English For All

English For All
Why We Travel -Words

Lesson | Difficult words | Pictures | Videos We travel, initially, to lose ourselves; and we travel, next, to find ourselves. We travel to open our hearts and eyes and learn more about the world than our newspapers will accommodate. We travel to bring what little we can, in our ignorance and knowledge, to those parts of the globe whose riches are differently dispersed. And we travel, in essence, to become young fools again -- to slow time down and get taken in and fall in love once more. The beauty of this whole process was best described, perhaps, before people even took to frequent flying, by George Santayana in his lapidary essay, "The Philosophy of Travel." We "need sometimes," the Harvard philosopher wrote, "to escape into open solitudes, into aimlessness, into the moral holiday of running some pure hazard, in order to sharpen the edge of life, to taste hardship, and to be compelled to work desperately for a moment at no matter what." I like that stress on work, since never more than on the road are we shown how proportional our blessings are to the difficulty that precedes them; and I like the stress on a holiday that's "moral" since we fall into our ethical habits as easily as into our beds at night. Few of us ever forget the connection between "travel" and "travail," and I know that I travel in large part in search of hardship -- both my own, which I want to feel, and others', which I need to see. Travel in that sense guides us toward a better balance of wisdom and compassion -- of seeing the world clearly, and yet feeling it truly. For seeing without feeling can obviously be uncaring; while feeling without seeing can be blind. Yet for me the first great joy of traveling is simply the luxury of leaving all my beliefs and certainties at home, and seeing everything I thought I knew in a different light, and from a crooked angle. In that regard, even a Kentucky Fried Chicken outlet (in Beijing) or a scratchy revival showing of "Wild Orchids" (on the Champs-Elysees) can be both novelty and revelation: In China, after all, people will pay a whole week's wages to eat with Colonel Sanders, and in Paris, Mickey Rourke is regarded as the greatest actor since Jerry Lewis. If a Mongolian restaurant seems exotic to us in Evanston, Ill., it only follows that a McDonald's would seem equally exotic in Ulan Bator -- or, at least, equally far from everything expected. Though it's fashionable nowadays to draw a distinction between the "tourist" and the "traveler," perhaps the real distinction lies between those who leave their assumptions at home, and those who don't: Among those who don't, a tourist is just someone who complains, "Nothing here is the way it is at home," while a traveler is one who grumbles, "Everything here is the same as it is in Cairo -- or Cuzco or Kathmandu." It's all very much the same. But for the rest of us, the sovereign freedom of traveling comes from the fact that it whirls you around and turns you upside down, and stands everything you took for granted on its head. If a diploma can famously be a passport (to a journey through hard realism), a passport can be a diploma (for a crash course in cultural relativism). And the first lesson we learn on the road, whether we like it or not, is how provisional and provincial are the things we imagine to be universal. When you go to North Korea, for example, you really do feel as if you've landed on a different planet -- and the North Koreans doubtless feel that they're being visited by an extra-terrestrial, too (or else they simply assume that you, as they do, receive orders every morning from the Central Committee on what clothes to wear and what route to use when walking to work, and you, as they do, have loudspeakers in your bedroom broadcasting propaganda every morning at dawn, and you, as they do, have your radios fixed so as to receive only a single channel). We travel, then, in part just to shake up our complacencies by seeing all the moral and political urgencies, the life-and-death dilemmas, that we seldom have to face at home. And we travel to fill in the gaps left by tomorrow's headlines: When you drive down the streets of Port-au-Prince, for example, where there is almost no paving and women relieve themselves next to mountains of trash, your notions of the Internet and a "one world order" grow usefully revised. Travel is the best way we have of rescuing the humanity of places, and saving them from abstraction and ideology. And in the process, we also get saved from abstraction ourselves, and come to see how much we can bring to the places we visit, and how much we can become a kind of carrier pigeon -- an anti-Federal Express, if you like -- in transporting back and forth what every culture needs. I find that I always take Michael Jordan posters to Kyoto, and bring woven ikebana baskets back to California; I invariably travel to Cuba with a suitcase piled high with bottles of Tylenol and bars of soap, and come back with one piled high with salsa tapes, and hopes, and letters to long-lost brothers. But more significantly, we carry values and beliefs and news to the places we go, and in many parts of the world, we become walking video screens and living newspapers, the only channels that can take people out of the censored limits of their homelands. In closed or impoverished places, like Pagan or Lhasa or Havana, we are the eyes and ears of the people we meet, their only contact with the world outside and, very often, the closest, quite literally, they will ever come to Michael Jackson or Bill Clinton. Not the least of the challenges

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English For All
The New Dress - words

The New Dress- Difficult words, pictures and others Today's Test Today's Test QUIZ START Characters of the story 1] Mable (मेबल ) – Protagonist 2] Mrs. Barnet (बार्नेट ) –Maid / servant 3] Clarissa Dalloway (क्लेरिसा डॅलोवे ) – host of the party 4] Rose Shaw – highly fashionable 5] Robert Haydon -guest Serious - strong Suspicion(a belief or idea that something may be true)  Cloak - a sleeveless outdoor over garment that hangs loosely from the shoulders. Drawing an attention - pull or move an attention, markedly - noticeably, appliances -   devices/साधने  Tidying (arrange neatly)  Complexion – skin/ the natural colour, texture, and appearance of a person's skin, especially of the face. suspicion – doubt springing (move or jump suddenly or rapidly upwards or forwards:) conviction (a firmly held belief or opinion:) greeted – salute / give a polite word of recognition or sign of welcome when meeting a shaded corner – dark corner a looking-glass – Mirror  misery (a state or feeling of great physical or mental distress or discomfort:) profound (very great/ intense/ deep) dissatisfaction – discontent, frustration, resentment, regret (असमाधान) inferior - (low or lower in position) relentlessly - (in an unceasingly, intense or harsh way/ nonstop), remorselessly - (pitiless, hard, harsh, cruel, without regret or guilt: निर्दयपणे, निष्ठुरपणे; कडवेपणाने.), beat off - (fight off) , hideous (extremely ugly:) appalling (bad, horrifying, shocking, terrible, alarming) inadequacy (deficiency, inability to deal with a situation or with life:); cowardice (lack of bravery:); mean -(feeling/ offensive, selfish, or unaccommodating; nasty; malicious) water-sprinkled blood - her blood is dilute / weak / thin / inadequate, etc.(not confident)  depressed – sad / distress उदास dressmaker – dress designer / tailor sordid (low quality,घटिया), repulsive (lacking friendliness or sympathy)  shabby (in poor condition) puffed up (out of breath:) vanity (excessive pride) unutterably - (too great or awful to describe) paltry (very small ), provincial (of or concerning the regions outside the capital city of a country /रुरल/ ग्रामीण). Exploded (having burst), the moment she came into Mrs. Dalloway’s drawing-room. absurd - (wildly unreasonable) guineas गिनी (a former British gold coin / 21 shilling) prettier (more beautiful) , more dignified (noble, उचा), more womanly – suitable for woman pluming (decorating with or as if with feathers) very charming – attractive orgy (party) chastised (spend money/ scold, punish,  शिक्षा, rebuke or reprimand severely), rigged - (planned) perfectly charming (very pleasant or attractive:) satirical (mocking another's weaknesses) pucker (fold) precisely (exactly) crawl (creep) saucer - a shallow dish on which a cup is placed, बशी. Spell - (words) to annul (nullify/decrease) agony(pain) endurable (bearable). Tags (add) Numb (no physical sensation सुन्न:), chill (cold/cool), frozen(turn into ice), dumb (गुंगा/ temporarily unable or unwilling to speak). stuck (using power of ) strained (showing signs of nervous tension or tiredness:तणावपूर्ण) (standing in front of the looking- glass, listening to Rose Shaw) hoist (rise) meager (lack of qualityमामुली), insignificant(too small or unimportant to be worth consideration तुच्छ), toiling – working dragonflies (a fast-flying long-bodied predatory insect with two pairs of large transparent wings which are spread out sideways at rest), fluttering(flying unsteadily), skimming (the removal of a substance from the surface of a liquid:), Envy and spite (ill feeling/ desire to hurt ), detestable ( intense dislike घृणास्पद) vices (wicked behaviour), were her chief faults. dowdy (unfashionable and unstylish in appearance, बेस्वाद), decrepit (डीक्रेपिट/ worn out or ruined जीर्ण), horribly dingy (gloomy and drab:गंदा) furbishing (give a fresh look to (something old or shabby)) a poor weak-kneed (weak and shaky as a result of fear or excitement) detached (separate or disconnected.अलगढलग) witty(funny), insincere (इन्सिसिक्सिअर/false/artificial) To fill NEET UG 2023 application form Click the following buttonhttps://arsodenglishclasses.com/neet-application-form-2023/ Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal My Marquee Subtext For 12th English My Marquee Subtext Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal My Marquee Subtext For 12th English My Marquee Subtext Online & Offline ClassesStudents can attend online or offline classes according to their convenience. Limited strength in each batch. Modern, innovative concepts based but simple teaching method. Disciplined and highly feasible learning environment. Excellent Previous ResultEvery year 100% result. In the exam of 2022, our two students are highest in Maharashtra. Completion of syllabus within stipulated time period..Quality Study MaterialNotes of all chapters, poems, and novels are provided in pdf and printed form. From the content rich notes learn tips, tricks and strategies. Regular Weekly Revision TestsWe conduct regular offline test on each and every topic, daily online test. Regular doubt clearing sessions. Every Sunday special classes for weak students. Long Teaching ExperienceMore than 35 years' teaching experience. Student centered and Exam oriented teaching as well as individual attention. Click to contact us 9822716201 arsodyogiraj@gmail.com 4, Dewkinandan, Shinde Plots, Yavatmal. Whatsapp Us Follow Us

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Online courses

Online courses are becoming an increasingly popular mode of education in today's digital age. With the advancements in technology and the internet, individuals can now access high-quality courses from the comfort of their homes or on-the-go. Online courses provide learners with the flexibility to learn at their own pace, on their own time, and from anywhere in the world. One of the key advantages of online courses is their accessibility. They are available to anyone with an internet connection, regardless of location or background. This makes education more inclusive and opens up opportunities for individuals who may not have had access to traditional education. Online courses are also often more cost-effective than traditional education, as they do not require the same level of infrastructure and resources. Additionally, learners can save on travel and accommodation expenses associated with attending a physical classroom. Another benefit of online courses is the ability to offer a wider variety of subjects and courses than traditional education. Learners can access courses from different institutions and from experts in various fields, enabling them to tailor their education to their specific interests and career goals. However, it is important to note that online courses may not be suitable for everyone. Some learners may require the structure and support of a physical classroom or may prefer the social interaction and networking opportunities that come with attending a traditional institution. Overall, online courses provide a convenient and accessible way for individuals to learn and develop their skills, and are a valuable addition to the education landscape.

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English For All
No sooner -- than

Test on "No sooner-----than" [qsm quiz=13] To fill NEET UG 2023 application form Click the following buttonhttps://arsodenglishclasses.com/neet-application-form-2023/ To fill CET 2023 application form Click the following buttonhttps://arsodenglishclasses.com/mht-cet-application-form/ Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal My Marquee Subtext For 12th English My Marquee Subtext Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal My Marquee Subtext For 12th English My Marquee Subtext Online & Offline ClassesStudents can attend online or offline classes according to their convenience. Limited strength in each batch. Modern, innovative concepts based but simple teaching method. Disciplined and highly feasible learning environment. Excellent Previous ResultEvery year 100% result. In the exam of 2022, our two students are highest in Maharashtra. Completion of syllabus within stipulated time period..Quality Study MaterialNotes of all chapters, poems, and novels are provided in pdf and printed form. From the content rich notes learn tips, tricks and strategies. Regular Weekly Revision TestsWe conduct regular offline test on each and every topic, daily online test. Regular doubt clearing sessions. Every Sunday special classes for weak students. Long Teaching ExperienceMore than 35 years' teaching experience. Student centered and Exam oriented teaching as well as individual attention. Click to contact us 9822716201 arsodyogiraj@gmail.com 4, Dewkinandan, Shinde Plots, Yavatmal. Whatsapp Us Follow Us

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English For All
Big Data -Big Insights words

Big Data - Big Insights Difficult words, pictures and others Age Calculator Age Calculator Enter your date of birth: Calculate Big Insights (Insights - clear or deep perception of a situation/ गहन जानकारी) Revolution (Change) Pursuits (following/ hobby), 360 degrees (totally/completely/ comprehensive). Monitored (keep an eye on) Analysed (study / examine). billions (एक अब्ज)  trillions millions (दहा लाख करोड) Millions (दहा लाख) massive (big) incomprehensible (puzzling/ unknown). correlation (related) market trends (tendency) advanced (higher/ progressive) by miles (largely) Location Tracking (Travelling) : GPS (Global Positioning System) radio frequency identification sensors (RFID) prone (sensitive) transit (travel/transport), logistics (the commercial activity of transporting goods to customers) risks- danger reliability–credibility/ faith (विश्वसनीयता) Patterns- scheme    the globe- world. Forecasting –predict impending (approaching/ near) natural calamities (disaster/दुर्घटना; विपत्ति; आपदा) combat (encounter/ fight) predict (foretell/ पूर्व-सूचना देना) conscious (aware/ जागरूक). Gadgets – tools ailment (disease /illness), outbreaks (eruption) epidemics (महामारी) precautions - a measure taken in advance to prevent something dangerous individuals (person) analytics  - विश्लेषण/information resulting from the systematic analysis of data or statistics sector (the commercial activity of providing funds and capital) force (cyber) spikes (sudden increase) suspicious (doubtful/संदेहजनक) natural language (computer coding) algorithms (a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer/design/ system) permutations (variation) A gigantic (vast/big) tremendously (largely) embedded (fixed/ installed) quarters (our home). minutely (sharply). giant (huge/ enormous), transactions (business/deal). demographics (human age) algorithms (design/ system) focuses (concentrate) content (information) engagement (involvement/ investment ) segment (divide) engaging (pleasant /attractive) inundated (prosper/develop) transformed (totally changed) customized (make according to requirements)  Dynamic (effective) comprehension (knowledge/ज्ञान) designed (creating) an access (obtain/gain) gauge (Guess/test) operational (functional) enhance (improve) pitfalls (problem) geographical phenomena (a remarkable development/ changes) optimum (best/ outstanding) ✔ To fill NEET UG 2023 application form Click the following buttonhttps://arsodenglishclasses.com/neet-application-form-2023/ To fill CET 2023 application form Click the following buttonhttps://arsodenglishclasses.com/mht-cet-application-form/ Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal My Marquee Subtext For 12th English My Marquee Subtext Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal My Marquee Subtext For 12th English My Marquee Subtext Online & Offline ClassesStudents can attend online or offline classes according to their convenience. Limited strength in each batch. Modern, innovative concepts based but simple teaching method. Disciplined and highly feasible learning environment. Excellent Previous ResultEvery year 100% result. In the exam of 2022, our two students are highest in Maharashtra. Completion of syllabus within stipulated time period.. Quality Study MaterialNotes of all chapters, poems, and novels are provided in pdf and printed form. From the content rich notes learn tips, tricks and strategies. Regular Weekly Revision TestsWe conduct regular offline test on each and every topic, daily online test. Regular doubt clearing sessions. Every Sunday special classes for weak students. Long Teaching ExperienceMore than 35 years' teaching experience. Student centered and Exam oriented teaching as well as individual attention. Click to contact us 9822716201 arsodyogiraj@gmail.com 4, Dewkinandan, Shinde Plots, Yavatmal. Whatsapp Us Follow Us

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Sachin Tendulkar

Success Story of Sachin Tendulkar Bharat Ratna Sachin Tendulkar was born on 24 April 1973.  He is the best cricketer in the world. He has made many world records in his name. He was born in a middle class family only. He got his education from Shardashram University in Mumbai. His brother's name is Ajit Tendulkar. Since childhood, Sachin was guided by his brother by explaining the finer points of cricket. Sachin Tendulkar's father got him admitted to the place of Ramakant Achrekar, known as 'Dronacharya' of cricket. Who nurtured Sachin's cricketing talent well and contributed in making him even better. Sachin's coach Ramakant Achrekar's way of teaching cricket to Sachin was very good. He used to keep a coin of 1 rupee with him, if any bowler got Sachin out, then this coin used to go to that bowler. If Sachin had not got out, then this coin would have been his. Sachin had won 13 such coins from his mentor Ramakant Achrekar, which Sachin still has. In this way, Sachin's Guru Ramakant Achrekar made him a good player of cricket. At the age of 15, Sachin along with Vinod Kambli made a partnership of 664 runs in the Hares Shield match, in which Sachin scored 320 runs with his hard work. Seeing this performance of Sachin, the opposition team stopped playing the match halfway through. With this performance of Sachin, he became very famous and he got a place in the Indian cricket team only at the age of 16. He made his international debut in 1981 against Pakistan. He scored his first Test century in the 1990 tour of England. Due to the performance of Sachin in the grand tour, he was also given the captaincy of Team India. But he was not so successful as a captain and he himself gave up his captaincy. Sachin retired from ODI cricket on 23 December 2012. He retired from Test cricket on 16 November 2013 after scoring 74 runs in his last Test match at Mumbai. Cricket lovers from all over the world respect him not only for his cricket but also because of his good personality. Sachin got married to Anjali Tendulkar in 1994 and they have two children. The names of their children are Sara and Arjun. Sachin Tendulkar is also the owner of a restaurant and that restaurant is named after Sachin, that is, the name of the restaurant is also Sachin. He also runs an NGO named “Apnalaya”. In which they take the responsibility of bringing up 200 children every year. People consider him a respected person for his good work. He has 100 centuries in international cricket. He is the first player in the history of One Day International cricket to score a double century. He has the maximum number of 51 centuries in Test cricket. Sachin is the first batsman in the world to score 13,000 runs in Test cricket. He has achieved many such achievements. The name of cricket is incomplete without him. The wonderful contribution he has made to cricket, perhaps no one else could. He has given his services to Indian cricket for more than 20 years. He got success in his youth and by the age of 25 he had also become a famous person. He has also become a source of inspiration for today's young players who are finding their way in life and want to make a career in cricket. Sachin received the Arjuna Award in 1994 by the Government of India in recognition of his outstanding achievement in sports. He received the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna in 1997-98. He was honored with Padma Shri in 1999. He received the Maharashtra Bhushan Award in 2001. He was awarded the Padma Vibhushan in 2008. He was awarded the Bharat Ratna in 2014. He has also received many international honors. Click the following and read More success stories.Success story of Steve JobsSuccess Story of Thomas Alva EdisonSuccess story of Dhirubhai Ambani To fill NEET UG 2023 application form Click the following buttonhttps://arsodenglishclasses.com/neet-application-form-2023/ To fill CET 2023 application form Click the following buttonhttps://arsodenglishclasses.com/mht-cet-application-form/ Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal My Marquee Subtext For 12th English My Marquee Subtext Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal My Marquee Subtext For 12th English My Marquee Subtext Online & Offline ClassesStudents can attend online or offline classes according to their convenience. Limited strength in each batch. Modern, innovative concepts based but simple teaching method. Disciplined and highly feasible learning environment. Excellent Previous ResultEvery year 100% result. In the exam of 2022, our two students are highest in Maharashtra. Completion of syllabus within stipulated time period..Quality Study MaterialNotes of all chapters, poems, and novels are provided in pdf and printed form. From the content rich notes learn tips, tricks and strategies. Regular Weekly Revision TestsWe conduct regular offline test on each and every topic, daily online test. Regular doubt clearing sessions. Every Sunday special classes for weak students. Long Teaching ExperienceMore than 35 years' teaching experience. Student centered and Exam oriented teaching as well as individual attention. Click to contact us 9822716201 arsodyogiraj@gmail.com 4, Dewkinandan, Shinde Plots, Yavatmal. Whatsapp Us Follow Us

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Mark Zuckerberg

Success Story of Mark Zuckerberg Mark Zuckerberg was born  in Dobbs Ferry, New York on May 14, 1984. His father's name is Edward Zuckerberg is a dentist and mother's name is Karen Zuckerberg who is a psychiatrist. Mark Zuckerberg was very promising since childhood. From the time he was in school, he started getting more interested in programming. Mark had created a messenger named "ZuckNet" at the age of 12. By connecting all the computers together with this software, all the people of the house used to talk by transferring the messages inside the house and in the father's dental clinic. Mark's father had installed this software in his computer system and used it in his clinic. Receptionist in the clinic used to inform Mark's father about the arrival of new patients through that Messenger. Seeing this ability of Mark Zuckerberg, his father called a computer teacher for Mark and that teacher taught him programming. Mark learned programming very quickly. His teachers were surprised to see Mark learning programming so fast at such a young age. Mark Zuckerberg was counted among the talented students in his school. He made MP3 Media Player during his high school. He named it "Synapse". It was such a player that used to prepare Playlist automatically. Microsoft and AOL started showing interest in this Media Player and they offered more money to Mark to buy it but Mark did not accept the offer. Invention of FaceMash: After completing his schooling, Mark took admission in Harvard University for his further studies. There also Mark became popular because of his intelligence. He created a site in 2003 called "FaceMash". Mark had hacked the database of his university to create this site and stole the profile picture of all the students studying in the university from there to put it in his FaceMash. Mark had created a program that selects the photo of any two girls and asks them to vote on who is the most beautiful and good looking. The students who came to this site of Mark were from that university only and those students used to vote. Gradually the popularity of this site increased a lot and many students started accessing this site. Due to high traffic on the site, the university got severe crash. After this, Mark got a lot of scolding from the teachers and principal of the university and this site also had to be closed. Beginning of Facebook: Shortly before the FaceMash incident, a Harvard University student Divya Narendra came to Mark with the idea of a "Social Networking Site" and had two partners. He told Mark that he wanted to make this site for the students of his university. Whose name would be "Harvard Connection" and later its name was changed to "ConnectU". He said that all the members associated with this site can share their photos, personal information with each other through internet. Mark liked this idea and he immediately said yes and started working with him. While working on this project, he got the idea of starting his own Social Networking Site. In 2004, Mark took over the domain "TheFacebook.com". Facebook was used at that time only by the students of their university. Gradually, in 2005, students of all the universities of USA started using it. Day by day the popularity of Facebook was increasing. Seeing this, Mark decided that now not only students but all people around the world will be able to use Facebook. For this, Mark left his graduation studies in half and gave his full attention towards this project. People can also make new friends on Facebook and can also talk back to their separated friends and share everything. Because of this specialty, people keep getting drawn towards Facebook. For this reason, the popularity of Facebook has increased so much that today Facebook has more than 2 billion users worldwide. Inspired by Mark Zuckerberg's life and his success, a film has also been made on him called "The Social Network". Click the following and read More success stories. Success story of Steve Jobs Success Story of Thomas Alva Edison Success story of Dhirubhai Ambani To fill NEET UG 2023 application form Click the following button NEET Application Form 2023 <p>NEET Application Reopened, Last Date: 13th April 2023. Countdown! DaysHoursMinutesSeconds NEET UG 2023 Updates: Registration reopens; check how to apply, de… Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal Click Here To fill CET 2023 application form Click the following button MHT CET Application form <p>Countdown of CET Application Last Date:(7th April 2023.) DaysHoursMinutesSeconds CET 2023 Updates: Registration begins; check how to apply, deadline On 8 Ma… Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal Click Here Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Online & Offline Classes Students can attend online or offline classes according to their convenience. Limited strength in each batch. Modern, innovative concepts based but simple teaching method. Disciplined and highly feasible learning environment. Excellent Previous Result Every year 100% result. In the exam of 2022, our two students are highest in Maharashtra. Completion of syllabus within stipulated time period.. Quality Study Material Notes of all chapters, poems, and novels are provided in pdf and printed form. From the content rich notes learn tips, tricks and strategies. Regular Weekly Revision Tests We conduct regular offline test on each and every topic, daily online test. Regular doubt clearing sessions. Every Sunday special classes for weak students. Long Teaching Experience More than 35 years' teaching experience. Student centered and Exam oriented teaching as well as individual attention. Thanks for Visiting   Click to contact us 9822716201 arsodyogiraj@gmail.com 4, Dewkinandan, Shinde Plots, Yavatmal. Whatsapp Us Follow Us          

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Thomas Alva Edison

Success Story of Steve Jobs Thomas Alva Edison has not only invented the bulb but also invented the vote record, the battery of the electric car, motion pictures and many more such inventions. If we talk about his success, then his mother has a big contribution in making him so successful. Behind his success from studies, there is no one else but his mother's hand. When Thomas Alva Edison was studying in his childhood, one day he reached his home from school and went straight to his mother and he gave a letter to his mother which was given to him by the principal from the school. He gave that letter to his mother and told her that the principal has given me this letter from the school and he has also told me to go home and give this letter to your mother. Thomas Alva Edison's mother immediately took that letter from Edison's hands and she started reading it. Her eyes become moist while reading and she hugs Edison. Addison does not know what is written in this letter which made my mother's eyes moist. He immediately asks his mother to tell me what mother wrote in this letter. His mother opened that letter and then again started reading it out loud so that even Edison could hear what was written in this letter. He read that letter - "Thomas Alva Edison is a genius child, very intelligent, teacher is not present in our school to teach this child, we cannot teach this child in our school, that's why you your child Teach yourself at your home. From that day onwards Edison was taught at home by his mother. Edison also studied diligently. After some time Thomas Alva Edison invented the bulb and he became a great inventor. He made his name all over the world. His first invention was the electric vote recorder machine but he got recognition all over the world because of the electric bulb. In the midst of all this, Edison's mother died. One day when Edison was cleaning the house, he got a letter and it was the same letter which was given to Edison in childhood by the principal from the school and said that you should give this letter to your mother. Steve Jobs - Success Story Of Steve JobsHe opens this letter and reads it. It was written in that letter – “Your son is mentally weak, he is very mentally weak, we cannot teach your son in our school, you keep him at home”. After reading this letter, tears come in the eyes of Thomas Alva Edison. After reading this letter, he comes to know that what a great work his mother has done. They say that my mother's hand is behind my success. Had his mother read that letter correctly that day, Edison would never have become such a great inventor. Perhaps this world does not get so many great inventors and so many inventions are not possible. Also Read Success story of Dhirubhai Ambani To fill NEET UG 2023 application form Click the following buttonhttps://arsodenglishclasses.com/neet-application-form-2023/ To fill CET 2023 application form Click the following buttonhttps://arsodenglishclasses.com/mht-cet-application-form/ Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal My Marquee Subtext For 12th English My Marquee Subtext Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal My Marquee Subtext For 12th English My Marquee Subtext Online & Offline ClassesStudents can attend online or offline classes according to their convenience. Limited strength in each batch. Modern, innovative concepts based but simple teaching method. Disciplined and highly feasible learning environment. Excellent Previous ResultEvery year 100% result. In the exam of 2022, our two students are highest in Maharashtra. Completion of syllabus within stipulated time period..Quality Study MaterialNotes of all chapters, poems, and novels are provided in pdf and printed form. From the content rich notes learn tips, tricks and strategies. Regular Weekly Revision TestsWe conduct regular offline test on each and every topic, daily online test. Regular doubt clearing sessions. Every Sunday special classes for weak students. Long Teaching ExperienceMore than 35 years' teaching experience. Student centered and Exam oriented teaching as well as individual attention. Click to contact us 9822716201 arsodyogiraj@gmail.com 4, Dewkinandan, Shinde Plots, Yavatmal. Whatsapp Us Follow Us

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Dhirubhai Ambani

Success Story Of Dhirubhai Ambani Who doesn't know Dhirubhai Ambani today? He is famous all over the world today because of his business. His full name is Dhirajlal Hiralal Ambani. His name came in the list of successful businessmen. He dreamed and turned those dreams into reality. The result of this is that today Reliance Industries, which has been built by his hard work, is one of the largest companies in the country. His family comes in the list of the richest family in the country.Dhirubhai Ambani proved with his success that if we believe in ourselves, then we can do anything and he did it. Those who dare to dream are those people who succeed in fulfilling those dreams. Dhirubhai Ambani was born on December 28, 1932, in Junagadh, Gujarat. His father's name was Hiralal Ambani and mother's name was Jamnaben Ambani. Dhirubhai Ambani's journey from a small businessman to a successful businessman was completed after facing a lot of struggles. He started his career with a salary of just Rs 300 per month. Going forward, he one day became the owner of billions and billions of rupees. If we talk about his studies, he studied only up to 10th class. But his hard work and his intentions were higher than those who had obtained a master's degree. He turned his small business into a big company in a very short time. We can never imagine that a person selling a pakoda will one day become such a big businessman. Dhirubhai Ambani started his career by selling chaat-pakodas to pilgrims visiting Girnar Mountain on holidays. Earlier, he used to sell fruits and snacks, but he did not get much profit in that work, so he started selling chaat-pakodas. His business was completely dependent on tourists. Therefore, this business used to run well at some time of the year, but in the rest of the time, profits were less, due to which Dhirubhai left this business. He did not get much success in both these businesses, so his father advised him to do a job. Following his father's advice, he went to work when he was only 16 years old. Dhirubhai joined his first job in 'A. Besse' company in Aden city with a salary of just Rs 300 per month. That company became a distributor of 'Shell Products' after about 2 years and Dhirubhai was promoted. Dhirubhai was business-minded from the beginning. Even when he was working, he was interested in business. He always thought about doing business and always looking for new opportunities for business. He used to spend 1 rupee to drink tea to listen to big businessmen and understand the nuances of the business, where tea was available for only 25 paise in the company where he worked. When Dhirubhai lived in Yemen, after some time the movement for independence started in Yemen. Because of this, all the doors of business were closed for the Indians living there. After this, Dhirubhai had to return to India from Yemen in the year 1962. This time was such that he neither had a job nor any business to do. Dhirubhai Ambani, along with his cousin Champaklal Damani, started the work of importing and exporting polyester yarn and spices. After this, he started Reliance Commercial Corporation by depositing an amount of just Rs 15000. He did that with a small office on Narasimha Street in Masjid Bunder. This office was in just 350 square feet and this office had 1 telephone, 1 table and 3 chairs. Initially, he had only two colleagues. Dhirubhai and his cousin Champaklal Damani had a completely different way of doing business, so Dhirubhai started the business on his own and left the partnership with Champaklal Damani in the year 1965. He expanded Reliance's business to different areas. This includes telecom, energy, electricity, textiles/textiles, basic services, capital markets and etc. Now his two sons Anil Ambani and Mukesh Ambani are making full use of the new opportunity to steer Reliance Industries forward. स्टीव जॉब्स – Also Read a Success Story Of Steve JobsDhirubhai was admitted to Breach Candy Hospital, Mumbai on June 24, 2002 due to heart disorders. Where he also had a second disorder, his first shock came in February 1986. For this reason, his right heart was not working. At that time he was in a coma for more than a week. Many doctors also treated him. He finally died on 6 July 2002. 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Regular Weekly Revision TestsWe conduct regular offline test on each and every topic, daily online test. Regular doubt clearing sessions. Every Sunday special classes for weak students. Long Teaching ExperienceMore than 35 years' teaching experience. Student centered and Exam oriented teaching as well as individual attention. Click to contact us 9822716201 arsodyogiraj@gmail.com 4, Dewkinandan, Shinde Plots, Yavatmal. Whatsapp Us Follow Us

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Steve Jobs

Success Story of Steve Jobs A Very Famous Speech" Stay hungry stay foolish" Do you khow? Yes is of Steve Jobs' Who was an American entrepreneur, inventor, and co-founder of Apple Inc.  He was born on 24th February 1955 and died on5th October 2011.  His success story is a testament to his ingenuity, creativity, and tenacity.  Jobs was adopted by a couple who encouraged his curiosity and passion for technology. In his youth, he was interested in electronics and engineering, and he spent much of his time tinkering with gadgets and creating new devices. In 1976, Jobs and his friend, Steve Wozniak, started Apple Computer, Inc. in a small garage. They designed and built the first Apple computer, which was a hit with hobbyists and computer enthusiasts. In the early days of the company, Jobs was responsible for marketing and sales, and he quickly developed a reputation . In 1984, Apple introduced the Macintosh computer, which featured a graphical user interface and a mouse, making it easy for users to interact with the computer. The Macintosh was a commercial success, and it cemented Jobs' reputation as a visionary in the computer industry. Jobs had left college because he was feeling whatever he was learning in the college that is not related to our interest. In that period he learned Calligraphy and designed in his computer.  In 1985, he was ousted from the company after a power struggle with the board of directors. Undaunted, Jobs went on to start a new computer company, NeXT Inc., which focused on developing high-end workstations for businesses and universities. In 1997, Apple acquired NeXT, and Jobs returned to the company as CEO. He immediately set to work revitalizing the struggling company, introducing a series of new products that included the iMac, iPod, iPhone, and iPad. Under Jobs' leadership, Apple became the world's most valuable company, with a market capitalization of over $600 billion. He was known for his attention to detail, his relentless focus on innovation and design, and his ability to inspire and motivate his employees. Jobs' success was not without its setbacks. In 2003, he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and he took a leave of absence from Apple to undergo treatment. However, he returned to the company in 2004 and continued to lead Apple until his death in 2011. Today, Jobs' legacy lives on through Apple, which continues to innovate and push the boundaries of technology. He is remembered as a visionary leader who transformed the computer, music, and mobile phone industries, and his impact on the world of technology is undeniable. In conclusion, Steve Jobs' success story is a testament to his vision, creativity, and determination. He was a true pioneer in the world of technology, and his legacy will continue to inspire generations to come. Also Read Success story of Dhirubhai Ambani To fill NEET UG 2023 application form Click the following buttonhttps://arsodenglishclasses.com/neet-application-form-2023/ To fill CET 2023 application form Click the following buttonhttps://arsodenglishclasses.com/mht-cet-application-form/ Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal My Marquee Subtext For 12th English My Marquee Subtext Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal My Marquee Subtext For 12th English My Marquee Subtext Online & Offline ClassesStudents can attend online or offline classes according to their convenience. Limited strength in each batch. Modern, innovative concepts based but simple teaching method. Disciplined and highly feasible learning environment. Excellent Previous ResultEvery year 100% result. In the exam of 2022, our two students are highest in Maharashtra. Completion of syllabus within stipulated time period..Quality Study MaterialNotes of all chapters, poems, and novels are provided in pdf and printed form. From the content rich notes learn tips, tricks and strategies. Regular Weekly Revision TestsWe conduct regular offline test on each and every topic, daily online test. Regular doubt clearing sessions. Every Sunday special classes for weak students. Long Teaching ExperienceMore than 35 years' teaching experience. Student centered and Exam oriented teaching as well as individual attention. Click to contact us 9822716201 arsodyogiraj@gmail.com 4, Dewkinandan, Shinde Plots, Yavatmal. Whatsapp Us Follow Us

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