moral story
10 moral stories in Hindi

पिता और पुत्र रामलाल  अपने चार  सालके छोटे पुत्रसे बाते कर रहा था | तभी वहा  एक गौरैया आयी| पुत्र ने पिता से पूछा  "इसे क्या कहते है ” पिताने बडे प्यारसे उत्तर दिया  "इसे गौरैया कहते  है ” पुत्र ने फिर पूछा, " इसे क्या कहते. ” पिता रामलालने फिर हसते हसते कहा , "इसे गौरैया कहते  है ” पुत्र बार-बार पूछता था , " इसे क्या कहते. ” पिता रामलालने बार-बार हसते हसते कहा , "इसे गौरैया कहते  है ” अब  पुत्र बड़ा हुआ और रामलाल  बुड्ढा हो गया | एकदिन घर में कोई उसके पुत्र से मिलने आया | पिता ने पूछा, "कौन आया है |” पुत्र ने नाम बता दिया थोड़ी देर में दुसरा  कोई और आया | और पिता ने फिर पूछा | अब पुत्रको गुस्सा पुत्र आया और उसने कहा, “ आपको कुछ करना धरना तो है नहीं फिर आप चुपचाप पढ़े क्यों नहीं रहते |! कौन आया है कौन गया यह करके  दिनभर परेशान  रहते हो | पिता ने लंबी सांस खींची | हाथ से सिर पकड़ा | बड़े दुख भरे स्वर में कहने लगा | मेरे एक बार पूछने पर तुम क्रोध करते हो | और तुम सैकड़ों बार पूछते थे " इसे क्या कहते.है और मै  बार-बार हसते हसते कहा , "इसे गौरैया कहते  है ”|तब  मैंने कभी तुम्हें परेशान क्यू कर रहा ऐसे  नहीं कहा  ! बेटा चुपचाप रोने लगा  Moral Of The Story :- ” अपने माता पिता पर गुस्सा नही होना चाहिये| तुम सदा इस बात का ध्यान रखो कि माता-पिता ने तुम्हारे पालन पोषण में कितना कष्ट उठाया है | और तुमसे कितना प्यार किया है |” In English Ramlal was talking to his four year old son. Only then a sparrow came there. The son asked the father, "What is it called?" The father lovingly replied, "It is called a sparrow." The son again asked, "What is it called." The son repeatedly asked, "What is it called." Father Ramlal laughingly said again and again, "It is called a sparrow." Now the son has grown up and Ramlal has become old. One day someone came to the house to meet his son. The father asked, "Who has come?" The son told the name, in a while someone else came. And the father asked again. Now the son got angry and said, “You don't have to do anything, then why don't you keep studying quietly. Who has come, who has gone, you remain worried throughout the day. Father took a long breath. Held his head with his hand. Started saying in a very sad voice. You get angry when I ask once. And you used to ask hundreds of times, "What is it called?" And I said laughing again and again, "It is called Gauraiya". Then I never said why I am disturbing you! son started crying quietly Moral Of The Story :- ” One should not be angry with his parents. You always keep in mind that how much trouble your parents have taken in your upbringing. And how much I have loved you. Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Online & Offline Classes Students can attend online or offline classes according to their convenience. Limited strength in each batch. Modern, innovative concepts based but simple teaching method. Disciplined and highly feasible learning environment. Excellent Previous Result Every year 100% result. In the exam of 2022, our two students are highest in Maharashtra. Completion of syllabus within stipulated time period.. Quality Study Material Notes of all chapters, poems, and novels are provided in pdf and printed form. From the content rich notes learn tips, tricks and strategies. Regular Weekly Revision Tests We conduct regular offline test on each and every topic, daily online test. Regular doubt clearing sessions. Every Sunday special classes for weak students. Long Teaching Experience More than 35 years' teaching experience. Student centered and Exam oriented teaching as well as individual attention. Thanks for Visiting Click to contact us 9822716201 4, Dewkinandan, Shinde Plots, Yavatmal. Whatsapp Us Follow Us

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History of Samsung Samsung is a South Korean multinational multinational company that was founded in 1938. The founder of Samsung was Lee Byung-chul . It was at first small trading company in Seoul.  Day by day, Samsung has developed its business into several sectors, including electronics, semiconductors, construction, finance, and many more. Televisions: In the 1960s, Samsung concentrated on electronics and started producing black and white televisions. Home appliances: In the 1970s, the company started to  produce refrigerators and washing machines. Mobile phone: In 1983, Samsung launched its first mobile phone called the Samsung Galaxy. The company continued to expand its mobile phone business and, in 2011, overtaking Apple, became the world's largest smartphone manufacturer. Semiconductor : Samsung has also entered in the field of semiconductor industry since the 1980s. In 1993, the company became the world's largest producer of memory chips and has remained a dominant force in the industry ever since. Artificial intelligence: In recent years, Samsung has entered into new areas, such as artificial intelligence, 5G technology, and connected devices. The company has also been actively pursuing sustainability initiatives and has set a goal to become a carbon-neutral company by 2050.  Samsung has faced numerous challenges over the years, including legal disputes, product recalls etc. despite its success, Now the company has became a major player in the global economy and a household name around the world. 📱📱📱📱📱📱📱📱📱📱📱📱📱  Also Read Success story of Mark-Zuckerberg Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Online & Offline Classes Students can attend online or offline classes according to their convenience. Limited strength in each batch. Modern, innovative concepts based but simple teaching method. Disciplined and highly feasible learning environment. Excellent Previous Result Every year 100% result. In the exam of 2022, our two students are highest in Maharashtra. Completion of syllabus within stipulated time period.. Quality Study Material Notes of all chapters, poems, and novels are provided in pdf and printed form. From the content rich notes learn tips, tricks and strategies. Regular Weekly Revision Tests We conduct regular offline test on each and every topic, daily online test. Regular doubt clearing sessions. Every Sunday special classes for weak students. Long Teaching Experience More than 35 years' teaching experience. Student centered and Exam oriented teaching as well as individual attention. Thanks for Visiting Click to contact us 9822716201 4, Dewkinandan, Shinde Plots, Yavatmal. Whatsapp Us Follow Us

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high CPC keywords
high CPC keywords

How to find out high CPC keywords? To find high CPC (Cost Per Click) keywords,  following steps may be useful for you: Using a keyword research tool: Various keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Ahrefs can help you find relevant keywords with their estimated CPC. Looking for long-tail keywords: Long-tail keywords are usually more specific and less competitive. They can also have a higher CPC as they are more targeted. You can use a keyword research tool to find long-tail keywords related to your niche. Analyzing your competitors: You can analyze your competitors' websites and ads to see what keywords they are targeting. You can use tools such as SEMrush or Ahrefs to see the keywords they are bidding on and the estimated CPC for those keywords. Checking Google Ads: Google Ads will provide you with insights on keyword trends, search volume, and estimated CPC. You can use the Google Ads keyword planner tool to find high CPC keywords. Considering the industry: Some industries have higher CPCs than others. For example, keywords related to insurance, legal services, or finance tend to have higher CPCs. Evaluating intent: It's important to consider the intent behind a keyword. Keywords with high commercial intent, such as "buy car insurance online," are likely to have a higher CPC than informational keywords, such as "car insurance tips." By using these methods, you can identify high CPC keywords and use them to optimize your website or create effective advertising campaigns. Also Read Success story of Dhirubhai Ambani Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Online & Offline Classes Students can attend online or offline classes according to their convenience. Limited strength in each batch. Modern, innovative concepts based but simple teaching method. Disciplined and highly feasible learning environment. Excellent Previous Result Every year 100% result. In the exam of 2022, our two students are highest in Maharashtra. Completion of syllabus within stipulated time period.. Quality Study Material Notes of all chapters, poems, and novels are provided in pdf and printed form. From the content rich notes learn tips, tricks and strategies. Regular Weekly Revision Tests We conduct regular offline test on each and every topic, daily online test. Regular doubt clearing sessions. Every Sunday special classes for weak students. Long Teaching Experience More than 35 years' teaching experience. Student centered and Exam oriented teaching as well as individual attention. Thanks for Visiting Click to contact us 9822716201 4, Dewkinandan, Shinde Plots, Yavatmal. Whatsapp Us Follow Us

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moral story
Moral Story In hindi

राधाबाई और राजू महाराष्ट्र के यवतमाल जिल्हेमे आजंती नामक छोटासा गाव है | कुछ साल पहिले ,  इस गांव में राधाबाई नामक एक बूढ़ी औरत रहती थी। वह हमेशा सबकी  बुराई करती थी , कभी किसीके साथ उसकी बनती नही थी। एक दिन, राजू नामक एक युवकने खेत जाते समय उसके साथ बात करने की कोशिश की। परन्तु राधाबाई ने उसे बेहद अभद्र जवाब दिया। राजुको राधाबाई की बात सुनकर  बहुत दुःख हुआ। उसने राधाबाई के घर के सामने एक पत्थर रख दिया।  उस पत्थर को देखकर राधाबाईने  गुस्सेसे लाल होकर कहा, "ये बच्चे भी कितने दंगाई  हैं। इन्हें तो बस मुझे परेशान करने का काम है ।" और उस पत्थर को उठाकर बाजुमे रख दिया|  अगले दिन, राधाबाई ने फिर से वहीं पत्थर  घर के सामने देखा। वह इस बार अधिक  गुस्सेसे लाल थी, परन्तु उसने फिर से उस पत्थर को हटा दिया। एक दिन उस बूढ़ी औरत को समझ में आ गया कि राजू शायद उसे किसी  बातसे  सचेत कर रहा है। रात के समय गावमे जानवर आणे लगे थे. और वो जानवर घरके सामने  पत्थर देखकर भागजाते थे | उसने युवक से माफी मांगी और वह उसे माफ कर दिया। इस कहानी से हमें यह सीख मिलती है कि हमें दूसरों की बुराई करने से पहले कारण धुंडो | There is a small village named Ajanti in Yavatmal district of Maharashtra. Some years ago, there lived an old lady named Radhabai in this village. She always spoke ill of everyone, never got along with anyone. One day, a young man named Raju tried to have a conversation with her while on her way to the farm. But Radhabai gave him a very rude reply. Very sad to hear about Rajuko Radhabai. He placed a stone in front of Radhabai's house. Seeing that stone, Radhabai turned red with anger and said, "These children are also rioters. Their only job is to disturb me." And picked up that stone and kept it on the arm. The next day, Radhabai again saw the same stone in front of the house. She was more red with anger this time, but again she removed the stone. One day the old lady realized that Raju might be warning her about something. At night animals started coming to the village. And those animals used to run away after seeing the stone in front of the house. She apologized to the young man and he forgave her. We learn from this story that before doing evil to others, we should find the reason. Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Online & Offline Classes Students can attend online or offline classes according to their convenience. Limited strength in each batch. Modern, innovative concepts based but simple teaching method. Disciplined and highly feasible learning environment. Excellent Previous Result Every year 100% result. In the exam of 2022, our two students are highest in Maharashtra. Completion of syllabus within stipulated time period.. Quality Study Material Notes of all chapters, poems, and novels are provided in pdf and printed form. From the content rich notes learn tips, tricks and strategies. Regular Weekly Revision Tests We conduct regular offline test on each and every topic, daily online test. Regular doubt clearing sessions. Every Sunday special classes for weak students. Long Teaching Experience More than 35 years' teaching experience. Student centered and Exam oriented teaching as well as individual attention. Thanks for Visiting Click to contact us 9822716201 4, Dewkinandan, Shinde Plots, Yavatmal. Whatsapp Us Follow Us

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English For All
No sooner -- than

Test on "No sooner-----than" [qsm quiz=13] To fill NEET UG 2023 application form Click the following button To fill CET 2023 application form Click the following button Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal My Marquee Subtext For 12th English My Marquee Subtext Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal My Marquee Subtext For 12th English My Marquee Subtext Online & Offline ClassesStudents can attend online or offline classes according to their convenience. Limited strength in each batch. Modern, innovative concepts based but simple teaching method. Disciplined and highly feasible learning environment. Excellent Previous ResultEvery year 100% result. In the exam of 2022, our two students are highest in Maharashtra. Completion of syllabus within stipulated time period..Quality Study MaterialNotes of all chapters, poems, and novels are provided in pdf and printed form. From the content rich notes learn tips, tricks and strategies. Regular Weekly Revision TestsWe conduct regular offline test on each and every topic, daily online test. Regular doubt clearing sessions. Every Sunday special classes for weak students. Long Teaching ExperienceMore than 35 years' teaching experience. Student centered and Exam oriented teaching as well as individual attention. Click to contact us 9822716201 4, Dewkinandan, Shinde Plots, Yavatmal. Whatsapp Us Follow Us

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Marketing and the types of marketing Friends, For the successful business, marketing is one of the most essential factors. It is the art of promoting products or services to the possible customers to generate a lot of revenue. In today's digital age, marketing has a wide range of policies, including 1] content marketing, 2] social media marketing, 3] email marketing, 4] search engine optimization, 5] pay-per-click advertising, and 6] copywriting. Here, we are going to discuss these marketing techniques and how these techniques can be used to develop your business.1] Content marketing involves creating valuable content that attracts and engages your target audience. This can include blog posts, videos, podcasts, and social media posts. The world of content marketing builds a trust with your audience and establishes your products as a brand in the market.2] Social media marketing is done using social media platforms like whatsapp, telegram, youtube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to advertise of your products or services. It is an excellent way to reach a large number of audience and build brand awareness. With social media, you can engage with your customers, share content, and respond to their feedback.3] Email marketing is a very effective medium to develop relationships with your customers. It involves sending targeted messages to your subscribers, such as newsletters, promotional offers, and updates. Email marketing can help you build trust and increase engagement.4] Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing your website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). This involves to improve the quality of your content, optimizing your website's structure and navigation, and building high-quality backlinks. SEO helps you to drive traffic to your website, improve your brand's visibility, and increase your revenue.5] Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising involves placing the advertisements on search engines and social media platforms. With PPC, you only pay when someone clicks on your advertisements. This can be an effective way to drive traffic to your website and generate leads.6] Copywriting is the art of creating effective content which inspires the customers to take action. This can include writing product descriptions, landing pages, and advertisements. Effective copywriting can help you to spread your message clearly and persuade your audience to take action.Finally, we can say that marketing is an essential part of growing your business. With the help of a combination of content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising, and copywriting, you will come in the contact of millions of audience, build brand name in the heart of the customere, and earn a lot of money. To fill NEET UG 2023 application form Click the following button To fill CET 2023 application form Click the following button Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal My Marquee Subtext For 12th English My Marquee Subtext Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal My Marquee Subtext For 12th English My Marquee Subtext Online & Offline ClassesStudents can attend online or offline classes according to their convenience. Limited strength in each batch. Modern, innovative concepts based but simple teaching method. Disciplined and highly feasible learning environment. Excellent Previous ResultEvery year 100% result. In the exam of 2022, our two students are highest in Maharashtra. Completion of syllabus within stipulated time period..Quality Study MaterialNotes of all chapters, poems, and novels are provided in pdf and printed form. From the content rich notes learn tips, tricks and strategies. Regular Weekly Revision TestsWe conduct regular offline test on each and every topic, daily online test. Regular doubt clearing sessions. Every Sunday special classes for weak students. Long Teaching ExperienceMore than 35 years' teaching experience. Student centered and Exam oriented teaching as well as individual attention. Click to contact us 9822716201 4, Dewkinandan, Shinde Plots, Yavatmal. Whatsapp Us Follow Us

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English For All
Big Data -Big Insights words

Big Data - Big Insights Difficult words, pictures and others Age Calculator Age Calculator Enter your date of birth: Calculate Big Insights (Insights - clear or deep perception of a situation/ गहन जानकारी)Revolution (Change)Pursuits (following/ hobby),360 degrees (totally/completely/ comprehensive).Monitored (keep an eye on)Analysed (study / examine).billions (एक अब्ज) trillions millions (दहा लाख करोड)Millions (दहा लाख) massive (big)incomprehensible (puzzling/ unknown).correlation (related)market trends (tendency)advanced (higher/ progressive)by miles (largely)Location Tracking (Travelling) :GPS (Global Positioning System)radio frequency identification sensors (RFID)prone (sensitive)transit (travel/transport),logistics (the commercial activity of transporting goods to customers) risks- dangerreliability–credibility/ faith (विश्वसनीयता)Patterns- scheme   the globe- world.Forecasting –predictimpending (approaching/ near)natural calamities (disaster/दुर्घटना; विपत्ति; आपदा)combat (encounter/ fight)predict (foretell/ पूर्व-सूचना देना)conscious (aware/ जागरूक).Gadgets – toolsailment (disease /illness),outbreaks (eruption)epidemics (महामारी)precautions - a measure taken in advance to prevent something dangerousindividuals (person) analytics  - विश्लेषण/information resulting from the systematic analysis of data or statisticssector (the commercial activity of providing funds and capital)force (cyber)spikes (sudden increase)suspicious (doubtful/संदेहजनक)natural language (computer coding)algorithms (a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer/design/ system)permutations (variation)A gigantic (vast/big)tremendously (largely)embedded (fixed/ installed)quarters (our home).minutely (sharply). giant (huge/ enormous),transactions (business/deal).demographics (human age)algorithms (design/ system)focuses (concentrate)content (information)engagement (involvement/ investment )segment (divide)engaging (pleasant /attractive)inundated (prosper/develop)transformed (totally changed)customized (make according to requirements) Dynamic (effective)comprehension (knowledge/ज्ञान)designed (creating)an access (obtain/gain)gauge (Guess/test)operational (functional)enhance (improve)pitfalls (problem)geographical phenomena (a remarkable development/ changes)optimum (best/ outstanding)✔ To fill NEET UG 2023 application form Click the following button To fill CET 2023 application form Click the following button Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal My Marquee Subtext For 12th English My Marquee Subtext Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal My Marquee Subtext For 12th English My Marquee Subtext Online & Offline ClassesStudents can attend online or offline classes according to their convenience. Limited strength in each batch. Modern, innovative concepts based but simple teaching method. Disciplined and highly feasible learning environment. Excellent Previous ResultEvery year 100% result. In the exam of 2022, our two students are highest in Maharashtra. Completion of syllabus within stipulated time period..Quality Study MaterialNotes of all chapters, poems, and novels are provided in pdf and printed form. From the content rich notes learn tips, tricks and strategies. Regular Weekly Revision TestsWe conduct regular offline test on each and every topic, daily online test. Regular doubt clearing sessions. Every Sunday special classes for weak students. Long Teaching ExperienceMore than 35 years' teaching experience. Student centered and Exam oriented teaching as well as individual attention. Click to contact us 9822716201 4, Dewkinandan, Shinde Plots, Yavatmal. Whatsapp Us Follow Us

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The Cop and The Anthem- words

Difficult words , Video and Pictures strolled - (walked)asphalt - a mixture of dark bituminous pitch with sand or gravel, used for surfacing roads, डामरAvenue – Road  Vest -(waistcoat / जाकीट)trim (nice)lady missionary- (nun)Thanksgiving Day (The fourth THURSDAY of November).Roasted – grilled / भाजलेलेMallard (wild)Cheese- दुधापासून तयार केलेला पदार्थcall forth - (take)winter island.-  (jail)Set foot - (entered)tattered -(old and torn)trousers – pantDecadent - (old and worn out)Conveyed (transport or carry to a place/ लेजना)Haste - (quickly pushed)Averted -(prevented/टाळणे/बचना) Ignoble (low/poor)fate (luck/life)Menaced (frightened/ scared/घाबराई हुई/ घाबरलेली)Coveted - (greatly desired/ इच्छित)limbo (border place between heaven and hell/ jail)Devised (planned)Cunningly (cleverly)Display – exhibit/ put  Wares – goodsplate-glass – sheet of glass  lead (ahead/आगे)brass buttons – metal buttons.Agitatedly. - (anxiously)friendly voice - (without fear), greets good fortune.- express the hope that they will be happy./Clue (hint/ सुराग).Smash (break) to chat (speak)Take to the heels (run away).drawn (moving round)club (दंडा)pursuit (Chase/ run behind).Disgust (unpleasant/ upset)Drifted (wander)along, twice great pretensions - simple.Catered (fill/provide)Appetites (hunger)Modest purses (low money).Napery (cloth)consumed – eatbeefsteak, flapjacks, doughnuts and pie - name of foods callous (hard)pavement- foothpath. (road)Pitched (threw)Arose (stood up),joint by joint – step by stepElusive (difficult to find)drugstore – medical storedreadful -fearfulenchantment- (charm/ जादू)rendered (made/ performed)immune (keep away from/free)Panic (terror)lounging (linger/समय बिताना)grandly –largelyglittering (dazzling/ जगमगाता)straw (slim chance)disorderly conduct (bad conduct/ behavior).Yell (cry)drunken gibberish (useless talking like drunken man/ बड़बड़)howled (shout),raved (talk in a noisy, excited, or foolish manner/बड़बड़ाना; मूर्खता-भरी बातें करना)merely (only)twirled (turned)remarked – saidcitizen - manYale (university)lads (boys)celebratin - celebratinggoose – birdto let them be.” (to leave them/avoid)Disconsolate (very unhappy/ उदास; मायूस),unavailing (unsuccessful / failure)racket (noise).lay hands – arrestfancy (imagination/ according to him),Arcadia - (heaven/paradise).chilling wind – cold windswinging – movinggrabbled – picked upsauntered (walk leisurely)hastily (hurriedly).sternly ( harshly/ कठोरतापूर्वक).sneered (scornfully/ खिल्ली उड़ाना;)petty (beautiful)larceny (theft/ चोरी).premonition (feeling of fear/unpleasant to come/ पूर्वसंकेत)eyed – looked.savagely. (in a vicious manner/ निष्ठुरता से/ जंगली जानवर की तरह)Retreated (move back/ पीछे हटना/ पीछे लौटना).Hurried (moving rapidly/ जल्दी में)to assist (help)a tall blonde (a woman with fair skin and hair/ गोरे रंग एवं सुनहरे बालों वाली महिला)hurled (threw)excavation (digging/ गढ़ा).Muttered – said / speak but in low voicethe men who wear helmets and carry clubs. – Policemen clutches (hand/ शिकंजे),avenues (road)the glitter – lightingturmoil (noise/ शोरगुल; हलचल)faint - less.instinct (natural quality/force एहसास; भावना; अनुभूति/ घराची ओढ)survives (remain alive/ पैदा होना)unusually (remarkably/असमान्यत)standstill (stopped).quaint (strange/ अनोखा/ आकर्षक) rambling (spreading/ दूर तक फैला)gabled (the vertical triangular wall between the sloping ends of gable roof/ छत के दो हिस्सों के बीच बाहरी दीवार का नुकीला हिस्सा).violet-stained (coloured)glowed – shine /glitterorganist- a person who plays the organ. loitered – movemastery – practiceSabbath (a day of rest and worship, Sunday)Anthem - prayer.drifted out (float/बहना)transfixed (fascinated / hypnotized /स्तंभित)convolutions (coil)fence (compound).radiant (bright);pedestrians (a person who travels by foot/पैदल चलनेवाला)twittered (चहकना)the eaves (evening)a country – villagechurchyard – church areacemented (make fast as if with cement)immaculate (pure / innocent / virtuous/ शुद्ध; निर्मल; पवित्र)collars (reputation).The conjunction (Combination)receptive (ready to receive/ संग्रहणशील)the pit (hole/ गड्ढा)tumbled (fell),the degraded (embarrassing /तुच्छ/ लज्जित)unworthy (bad/ worthless /घृणित)desires (will),wrecked (destroyed / बरबाद)faculties (power/ ability/ capacity/ क्षमता; गुण; योग्यता) base motives – useless aimexistence (life/ अस्तित्व).thrillingly (excitingly)impulse (desire / motivation/प्रेरणा)to battle (fight)desperate (sad /hopeless/निराशाजनक)mire (a difficulty or embarrassment/ दलदल)conquer (beat/ जीतना; हराना;)the evil –bad things enslaved  (गुलाम)resurrect (recover / पुनर्जीवित करना)faltering (hesitation / बेहिचक).solemn (holy/religious/ गंभीर; पवित्र)notes (tune)revolution (Transformation/ क्रांति)A fur (a garment made of the dressed hairy coat of a mammal)Importer – businessman place (job)Magistrate – judgeClick the following and read success stories.Success story of Steve JobsSuccess Story of Thomas Alva EdisonSuccess story of Dhirubhai Ambani To fill NEET UG 2023 application form Click the following button To fill CET 2023 application form Click the following button Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal My Marquee Subtext For 12th English My Marquee Subtext Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal My Marquee Subtext For 12th English My Marquee Subtext Online & Offline ClassesStudents can attend online or offline classes according to their convenience. Limited strength in each batch. Modern, innovative concepts based but simple teaching method. Disciplined and highly feasible learning environment. Excellent Previous ResultEvery year 100% result. In the exam of 2022, our two students are highest in Maharashtra. Completion of syllabus within stipulated time period..Quality Study MaterialNotes of all chapters, poems, and novels are provided in pdf and printed form. From the content rich notes learn tips, tricks and strategies. Regular Weekly Revision TestsWe conduct regular offline test on each and every topic, daily online test. Regular doubt clearing sessions. Every Sunday special classes for weak students. Long Teaching ExperienceMore than 35 years' teaching experience. Student centered and Exam oriented teaching as well as individual attention. Click to contact us 9822716201 4, Dewkinandan, Shinde Plots, Yavatmal. Whatsapp Us Follow Us

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Sachin Tendulkar

Success Story of Sachin Tendulkar Bharat Ratna Sachin Tendulkar was born on 24 April 1973.  He is the best cricketer in the world. He has made many world records in his name.He was born in a middle class family only. He got his education from Shardashram University in Mumbai. His brother's name is Ajit Tendulkar. Since childhood, Sachin was guided by his brother by explaining the finer points of cricket.Sachin Tendulkar's father got him admitted to the place of Ramakant Achrekar, known as 'Dronacharya' of cricket. Who nurtured Sachin's cricketing talent well and contributed in making him even better.Sachin's coach Ramakant Achrekar's way of teaching cricket to Sachin was very good. He used to keep a coin of 1 rupee with him, if any bowler got Sachin out, then this coin used to go to that bowler. If Sachin had not got out, then this coin would have been his.Sachin had won 13 such coins from his mentor Ramakant Achrekar, which Sachin still has. In this way, Sachin's Guru Ramakant Achrekar made him a good player of cricket.At the age of 15, Sachin along with Vinod Kambli made a partnership of 664 runs in the Hares Shield match, in which Sachin scored 320 runs with his hard work. Seeing this performance of Sachin, the opposition team stopped playing the match halfway through.With this performance of Sachin, he became very famous and he got a place in the Indian cricket team only at the age of 16. He made his international debut in 1981 against Pakistan.He scored his first Test century in the 1990 tour of England. Due to the performance of Sachin in the grand tour, he was also given the captaincy of Team India. But he was not so successful as a captain and he himself gave up his captaincy.Sachin retired from ODI cricket on 23 December 2012. He retired from Test cricket on 16 November 2013 after scoring 74 runs in his last Test match at Mumbai. Cricket lovers from all over the world respect him not only for his cricket but also because of his good personality.Sachin got married to Anjali Tendulkar in 1994 and they have two children. The names of their children are Sara and Arjun. Sachin Tendulkar is also the owner of a restaurant and that restaurant is named after Sachin, that is, the name of the restaurant is also Sachin.He also runs an NGO named “Apnalaya”. In which they take the responsibility of bringing up 200 children every year. People consider him a respected person for his good work.He has 100 centuries in international cricket. He is the first player in the history of One Day International cricket to score a double century. He has the maximum number of 51 centuries in Test cricket. Sachin is the first batsman in the world to score 13,000 runs in Test cricket. He has achieved many such achievements. The name of cricket is incomplete without him. The wonderful contribution he has made to cricket, perhaps no one else could.He has given his services to Indian cricket for more than 20 years. He got success in his youth and by the age of 25 he had also become a famous person. He has also become a source of inspiration for today's young players who are finding their way in life and want to make a career in cricket.Sachin received the Arjuna Award in 1994 by the Government of India in recognition of his outstanding achievement in sports. He received the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna in 1997-98. He was honored with Padma Shri in 1999. He received the Maharashtra Bhushan Award in 2001. He was awarded the Padma Vibhushan in 2008. He was awarded the Bharat Ratna in 2014.He has also received many international honors.Click the following and read More success stories.Success story of Steve JobsSuccess Story of Thomas Alva EdisonSuccess story of Dhirubhai Ambani To fill NEET UG 2023 application form Click the following button To fill CET 2023 application form Click the following button Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal My Marquee Subtext For 12th English My Marquee Subtext Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal My Marquee Subtext For 12th English My Marquee Subtext Online & Offline ClassesStudents can attend online or offline classes according to their convenience. Limited strength in each batch. Modern, innovative concepts based but simple teaching method. Disciplined and highly feasible learning environment. Excellent Previous ResultEvery year 100% result. In the exam of 2022, our two students are highest in Maharashtra. Completion of syllabus within stipulated time period..Quality Study MaterialNotes of all chapters, poems, and novels are provided in pdf and printed form. From the content rich notes learn tips, tricks and strategies. Regular Weekly Revision TestsWe conduct regular offline test on each and every topic, daily online test. Regular doubt clearing sessions. Every Sunday special classes for weak students. Long Teaching ExperienceMore than 35 years' teaching experience. Student centered and Exam oriented teaching as well as individual attention. Click to contact us 9822716201 4, Dewkinandan, Shinde Plots, Yavatmal. Whatsapp Us Follow Us

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Mark Zuckerberg

Success Story of Mark Zuckerberg Mark Zuckerberg was born  in Dobbs Ferry, New York on May 14, 1984. His father's name is Edward Zuckerberg is a dentist and mother's name is Karen Zuckerberg who is a psychiatrist. Mark Zuckerberg was very promising since childhood. From the time he was in school, he started getting more interested in programming. Mark had created a messenger named "ZuckNet" at the age of 12. By connecting all the computers together with this software, all the people of the house used to talk by transferring the messages inside the house and in the father's dental clinic. Mark's father had installed this software in his computer system and used it in his clinic. Receptionist in the clinic used to inform Mark's father about the arrival of new patients through that Messenger. Seeing this ability of Mark Zuckerberg, his father called a computer teacher for Mark and that teacher taught him programming. Mark learned programming very quickly. His teachers were surprised to see Mark learning programming so fast at such a young age. Mark Zuckerberg was counted among the talented students in his school. He made MP3 Media Player during his high school. He named it "Synapse". It was such a player that used to prepare Playlist automatically. Microsoft and AOL started showing interest in this Media Player and they offered more money to Mark to buy it but Mark did not accept the offer. Invention of FaceMash: After completing his schooling, Mark took admission in Harvard University for his further studies. There also Mark became popular because of his intelligence. He created a site in 2003 called "FaceMash". Mark had hacked the database of his university to create this site and stole the profile picture of all the students studying in the university from there to put it in his FaceMash. Mark had created a program that selects the photo of any two girls and asks them to vote on who is the most beautiful and good looking. The students who came to this site of Mark were from that university only and those students used to vote. Gradually the popularity of this site increased a lot and many students started accessing this site. Due to high traffic on the site, the university got severe crash. After this, Mark got a lot of scolding from the teachers and principal of the university and this site also had to be closed. Beginning of Facebook: Shortly before the FaceMash incident, a Harvard University student Divya Narendra came to Mark with the idea of a "Social Networking Site" and had two partners. He told Mark that he wanted to make this site for the students of his university. Whose name would be "Harvard Connection" and later its name was changed to "ConnectU". He said that all the members associated with this site can share their photos, personal information with each other through internet. Mark liked this idea and he immediately said yes and started working with him. While working on this project, he got the idea of starting his own Social Networking Site. In 2004, Mark took over the domain "". Facebook was used at that time only by the students of their university. Gradually, in 2005, students of all the universities of USA started using it. Day by day the popularity of Facebook was increasing. Seeing this, Mark decided that now not only students but all people around the world will be able to use Facebook. For this, Mark left his graduation studies in half and gave his full attention towards this project. People can also make new friends on Facebook and can also talk back to their separated friends and share everything. Because of this specialty, people keep getting drawn towards Facebook. For this reason, the popularity of Facebook has increased so much that today Facebook has more than 2 billion users worldwide. Inspired by Mark Zuckerberg's life and his success, a film has also been made on him called "The Social Network". Click the following and read More success stories. Success story of Steve Jobs Success Story of Thomas Alva Edison Success story of Dhirubhai Ambani To fill NEET UG 2023 application form Click the following button NEET Application Form 2023 <p>NEET Application Reopened, Last Date: 13th April 2023. Countdown! DaysHoursMinutesSeconds NEET UG 2023 Updates: Registration reopens; check how to apply, de… Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal Click Here To fill CET 2023 application form Click the following button MHT CET Application form <p>Countdown of CET Application Last Date:(7th April 2023.) DaysHoursMinutesSeconds CET 2023 Updates: Registration begins; check how to apply, deadline On 8 Ma… Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal Click Here Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Online & Offline Classes Students can attend online or offline classes according to their convenience. Limited strength in each batch. Modern, innovative concepts based but simple teaching method. Disciplined and highly feasible learning environment. Excellent Previous Result Every year 100% result. In the exam of 2022, our two students are highest in Maharashtra. Completion of syllabus within stipulated time period.. Quality Study Material Notes of all chapters, poems, and novels are provided in pdf and printed form. From the content rich notes learn tips, tricks and strategies. Regular Weekly Revision Tests We conduct regular offline test on each and every topic, daily online test. Regular doubt clearing sessions. Every Sunday special classes for weak students. Long Teaching Experience More than 35 years' teaching experience. Student centered and Exam oriented teaching as well as individual attention. Thanks for Visiting   Click to contact us 9822716201 4, Dewkinandan, Shinde Plots, Yavatmal. Whatsapp Us Follow Us          

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