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Difficult words and Related Pictures [metaslider id="741"] harvey mudd essay - Crime Complainant –One who makes complaint (शिकायतकर्ता)Concession - summer vacation essay / छूट/ अधिकारDeclined - rejected/ अस्वीकार करना to comply - follow/ आज्ञापालन करना https://arsodenglishclasses.com/art-history-essay-help/ - threw/धक्का देनाCarrying a comment on manner too far - excessive demandDiscourtesy – rudenessExcuse - allow/ permitASSAULT AND BATTERY.- An attack which includes not only threats but also the actual use of violence/ हमला)Burglar – thiefKnock him down (नीचे गिराना),Acquit - release, make free/ छोड़ देना, निर्दोष ठहराना)to retaliate - take revenge, बदला लेना Reasonable –soundAssailant - attacker/ हमलावरCommands - Certain orderAttempt – try to legislate - make a law Sanction – allowOffence – crimeReasonable - moderate/ properliberty – freedom to box people’s ears (fight with the fists/ घूँसा मारना )Behaviour - nature (व्यवहार)the scowl - a facial expression of dislike or displeasure ,गुस्से से देखना)be idle - inactive/ silent, we would raise the handuncivil – bad I may please -I may feelretaliation -take revenge, बदला लेनाHaughty - having a high opinion of oneself and often A low opinion of others/ घमंडीBoorish – rudePenalty - fine/ दंड; जुर्माना; सजाWritten down - become famous Ill-mannered fellow- bad person Compel – forceAttune – understandsensibilities - the ability to experience deep feelingswax – remove Moustache a strip of hair left to grow above the upper lipringlets (घूँघराले बाल )laceration - damage/ hurt compensation - money, awarded to someone in recognition of loss, suffering, or injury:Allowance - fee, payment, भत्ताIntellectual – mental damages in these matters.Damages – amendsNegligible - neglectful/ तुच्छ; नगण्य)Probable – likelyHurt - damage/चोट slur - insult, बदनामी; दागsocial standing - socially / social imagekick - a blow with the footshins - The front part of the human leg between the knee and the anklelegal redress - justice, समाधान.The pain - ache/ दर्दpass away – stop a wound - injury on the heart, घाव; ज़ख़्म; चोट)self-respect - dignity. आत्म-सम्मानVanity - pride, अस्मिता)Poison -spoil/ खराब करणे Denied - not got Brooding - thinkingrestoring – gettingEquilibrium - balance/ calm mental state/ plural noun: equilibria).catching - attrctive)bad temper - mood स्वभावbad manners (आदत).Bullied - threaten, धमकाना; सताना)page- boy (helper) . really (actually)getting back (reply)Employer (boss)henpecked (dominated)insolent (rude)ill-humours -bad nature).stream (flow)the calendar ( the year).martyrdom (torture शहादत)morose (bad) guardian (protector संरक्षक) private manners (personal life). No Decalogue (Ten Commandments given in the Bible, दस धार्मिक उपदेश)offences (crime)administer (manage/run/व्यवस्था करना)governed (control/ नियन्त्रित करना)social civilities (politeness/ शिष्टाचार),tilt (turn/ एक तरफ झुकना)bound (tied) to endorse (agree/ support) the verdict (judgment/ निर्णय; फैसला)sympathy ( companion/pity/ सहानुभूति; हमदर्दी )compels (obligate / मजबूर करना)social practice (Pattern/ आदत)sacred (spiritual /पूजनीय)enjoins (tell/command/लागू)acknowledge (admit/ स्वीकार करना; मान लेना)courtesies (respectful remark शिष्टाचार)intercourse (conversation) friendly co-operation (दोस्ताना),an easy give- and- take, (good-natured exchange (as of ideas or comments)superiors (senior)dictating (order हुक्म चलाना; आदेश देना)inferiors (Junior).vulgar (impolite/ असभ्य)resentment (anger/ नाराजगी)feature (present/tell/ पेश करना)discriminating (differentiate/ दोष दाखवनारा शब्द)rebuke (blame/oppose/ डांट-फटकार)disposed (likely /willing/ प्रवृत्त)the ordeal (test / कठिन परीक्षा /परख)specimen (people/नमुने)regards (consider)enemies (foe/ दुश्मन; शत्रु)creatures (people)chief (main/ प्रमुख)aggressive manner angryfancy (imagine/ like)public owes (be obliged repay /expect/ आभारी होना; ऋणी होना)insisting ( take a firm stand/ ज़ोर देना)standard (level) civility (good behavior) pleasant (joyful) unfriendliness (bad thinking/गलत सोच)class (society/community)tribute (appreciation / प्रशंसा; आभार)conscious (aware/ realize/ अवगत)discovery (finding /feeling)arouses (evoke/create). annoyed (irritated / परेशान)knave (cheater/ धोखेबाज़)eyed (looked)coldly (displeasure)stale (common/ general/बासी; पुराना)get.’’ (get you down)the necessity of going back (need to go back home),inconvenience (trouble/hassle/ परेशानी; तकलीफ़),engagement (meeting appointment). 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