October 2022

English For All

Blood Donation Is The Life Donation Donate your blood, But not on the Road. Blood can’t be prepared in the Lab. It doesn’t grow on the tree. It is a god gift, Gift it to others, Outstanding Elementor Widget Make Your Pricing Plans Glow Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut.

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English For All
“The online classes ” blog

5] Write a blog in proper format on “The online classes ” with the help of the following points. (Write in about 100 to 150 words) 1) Introduction 2) Any quote of great personality. 3) Experience 4) Lower total costs. 5) More comfortable learning environment.          The online classes became an important part of learning for the students in India at least in the period of Covid. Students do online classes in order to increase their knowledge, because schools, colleges and tuitions classes were closed. The platforms like Google meet and Zoom  are attracting the knowledge students around the globe. Now schools, colleges and tuitions classes have opened a new gate way of quality education through online education.               The culture of online education has suddenly boomed in the past few months and has become a serious threat to traditional education system. Though there are advantages and disadvantages in both but I see online education as the future of education.              Recently, I too attended a lot of online lectures and through my experience of online education; I would like to write down as my observations. Not only academic courses but also variety of programs and courses are taught now a day through online. Students not only study, but they can also earn every academic degree online, from a career certificate to a doctorate.          Online classes prove more affordable ( किफ़ायती; सस्ता;) option than traditional classes. Online classes offer less tuition fees than traditional classes, associated expenses almost always cost less. For example, there are no commuting (travelling) costs, and no course materials, such as textbooks, are available online at no cost. “Online learning can be a lifeline (जीवन रेखा) for students.”– says Paul Levinson, a famous author of, “The Soft Edge”           Online classes are more comfortable for learning. The students study in their homely environment. Students listen to lectures and complete assignments and send to the teacher electronically, with no need to fight with the traffic, or  miss important family time.        But students have to face some of the problems with online classes. First problem is not having proper internet connectivity. Second among them is syndrome. Third and the last I think is lack of motivation to complete such classes. Many students leave the online classes in between, losing some other useful topics, in many big cities which can never be completed again.     Well the solution to the last two problems are easy, be punctual, be motivated and remain connected to the end.

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English For All
“ Today’s Indian Media”

4] Write a blog in proper format on “Today’s Indian  Media” with the help of the following points. (Write in about 100 to 150 words) 1) Introduction 2) Any quote of great personality. 3) Role Media 4) Decreasing role of  Media. 5) add your own points   Ans: “Today’s Indian  Media”             The media is considered as fourth pillar of democracy. (Legislature, Executive, and Judiciary are three pillars of democracy) It makes us aware of various activities of politics, sports, economic, social etc. It is also like a mirror which shows the bare truth and sometimes it may be harsh. However it plays an important role in shaping the public minds. It is called as backbone of democracy. So it must act as a chain between the government and the citizens of the country. Democracy cannot be successful without free Media. Free media is very essential, as it is the voice of the people. But media should not be trapped in a monetary (आर्थिक संबंध) or any other temptations (लालच), and serve honestly to the people.         The Bengal Gazette was the first newspaper which was started by H. James in year 1980 in India. Since then the media has been emerging in various forms. Indian media has traveled a long way, from the days of newspaper and radio to present-day age of Television and Social Media. But the news channels were now involved in increasing their TRP (The full form of TRP is Television Rating Point. TRP is a device that signifies a show’s success on TV screens.) instead of protecting the rights of the people.         News is the medium to educate the people when government becomes corrupt and authorities turn a blind-eye towards the problems of society. Instead of working for the society, Indian media divert the attention of the people from any important issue and the failure of the government. They only work to help their masters         Amit Abraham, says, “The pen had been mightier than the sword but then the tongue took over.” Many have proved it true. The credibility ( विश्वसनीयता) of Indian media is fast eroding (decreasing) day by day. The way Indian media manipulates (तोड़ना–मरोड़ना) the news and portrays (तसवीर बनाना) the information in a twisted manner is very insulting for the nation, which we have seen in Shushant Shing’s death recently. 4] Write a blog in proper format on “Today’s Indian  Media” with the help of the following points. (Write in about 100 to 150 words) 1) Introduction 2) Any quote of great personality. 3) Role Media 4) Decreasing role of  Media. 5) add your own points   Ans: “Today’s Indian  Media”             The media is considered as fourth pillar of democracy. (Legislature, Executive, and Judiciary are three pillars of democracy) It makes us aware of various activities of politics, sports, economic, social etc. It is also like a mirror which shows the bare truth and sometimes it may be harsh. However it plays an important role in shaping the public minds. It is called as backbone of democracy. So it must act as a chain between the government and the citizens of the country. Democracy cannot be successful without free Media. Free media is very essential, as it is the voice of the people. But media should not be trapped in a monetary (आर्थिक संबंध) or any other temptations (लालच), and serve honestly to the people.         The Bengal Gazette was the first newspaper which was started by H. James in year 1980 in India. Since then the media has been emerging in various forms. Indian media has traveled a long way, from the days of newspaper and radio to present-day age of Television and Social Media. But the news channels were now involved in increasing their TRP (The full form of TRP is Television Rating Point. TRP is a device that signifies a show’s success on TV screens.) instead of protecting the rights of the people.         News is the medium to educate the people when government becomes corrupt and authorities turn a blind-eye towards the problems of society. Instead of working for the society, Indian media divert the attention of the people from any important issue and the failure of the government. They only work to help their masters         Amit Abraham, says, “The pen had been mightier than the sword but then the tongue took over.” Many have proved it true. The credibility ( विश्वसनीयता) of Indian media is fast eroding (decreasing) day by day. The way Indian media manipulates (तोड़ना–मरोड़ना) the news and portrays (तसवीर बनाना) the information in a twisted manner is very insulting for the nation, which we have seen in Shushant Shing’s death recently. 4] Write a blog in proper format on “Today’s Indian  Media” with the help of the following points. (Write in about 100 to 150 words) 1) Introduction 2) Any quote of great personality. 3) Role Media 4) Decreasing role of  Media. 5) add your own points   Ans: “Today’s Indian  Media”             The media is considered as fourth pillar of democracy. (Legislature, Executive, and Judiciary are three pillars of democracy) It makes us aware of various activities of politics, sports, economic, social etc. It is also like a mirror which shows the bare truth and sometimes it may be harsh. However it plays an important role in shaping the public minds. It is called as backbone of democracy. So it must act as a chain between the government and the citizens of the country. Democracy cannot be successful without free Media. Free media is very essential, as it is the voice of the people. But media should not be trapped in a monetary (आर्थिक संबंध) or any other temptations (लालच), and serve honestly to the people.         The Bengal Gazette was the first newspaper which was started by H. James in year 1980 in India. Since then the media has been emerging in various forms. Indian media has traveled a long way, from the days of newspaper and radio to present-day age of Television and Social Media. But the news channels were now involved in increasing their TRP (The full form of TRP is Television Rating Point. TRP is a device

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English For All
Be able to

Be means am/is/are (present tense) and was/were (past tense)    Can - am/is/are able to   could - was/were able to    can not/could not (negative)    be unable to (affirmative)  Note: use am/is/are able to instead of can and Use was/were able to instead of could.   1] The law cannot become the guardian of our private manners. (Use- Be unable to) Ans: The law is unable to become the guardian of our private manners. 2] I couldn’t pay the fare. (Use- Be able to) Ans: I was not able to pay the fare. 3] We cannot get them back by invoking the law. (Use- Be able to) Ans: We are not able to get them back by invoking the law. 4] He could not rest till he left it behind a couple of hundred miles. (Use- Be unable to) Ans: He was unable to rest till he left it behind a couple of hundred miles. 5] But no legal system could attempt to legislate against bad manners. (Use- Be able to) Ans:  But no legal system was able to attempt to legislate against bad manners. 6] Wordsworth was able to gather lessons of wisdom. (Remove -Be able to) Ans:  Wordsworth could gather lessons of wisdom. 7] How can you be otherwise with Saturn where he is? (Use- Be able to) Ans: How are you able to be otherwise with Saturn where he is? 8] If only he could reach a table in the restaurant unsuspected, success would be his. (Remove - could) Ans: If only he was able to reach a table in the restaurant unsuspected, success would be his. 9] The king is able to do nothing wrong. (Remove - Be able to) Ans: The king can do nothing wrong. 10] She was able to face the whole horror. (Remove - Be able to) Ans:  She could face the whole horror. Examples: 11] she could not be fashionable. (Remove - Be able to) 12] You can’t get out of it now. (Use - Be able to) 13] Now she could see flies crawling slowly out of a saucer of milk with their wings stuck together. (Use - Be able to) 14]I  can  buy  some  jaggery  and  coconut tomorrow. (Use - Be able to) 15] can imagine that lift-man, (Use - Be able to) 16] he can have the service for asking(Use - Be able to) 17] It cannot be too widely diffused (spread) in a rather drab (gloomy) world. (Use - Be able to) 18] We cannot get them back by invoking  the law. (Use - Be able to) 19] you can also track the condition of the goods. (Use - Be able to) 20] Why can’t we produce good toys in India?  (Use - Be able to)  

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English For All
Blog- Trees are our friends

Question 2] Write a blog in proper format on “Trees are our best friends”  with the help of the following points. (Write in about 100 to 150 words) discover more here Question 2] Write a blog in proper format on “Trees are our best friends”  with the help of the following points. (Write in about 100 to 150 words) Question 2]  Question 2]  Write a blog in proper format on “Trees are our best friends”  with the help of the following points. (Write in about 100 to 150 words) friends”   with the help of the following points. (Write in about 100 to 150 words) 1) Introduction 1) Introduction 2) Any quote of great personality. 2) Any quote of great personality. 3) Significance of Trees 3) Significance of Trees 4) Over-exploitation of Trees. 4) Over-exploitation of Trees. 5) add your own points. 5) add your own points.   Trees are our best friends    Trees are our best friends    Trees are our best friends  Trees are our best friends               As it is quite evident (clear), there are numerous similarities between a best friend and trees. We see how trees do the same things for us, as our best friends. Our friends are always there when we need them. Trees protect us from everything just like our friends. They benefit us in several ways and enhance (बेहतर बनाना; सुधारना) our lives by their presence, similar to best friends.              As it is quite evident (clear), there are numerous similarities between a best friend and trees. We see how trees do the same things for us, as our best friends. Our friends are always there when we need them. Trees protect us from everything just like our friends. They benefit us in several ways and enhance ( बेहतर बनाना ;  सुधारना ) our lives by their presence, similar to best friends.     It is correctly said that “when you plant a tree, you plant a life”. Trees are one of the greatest blessings for humans from mother earth. They always give us everything without expecting a single thing in return. Trees are longer than humans; however, but humans forget this fact. They fail to recognize their significance and continue to exploit (ग़लत फायदा उठाना) them endlessly for short-term benefits.     It is correctly said that “when you plant a tree, you plant a life”. Trees are one of the greatest blessings for humans from mother earth. They always give us everything without expecting a single thing in return. Trees are longer than humans; however, but humans forget this fact. They fail to recognize their significance and continue to exploit ( ग़लत फायदा उठाना ) them endlessly for short-term benefits.         A friend always does a good to us even if we do harm to him. Similarly, a tree gives us fruits when we throw stones at it. So the tree is our friend. Not only human beings but also animals, insects and trees live on this earth. All these living beings are dependent upon one another. Among them tree is our best friend, because whatever livings being we find on the earth, they depend on tree. We get water, food, air, shelter etc. due to only tree. Great Saint Tukaram Maharaj in his era (period) realized the importance of tree hence He says,          A friend always does a good to us even if we do harm to him. Similarly, a tree gives us fruits when we throw stones at it. So the tree is our friend. Not only human beings but also animals, insects and trees live on this earth. All these living beings are dependent upon one another. Among them tree is our best friend, because whatever livings being we find on the earth, they depend on tree. We get water, food, air, shelter etc. due to only tree. Great Saint Tukaram Maharaj in his era (period) realized the importance of tree hence He says,  “ Rukshwalli amha soyare, wanchare” “ Rukshwalli amha soyare, wanchare”         It is impossible for human life to function without trees as their principal source is of oxygen on earth. They even help in preventing natural calamities like droughts and floods. In other words, trees play the role of a best friend in every human being’s life.         It is impossible for human life to function without trees as their principal source is of oxygen on earth. They even help in preventing natural calamities like droughts and floods. In other words, trees play the role of a best friend in every human being’s life.                 Despite holding such a great significance in our lives, humans have been overexploiting trees for the longest time. This constant practice is devastating for the earth and human life, both. For instance, the industrial sector is cutting down trees rapidly for attaining raw materials in bulk. Subsequently, even governments are contributing to deforestation by clear-cutting in order to build huge buildings, dams and roads. Without trees, this planet will turn into a desert.                 Despite holding such a great significance in our lives, humans have been overexploiting trees for the longest time. This constant practice is devastating for the earth and human life, both. For instance, the industrial sector is cutting down trees rapidly for attaining raw materials in bulk. Subsequently, even governments are contributing to deforestation by clear-cutting in order to build huge buildings, dams and roads. Without trees, this planet will turn into a desert.  Click the following link for the Question first   Click the following link for the Question first

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English For All
Blog Writing

Q.4 (c) Blog Writing- 4 Marks Format of blog Marks : 2 Marks for navigation bar + sidebar + Footer                     2 Marks for Blog writing  (Write your answer in the following format) Answer writing Area 1] Write a blog in proper format on “Personality Development” with the help of the following points. (Write in about 100 to 150 words) 1) Introduction 2) Any quote of great personality 3) Barrier (बधाये) 4) Importance 5) add your own points Ans:  Personality Development          Everyone likes to interact with a person having an attractive personality. Personality is an important thing in the life of a person that determines not only his professional success but also his overall attitude in life. Personality means a combination of appearance, the pattern of thought, feelings, attitude, behavior and communication ability.        A lot of people have a misconception that these personality skills are inborn and cannot be developed, but I think a proper training enhances our personality. Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam says "All of us do not have equal talent. But, all of us have an equal opportunity to develop our talents." A big barrier that stays in our way towards personal development is not taking responsibility for our actions.  Negative Attitude, Lack of Skills, Lack of Discipline,  Lack of Goals, anger and  blaming others for your deeds.        Personality Development is a tool through which makes your capabilities more confident to face the outside world. It is said that the personality of a person started formation from the childhood. but friends, teachers and the environment of the school have a great impact of various positive and negative factors in life.      Personality development has become very important from the career point of view. There are a lot of people that still underestimate the importance of good personality, but they do not get much benefit in their job. For a good personality, what do we need? we need good communication skills, politeness, good listening skills, vocabulary, the art of engaging communication, neatness and positive attitude and knowing how to dress well.   These are vital skills that will promote your objectives and also helps you in your day to day life mean in your career.

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English For All
Book review - ‘Shyamchi Aai’

Book Review Q. Review of the book ‘Shyamchi Aai’ by Sane Guruji. Ans:  Introduction   Shyamchi Aai,(meaning Shyam's Mother) is an autobiography of Sane Guruji. Sane Guruji, fondly called Shyam during his childhood, is narrating his memories to a group of children in a nightly sitting. Shyamchi Aai has been a Marathi classic by the freedom fighter and social reformer, Sane Guruji. Most Marathi-speaking children must have read this book at home or in school. The book describes about the Mother’s positive figure so the title of the book is Shyamchi Aai,   Story: The book is about the author’s childhood in Palgad village in Konkan, which later became famous as Sane Guruji’s birthplace. The book presents a core relationship between Shyam and his mother, a woman both deeply traditional and independent. For Shyam, she is no less than god. Whatever he is, he attributes to her. She teaches him to do what is right, be it helping her in her endless household works or performing her rituals for her. The bond between Shyam and his mother is sometimes unbelievable. One of the episode of this book is very close to heart, shyam fears water so he avoids swimming in water and shyam is teased by his friends as coward boy. How can a mother tolerate it? shyam' mother dragged him to the well where he finally learns swimming. language : The language of the book is very simple and  sentimental. Conversational tone has been used in the book which captures the reader to read it in a single sitting. The book is filled with tear-filling conversations between mother and son, like: “Are you disappointed in me?’’ or “When I see the love in your eyes, I feel strengthened?". Due to the language Sane Guruji managed to keep the book in the mind of today’s young readers also. Message: ‘Shyamchi Aai’ spreads a strong message of humanity, the value of a father’s praise and the fear of his anger, the value of mother and her love as well as benefits of the honesty about childish wrongdoings. ‘Shyamchi Aai’ shows that if love is present in a person's life, the person can be content; no matter how poor he is. Everyone must read this book. My rating will be 10/1

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Book Review

Q. You have recently read a book. Write a ‘Review’ on the same with the help of the following points: (1) Title of the book (2) Subject/Story/information (3) Language/Style/Presentation (4) Benefits/Message Ans: Book Review: Wings of Fire by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Introduction Wings of Fire is an autobiography of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam; a renowned (famous) Indian scientist and the 11th President of India, written jointly by Arun Tiwari and Abdul Kalam. It covers Kalam’s life before he became president of India and his work in Indian space research and missile programs so the title is Wings of Fire. Subject/Story/information : Wings of Fire is the story of a boy from a humble background who went on to become a key player in Indian space research/Indian missile programs and later became the president of India. It gives a vivid picture of our country during 1930 –1950s. Kalam was born in Rameswaram, a southern religious town in Tamilnadu. The initial chapters provide an interesting glimpse of religious harmony (unity) which existed before India’s partition. The book covers a lot of information and technical details about India’s satellite and missile program. Language/Style/Presentation: The book itself is written in simple English and it seems as if the author is speaking out to the reader directly to create positive thinking. It is autobiographical account. Considering that this book comes from a scientist, this book does have little scientific narration Benefits/Message: This book gives us message that how great things can be achieved through simple thoughts. How to face life, keep clear goals and keep head high and feet firmly in ground, motivate people and guide with vision. It is the most inspiring book which gives us Leadership lesson. I strongly suggest that everyone should read this book. My Rating: 10/10

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