
English For All

Click here Index Add a header to begin generating the table of contents Q.4.C (2) Compering (सूत्रसंचालन / Hosting / anchoring  / presenting/ emceeing) -4 Marks. How to write the script of Compering. 1] Give the title ‘Compering’. 2] Write the subtitles and underline each of them. 3] Write what to be spoken after every […]

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English For All
Dsc 3305

Imagine you are compering on ‘Yoga Day’ organized by your college. Prepare a scrip  of compering in 150 words. Introduction  A very good morning, friends, we have gathered here to celebrate International Yoga Day. I warmly welcome all of you on behalf of our college. Welcome speech  Friends, i Miss Radha Deshmukh welcome our honourable […]

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