Grammar of HSC

English For All
Spot the errors

Spot the errors and rewrite the sentence 1. The news are not fake. Ans: The news is not fake. 2. My hairs are black. Ans: My hair is black 3. Politics are my chief interest. Ans:  Politics is my chief interest 4. Our sheep are on the field. Ans: Our sheep are in the field 5. There are a lot of fishes in this tank. Ans: There are a lot of fish in this tank. 6. The sceneries of Vidarbha are wonderful. Ans: The scenery of Vidarbha is wonderful. 7. My brother bought some stationeries. Ans: My brother bought some stationery. 8. Rajan gave his daughter ten-rupee note. Ans: Rajan gave his daughter a ten-rupee note. 9. I take pain over my work. Ans: I take pains over my work. 10. The officer issued orders to released him. Ans:  the officer issued orders to release him. 11. I was lost my trousers. Ans: I lost my trousers. 12. The students have written many poetries. Ans:  The students have written many poems. clicking here 13. Radha has given up her study. Ans: . Radha has given up her studies 14. This room has no furnitures. Ans: This room has no furniture. 15. Twenty miles are a long distance. Ans: Twenty miles is a long distance. 17. The United Nations have done nothing for the people. Ans: The United Nations has done nothing for the people.

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English For All
Answers of Astrologer’s Day

Grammar on An Astrologer’s Day (Answers) Grammar on An Astrologer’s Day (Answers) visit here Grammar on An Astrologer’s Day (Answers) 1] He opened his bag and spread out his professional equipment. (Make Simple) Ans: Opening his bag, he spread out his professional equipment. 2] The power of his eyes was considerably enhanced by their position. (Change the Voice) Ans: Their position considerably enhanced the power of his eyes 3] This colour scheme never failed. (Rhetorical Question) Ans: Did this colour scheme ever fail? 5] He sat under the boughs of a spreading tamarind tree which flanked a path running through the Town Hall Park. (Make Simple) Ans: He sat under the boughs of a spreading tamarind tree flanking a path running through the Town Hall Park. 6] Next to him in vociferousness came a vendor of fried groundnut, who gave his ware a fancy name each day. (Make Simple) Ans: Next to him in vociferousness came a vendor of fried groundnut giving his ware a fancy name each day. 7] The place was lit up by shop lights. (Change the Voice) Ans: Shop lights lit up the place 8] He knew no more of what was going to happen to others than he knew what was going to happen to himself next minute. (Change the degree) Ans: He knew as much of what was going to happen to himself next minute as he knew what was going to happen to others 9] He was as much a stranger to the stars as were his innocent customers. (Change the degree) Ans: His innocent customers were not more a stranger to the stars than he was. 10] It was as much an honest man’s labour as any other. (Change the degree) Ans: No other thing was more an honest man‟s labour than it. / No other was more an honest man‟s labour than it 11] If he had continued there, he would have carried on the work of  his  forefathers (Use- Unless) Ans: Unless he had continued there, he would not have carried on the work of  his  forefathers 12] He could not rest till he left it behind a couple of hundred miles. (Be unable to) Ans: He was unable to rest till he left it behind a couple of hundred miles. 13] Long practice had sharpened his perception. (Change the Voice) Ans: His perception had been sharpened by long practice 14] He charged three pies per question. (Wh-Question) three Ans: How many pies did he charge per question? 15] He never opened his mouth till the other had spoken for at least ten minutes, which provided him enough stuff for a dozen answers and advices. (Wh-Question) for at least ten minutes Ans: How long did he never open his mouth till the other had spoken which provided him enough stuff for a dozen answers and advices? 16] He never opened his mouth till the other had spoken for at least ten minutes, which provided him enough stuff for a dozen answers and advices. (Make Simple) Ans: He never opened his mouth till the other had spoken for at least ten minutes, providing him enough stuff for a dozen answers and advices. 17] The  nuts  vendor  blew  out  his  flare  and  rose  to  go home. (Use Present Participle) Ans: Blowing  out  his  flare, the  nuts  vendor rose  to  go home. 18] This was a signal for the astrologer to bundle up too. (Gerund) to bundle Ans: This was a signal for the astrologer for bundling up too for bundling 19] It left him in darkness except for a little shaft of green light which strayed in from somewhere. (Make Simple) Ans: It left him in darkness except for a little shaft of green light straying in from somewhere. 20] He saw a man standing before him. (Rewrite using who) Ans: He saw a man who stood before him 21] He sensed a possible client and said: “You look so careworn. It will do you good to sit down for a while and chat with me.” (Indirect speech) Ans: He sensed a possible client and said that looked so careworn and added that it would do him good to sit down for a while and chat with him. 22] He said to the astrologer, “I have some questions to ask. If I prove you are bluffing, you must return that anna to me with interest.” (Indirect speech) Ans: He told the astrologer that he had some questions to ask and added that if he proved he was bluffing, he must return that anna to him with interest. 26] I am not used to such challenges. (Question Tag) Ans: I am not used to such challenges, am I? 27] The other held his wrist and said “You can’t get out of it now. You dragged me in while I was passing.” (Indirect speech) Ans: The other held his wrist and said that he couldn’t get out of it then and added that he dragged him in while he was passing. 28] “Stop,” said the other. “I don’t want all that. Shall I succeed in my present search or not? (Indirect speech) Ans: The other said to stop and added that he didn’t want all that and asked again if he would succeed in his present search or not. 29] I will not open my mouth. (Rewrite removing not without changing the meaning) Ans: I will keep mum/ I will remain silent. 30] The astrologer said: “You were left for dead. Am I right?” (Indirect speech) Ans: The astrologer said that he was/had been left for dead and asked if he was right 31] He bared his chest to show the scar. (Wh- Question) his chest Ans: What did he bare to show the scar? 32] I should have been dead if some passer-by had not chanced to peep into the well. (Unless) Ans: I should have been dead unless some passer-by had chanced to peep into the well. 33] When shall I

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English For All
An Astrologer’s Day

(Solve all the answers) 1] He opened his bag and spread out his professional equipment. (Make Simple) 2] The power of his eyes was considerably enhanced by their position. (Change the Voice) 3] This colour scheme never  failed.(Rhetorical Question) 5] He sat under the boughs of a spreading tamarind tree which flanked a path running through the Town Hall Park. (Make Simple) 6] Next to him in vociferousness came a vendor of fried groundnut, who gave his ware a fancy name each day. (Make Simple) 7] The place was lit up by shop lights. (Change the Voice) 8] He knew no more of what was going to happen to others than he knew what was going to happen to himself next minute. (Change the degree) 9] He was as much a stranger to the stars as were his innocent customers. (Change the degree) 10] It was as much an honest man’s labour as any other. (Change the degree) 11] If he had continued there he would have carried on the work of  his  forefathers (Use- Unless) 12] he could not rest till he left it behind a couple of hundred miles. (Be unable to) 13] Long practice had sharpened his perception. (Change the Voice) 14] He charged three pies per question. (Wh-Question) 15] He never opened his mouth till the other had spoken for at least ten minutes, which provided him enough stuff for a dozen answers and advices. (Wh-Question) 16] He never opened his mouth till the other had spoken for at least ten minutes, which provided him enough stuff for a dozen answers and advices. (Make Simple) 17] The  nuts  vendor  blew  out (turn off)  his  flare  and  rose  to  go home. (Use Present Participle)   18] This was a signal for the astrologer to bundle up too. (Gerund) 19] It left him in darkness except for a little shaft of green light which strayed in from somewhere. (Make Simple) 20] He saw a man standing before him. (Rewrite using who) 21] He sensed a possible client and said: “You look so careworn. It will do you good to sit down for a while and chat with me.” (Indirect speech) 22] He said to the astrologer, “I have some questions to ask. If I prove you are bluffing, you must return that anna to me with interest.” (Indirect speech) 26] I am not used to such challenges. (Question Tag) 27] The other held his wrist and said “You can’t get out of it now. You dragged me in while I was passing.” (Indirect speech) 28] “Stop,” said the other. “I don’t want all that. Shall I succeed in my present search or not? (Indirect speech) 29] I will not open my mouth. (Rewrite removing not without changing the meaning) 30] The astrologer said: “You were left for dead. Am I right?” (Indirect speech) 31] He bared his chest to show the scar. (Wh- Question) 32] I should have been dead if some passer-by had not chanced to peep into the well. (Unless) 33] When shall I get at him? (Assertive) 34] You will never see any more of him. (Question Tag) 35] The other groaned on hearing it. (Infinitive) 36] “Why should I leave home again?”  The other said reflectively. (Indirect speech) 37] Why should I leave home again? (Assertive) 38] The stranger had gone off into the night, after giving the astrologer a handful of coins. (Make compound using and) 39] It was nearly  midnight  when  the  astrologer  reached home. (Make Simple) 40] I  can  buy  some  jaggery  and  coconut tomorrow (Be unable to) 41] She said, “I  can  buy  some  jaggery  and  coconut tomorrow.  The child has been asking for  sweets  for  so many days now. I will prepare some nice stuff for her.”  (Indirect speech) 41] I will prepare some nice stuff for her. (Voice and Question Tag) 42] The swine has cheated me. (Voice) 43] What is wrong? (Assertive) 44) he told her “Do you know a great load is gone from me today?”  (Indirect speech) 45] It was a remarkable place in many ways.(Choose correct alternative to rewrite the given sentence as an exclamatory sentence) 46) He spread out his professional equipment, which consisted of a dozen cowrie shells. (Choose correct alternative to rewrite the given sentence as a compound sentence)   Note: Answers will be published tomorrow   Todays Test On An Astrologer's Day A) Read the extract and complete the activities given below:                  (12)     ( "Stop," said the other--------- gratified to hear it.) pages -5&6    "Stop," said the other. "I don't want all that. Shall I succeed in my present search or not? Answer this and go. Otherwise, I will not let you go till you disgorge al your coins."   The astrologer muttered a few incantations and replied: "All right. I will speak. But will you give me a rupee if what I say is convincing? Otherwise, I will not open my mouth. and you may do what you like."   Atter a good deal of haggling, the other agreed. The astrologer said: "You were left for dead. Am I right?"   "Ah. tell me more."   "A knife has passed through you once?" said the astrologer.   "Good fellow!" He bared his chest to show the scar. "What else?"   "And then you were pushed into a wel nearby ni the field. You were left for dead."   "I should have been dead if some passer-by had not chanced to peep into the well," exclaimed the other, overwhelmed by enthusiasm.   "When shall I get at him?" He asked, clenching his fist.   "In the next world," answered the astrologer. "He died four months ago in a far-off town. You will never see any more of him."   The other groaned on hearing it.   The astrologer proceeded: "Guru Nayak "-   "You know my name!" the other said, taken aback.   "As I know all other things. Guru Nayak, listen carefully to what I have to say. Your village is

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English For All
Grammar 2

1] Many animals make alarm calls. (Past Perfect continuous Tense) (Past Perfect continuous Tense) Ans: Many animals had been making alarm calls. Ans: Ans: 2] If there is no Nile, Egypt would be a desert. (Spot the error and Rewrite the correct sentence) (Spot the error and Rewrite the correct sentence) Ans: If there is no Nile, Egypt will be a desert. OR Ans: Ans: If there was no Nile, Egypt would be a desert.     3] The law cannot become the guardian of our private manners. (Make affirmative) s (Make affirmative) Ans: The law is unable to become the guardian of our private manners. Ans: Ans: s 4] Bad manners probably do more to poison the stream of the general life than all the crimes in the calendar. (Change the degree) (Change the degree) Ans: All the crimes in the calendar do not probably do as much to poison the stream of the general life as bad manners Ans: Ans: 5] His gaiety was not a wasteful luxury, but a sound investment. (Make Complex sentence) (Make Complex sentence) Ans: Though his gaiety was not a wasteful luxury, it is a sound investment. Ans: Though Ans: 6] I have missed him from my bus route. (Change the Voice) (Change the Voice) Ans: He has been missed from my bus route by me Ans: Ans: 7] The policeman refused to accept Soapy even as a clue. (Rewrite as a negative) (Rewrite as a negative) Ans: The policeman did not accept Soapy even as a clue.   Ans: Ans:   8] There is a revolution in the life style of people which has been affected by  Big  Data. (Remove which and rewrite as a simple sentence) (Remove which and rewrite as a simple sentence) Ans: A revolution in the life style of people has been affected by  Big  Data. Ans: Ans: Big Data has affected a revolution in the life style of people 9] He said to the client,“ Will you give me eight annas?” (indirect speech) click this (indirect speech) Ans: He asked the client if he would give him eight annas.   Ans: Ans:   10] Take the next train. (Use Question Tag) (Use Question Tag) Ans: Take the next train, will you? Ans: Ans: 11] The law must protect me against violent retaliation. (Use another modal auxiliary to make the sentence of suggestion) (Use another modal auxiliary to make the sentence of suggestion) Ans: The law should protect me against violent retaliation. Ans: Ans: 12] Unless I am physically assaulted, it will not permit me to retaliate with reasonable violence. (Rewrite using ‘If —–not’) (Rewrite using ‘If —–not’) Ans: If I am not physically assaulted, it will not permit me to retaliate with reasonable violence. Ans: Ans: 13] On the callous pavement two waiters pitched Soapy (Wh Question) two (Wh Question) Ans: How many waiters pitched Soapy on the callous pavement? Ans: How many Ans: 14] Our fists would never be idle. ( Rhetorical Question) ( Rhetorical Question) Ans: Would our fists ever be idle? Ans: Would Ans: 15] There are few things more catching than bad temper and bad manners. (Rewrite the sentence using as–as) (Rewrite the sentence using as–as) Ans: There are not as much catching bad temper and bad manners as few things Ans: Ans: as 16] If they cross the river, they —– (get) a reward from the king. (Rewrite using proper tense) (Rewrite using proper tense) Ans: If they cross the river, they will get a reward from the king Ans: Ans: 17] My mother told me to put the food ——– the fridge. (Use proper preposition) (Use proper preposition) Ans: My mother told me to put the food into the fridge. Ans: Ans: 18] A dear old family physician gazed at my cracked boots and frayed cuffs.  (Rewrite the sentence using “not only ….. but also .”) (Rewrite the sentence using “not only ….. but also .”) Ans: A dear old family physician gazed at not only my cracked boots but also frayed cuffs. Ans: Ans: not only but also 19] Sachin Tendulkar is a Brain Lara of India. (Spot the error and Rewrite the correct sentence) (Spot the error and Rewrite the correct sentence) Ans: Sachin Tendulkar is the Brain Lara of India Ans: Ans: 20] The teacher threw my incomplete practical book ——– the wall. (Use proper preposition) (Use proper preposition) Ans: The teacher threw my incomplete practical book against the wall Ans: Ans: 21] She goes to ——- university in Urain. (Rewrite using proper article) (Rewrite using proper article) Ans: She goes to a university in Urain. Ans: Ans: 22] The  moon was full and radiant (Frame a Wh Question to get underlined part as an answer) full and radiant (Frame a Wh Question to get underlined part as an answer) Ans: How was the moon? Ans: How was the moon? Ans: 23] A policeman standing before a drugstore two doors away walked down the street. (Make a complex sentence) (Make a complex sentence) Ans: A policeman who was standing (stood) before a drugstore two doors away walked down the street. Ans: Ans: 24] When he came upon another policemen lounging grandly in front  of a  glittering theatre, he caught at the immediate straw of disorderly conduct. (Rewrite using No sooner — than) 24] (Rewrite using No sooner — than) Ans: No sooner did he come upon another policemen lounging grandly in front  of a  glittering theatre than he caught at the immediate straw of disorderly conduct. Ans: No sooner did Ans: 25] Guru Nayak said to the man, “You can’t get out of it now. You dragged me in while I was passing.” (Indirect speech) (Indirect speech) Ans: Guru Nayak told the man that he couldn’t get out of it and added that he dragged him in while he was passing. Ans: Ans:  

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English For All
Grammar answers

 Answers of Grammar Paper (24 Feb 2022)  Answers of Grammar Paper (24 Feb 2022) Answers of Grammar Paper (24 Feb 2022) [smartslider3 slider=”2″] ARSOD ENGLISH CLASSES ARSOD ENGLISH CLASSES ARSOD ENGLISH CLASSES   Time: 1 hr.                      Marks- 25   Time: 1 hr.                      Marks- 25   Time: 1 hr.                      Marks- 25 1] Nowadays we have gadgets to monitor blood sugar, blood pressure etc. to monitor (Rewrite using gerund form of the underlined word) (Rewrite using gerund form of the underlined word) Ans: Nowadays we have gadgets for monitoring blood sugar, blood pressure etc. Ans: monitoring 2] I‘m down with flu. (Use Question Tag) (Use Question Tag) Ans: I‘m down with flu, aren’t I? Ans: 3] Banking and Finance sector is using Big Data to predict and prevent cybercrimes. (Change the Voice) (Change the Voice) Ans: Big Data is being used by banking and Finance sector to predict and prevent cybercrimes. Ans: 4] It has tremendously helped in improving individual as well as team performance.  (Rewrite using infinitive form of the underlined word) in improving (Rewrite using infinitive form of the underlined word) Ans: It has tremendously helped to improve individual as well as team performance. Ans: improve 5] Advertisers are one of the biggest players in Big Data. (Comparative degree) (Comparative degree) Ans: Advertisers are bigger than most other players in Big Data. Ans: 6] The SEC is using Big Data to monitor financial markets. (Present Perfect continuous Tense) (Present Perfect continuous Tense) Ans: The SEC has been using Big Data to monitor financial markets. Ans: discover this 7] The  eight-and-a-half-hour-long  day  inside  the  hide  was  as  fruitful   as  the  Jambha  tree  standing  tall  on  the edge of Umbarzara. (Make Complex sentence) (Make Complex sentence) Ans: The  eight-and-a-half-hour-long  day  inside  the  hide  was  as  fruitful   as  the  Jambha  tree which stood  tall  on  the edge of Umbarzara. Ans: which stood 8] But the big cat was not visible. (Make negative) (Make negative) Ans: But the big cat was  invisible. Ans: 9] We had to visit —— US  every  few months in those days. (Rewrite using proper article) (Rewrite using proper article) Ans: We had to visit the US  every  few months in those days. Ans: the 10] I   used   to   visit   both   of   these universities. (Use another modal auxiliary) (Use another modal auxiliary) Ans: I would visit   both   of   these universities. Ans: 11] Many animals make alarm calls when they see a predator. (Rewrite using No sooner — than) (Rewrite using No sooner — than) Ans: No sooner do many animals (they) see a predator than they (many animals) make alarm calls Ans: No sooner do many animals ( 12] “We are in the heart of the  man-animal  conflict  zone,”  explains  Shaaz. (Indirect Speech) (Indirect Speech) Ans: Shaaz explains that they are in the heart of the  man-animal  conflict  zone Ans: 13] You cannot be successful if you are a loner. (Rewrite using unless) (Rewrite using unless) Ans: You can be successful unless you are a loner. Ans: 14] After around 50 steps I found a bright red soil trail. (Wh Question) After around 50 steps . (Wh Question) Ans: When did I find a bright red soil trail? Ans:  15] I lifted my camera bag and took the familiar trail to Pitezari. (Use present participle) (Use present participle) Ans: Lifting my camera bag, I took the familiar trail to Pitezari. Ans: 16] We stopped ——- a Kusum tree to take a break.  (Use proper preposition) (Use proper preposition) Ans: We stopped under a Kusum tree to take a break. Ans: under 17] “I will take this route, you go straight,” said Raju to me. (Indirect speech) (Indirect speech) Ans: Raju told me that he would take that route, and advised me to go straight Ans: 18] I felt like shouting to my heart’s content, but there was no other soul to listen to my sound in this wilderness. (Use Though) (Use Though) Ans: Though I felt like shouting to my heart’s content, there was no other soul to listen to my sound in this wilderness. Ans: 19] I saw a man standing at a distance with a stick in his hand. (Rewrite using ‘Who’) (Rewrite using ‘Who’) Ans: I saw a man who stood at a distance with a stick in his hand. (Rewrite using Ans: (Rewrite using 20] Walking alone in a jungle needs more alertness than walking with a companion. (Change the degree) (Change the degree) Ans: Walking with a companion in a jungle does not need as alertness as walking alone (in a jungle) Ans: 21] I never studied for scoring marks in any examination. ( Rhetorical Question) ( Rhetorical Question) Ans: Did I ever study for scoring marks in any examination? Ans: Did I Did I 22] If only he could reach a table in the restaurant unsuspected, success would be his. (Unless) (Unless) Ans: Unless only he could reach a table in the restaurant unsuspected, success would not be his. Ans: 23] Soapy took a stone and dashed it through the glass. (Make a Simple sentence) (Make a Simple sentence) Ans: Taking a stone, Soapy dashed it through the glass. Ans: 24] “Where’s the man that done that?” inquired the officer agitatedly. “Don’t you think that I might have had something to do with it?” said Soapy, with a friendly voice. (Indirect speech) (Indirect speech) Ans: The officer inquired agitatedly where the man was that done that and Soapy asked with a friendly voice if he didn’t  think that he might have had something to do with it. Ans: 25] A moving target is quicker when our notions. (Spot the error and Rewrite the correct sentence) (Spot the error and Rewrite the correct sentence) Ans: A moving target is quicker than our notions. Ans: than

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