English For All

English For All
Poetic Creativity

Q.3] A5) Poetic Creativity - 2 Marks 1] Poem on Song of the open road I roam the open road with joy and ease, With nothing to hold me back or please. I sing my song with the winds that blow, And bask in the freedom that only it knows. 2] Poem on three stages of life Life is a journey with three stages to see, Youth filled with laughter, maturity with glee. Old age creeps in, wisdom it brings, But the soul still soars with joy that still clings. 3]  Poem on Indian weavers Indian weavers, skilled hands at play, Spinning magic with threads day by day. Colors and patterns, a tapestry of life, Their art a treasure, rife with cultural strife. 4] Poem on tit for tat Tit for tat, a cycle never-ending, Retaliation, revenge, and comprehending. An eye for an eye only leaves the world blind, It's better to forgive and be a better kind. 5] Poem on the inchacape rock The Inchcape Rock, a danger to all ships, A beacon of warning, with each passing trip. But the abbot's bell, in the days of yore, Rang out its warning, to sailors on shore. 6] Poem on have you earned tomorrow Have you earned tomorrow with deeds of today? With words that inspire, and actions that sway? For each moment we live, it's a chance to make right, To shape our tomorrow, with wisdom and sight. 7] Poem on good work Good work is a seed, planted with care, Nurtured with effort, it blossoms fair. It bears the fruit of success, with pride, And makes the world a better place, inside. 8] Poem on father returning home Father returning home, children run to greet, With open arms and smiles, their joy can't be beat. His work is done, his weary bones can rest, In the love of family, he finds true happiness. 9] Poem on neglected father A neglected father, left to stand alone, With only memories of love, he's grown. His children's laughter, now just a distant sound, In their hearts, a void, that cannot be found. 10] Poem on money Money, a tool, a means to an end, It can buy the luxuries, but not true friends. With too much, one's soul can easily corrupt, But used wisely, it can bring joy and support. 11] Poem on false friends False friends, they come and go with the tide, In good times they're near, in bad they hide. Their words are sweet, but their actions untrue, Beware of such friends, they'll only lead you astray too. 12] Poem on true friends True friends, a rare and precious find, With them, we laugh, and solace we bind. In good times and bad, they stand by our side, Their love and support, an unbreakable guide. 13] Poem on beautiful woman A beautiful woman, with grace and with charm, Her smile a sunrise, her eyes like the stars. Her laughter, a melody, that soothes the soul, Her presence, a gift, that makes the world whole. 14] Poem on small towns and rivers Small towns by rivers, peaceful and serene, With secrets and stories, that have never been seen. The river winds gently, through fields of gold, A symphony of nature, for young and old. 15] Poem on small town Small towns, where neighbors know each other's name, With streets that recall a simpler, gentler game. Where life moves at a slower, more measured pace, And a sense of community, time cannot erase. 16] Poem on river The river flows on, a constant melody, A symphony of nature, for all eyes to see. It winds through mountains, and valleys below, Bringing life and renewal, wherever it flows.  17] Poem on love of father The love of a father, forever so true, A source of protection, and guidance too. No matter the distance, or what life may bring, His love remains steadfast, like the roots of a tree's wing. 18] Poem on birth A new life begins, with a cry and a sigh, A soul enters the world, under a clear blue sky. With wonder and joy, the journey begins, A tiny footprint, to a life full of wins. 19] Poem on youth Youth, a time of dreams, and of endless delight, With energy and passion, that shines ever so bright. The world is a playground, full of adventure and fun, A time to be brave, and to bask in the sun. 20] Poem on death Death, the great unknown, that we all must face, A mystery that haunts, with each step and each pace. Yet it brings release, from this mortal coil, And a journey to realms, beyond the soil. 21] Poem on death Death, a shadow that falls, on every life's shore, An end to our journey, forever more. Yet in memories, we keep the love alive, That of those who've passed on, and will always survive. 22] Poem on helping other Helping others, a noble and selfless act, A ray of kindness, that brings warmth to the heart. A simple gesture, that goes far beyond measure, A gift to the world, with endless treasure. 23] Poem on real happiness Real happiness, a state of mind, so serene, It shines from within, a light that's evergreen. It's not in possessions, nor fame or great wealth, But in the joy of giving, and in good health. 24] Poem on Father Father, the guiding light, Showing us the way, day and night. Always there with open arms, Protecting us from all harm. 25] Poem on freedom of mind Freedom of mind, the key to inner peace, Where thoughts are unshackled, and worries cease. A state of being, where the spirit soars, Where one can find, their own unique voice and force.  26] Complete the blank lines to frame a poem of four lines describing happiness of life. Real happiness dwells in mind, ………………………one can find. Money can’t give us true happiness, ………………… message of kindness. Ans:  Real happiness dwells in

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English For All
activity sheet 8

शिवजयंती घराघरात शिवराय मनामनात घरगुती शिवजयंती सजावट स्पर्धा -2023🟧🟩🟧🟩https://t.co/eX6xErDwnl🟩🟧🟩🟧🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩📢📢📢📢इतर group वर तसेच सहकारी व नातेवाईकांना शेअर करा. — Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal (@Arsodsir) February 9, 2023 Activity Sheet for 12th English Section –I (Prose) (Reading for comprehension, Language study, Vocabulary, Summary, Note- Making or Mind Mapping) Q. 1.A) Read the given extract and complete the activity given below (12 Marks)                                                          On the most basic level, when I’m in Tibet, though not a real Buddhist, I spend days on end in temples, listening to the chants of sutras. I go to Iceland to visit the lunar spaces within me, and in the uncanny quietude and emptiness of that vast and treeless world, to tap parts of myself generally obscured by chatter androutine.  We travel, then, in search of both self and anonymity - and, of course, in finding the one we apprehend the other. Abroad, we are wonderfully free of caste and job and standing; we are, as Hazlitt puts it, just the “gentlemen in the parlour,” and people cannot put a name or tag to us. And precisely because we are clarified in this way, and freed of inessential labels, we have the opportunity to come into contact with more essential parts of ourselves.  Abroad is the  place  where  we  stay  up late,  follow impulse and find ourselves as wide open as when we are in love. We live without a past or future, for a moment at least, and are ourselves up for grabs and open to interpretation We even may become mysterious -to others, at first, and sometimes to ourselves -and, as no less a dignitary than Oliver Cromwell once noted, “A man never goes so far as when he doesn’t know where he is going.”  A1. Match the following.         (2) A B 1) Buddhist A) lunar spaces 2) Abroad B) Chants 3) Hazlitt C) gentlemen in the parlour 4) Iceland D) free of caste and job A2. Write some advantages of traveling in abroad. (2)          A3.  Explain with examples from the passage that the writer would respect other religion. (2)       A4. What are some popular Buddhist destination (2) A5. Do as directed. (2) 1)    I spend days on end in temples (Choose the correct alternative to change the sentence of past perfect tense) a) I was spending days on end in temples. b) I had spended days on end in temples. c) I spent days on end in temples. d) I had spent days on end in temples. 2) Abroad is the place where we stay up late (Choose the correct alternative of the simple sentence   ) a) Where we stay up late b)  We stay up late at abroad c) Abroad is the place into we stay up late. d) We stay up abroad late. 3) Though not a real Buddhist, I spend days on end intemples,.  (Choose the correct alternative removing though   ) a)  Not a real Buddhist, I spend days on end in temples, b)  Not a real Buddhist and I spend days on end in temples, c) Although a real Buddhist, I spend days on end in temples. d) I am not a real Buddhist, but I spend days on end in temples. A6. Pick out the similar of the following words from the passage. (2) (i) Small room (ii) foreign (iii) moon  (iv) forthcoming (B)Language Study: (4) B1. Do as directed/ Transformation of the sentences. (1)We can accept our life gracefully. (Rewrite using modal auxiliary showing ‘compulsion’)      (ii) As I entered the post office, the Post Master presented me with a telegram. (Begin the sentence with “No sooner……. (iii) The mother looks after her child. (Make it a rhetorical question) B2. Spot the error in the given sentence and rewrite the correct sentence. Summers in Delhi are extreme hot. Que.2 (A) Read the extract and complete the activities given below:(12)      Today, the craze of advertisement of manufactured goods is on the increase. The art of advertisement is, in fact, a modern development. It has revolutionized the modern trade. Modern life is highly complex and mechanical. People have no time to go into the soul of things. They want to buy largely advertised goods. The manufacturer, in his turn, wants to popularize his goods before these are manufactured. Such is the craze for advertised goods.        We are living in the age of advertisement. No wonder, one sees shining and multi-colored bill-boards hung on poles displaying goods advertised. The city walls are found lettered with eye- catching advertisements of products that are manufactured today. There is a spate of magazines and journals which spare pages for latest variety of goods manufactured. Radio and Television are humming with advertisements of new products. In fact, many a time, one gets sick of these advertisements repeated hundreds of times on the radio or TV screen.     There are various methods of advertisement. The most popular and useful method is to send advertisements in newspapers and magazines. Television is no less powerful a medium for advertising goods. There is always a great demand for advertisement space of footage and much money flows to the advertising medial. In certain cases the advertisement cost runs into thousands of rupees for products advertised. Advertisements are sometimes so scientifically and intelligently planned that they change the entire psychology of the consumers. Rapid telecast of advertisement makes psychological attachment with product. Consumer tries to connect the relation of products with his needs and stands firmly to get the product. Advertisements thus hold the sway and no manufacturer can do without it. A thing may not have an intrinsic value but it must be well advertised. We live in a glamorous world of advertisement.  A1. Complete the web chart. A2) Find out the reason: (02) In modern age people want to buy largely advertised goods.  Because a)     ------------------------------------------------ b)    ------------------------------------------------ A3) Explain the psychological impact of advertisement on consumers. (02) A4) Suggest any four benefits of advertisement according to you.(02) A5. Do as directed.(02)   1] The most popular and useful method is to send advertisements in newspapers and magazines.

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English For All
The cop and the anthem

Personal Response Questions & Answers 1] What would you do if you were soapy ? Ans: If I were Soapy, I would try to find alternative ways to improve my situation and address the root cause of my homelessness, such as seeking employment, reaching out to support organizations, or improving my financial literacy. I would also try to find legal and ethical ways to secure shelter and food for myself. 2] what would you do if you were the cop? Ans: If I were the cop, I would enforce the law fairly and consistently, but instead of arresting soapy, I would show sympathy and compassion towards Soapy who are facing difficult circumstances. I would try to connect him with resources that could help improve his situation, such as shelters, food banks, or job training programs. I would also try to create a safe and respectful environment for everyone, including homeless individuals. 3]  What event changes Soapy's mind about going to jail? what was the result of it? Ans: Soapy changes his mind about going to jail after hearing a beautiful anthem from the church, which reminds him of his better days and makes him feel ashamed of his current situation. Finally, he realizes that he wants to try to better himself and make a change in his life. 4] What would you do if you were waiter? Ans: If I were the waiter, a few things I would consider: I would try to maintain a friendly and respectful demeanor, and make sure that all customers feel welcome in my establishment regardless of their circumstances or appearance like Soapy.  if I noticed someone like Soapy who was homeless, I could offer them a meal or connect them with resources that could help improve their situation. 5] what do you think about the arrest of soapy? Ans: In the story, Soapy's arrest is a turning point for him. He realizes that his attempts to get arrested are not the solution to his problems and that he needs to find a better way to improve his situation. The arrest serves as a wake-up call for him and prompts him to rethink his life and his future. From the perspective of the law enforcement officer, the arrest may have been necessary to maintain public order and safety. However, the officer in the story also could have shown compassion and understanding towards Soapy, which suggests that there may have been alternative solutions that could have been pursued. I think, his arrest was unjust for him.  6] What would you do for the people like soapy? Ans: I would donate to local organizations that provide services to the homeless, such as shelters, food banks, and healthcare clinics. I would prepare and serve meals at a soup kitchen, provide assistance at a homeless shelter, or offer job training and education services. I would try to provide affordable housing as well as healthcare and mental health services. Click to contact us 9822716201 arsodyogiraj@gmail.com 4, Dewkinandan, Shinde Plots, Yavatmal. Whatsapp Us Follow Us Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Online & Offline Classes Students can attend online or offline classes according to their convenience. Limited strength in each batch. Modern, innovative concepts based but simple teaching method. Disciplined and highly feasible learning environment. Excellent Previous Result Every year 100% result. In the exam of 2022, our two students are highest in Maharashtra. Completion of syllabus within stipulated time period.. Quality Study Material Notes of all chapters, poems, and novels are provided in pdf and printed form. From the content rich notes learn tips, tricks and strategies. Regular Weekly Revision Tests We conduct regular offline test on each and every topic, daily online test. Regular doubt clearing sessions. Every Sunday special classes for weak students. Long Teaching Experience More than 35 years' teaching experience. Student centered and Exam oriented teaching as well as individual attention. Thanks for Visiting

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English For All
An Astrologer's Day prqa

Personal Response Questions and answers On An Astrologer's Day 1] What is astrology? Ans: Astrology is a belief system and practice that asserts a relationship between astronomical phenomena and events in the human world based on the positions of celestial objects at the time of an event, such as the birth of an individual. 2] Is astrology a science? Ans: Astrology is not considered a science by the mainstream scientific community. The concepts and practices of astrology lack empirical evidence and are not based on scientific methods. 3] What is a horoscope? Ans: A horoscope is a chart or diagram representing the positions of celestial bodies at a specific time, such as the time of birth of an individual, which is used in astrology to analyze and predict the individual's personality and life events. 4] What is the difference between sun sign and moon sign? Ans: A sun sign is determined by an individual's birth date and corresponds to the zodiac sign the sun was in at the time of their birth. A moon sign, on the other hand, is determined by the position of the moon at the time of an individual's birth and is said to represent an individual's emotional and instinctual side. 5] Can astrology predict the future? Ans: According to astrology, a horoscope can provide insights into an individual's future tendencies and potential challenges based on the positions of celestial objects at the time of their birth. However, this practice is not considered to be scientifically valid, and there is no empirical evidence to support the accuracy of astrological predictions. 6] What is the zodiac? Ans: The zodiac is a band of the sky divided into 12 equal parts, each named after the constellation that appears in that area. The zodiac is used in astrology to determine an individual's sun sign. 7] What is a natal chart? Ans: A natal chart, also known as a birth chart, is a representation of the positions of celestial bodies at the exact time of an individual's birth. It is used in astrology to analyze an individual's personality and life events. 8] What is the difference between Western and Vedic astrology? Ans: Western astrology, also known as Hellenistic astrology, is a form of astrology that originated in ancient Greece and has been adapted over time. Vedic astrology, on the other hand, is a form of astrology that originated in ancient India and is based on the principles of Hindu astrology. The two forms of astrology differ in their methods of calculation, the use of zodiac signs and houses, and the interpretation of celestial events. 9] What is synastry in astrology? Ans: Synastry is a form of astrological analysis that involves comparing two natal charts to determine the compatibility and potential dynamics of a relationship between two individuals. 10] What is a rising sign or ascendant? Ans: The rising sign, also known as the ascendant, is the zodiac sign that was on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth and is considered to be the first house in an individual's natal chart. It is said to influence an individual's appearance and physical traits. 11] What is a fortune teller? Ans: A fortune teller is a person who claims to use supernatural or mystical means to predict future events or provide insight into personal affairs. This can take many forms, such as reading tarot cards, palmistry, astrology, or other forms of divination. 12] Is fortune telling a legitimate practice? Ans: From a scientific perspective, there is no empirical evidence to support the accuracy of fortune telling. The claims made by fortune tellers are not based on a systematic, scientific methodology and are often considered to be superstition or entertainment. 13] What is tarot reading? Ans: Tarot reading is a form of fortune telling that involves using tarot cards, which are a deck of 78 cards with symbolic images, to gain insight into a person's life and future. The cards are shuffled and laid out in a specific pattern, and the fortune teller interprets the symbolism of the cards to provide guidance and predictions. 14] What is palm reading? Ans: Palm reading, also known as palmistry, is a form of fortune telling that involves analyzing the lines, shapes, and other features of an individual's palm to gain insight into their personality and future. 15] What is the difference between a psychic and a fortune teller? Ans: A psychic is a person who claims to have extrasensory perception (ESP) and can use their abilities to provide insight into personal affairs or predict future events. A fortune teller, on the other hand, is a person who uses mystical or supernatural means to provide the same type of guidance and predictions. The terms are often used interchangeably, but some people make a distinction between the two. 1] What is the definition of courtesy? Ans: Courtesy is a form of polite behavior that involves being kind, considerate, and respectful to others. 2] What are some examples of courtesy? Ans: Examples of courtesy include holding the door open for someone, saying "please" and "thank you," listening actively to others, and being respectful of people's opinions and feelings. 3] Why is it important to be courteous? Ans: Being courteous is important because it helps to create a positive and respectful environment, promotes good relationships with others, and can lead to better communication and understanding. 4] How can we show courtesy to others? Ans: Ways to show courtesy to others include using polite language, being respectful of personal space, offering help when needed, and being empathetic and understanding. 5] What happens if we are not courteous to others? Ans: If we are not courteous to others, it can lead to conflicts, hurt feelings, and a breakdown in relationships. It can also create a negative and unpleasant environment. 6] What is the difference between courtesy and good behavior? Ans: Courtesy refers to polite and respectful behavior towards others, while good behavior encompasses a broader range of actions

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English For All
On Saying Please prqr

Personal Response Questions and answers On Saying Please 1] What is the definition of courtesy? Ans: Courtesy is a form of polite behavior that involves being kind, considerate, and respectful to others. 2] What are some examples of courtesy? Ans: Examples of courtesy include holding the door open for someone, saying "please" and "thank you," listening actively to others, and being respectful of people's opinions and feelings. 3] Why is it important to be courteous? Ans: Being courteous is important because it helps to create a positive and respectful environment, promotes good relationships with others, and can lead to better communication and understanding. 4] How can we show courtesy to others? Ans: Ways to show courtesy to others include using polite language, being respectful of personal space, offering help when needed, and being empathetic and understanding. 5] What happens if we are not courteous to others? Ans: If we are not courteous to others, it can lead to conflicts, hurt feelings, and a breakdown in relationships. It can also create a negative and unpleasant environment. 6] What is the difference between courtesy and good behavior? Ans: Courtesy refers to polite and respectful behavior towards others, while good behavior encompasses a broader range of actions that follow social norms and expectations in various situations. Good behavior can include being courteous, but also encompasses other actions like following rules and exhibiting self-control. 7] What are some benefits of having good manners and being courteous? Ans: Some benefits of having good manners and being courteous include making a positive impression, building better relationships, promoting respect and understanding, and creating a more pleasant environment for oneself and others. 8] How can one improve their manners and show more courtesy? Ans: One can improve their manners and show more courtesy by being aware of social norms and expectations, practicing active listening, using polite language, being considerate of others, and seeking feedback and improvement. 9] How does one deal with people who are not courteous? Ans: Dealing with people who are not courteous can be challenging. It's important to stay calm and not let their behavior affect one's own behavior. One can try to address the situation politely, seek clarification, and set boundaries if necessary. 10] How can parents teach their children good manners and courtesy? Ans: Parents can teach their children good manners and courtesy by modeling the behavior themselves, discussing the importance of manners and courtesy, and providing opportunities for children to practice good behavior in different situations. Praise and positive reinforcement can also be effective in encouraging good behavior. *English With Arsod Sir* Personal Reasons Questions & Answers on Why we travel?  https://arsodenglishclasses.com/why-we-travel-prq/ Share it to the students. Click to contact us 9822716201 arsodyogiraj@gmail.com 4, Dewkinandan, Shinde Plots, Yavatmal. Whatsapp Us Follow Us Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Online & Offline Classes Students can attend online or offline classes according to their convenience. Limited strength in each batch. Modern, innovative concepts based but simple teaching method. Disciplined and highly feasible learning environment. Excellent Previous Result Every year 100% result. In the exam of 2022, our two students are highest in Maharashtra. Completion of syllabus within stipulated time period.. Quality Study Material Notes of all chapters, poems, and novels are provided in pdf and printed form. From the content rich notes learn tips, tricks and strategies. Regular Weekly Revision Tests We conduct regular offline test on each and every topic, daily online test. Regular doubt clearing sessions. Every Sunday special classes for weak students. Long Teaching Experience More than 35 years' teaching experience. Student centered and Exam oriented teaching as well as individual attention. Thanks for Visiting

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English For All
Why we travel? prq

Personal Responce Questions and Answers on Why We Travel? 1] Why do people travel? Ans: People travel for various reasons, including leisure and recreation, adventure, exploring new cultures and communities, personal growth and self-discovery, education and learning, and work or business. 2] What are the benefits of travel? Ans: Travel offers a wide range of benefits, including the opportunity to experience new and different cultures, gain exposure to new perspectives and ways of life, learn new languages and develop communication skills, improve physical and mental health, and build memories and relationships that can last a lifetime. 3] How does travel affect personal growth? Ans: Travel can have a significant impact on personal growth by challenging one's comfort zone, providing new experiences and perspectives, building confidence, and fostering independence and self-reliance. It can also help individuals discover new interests, talents, and passions, as well as broaden their understanding of the world and their place in it. 4] What are some of the challenges of travel? Some of the challenges of travel include language barriers, navigating unfamiliar environments, cultural differences, financial constraints, and health and safety concerns. Additionally, travel can also be stressful and time-consuming, and may involve dealing with issues such as jet lag, illness, and homesickness. 5] What is the purpose of traveling? Ans: The purpose of traveling varies from person to person, but some common reasons include seeking new experiences, making memories, taking a break from daily routines, exploring new cultures, visiting friends and family, or pursuing personal or professional goals. 6] Why is traveling important for mental health? Ans: Traveling can have a positive impact on mental health by reducing stress, promoting relaxation, and providing a break from daily routine. It can also provide new experiences and perspectives that can broaden one's understanding of the world and improve their overall well-being. 7] How does travel impact the economy? Ans: Travel can have a significant impact on the economy, both in terms of direct spending by travelers and indirect effects such as job creation and increased economic activity in the tourism industry. Travel also generates significant tax revenues for local communities, and can contribute to the development of new businesses and industries. 8] Why is cultural exchange important through travel? Ans: Cultural exchange through travel is important because it allows individuals to gain exposure to new cultures, beliefs, and ways of life. It can broaden perspectives, challenge prejudices, and promote understanding and tolerance. Cultural exchange can also foster economic, political, and social connections, leading to a more connected and harmonious world. 9] How does traveling bring people together? Ans: Traveling can bring people together by providing opportunities for shared experiences, fostering new relationships, and promoting understanding and tolerance among different cultures and communities. Traveling can also provide a sense of common purpose and can help to break down barriers and build bridges between people from different backgrounds. 10] What is the impact of travel on the environment? Ans: Travel can have both positive and negative impacts on the environment, depending on how it is managed and sustained. For example, eco-tourism can help to protect and preserve natural habitats, while mass tourism can result in environmental degradation and overcrowding. Travelers can minimize their environmental impact by choosing sustainable travel options, such as low-carbon transportation and eco-friendly accommodations. 11] Why is solo travel important? Ans: Solo travel can be important for personal growth, self-discovery, and building confidence. It provides the opportunity to travel at one's own pace, make decisions independently, and experience new places and cultures on one's own terms. Solo travel can also help individuals break out of their comfort zones, learn to rely on themselves, and gain a greater sense of independence and self-reliance. 12] What are some of the benefits of group travel? Ans: Group travel provides the opportunity to share experiences and make new friends, as well as benefit from the support and camaraderie of a shared travel experience. Group travel can also make travel more accessible and affordable, as it often involves shared costs for transportation and accommodations. Group travel can also help to reduce the stress and uncertainty of traveling, and provide a sense of security and companionship for those who might otherwise travel alone. 13] What are some tips for sustainable travel? Ans: Some tips for sustainable travel include choosing low-carbon transportation options, such as trains, buses, or electric vehicles, whenever possible. Additionally, travelers can choose eco-friendly accommodations, such as sustainable hotels or homestays, and support local communities by eating at local restaurants and purchasing locally-made products. Travelers can also minimize waste by avoiding single-use plastics, and by supporting conservation efforts in the places they visit. 14] What is religious travel? Ans: Religious travel refers to travel for the purpose of experiencing or exploring religious sites, events, or practices, and connecting with one's faith and spirituality. 15] What are some popular religious destinations for travelers? Ans: Some popular religious destinations for travelers include the Vatican City (Catholicism), Jerusalem (Judaism, Christianity, Islam), Mecca (Islam), Varanasi (Hinduism), and Bodh Gaya (Buddhism). 16] What is the significance of the Vatican City for Catholic pilgrims? Ans: The Vatican City is the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church and the residence of the Pope. For Catholic pilgrims, visiting the Vatican can be a spiritual and cultural experience, as they can see significant religious landmarks such as St. Peter's Basilica and the Sistine Chapel, and connect with other members of their faith. 17] What are some common activities for religious travelers? Ans: Common activities for religious travelers include visiting religious sites, participating in religious ceremonies and events, attending worship services, and engaging in spiritual reflection and practices. 18] What is Buddhist travel? Ans: Buddhist travel refers to travel for the purpose of visiting significant Buddhist sites, learning about Buddhist teachings and practices, and connecting with the Buddhist community. 19] What are some popular Buddhist destinations for travelers? Ans: Some popular Buddhist destinations for travelers include Bodh Gaya (India), where the Buddha attained enlightenment; Lumbini (Nepal), where the Buddha was born;

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English For All
What is spot the error?

Spot the Error     Spotting errors when proofreading your writing is an essential part of the writing process. A single mistake can accumulate over time into a huge error, leading to confusion or misrepresentation of facts. Knowing what mistakes to look out for and how to correct them can help you create accurate and well-crafted content. In this section, we will discuss common errors that occur while proofreading, ranging from grammar and spelling errors to punctuation mistakes and typographical errors. We will provide tips on how to spot these errors quickly during the proofreading process so that you can avoid them in the future. Spot the Error is like a game which helps students to develop their English language skills. It tests their ability to identify errors in written sentences and correct them based on the correct rules of English grammar. It can be used both as an educational tool for those learning English and as a practice tool for those already knowledgeable about the language. The game is set up to be fun, interactive, and fast-paced, providing its users with a challenge that keeps them engaged while still being helpful in improving their knowledge of the subject at hand. For the 12th it is compulsory question in the unseengrammar to the students to solve it    Spotting an error can be difficult, especially when it hidden within plain sight. Errors can come in various forms and spotting the errors requires a keen eye to spot them. This section will focus on identifying the errors and understanding where things have gone wrong. We will be looking at various aspects of common errors and analyzing correct solutions for them. Here are some examples of common errors with suggested corrections: 1] "Their going on a trip this weekend."   "They're going on a trip this weekend." (Correct) 2] "Me and my friend went to the movies."   "My friend and I went to the movies." (Correct) 3] "I seen that movie already."  "I have seen that movie already." (Correct) 4] "I don't no why that happened."   "I don't know why that happened." (Correct) 5] "Him and his friend was running late."   "He and his friend were running late." (Correct) 6] "She was one of the most prettiest girls in the class."  "She was one of the prettiest girls in the class." (Correct) 7] "I was their for an hour."   "I was there for an hour." (Correct) 8] "Whose jacket is this?"   "Whose is this jacket?" (Correct) 9] "I done my homework already."   "I have done my homework already." (Correct) 10] "I have went to the store."   "I have gone to the store." (Correct) 11] "She don't like pizza."  Correction: "She doesn't like pizza." 12] "They was very happy."   "They were very happy." (Correct) 13] "His favorite color is blue, and mine too "His favorite color is blue, and mine is too." (Correct) 14] "I seen it with my own eyes."   "I saw it with my own eyes." (Correct) 15] Iron is harder than any metal. Iron is harder than any other metal. (Correct) 16] No other person is as beautiful as her  No other person is as beautiful as she (Correct) 17] No sooner did I write a letter when I got the job. No sooner did I write a letter than I got the job. (Correct) 18] The four first chapter of the book are interesting. The first four chapter of the book are interesting. (Correct)  19] Either Aditya or his friends has submitted their projects. Either Aditya or his friends have submitted their projects. (Correct) 20] It is one of the important day of my life. It is one of the important days of my life. (correct) 21]  He has been reading the book since two hours. He has been reading the book for two hours. (Correct) 22] It has been raining for Monday last. It has been raining since Monday last. (Correct) 23] He behaves as if he was a king. He behaves as if he were a king. (Correct) 24] Unless you do not work hard, you will not pass. Unless you work hard, you will not pass. (Correct) 25] As the meeting was about to end he insisted to ask several questions. As the meeting was about to end he insisted on asking several questions. (Correct) 26] Much water has flown under the bridge. (birds - fly - flown) Much water has flowed under the bridge. (Correct) (water- flowed) 27] She goes for a walk at the afternoon. She goes for a walk in the afternoon. (Correct) 28] She is from U.S. She is from the U.S. (Correct) 29] I’ve read an interested story. I’ve read an interesting story. (Correct) 30] By the next Holi, we have been here for eight years. By the next Holi, we shall have been here for eight years.(Correct) These are just a few examples of common errors, but there are many more. The key to avoiding these types of mistakes is to pay close attention to grammar rules and to practice writing and speaking correctly.    Some Latin/Greek words which can make our mistakes. 1] The phenomena has been observed by us.  The phenomena have been observed by us. (Correct) 2] Bacteria is using up most of the oxygen Bacteria are using up most of the oxygen (Correct) Singular Plural Agendum Agenda Axis Axes Phenomenon Phenomena Bacterium Bacteria Datum Data Radius Radii Analysis Analyses Criterion Criteria Click to contact us 9822716201 arsodyogiraj@gmail.com 4, Dewkinandan, Shinde Plots, Yavatmal. Whatsapp Us Follow Us Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Online & Offline Classes Students can attend online or offline classes according to their convenience. Limited strength in each batch. Modern, innovative concepts based but simple teaching method. Disciplined and highly feasible learning environment. Excellent Previous Result Every year 100% result. In the exam of 2022, our two students are highest in Maharashtra. Completion of syllabus within stipulated time period.. Quality Study Material Notes of all chapters, poems, and novels are provided in pdf and printed

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English For All
difference between then and then

[metaslider id="3977"] What is the difference between "then" and "than"?     The words "then" and "than" are often confused by English speakers, as they sound similar and have similar meanings. However, they are two distinct words with different uses. The word "then" is used to refer to a point in time or an event that occurs after another event. The word "than" is used to compare two things or people. Understanding the difference between these two words can help you communicate more effectively in English.  The words “then” and “than” are often confused and misused in English. They are both adverbs, but they have different meanings and usages. The word “then” is generally used to describe a sequence of events or time, while the word “than” is used for comparison. For example, you can say: "I went to the store first, then I went home." Here, "then" is used to describe the order of events. On the other hand, you can say: "I am taller than my sister." Here, "than" is used for comparison. The word "then" is used to indicate a sequence of events or a logical consequence. It can also be used to describe something that happened or will happen at a specific time in the future. On the other hand, the word "than" is used to compare two things in terms of size, degree, amount, etc. It is also used when making comparisons between two people or things. It is important for writers to understand the difference between these two words as using them incorrectly can lead to confusion and misunderstanding by readers. The words “then” and “than” are two of the most commonly confused words in the English language. While they are both used to compare and contrast ideas, they have different meanings and should be used in different contexts. The word “then” is used to refer to a point in time or sequence of events, while the word “than” is used for comparisons between two things. Knowing when to use each word correctly can be challenging but is an important part of mastering English grammar. The words 'then' and 'than' are two words that are often confused, leading to mistakes in spelling and incorrect usage. While both of these words refer to time, they have very different meanings. It is important to understand the difference between the two for accurate communication. Then and than refer to different fragments of time; then is used when talking about an event or action that is happening at a particular moment in past, present and/or future. On the other hand, than is used for comparisons and contrasts. Therefore it becomes necessary for everyone to keep this distinction clear between the two so as not to make mistakes while using them in their conversations. Have you ever been confused between the differences between 'then' and 'than'? Both of these words have different uses and meanings, so mastering the difference between them is essential for correct English grammar. 'Then' is used to describe a time period, while ‘than’ is used to compare two things or ideas. To help understand this difference better, let's look at some examples of how we can use ‘then’ and ‘than’ in sentences. "I went to the store and then to the park." (then referring to a specific time) "I prefer coffee than tea." (than used to make a comparison) Click to contact us 9822716201 arsodyogiraj@gmail.com 4, Dewkinandan, Shinde Plots, Yavatmal. Whatsapp Us Follow Us Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Online & Offline Classes Students can attend online or offline classes according to their convenience. Limited strength in each batch. Modern, innovative concepts based but simple teaching method. Disciplined and highly feasible learning environment. Excellent Previous Result Every year 100% result. In the exam of 2022, our two students are highest in Maharashtra. Completion of syllabus within stipulated time period.. Quality Study Material Notes of all chapters, poems, and novels are provided in pdf and printed form. From the content rich notes learn tips, tricks and strategies. Regular Weekly Revision Tests We conduct regular offline test on each and every topic, daily online test. Regular doubt clearing sessions. Every Sunday special classes for weak students. Long Teaching Experience More than 35 years' teaching experience. Student centered and Exam oriented teaching as well as individual attention. Thanks for Visiting

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English For All
Activity Sheet

Q. 1.A) Read the given extract and complete the activity given below: (12 Marks) A1. Read the following statements and pick out the statement which expresses the intention of the writer.   (2) A1. Write true or false.  (2) (a) A senior guy motivated the writer in the mess. (b) The writer would think in Marathi, before speaking in English. (c) He decided to go to Solapur at first . (d) The writer wanted to speak excellent, elegant andfluent English.       One day, I was sitting at my mess table in the hostel sipping tea when a senior guy came and sat on the chair adjacent to me. He was a convent educated guy with fairly sophisticated English- at least spoken or colloquial English. He was a bit arrogant and wanted to pull my leg. He tried to engage in some conversation with me and started pointing out errors in just about every sentence or everything that I said. After about 5 minutes he walked away after insulting me.        I felt extremely humiliated and upset. As it is, I was feeling quite depressed and diffident and this incident was the last  straw.  I was almost broken.  I felt out of place there and literally wanted to run   away   to Solapur that very moment.  However, it was only my self-esteem which stopped me. Suddenly, a feeling of determination  and  strength   came   over me and  gripped  me. Despite  hailing  from Solapur,  if  I could   be   a  rank holder  in  the school,  college  and IIT with many awards   in   Mathematics, there must be something right with me.  Why should I give up?  And that too for a silly and   small  thing like  English?   I was not to give up anymore, and   I was determined to fight back.          As  I climbed  the  stairs of   my   hostel  room,   my  plan  was   ready   in my mind.  Normally  most of  us  who are  educated  in vernacular  languages  such as Marathi, think in Marathi, before speaking  in  English, translate  it  in English and then somehow try  to speak  out  these  translated  English sentences in an extremely awkward fashion. I had decided that I would do nothing of this sort. I wanted to achieve excellence.  This  urge to  excel  in anything  that  you try  to  do has  been  with me since the childhood. Whether  I  would  succeed in  this  or not,  I  always set my aims high. In this case too, I wanted to speak excellent, elegant and fluent English. The  first  thing I  did  was to  start  reading English  newspapers   and English novels.  I  studied etymology  and  phonetics  and  studied  the roots  of the  words and  how  to pronounce  them.  I used  to stand in  front  of  the mirror and practice speaking, realising my mistakes and correctingthem myself all the time and improvising and improving day by day.  A2. Thewriter was determined to fight back. Explain the sentence with the reference of the extract.    (2)   1] ­­­­­­­­­­­­------------------------------------------------------   2] ­­­­­­­­­­­­------------------------------------------------------   3] ­­­­­­­­­­­­------------------------------------------------------   4] ­­­­­­­­­­­­------------------------------------------------------ Q.3. Which facts stopped the writer not to go back to Solapur?  A4. Explain the importance of English. (2)   1] ­­­­­­­­­­­­------------------------------------------------------   2] ­­­­­­­­­­­­------------------------------------------------------   3] ­­­­­­­­­­­­------------------------------------------------------   4] ­­­­­­­­­­­­------------------------------------------------------ A5. Do as directed. (2) 1] He was a bit arrogant and wanted to pull my leg. (Choose the correct alternative of simple sentence)     a) He was a bit arrogant that wanted to pull my leg.     b) Being a bit arrogant, he wanted to pull my leg.     c) He was a bit arrogant, but he wanted to pull my leg.      d) Bitting arrogant, he wanted to pull my leg. (2) It was only my self-esteem which stopped me. (Choose correct alternative removing which)    (a)  It was only my self-esteem and it stopped me.    (b) Being only my self-esteem and it stopped me.    (c)  Only my self-esteem stopped me.    (d)  It was only my self-esteem that stopped  me. A6. (1) Find one word from the extract which means: (2)   1] ­­­­ a room where the meals have to serve.         2] ­­­­­­­­­­­­ a language spoken as one's mother tongue    Q.3. Which facts stopped the writer not to go back to Solapur? . A4. Explain the importance of English. (2)   1] ­­­­­­­­­­­­------------------------------------------------------   2] ­­­­­­­­­­­­------------------------------------------------------   3] ­­­­­­­­­­­­------------------------------------------------------   4] ­­­­­­­­­­­­------------------------------------------------------ A5. Do as directed.  (2) 1] He was a bit arrogant and wanted to pull my leg. (Choose the correct alternative of simple sentence) a)       He was a bit arrogant that wanted to pull my leg. b)      Being a bit arrogant, he wanted to pull my leg. c)       He was a bit arrogant, but he wanted to pull my leg. d)      Bitting arrogant, he wanted to pull my leg. (2) It was only my self-esteem which stopped me. (Choose correct alternative removing which)    (a)  It was only my self-esteem and it stopped me.    (b) Being only my self-esteem and it stopped me.    (c)  Only my self-esteem stopped me.    (d)  It was only my self-esteem that stopped  me. A6. (1) Find one word from the extract which means: (2)   1] ­­­­ a room where the meals have to serve.         2] ­­­­­­­­­­­­ a language spoken as one's mother tongue     Q.1 B) Non-textual Grammar & Spot the error: (3+1) Q.1 B) Non-textual Grammar:   (i) How interesting the story is! (Find out correct assertive sentence)     (a) How interesting the story has been!     (b) What an interesting the story is!     (c) The story is a very interesting.     (d) The story is very interesting.    (ii) I live ---- the 7th floor ----- 21 Oxford Street ---- London.  (Find out correct the sentence of prepositions and rewrite it.) (a)              I live in the 7th floor of 21 Oxford Street at London. (b)             I live on the 7th floor of 21 Oxford Street in London. (c)              I live in the 7th floor on 21 Oxford Street at London. (d)             I live on the 7th floor at 21 Oxford Street in London.  (iii) “Our success has forced the giants to become more competitive,” he says. (Find out correct the sentence of reported speech and rewrite it.)     (a) He says that their success has forced the giants to become more competitive.     (b) He said that their success has forced the giants to become more competitive.     (c)

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English For All
Grammar The New Dress

Do As directed 1] Mabel had her first serious suspicion. (Past Perfect tense) Ans: Mabel had had her first serious suspicion 2] It was not right. (Make Affirmative) Ans: It was wrong. 3] She could not beat off (Be unable to) Ans: She was unable to beat off 4] What a fright she looks! (Assertive sentence) Ans: She looks a very fright. 5] Their eyelids flickering as they came up. (No sooner – than) Ans: No sooner did they come up than their eyelids flickering. 6] It was her own appalling inadequacy; her cowardice; her mean, water-sprinkled blood that depressed her. (Simple) Ans: Her own appalling inadequacy; her cowardice; her mean, water-sprinkled blood depressed her. 7] She touched the letters on the hall table and said: “How dull!” (Indirect) Ans: Touching the letters on the hall table, she exclaimed that it was very dull. 8] All this had been absolutely destroyed. (Begin with “They---“) Ans: They had absolutely destroyed all this. 9] All this had been absolutely destroyed, the moment she came into Mrs. Dalloway’s drawing-room. (Hardly –when/ No sooner – than) Ans: Hardly had she come into Mrs. Dalloway’s drawing-room when all this had been absolutely destroyed. Ans: No sooner did she comeinto Mrs. Dalloway’s drawing-room than all this had been absolutely destroyed. 10] It was absurd to pretend it. (gerund) Ans: It was absurd for pretending it. 11] She had taken that old fashion book of her mother’s, a Paris fashion book of the time of the Empire. (Present perfect tense) Ans: She has taken that oldfashion book of her mother’s, a Paris fashion book of the time of the Empire. 12] She felt like a dressmaker’s dummy standing there, for young people to stick pins into. (Make Complex) Ans: She felt like a dressmaker’s dummy that stood there, for young people to stick pins into. 13] We are all like flies trying to crawl over the edge of the saucer. (Use that) Ans: We are all like flies that try to crawl over the edge of the saucer. 14] Now she could see flies crawling slowly out of a saucer of milk with their wings stuck together. (Use which) Ans: Now she could see flies which crawl slowly out of a saucer of milk with their wings stuck together. 15] She strained and strained to make herself see Rose Shaw. (Not only------ but also) Ans: She not only strainedbut also strained to make herself see Rose Shaw. 16) She was a fly, but the others were dragonflies. (Use – Though) Ans: Though she was a fly, but the others were dragonflies. 17) The most detestable of the vices were her chief faults. (Change the degree) Ans: Com:  Her chief faults were more detestable than any other vices. Posi: No other vices were as detestable as her chief faults. 18)  “I feel like some dowdy, decrepit, horribly dingy old fly,” she said.(Reported Speech) Ans: She said that she felt like some dowdy, decrepit, horribly dingy old fly. 19) She did not feel in the least out of anything. (Rhetorical Question)  Ans: Did she feel in the least out of anything? 20) She saw the truth. (Rewrite as a negative sentence without changing  the meaning) Ans: She didn’t see the false.   9822716201 arsodyogiraj@gmail.com 4, Dewkinandan, Shinde Plots, Yavatmal.           Online & Offline Classes Students can attend online or offline classes according to their convenience. Limited strength in each batch. Modern, innovative concepts based but simple teaching method. Disciplined and highly feasible learning environment. Excellent Previous Result Every year 100% result. In the exam of 2022, our two students are highest in Maharashtra. Completion of syllabus within stipulated time period.. Quality Study Material Notes of all chapters, poems, and novels are provided in pdf and printed form. From the content rich notes learn tips, tricks and strategies. Regular Weekly Revision Tests We conduct regular offline test on each and every topic, daily online test. Regular doubt clearing sessions. Every Sunday special classes for weak students. Long Teaching Experience More than 35 years' teaching experience. Student centered and Exam oriented teaching as well as individual attention.

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