Figures Of Speech

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    Points to Remember

    1] Figures of speech are poetic devices that makes the sentence effective and are used to enhance the overall impact of the text. They include metaphors, similes, personification, and more. The question on these poetic devices is asked in poems for us.
    2] We can identify the figure of speech from the sentence by the words, arrangements of sentences, structure of the sentence etc.

    Rewrite the sentence using proper Figures of speech - 02 Marks.

    Examples of Figures of Speech.

    1] Simile

    (Simile is a figures of speech in which a direct comparison is made between two objects using the words as, like, so.)
    1) Blue as the wing of a halcyon wild.
    Ans: Simile because here is a direct comparison between the blue coloured cloth and a blue coloured wing of wild halcyon.

    2) Like the plumes of a peacock, purple and green.
    Ans: Simile because here is a direct comparison between the colour of garment and purple & green coloured plumes of peacock.

    3) White as a feather and white as a cloud.
    Ans: Simile because here is a direct comparison between the white garment and a white feather and a cloud.

    4) A sound as if with the Inchcape Bell
    Ans: Simile because here is a direct comparison between the sound of sinking ship and the sound of sinking the Inchcape Bell.

    5) Then felt I like a child that holds
    Ans: Simile because here is a direct comparison between the poet himself and a 'child' using the word like

    6) Like a word dropped from a long sentence.
    Ans: Simile because here is a direct comparison between a word and the father (train & sentence)' using the word like

    7) For many a false man as a friend
    Ans: Simile because here is a direct comparison between a 'false man' and a friend.

    2] Metaphor

    (Metaphor is a figure of speech in which an implied comparison is made between two objects without using the words as, like, so.)
    1) Still here I carry my old delicious burdens.....
    Ans: Metaphor because here is an implied comparison between old sweet memories and something delicious.

    2) Weavers, weaving at break of day.
    Ans: Metaphor because’ here is an implied comparison between the birth (childhood stage of man) and a break of day.
    3) What do you weave in the moonlight chill?
    Ans: Metaphor because’ here is an implied comparison between death (old age - the third and last stage of man's life) and moonlight.
    4) Weavers, weaving at fall of night.
    Ans: Metaphor because’ here is an implied comparison between adulthood (young - the second stage of man) and the fall of night.

    3] Alliteration.

    (Alliteration is a figure of speech in which the first letter of the word or sound is repeated for the poetic effect)
    1) And over the waves its warning rung.
    Ans: Alliteration because here the sound of a letter 'w' is repeated for the poetic effect.
    2) When the Rock was hid by the surge’s swell
    Ans: Alliteration because here the sound of letter 's' is repeated for the poetic effect.
    3) The wing of a halcyon wild (is) blue.
    Alliteration because the sound of letter ‘w’ is repeated for the poetic effect.

    4) The long brown path before me leading wherever I choose.......
    Ans: Alliteration because’ a letter or a sound of ‘L and b’ have been repeated for the poetic effect.
    5) Weavers, weaving at break of day.
    Ans: Alliteration because the sound of letter ‘w’ is repeated.for the poetic effect.
    6) Why do you weave a garment so gay? . . .
    Ans: Alliteration because the sound of letters ‘w’ and ‘g’ are repeated for the poetic effect.
    7) Like the plumes of a peacock, purple and green.
    Ans: Alliteration because the sound of letter ‘p’ is repeated for the poetic effect.
    8) We weave the marriage-veils of a queen.
    Ans: Alliteration because the sound of letter ‘w’ is repeated for the poetic effect.
    9) Weavers, weaving solemn and still.
    Ans: Alliteration because the sounds of letters ‘w’ and ‘s’ are repeated for the poetic effect.
    10)The sea-birds scream'd as they wheel's around.
    Ans: Alliteration because here the sound of letter ‘s’ is repeated for the poetic effect.
    11) The boat is lower’d, the boatmen row.
    Ans: Alliteration because here the sound of letter ‘b’ is repeated for the poetic effect.
    12) Sir Ralph bent over from the boat.
    Ans: Alliteration because here the sound ‘b’ is repeated for the poetic effect.
    13)The bubbles rose and burst around.
    Ans: Alliteration because here the sound of letter ‘b’ is repeated for the poetic effect.
    14) He scour’d the seas for many a day.
    Ans: Alliteration because here the sound ‘s’ is repeated for the poetic effect.
    15) Till the vessel strikes with a shivering shock,
    Ans: Alliteration because here the sound of letter 's' is repeated for the poetic effect.

    4] Repetition 

    (Repetition is a figure of speech in which the same word is repeated d)
    1) Henceforth I ask not good- fortune, I myself am good- fortune......
    Ans: Repetition because the word ‘good fortune’ has been repeated for the poetic effect.
    2) I carry them, men and women, I carry them with me wherever I go.....
    Ans: Repetition because the word ‘carry’ has been repeated for the poetic effect.
    3) I am fill’d with them, and I will fill them in return
    Ans: Repetition because the word ‘fill’ has been repeated for the poetic effect.
    4) White as a feather and white as a cloud.
    Repetition because the words ‘white’ and ‘as’ are repeated.
    5) No stir in the air, no stir in the sea
    Repetition because here the word 'no stir' is repeated.
    6) When I had money, money, O!
    Ans: Repetition because here the word 'money has been repeated.

    5] Personification

    (Personification is a figure of speech in which living or nonliving things are given human quality or described as having human organ.)
    1) The ship was still as she could be
    Personification because here the ship is personified.
    2) Her sails from heaven received no motion
    Personification because here the ship is personified.
    3) Her keel was steady in the ocean.
    Personification because here the ship is personified.
    4) So little they rose, so little they fell
    Personification because here the waves are personified.
    5) Till the vessel strikes with a shivering shock,
    Personification because here the word shock is personified.
    6) The waves rush in every side
    Personification because here the waves are personified.
    7) But even in his dying fear
    Personification because here the fear is personified.
    8) And over the waves its warning rung.
    Personification because here the waves are personified.
    9) When the Rock was hid by the surge’s swell
    Personification because here the rock is personified.

    6] Apostrophe

    (Apostrophe is a figure of speech in which living or non living things are personified and address)
    1) O Christ! it is the Inchcape Rock!
    Apostrophe because here God has been addressed.
    Exclamation because here the exclamatory mark is used.

    7] Paradox

    (Paradox is a figure of speech in which two contradictory ideas are put together)
    1) Still here I carry my old delicious burdens.....
    Ans: Paradox because the words delicious and burden express opposite meaning.
    2) My many friends proved all untrue;
    Ans: Paradox because here two contradictory ideas have been put together of friend and untrue
    3) Were you selfish pure and simple as you rushed along the way.
    Paradox –‘selfish pure and simple’ the expression seems meaningless.
    4) For there is the dawn of rising Moon.'
    Paradox because here two contradictory ideas are used.

    8] Onomatopoeia

    (Onomatopoeia is a figure of speech in which sound suggesting word is used)
    1) Down sunk the Bell with a gurgling sound.
    Onomatopoeia because here the word gurgling suggests sound.
    2) The bubbles rose and burst around.
    Onomatopoeia because here the word burst suggests sound
    3) And how their wives do hum like bees
    Ans: Onomatopoeia because here the word ‘hums' suggests the sound
    4) So, when I hear these poor ones laugh,
    Ans: Onomatopoeia because here the word ‘laugh' suggests the sound.

    9] Antithesis

    (Antithesis is a figure of speech in which opposite words are use)
    1) So little they rose, so little they fell
    Antithesis because here the opposite words (rose and fell) are used.
    2) About their work from morn till night.
    Ans: Antithesis because here two opposite words 'morn' and 'night' have been used.
    3) I carry them, men and women,
    Ans: Antithesis because here two opposite words 'men' and 'women' have been used.

    10] Tautology

    (Tautology is a figure of speech in which two words of similar meanings are used in the same sentence)
    1) Done with indoor complaints, libraries, querulous criticism.....
    Ans: Tautology because the words ‘Complaint and Querulous’ expresses same meanings
    2) Weavers, weaving solemn and still.
    Tautology because the words ‘solemn’ and ‘still’ are similar in meaning.

    11] Inversion

    (Inversion is a figure of speech in which the sentence is not in the correct prose order/ in proper sequence)
    1) Now where we are I cannot tell.
    Ans: Inversion because here the sentence is not in correct prose order.
    The correct order is -I cannot tell where we are now.
    2) Her sails from heaven received no motion
    Ans: Inversion because here the sentence is not in correct prose order.
    The correct order is - Her sails received no motion from heaven.
    3) Strong and content I travel the open road.
    Ans: Inversion because the words are not in a correct prose order. The correct prose order is – I travel the open road strong and content.
    4) Blue as the wing of a halcyon wild.
    Ans: Inversion – The words are not in correct order. The correct word order is – The wing of a halcyon wild (is) blue.
    5) Afoot and light-hearted I take to the open road.
    Ans: Inversion because the words are not in a correct prose order. The correct prose order is –I take to the open road afoot and light hearted.
    6) On a buoy in the storm it floated and swung.
    Ans: Inversion because here the sentence is not in correct prose order.
    The correct order is -It floated and swung on a buoy in the storm.
    7) Poor men, think I, need not go up.
    Ans: Inversion because the words are not in correct order. The correct prose order is “I think, poor men need not go up”
    8) And to the Inchcape Rock they go
    Inversion because here the sentence is not in correct prose order.
    The correct order is -And they go to the Inchcape Rock.
    9) The sun in heaven was shining gay.
    Ans: Inversion because here the sentence is not in correct prose order.
    The correct order is -The sun was shining gay in heaven.
    10) Then felt I like a child that holds
    Ans: Inversion because here the sentence is not in the correct prose order
    The correct prose order is “Then I felt like a child that holds”
    11) A trumpet that he must not blow
    Ans: Inversion because here the sentence is not in the correct prose order
    The correct prose order is “That he must not blow a trumpet
    12) Is there anyone to utter now a kindly word of you?
    Ans: Inversion because here the sentence is not in correct prose order.
    The correct order is - Is there anyone of your now a kindly word to utter?. 

    12] Transferred Epithet

    (Transferred Epithet is a figure of speech in which an epithet (adjective ) is transferred from one object to other)
    1) Till the vessel strikes with a shivering shock,
    Transferred Epithet because here the adjective ‘shivering’ transferred from human to shock.
    2) But even in his dying fear
    Transferred Epithet because here the adjective dying is transferred from human to fear.
    3] Home again, I see him drinking weak tea,
    Transferred Epithet because here the adjective weak is transferred from human to tea.

    13] Interrogation 

    (the sentence is in the form of question)
    1) What do you weave in the moonlight chill?
    Ans: Interrogation because the sentence is in the form of question.
    2) Is there anyone to utter now a kindly word of you?
    Ans: Interrogation because the sentence is in the form of question.
    3) 'Canst hear', said one, 'breakers roar?'
    Ans: Interrogation because the sentence is in the form of question.
    4) Why do you weave a garment so bright?
    Ans: Interrogation because the sentence is in the form of question.
    5) Is anybody happier because you passed his way?
    Ans: Interrogation because the sentence is in the form of question.
    6) Does anyone remember that you spoke to him today?
    Ans: Interrogation because the sentence is in the form of question.
    7) Is there anyone to utter now a kindly word of you?
    Ans: Interrogation because the sentence is in the form of question.
    8) Did you give a cheerful greeting to the friend who came along?
    Ans: Interrogation because the sentence is in the form of question.
    9) Or a churlish sort of “Howdy" and then vanish in the throng?
    Ans: Interrogation because the sentence is in the form of question.
    10) Or is someone mighty grateful for a deed you did today?
    Ans: Interrogation because the sentence is in the form of question.
    11) Why do you weave a garment so gay? . . .
    Ans: Interrogation because the sentence is in the form of question.

    14] Synecdoche 

    (The part refers to a whole)
    1] I see him drinking weak tea, eating a stale chapati.
    Ans: Synecdoche because here the part (chapati) refers to a whole (food).
    2) Is a single heart rejoicing over what you did or said.
    Ans: Synecdoche because here the part (heart) refers to a whole (a person).
    3) That you helped a single brother of the many that you
    Ans: Synecdoche because here the part brother refers to whole
    human being.
    4) Is a single heart rejoicing over what you did or said;
    Ans: Synecdoche because here the part single heart refers to whole human being.

    15] Exclamation

    (exclamatory mark is used)
    1) O Christ! it is the Inchcape Rock!
    Exclamation because here the exclamatory mark is used.

    16] Hyperbole

    (an obvious exaggeration is made)
    1)For many false man as a friend Came knocking all day at my door.
    Ans: Hyperbole because an obvious exaggeration is made.
    2) She wept a bucket full of tears.
    Ans: Hyperbole because an obvious exaggeration is made.

     Extra Examples for practice 

    1] The flowers are pretty like you.

    2] the lady is trembling like waves.
    3] The huge banyan tree stood like a problem.
    4]The banyan tree was three times as tall as our house.
    5] You are a lighthouse for the people for and wide.
    6] Peace is a woman.
    7] All dawns pass leaving them into dark.
    8] If you have the will to live and courage to die.
    9] How we treat our loved once young and old.
    10] Only thinking in the present not learning from the past.
    11] Success is failure.
    12] While dealing with a stranger common courtesy you use.
    i3] Soft and thick the snow lay.
    14] The peace told me.
    15] The apple tree said.
    16] The valley plays hide and seek.
    17] Stars dance in the sky.
    18] With the kind palm.
    19] There is a blue road.
    20] Yet birds seemed twittering.
    21] The yellow teeth twittering.
    22] A one thousand candles then lit in her starry eyes.
    23] She is as old as the hill.
    24] I died of shyness.
    25] We are heroes and poor devils.
    26] We friend is wise fool.
    27] My slate remains blank inspire of writing.
    28] Welcome, O life.
    29] O Mumbai I come to visit you alone.
    30] O my cellphone, why won’t you load my massage?  

    More Examples

    1] She can hear a pin drop miles away.

    Ans: Hyperbole because here an obvious exaggeration has been made.
    2] he found eagery eyes.
    Ans: Transferred epithet because here an epithet eager has been transferred from person to eyes.
    3] After a setback you offer no excuse.
    Ans: Inversion because the sentence is not in the correct prose order.
    The correct prose order is “you offer no excuse after a setback”.
    4] Shy hotel for travelers.
    Ans: Transferred epithet because here an epithet shy has been transferred from middle class people to hotel.
    5] Nobody goes to that shop, it is too crowded.
    Ans: Paradox because here contradictory ideas have been out together of having crowd without people’s visit.
    6] India became happy on August 15th.
    Ans: Synecdoche because here the part (India) refers to a whole (country/ all people).
    7] Men for truth and honor’s sake, stand fast and suffer long.
    Ans: Inversion because the sentence is not in the correct prose order.
    The correct prose order is “men stand fast and suffer long for truth and honor’s sake”.
    8] When the might have captured the victor’s cup?
    Ans: Interrogation because the sentence is in the form of question.
    9] Did you give a cheerful greeting?
    Ans: Interrogation because the sentence is in the form of question.
    10] I see him drinking weak tea, eating a stale chapati.
    Ans: Synecdoche because here the part (chapati) refers to a whole (food).
    11] What a big mistake I have done!
    Ans: Exclamation because here the exclamatory mark is used.
    12] You are very satisfied and content person.
    Ans: Tautology because the words ‘satisfied and content’ are similar in meaning.

    There will be extra Grammar Batch on Sunday: Topic - Figures of Speech
    There will be extra Grammar Batch on Sunday: Topic - Figures of Speech

    Solve the following online Test.

    #1. For many a false man as a friend.

    #2. His shirt and pants are soggy and his black raincoat

    #3. Down sunk the Bell with a gurgling sound.

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