal. Whatsapp Us Follow Us

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English For All
Statement of Purpose SOP

How to write a statement of purpose for admission in MIT Pune? Dear Admissions Committee,   As I was born and brought up in engineer family, I have a dream to be a successful engineer in the world. On my 13, Birthday my father gave me a book of  vishwesharyya's Autobiography as a gift. I read that book in single sitting which speed up me towards my aim, I decided to be  an engineer.   I am Ram, a driven and passionate individual with a strong interest in technology and engineering. I am writing to express my interest in pursuing a degree at the Maharashtra Institute of Technology (MIT) Pune campus, where I believe I can receive a top-notch education and be challenged to reach my full potential.   My passion for technology and engineering began at a young age, when I was first introduced to programming and building projects using various tools and materials.This is when I started reading a number of Business Magazines, the daily newspaper like Economics Times, it helped me to understand the trend of markets. The news channel like CNN, BBC encounters me with the live and current condition of market which concreted my basic concept of market. This knowledge further helped me to study and focus on commerce related subject.    Over the years, I have honed my skills and developed a deep appreciation for the impact that technology can have on the world. I have always been fascinated by the cutting-edge research and innovative developments taking place at MIT, and I am eager to contribute to this community of bright minds and groundbreaking ideas.   I am confident that a degree from MIT, Pune will provide me with the knowledge, skills, and opportunities I need to achieve my academic and professional goals. I am particularly interested in [insert specific areas of study or research areas that interest you], and I am eager to delve deeper into these subjects and contribute to the field through my own research and projects.   Throughout my academic and personal life, I have demonstrated my commitment to excellence and my ability to perform at a high level. and have been actively involved in [insert relevant extracurricular activities and achievements]. I am confident that my dedication, work ethic, and passion for technology and engineering will enable me to succeed at MIT Pune and make valuable contributions to the university community.   Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to embark on this exciting journey and to learn, grow, and make a difference as a student at MIT Pune. Sincerely, Ram Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Online & Offline Classes Students can attend online or offline classes according to their convenience. Limited strength in each batch. Modern, innovative concepts based but simple teaching method. Disciplined and highly feasible learning environment. Excellent Previous Result Every year 100% result. In the exam of 2022, our two students are highest in Maharashtra. Completion of syllabus within stipulated time period.. Quality Study Material Notes of all chapters, poems, and novels are provided in pdf and printed form. From the content rich notes learn tips, tricks and strategies. Regular Weekly Revision Tests We conduct regular offline test on each and every topic, daily online test. Regular doubt clearing sessions. Every Sunday special classes for weak students. Long Teaching Experience More than 35 years' teaching experience. Student centered and Exam oriented teaching as well as individual attention. Thanks for Visiting Click to contact us 9822716201 4, Dewkinandan, Shinde Plots, Yavatmal. Whatsapp Us Follow Us

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