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Spot the errors and rewrite the sentence
1. The news are not fake.
Ans: The news is not fake.
2. My hairs are black.
Ans: My hair is black
3. Politics are my chief interest.
Ans: Politics is my chief interest
4. Our sheep are on the field.
Ans: Our sheep are in the field
5. There are a lot of fishes in this tank.
Ans: There are a lot of fish in this tank.
6. The sceneries of Vidarbha are wonderful.
Ans: The scenery of Vidarbha is wonderful.
7. My brother bought some stationeries.
Ans: My brother bought some stationery.
8. Rajan gave his daughter ten-rupee note.
Ans: Rajan gave his daughter a ten-rupee note.
9. I take pain over my work.
Ans: I take pains over my work.
10. The officer issued orders to released him.
Ans: the officer issued orders to release him.
11. I was lost my trousers.
Ans: I lost my trousers.
12. The students have written many poetries.
Ans: The students have written many poems.
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13. Radha has given up her study.
Ans: . Radha has given up her studies
14. This room has no furnitures.
Ans: This room has no furniture.
15. Twenty miles are a long distance.
Ans: Twenty miles is a long distance.
17. The United Nations have done nothing for the people.
Ans: The United Nations has done nothing for the people.