
English For All

Index Add a header to begin generating the table of contents Click here Interview - 1 [ai_playlist id="12370"] Imagine, you have to conduct an interview of a distinguished personality in the field of entertainment. With the help of the given table and points draft questions on the given fields associated with the personality. (Do not change the sequence of the questions) Points Questions on Points Name of the interviewee (distinguished personality) Mr. Amitabh Bachachan, a very dynamic personality Area of Success/ Reputation Entertainment/ film star Date/Venue/Time Mumbai 25th October 2023. 10.20 am Duration of Interview 45 Min Question based on ------ Inspiration Who motivated you to be an actor? Did your parents support you? Preparation What problems and difficulties did you face at the beginning? Development How did you work hard to be a celebrity? How do you manage yourself when you visit any social gathering? Teacher/Guide How did you firm your feet in the film industry without any godfather? Memorable moments Which types of roles do you accept? Which is your memorable role? Skills required According to you, what qualities are essential for being a successful person? Performances Which is the nicest thing that you have been said about you, means your performance? 8. Do’s and Don’ts What is a message you would give to your fans as well as the beginner, means what should be done and what should not be? Interview - 2 [ai_playlist id="12371"] Imagine, you have to conduct an interview of a distinguished personality in the field of your own choice. With the help of the given table and points draft questions on the given fields associated with the personality. (Do not change the sequence of the questions)/ ( Dr. Prakash Amte.) Points Questions on Points Introducing the Guest. ---- Inspirations ---- The activities ---- Awards ---- Conclusion ----    Answer:  Good morning, friends, you know Dr. Prakash Amate, the son of Baba Amte who has carried forward his legacy. Sir, first of all I welcome you here. Let me ask you some questions. We are much excited to listen you. l) How do you feel being inheritor of Baba Amate and Sadhanatai? (वारसदार; उत्तराधिकारी)? 2) What is their role in molding you from a doctor to a dedicated social worker? 3) Would you tell us something about the 'Lok  Biradari Prakalp'?  4) Do the tribal (आदिवासी) come to the hospital or believe in black magic? 5)  What was the motivation behind going to Hemalkasa leaving luxurious life of the city? 6) You were felicitated with Padma Shri in 2002, Ramon Magsaysay in 2008 and Mother Teresa Award in 2014. What is the importance of these awards for you?  7) What do you think about the sacrifice (त्याग; कुरबानी) of your wife, Dr. Mandatai Amate, made for you? 8) What message do you have for the youth as they are pillars of the nation? I am very thankful to you for coming here and sharing life experiences with us.  Have a nice day. Interview -3 [ai_playlist id="12476"] Imagine that you are going to interview an environmentalist, who has visited to your college.’ Frame a set of 8 to 10 questions to interview him.  Points Questions on Points Introducing the Guest. ---- environmental threat ---- Problems and suggestions. ---- Work and aim ---- Conclusion ---- Answer: Hello, today, we have a very special guest, Dr. Vijay Kawalkar, who is the head of the Prayas, Yavatmal. Welcome to our college, sir. It's a great honour for me to talk with you on behalf of my college. Let me ask some questions. 1] Who inspired you to plant and save the trees? 2] We want to plant trees, but due to the lack of space, we don’t know where to plant, how will Prayas help us for plantation? 3] What according to you is the biggest environmental threat today? 4] How can it be overcome? 5] How far can technology help to save the environment? 6] How can the students of our college join the Prayas Yavatmal? 7] What are some of the environmental projects you have taken up to make our Yavatmal Green? 8] Do you think the government is doing enough to save the trees? 9] How much success have you achieved to make the people environmental friendly? 10] What are your future plans? 11] One last question: What is your message to the people of our Yavatmal to save our earth? Thank you very much, sir, for giving your valuable time.  Have a nice day. Interview - 4 [ai_playlist id="12489"] Imagine that you are going to interview a Sarpanch of a village, which has been selected for ‘Adarsh Gaon Award.’ Frame a set of 8 to 10 questions to interview him. Points Questions on Points Introducing the Guest. ---- Inspirations ---- Work of a Sarpanch ---- Process of Adarsh Gaon’. ---- Conclusion ---- Answer: Good morning, Mr. Pataprao Shinde sir, Let me congratulate you, for selecting your village for ‘Adarsh Gaon Award’. It's a great honour for me to talk with you on behalf of my college. Let me ask some questions. 1] What is the role of a Sarpanch in a village? 2] What are the income sources of Gram Panchayat? 3] Who motivated you to participate in the election to be the ‘Sarpanch’? 4]What steps were taken to promote agriculture, water resource management, and environmental conservation in your village? 5] Could you describe the development and changes in healthcare and education of your village? 6] What inspired you to bring such changes in your village? 7] What is ‘Adarsh Gaon’ according to you? How can any village participate in this scheme? 8] How does Government help a village in making it a ‘Adarsh Gaon’? 9] Where do you see your village in coming five years? 10]  How did you bring together your villagers to support and participate in the development?  11] One last question: What message would you like to share with other villagers to develop their village? Thank you very much, sir, for giving your valuable time.  Have a nice day. Interview -

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English For All
Report Writing

Index Add a header to begin generating the table of contents [ai_playlist id="12217"] Report Writing - 1 Your college celebrated Annual Day. Imagine you are the class representative; Write a report on the celebration of Annual Day with the help of following points, 1] The chief guest and his speech2] Cultural events of the students3] Prize distribution ceremony4] Activities of the students5] Vote of thanks. Answer: Annual Day Celebration in M. K. Gandhi Junior College. Arunkumar Jain.[Class Representative of Std. 12th (A)And Student’s Reporter]25th October 2023  Annual Day function is the most important event for all the students. On 25th October, Our M. K. Gandhi Junior College, organized a grand annual day function. The College building was decorated very attractively. The programme started sharp at 9.00 a.m.  Mr. Pankaj Ashiya,  the collector of the district was the chief guest who lighted the lamp and inaugurated the function. He was given a floral welcome by our principal. Then our Principal, Mrs. Deshmukh, discussed the academic achievements of the college as well as its spots, cultural, and social activities in the annual report of the college.  The chief guest gave away prizes to winners in different fields and then made a motivational speech. He praised the efforts of our college staff for uplifting name of the college. He also praised our college students for serving senior citizens every Sunday.   Then, the students presented mesmerizing cultural events such as dances, plays, magic show and group dances. The dances on patriotism and a drama on "Unity in diversity' won admiration of all.   At the end Mr. Mohan Rathod, the vice- principal thanked the chief-guest, dignitaries, and parents for giving their valuable time to attend the function; he also thanked students for organizing the function successfully. Everyone enjoyed the annual day celebration of our college. Report Writing - 2 [ai_playlist id="12224"] Write a report on the celebration of Independence Day in your college with the help of following points,1] Flag hoisting ceremony2] The chief guest and his speech3] Cultural events of the students4] Prize distribution ceremony5] Vote of thanks Answer:  Independence Day celebration in JD College. Anandi Kadu. [Class Representative of Std. 12th (A) On 15th August 1947, our country became Independent from the British. So We celebrate this day as a national festival every year. This year our college celebrated Independence day on 15th of August, under Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav with joy, glory and enthusiasm.    All the students gathered on the college ground at 7:30 am. After some time the Principal, Mr. Bharti Sir arrived with the chief guest. a freedom fighter, Mr Ganpatrao Patil.       The Principal sir hoisted the Indian National tri-colour which was followed by our National Anthem ‘Jan Gan Man’. After the national anthem guard of honour was given to the flag. Then eye catching parades were presented by NCC units. After the parades the chief guest felicitated the national players and other students of our college.        In his inspiring speech he told some incidents during the Indian freedom struggle. Mr. Patil appealed the students to maintain the unity and peace and to work hard for the development of the nation. After The Principal’s address, the cultural programs were held. All the people were amused to see the performance presented by the students.  The celebration was compered by Miss. Deepali Madam. The programme ended with vote of thanks expressed by incharge of cultural activity, Miss. Radha. Report Writing - 3 [ai_playlist id="12271"] Prepare a report on The Prize Distribution of Your College" for your college magazine. Take help of the following points.1] Decoration of the assembly hall2] Nature of prizes.3] Speech of the chief guest4] Feelings of awardees5] Add your own points Answer: Report of The Prize Distribution of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Jr. College. Nitin Kuratkar. [Class Representative of Std. 12th (A)       Annual Prize Distribution Function was organized in our Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Jr. College on 25th October 2023. The function started at 10:00 am sharp in the college auditorium which was decorated with the flowers.     Lighting the lamp, Dr. Anil Patel, the chief guest of the function inaugurated the programme. Our Principal, Mrs. Rane Madam welcomed him by presenting Indian constitution.      The principal Madam presented the annual report of our college in which she discussed about the achievements of the students and future plans of the college. The students presented the cultural programme. All the People enjoyed the Cultural events with a loud clapping,       Then the successful students were felicitated with the certificates and cash prizes. Rajan Pande, student of 12th was felicitated for saving the life of a child from drowning in the river, last month. Miss. Mitali was felicitated for winning the first prize in state level chess competition. Sachin Rathod was felicitated for scoring the highest marks in the HSC examination in Maharashtra. Many other students were felicitated for lifting the name of our college. All the awardees were very happy for their felicitation. At last the chief guest in his motivational speech congratulated all winners and merit holders.          The celebration was compered by Miss. Sonali Madam. In the end, the general secretary of the College presented vote of thanks. The function ended with National Anthem. Report Writing - 4 [ai_playlist id="12275"] You are the Secretary of the NSS unit of your college. Write a brief report of the Blood Donation camp arranged by your unit with the help of the following points. 1] The organizer of the camp2] Arranged with the co-operation of 3] Response 4] Vote of thanks5] Add your own points Answer: Report of Blood Donation Camp Meena Bhosle[Secretary of NSS unit]     The Blood Donation camp was organised by the NSS unit of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Jr. College on 15th August 2023 on the occasion of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav.       The camp was inaugurated by our principal Dr. P. K. Pawar sir by lighting traditional lamp which was

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English For All
Group Discussion

Table of Contents Add a header to begin generating the table of contents Write your answer in the following dialogue format Examples Q.1 Rama, Asif, Rachana and Aarav are participating in a group discussion. The evaluator has given them a topic ‘Teenagers are more inclined towards junk food nowadays’. Write suitable dialogues for each participant giving his/her opinion on the topic. Evaluator: You’ve all been given a few minutes to think on   your topic for today’s group discussion, which is ‘Teenagers are more inclined towards junk food’.You may now begin the discussion. Who would like to start? Rama        : --------- Asif          : ----------- Aarav       : ------------- Rachana   : ------------ Evaluator:   Please conclude. Aarav     : --------------- Answer:   Evaluator: You’ve all been given a few minutes to think on your topic for today’s group discussion, which is ‘Teenagers are more inclined towards junk food’. You may now begin the discussion. Who would like to start? Rama : I think, teenager love junk food because it is very attractive to the eyes. It is also very tasty, but addictive. Once you start to eat junk food you will need a lot of will power to change your habit. Asif    : Rama, I fully agree with you.  There are many teenagers  who eat junk food out of ignorance, but it is not good for their health, I saw some of my friends who know it is not good yet they continue eating it. I many time told them that junk food will bring a lot of suffering in life through sickness and disease and even early death. But they are addicted. I think Aarav is also addicted of junk food. Aarav    : Excuse me. Could I add something, please? Let me give my personal example, why I eat junk food. When my brother and I were kids. Our single mother worked 60-70 hours a week and did not have time to cook. That’s why I think she  bought so much junk food. What can you do in this condition? now I know, Junk foods are rich in calories, salt and fats. Excess consumption of junk foods would lead rise to variety of health problems. But I can’t blame my mother. Now I do not eat it regularly.   Rachana  :I fully agree with Aarav. It is good that Aarav now  started caring about what he should put into his body. In fact, fitness has become a trend among teenagers today. Moreover, most teenagers get the information from the internet and realized the ill- effects of junk food and the benefits of a healthy diet. So I believe, they are neglecting to indulge in junk food. Evaluator :  Please conclude. Aarav     :  We can conclude by saying that it is foolishness to treat our cars better than our own bodies. But I can say we should not eat junk for 90 Days, It is very wrong to continue eating. Once you make your mind not to eat it, it becomes easier to keep your hand off the junk food and live a healthy life. Otherwise we will dig our own graves. --------------------------- Q.2 Manisha, Pramod, Vipin and Riyaz are participating in a group discussion. The evaluator has given them a topic ‘The use of Social networking sites’. Write suitable dialogues for each participant giving his/her opinion on the topic. Evaluator: You’ve all been given a few minutes to think on   your topic for today’s group discussion, which is ‘The use of Social networking sites’. You may now begin the discussion. Who would like to start? Manisha : --------------- Pramod    : --------------- Vipin        : ---------------- Riyaz        : ---------------- Evaluator:  Please conclude. Vipin        : --------------- Answer: Evaluator: You’ve all been given a few minutes to think on your topic for today’s group discussion, which is ‘The use of Social networking sites’. You may now begin the discussion. Who would like to start? Manisha: I'll start. Social networking sites have become an integral part of our lives. They're a great platform for connecting with friends and family, especially if they live far away. They also help in building professional networks and staying updated with the latest news and trends. Pramod: I agree with Manisha to some extent, but we can't ignore the downsides. These platforms can be addictive, and people often waste too much time scrolling through their feeds like reels. Vipin: I think it's all about how you use them. I've personally found social networking sites to be very useful for the businessmen. They've allowed them to reach a wider audience and engage with potential customers. It's not just about connecting with friends; it's a powerful tool for businesses too. Riyaz: Vipin , you are true, but we should not forget the mental health aspect. Excessive use of social media can lead to anxiety and depression. There's also the issue of cyberbullying, which can be extremely harmful, especially to young people. Evaluator: Please conclude. Vipin: In conclusion, social networking sites are a double-edged sword. They offer numerous benefits in terms of connection and business opportunities, but they come with their own set of challenges and risks. It's important for individuals to use them mindfully and responsibly. --------------------------- 3] Nikita, Kajal, Pallavi and Abhi are participating in a group discussion. The evaluator has given them a topic, "The need of soft skills (good behavior) at work place". Write suitable dialogues for each participant giving his/her opinion on the topic.  Evaluator: You’ve all been given a few minutes to think on your topic for today’s group discussion, which is ‘The need of soft skills (good behavior) at work place’. You may now begin the discussion. Who would like to start?  Nikita : -------------- Kajal : --------------- Pallavi : ------------- Abhi : -------------- Evaluator: Please conclude.  Kajal : --------------- Answer: Evaluator: You’ve all been given a few minutes to think on your topic for today’s group discussion, which is ‘The need of soft skills (good behavior) at the workplace’. You may now begin the discussion. Who would like to start? Nikita: I'll put my words first. Soft skills, like good behavior and

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English For All
Virtual Message

[metaslider id="11190"] Some key factors you must include in   message writing. Heading: Write the heading as ‘MESSAGE’ in the center atthe top. (leave one line).   Date: On the left-hand side of the page, write the date. (October 3rd, 2023).  Time: Under the date write the time. (leave one line). Addressee: After writing the time, write the addressee’s name. ( Name of the person whom the message is sent/ Receiver). Body: Write here all the essential information within 50 words. Do not uselengthy/ long sentences; Use short and one. (leave one line). Addresser/ sender: At the end on the left side of the message, write the sender’s name.  Make box to the message. Marking scheme. 1] Heading, Date and time  - 1 mark. 2] Name of the person to whom the message is directed  - ½ mark. 3] Name of the writer  - ½ mark. 4] Content and language  - 2 marks. 5] Don't  exceed the word limit by 2 or 3 words, (½ mark is deducted). 1] Imagine, you have to leave early from home for a motivational lecture. Draft a message in about 50 words, to convey the same to your friend. Give your own reasons to support your message.  Answer:  MESSAGE. October 3rd , 2023. 08.30 am    Dear Mohan, A motivational lecture of a very famous speaker, Nitin Bangude Patil on ' Developing self-confidence' has been arranged in my college at 10 am today. I request you to attend this lecture.  Come directly to Jagdambha Jr. College. I will be waiting for you there. Rahul Examples 1] Imagine you are not well and will not be able to attend lectures at college. Draft a message in about 50 words to convey the same to your teacher. Give your own reasons to support your message.  2] Imagine that you have to leave your hostel room to attend to a relative coming at the city hospital from your native place. Draft a message in about 50 words giving reason of your absence at the birthday party of your roommate at the hostel. Give your own reasons to support your message. 3] Imagine that you have won two entry tickets to a popular drama at a theater near you this weekend. Draft a message in about 50 words to convey the incredible news to your best friend. 4]Using information from the dialogue given below, write the message which Amrita left for her brother, Sourajit. (Do not leave out any vital information or add any new information). Shekhar:  Is this 28473892 ? Amrita:   Yes. May I know who is speaking ? Shekhar: I am Shekhar. I want to speak to Sourajit. I am his friend from IHM, Goa. Amrita:   I am his sister. Sourajit is not at home at the moment. Can you ring up a little later ? Shekhar: I shall be a little busy. Actually, I have got a placement at the Hotel Mumbai and will have to join with immediate effect. So right now I am trying to get all the formalities completed. This is the news that I wanted to give Sourajit. Will you do that for me? Also tell him that I will let him know my new cell phone number as soon as I get one. Amrita: I’ll do that. Bye and all the best.      Amrita had to leave for office. So she wrote a note for Sourajit. Draft her message in not more than 50 words. 5] Read the following conversation between Aashna and Mr. Singh. Aashna: Hello, may I speak to Ranajit, please? Mr. Singh: Ranajit is getting ready for school. May I know who is speaking? Aashna: My name is Aashna. I am Ranajit’s classmate. Mr. Singh: Hello, Aashna. I am Ranajit’s father. Is there any message? Aashna: Yes. Please ask him to bring his biology notebook to school today. I was absent from school due to illness. I would like to see the notes which our biology teacher gave to the class during my absence. Mr. Singh: I will definitely do that. Since, Mr. Singh had to go for his morning walk he left a message for Ranajit. Draft that message in 50 words. 6] Rajat comes home from school and finds the door locked. Since he has a duplicate key he enters and finds a note from his mother kept on the table. In it, she explains that she had to rush to the hospital with Mrs. Manohar, their neighbor, who had met with an accident. She has also written that he should have the rice and curry kept on the dining table for lunch. He could heat the food in the microwave oven if he wanted to, but he should be very careful while handling the switch. Draft the message which Rajat’s mother left for him. 7] Rahul had the following conversation with Mohit, a friend of his elder brother: Mohit : Hello! Is it 0242487965? Rahul : Yes, please. Who are you talking please? Mohit : May I talk to Mohan, please? I am his friend. Rahul : Oh! Sorry. In fact Mohan isn’t at home. He will be back in an hour. By the way, I am his brother. Can I do anything for you? Mohit : Oh. Sure. In fact I have a message for Mohan. Could you please tell him? Rahul : Sure, with pleasure. Tell me, please. Mohit : Today we have planned to go to a movie at Element in the evening. We have booked ticket in advance. So please ask Mohan to join us at 5pm at the Element. Rahul : OK, I'll inform him as he comes back. As Rahul had to leave for the school, he left this message for Mohan. Write the message on his behalf in not more than 50 words. Put the message in a box. 8] You are Radha. Your mother had recently gone for a health checkup. You received a call from the assistant doctor regarding the result of her reports. Since you have to go to the school, you leave a

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English For All
Statement of Purpose SOP

Remember about SOP. The statement of purpose is written in around 120/150 words (5 to 6 para). It (SOP) is a document typically required as part of the application process for graduate programs, universities, or job applications. Its primary purpose is to provide the admissions committee or potential employer with insights into your background, experiences, goals, and reasons for pursuing a particular opportunity. Here are the key steps and content to include in a statement of purpose: - Begin with a compelling opening paragraph that grabs the reader's attention. Mention your name, the program or position you are applying for, and the institution or company. Briefly, state your background or current status (e.g., undergraduate student, professional, etc.). Explain why you are interested in the program? Write any influential people that inspired your career or educational goals. Provide a summary of your education. Explain why you believe the specific program or organization is the right fit for you. Describe your personal qualities, such as dedication, leadership, creativity, or resilience. Ensure your SOP is free from grammatical errors and typos. Check the word or page limit requirements and adhere to them. Remember that a well-written statement of purpose can significantly enhance your application's chances of success. It should not only showcase your qualifications but also convey your passion and motivation for pursuing the opportunity.  Examples Question:  1] University of Bath, UK is one of the leading Universities for Business Studies. You belong to a business family - wish to start your own business carry forward your family business in future. In your junior college you have opted for commerce, scored well in your Std. 10th   Board Examination you made profit in the stall you had put up in the business fair organized by your school/college. Your hobbies are playing cricket/hockey, you get along well with people. Answer:  Dear Admissions Committee,University of Bath, United Kingdom I am [Your Name] and writing to express my true interest in Business Studies programme of the University of Bath. I am happy to study at this reputed university that is related my professional goals. Growing up in a business-oriented family, I have a dream to be the Biggest Businessman in the world. On my 13," Birthday my father gave me a book of Dhirubhai Ambani's Autobiography as a gift. I read that book in single sitting and the result of it I decided to be a businessman. Then I started reading a number of Business Magazines, the daily newspaper like Economics Times, it helped me to understand the markets. The news channel like CNN, BBC  cleared my basic concept of market. This knowledge helped me to study the commerce subject.   All the time my father and other family members talk about loss and profit. My family's hard work in their business, inspired me to follow their footsteps and start my own business.  During my time in junior college, I opted for a commerce stream, which made my interest stronger in business and economics. I scored excellent results in my Std. 10th. Board Examination, I set up a stall, and earned a significant profit through effective marketing. I think that business is about connecting with people.  Outside of academics, I like to play cricket and hockey. cricket and hockey have taught me the importance of teamwork, leadership, and discipline.  I also attended and successfully completed the workshop of personality development.    University of Bath is one of the top universities of Business studies in the world which will provide me knowledge, skills, and experiences to continue my family's business. So I believe that University of Bath is the best option for my study and development. I have confidence that I am a right student for this course and university. Thank you for accepting my application. I am very happy about the opportunity of joining the prestigious business course at the University of Bath. Sincerely, [Your Name] ---------------------------- 2] You are an avid animal lover. You have a pet dog and some love birds at home. You are extremely fond of them. You have been a member of bird watcher’s club. You have loved going on a safari. You have taken care of orphan animals, or animals who are hurt. In school you loved Biology. You wish to make a career in this field. The University of Cambridge offers an excellent course/programme which would boost your career. Make a Statement of Purpose which will help you to get admission to this University. The Admissions Committee, [Your Name] here. As a pet owner, a member of a bird-watching organisation, and a regular safari lover, I have a great love for wildlife as well as I care for orphaned and injured animals.  As I was born and brought up in animal lover family, I have a dream of starting Animal Care Clinics. On my 13th Birthday my father gave me a book of Stories on Animals by Premchand as a gift. I read that book in single sitting and I decided to Masters in Zoology. I believe the University of Cambridge offers an exceptional program to achieve my aim. Then I started reading a number of Animal books and Magazines, it helped me to understand the behavior of animals. The channel like Animal Planet, Geo and Discovery developed my interest about animals which helped me to study and focus on Animal Science and subjects of Veterinary Medicine.  During my school days, I had trip at National Bird Sanctuary and Safari at Tadoba. My grandfather gave me a bird watching binoculars that created a lot of interest in me about birds and animals. After scoring good marks in SSC especially in Biology, I selected Science faculty.  Throughout my college life, I have attended various Zoology seminar.  I love playing Chess and Tennis which have taught me to keep our head calm to understand animals’ life. I have taken part in various activities like Animal Care Drives. I am a member of Animal Welfare Organizations which inspires me to work for the health and safety of animals. I have confidence that I am a right student for this course.

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English For All
Test on In to the Wild

Test on In to the Wild - Marks 12 (Page - 60 & 61) [metaslider id="11190"] 1 : Give the names of the following.   a] The winner leopard-Scarface.  b] The black panther-Saya. c] The old leopard-Pardus. d] The local agriculturist and guide-Madegowda.  2: How does the forest communicate with us?  Answer: According to the speaker, in the passage, the forest communicates with us, primarily, through the voices of birds and animals. But, to listen it carefully, we must switch off the vehicle and sit silently. Listening is a vital sense for understanding this communication, which is a constant dialogue happening in the natural world. 3: Write the functions of B.C.R.T.I.  Answer: The B.C.R.T.I. serves two important functions.  1] It provides vocational training to local people to teach them conservation principles and enable them to profit from tourists' money.  2] It encourages visitors to the resort to volunteer and teach courses. This allows locals to gain skills that can lead to employment at wildlife resorts in the region, rather than having to seek work in distant cities. 4: Why should we protect the wild life? Answer: Wildlife protection is important for several reasons. First, it helps maintain biodiversity and ensure the balance of ecosystems. Wildlife also plays an important role in pollination and seed dispersal, which is essential for agriculture. In addition, many species contribute to scientific research and potential medical discoveries. Finally, wildlife tourism and sustainable management can provide economic benefits to communities. Overall, wildlife conservation is important for ecological, economic, and scientific reasons. 5: Do as directed. 1] "I’ve lost almost 80 percent of a season’s yield" said he. (Indirect Speech). Answer:  He said that he had lost almost 80 percent of a season’s yield. 2] You have to switch off your vehicle and listen. (Rewrite the sentence beginning with ," Switching off-----"). Answer:   Switching off your vehicle, you have to listen, 6: Write the words from the passage which mean. 1] For example - for instance. 2] Talking - communicating. 3] Foes / enemy - nemeses. 4] dwelling place - habitat. Click to contact us 9822716201 4, Dewkinandan, Shinde Plots, Yavatmal. Whatsapp Us Follow Us

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English For All
Why We Travel

1.7 Why We Travel We travel initially, to lose ourselves; and we travel, next, to find ourselves. We travel to open our hearts and eyes and learn more about the world than our Newspaper will accommodate. We travel to bring what little we can, in our ignorance and knowledge, to those parts of the globe whose riches are differently dispersed. And we travel, in essence, to become young fools again-to slow time down and get taken in and fall in love once more. The beauty of this whole process (how we enjoy travelling) was best described, perhaps, before people even took to frequent flying, by George Santayana in his lapidary (important/related) essay, “The Philosophy of Travel.” We “need sometimes,” the Harvard philosopher wrote, “to escape (get free from) into open solitudes (loneliness), into aimlessness (without purpose or direction:), into the moral holiday (going is tough, or could turn tough at any moment/enjoying adventurous holiday) of running some pure hazard (risk), in order to sharpen the edge of life, to taste hardship, and to be compelled (force) to work desperately (seriously) for a moment at no matter (it is of no importance) what.”   Few of us ever forget the connection (difference) between “travel” and “travail,” (painful or laborious effort) Travel in that sense guides us toward a better balance of wisdom and compassion (feeling/expectation) - of seeing the world clearly, and yet feeling it truly. For seeing without feeling can obviously (clearly) be uncaring (not feeling interest in or attaching importance to something); while feeling without seeing can be blind (lacking perception, awareness, or judgement). Yet for me the first great joy of travelling is simply the luxury of leaving all my beliefs and certainties (thoughts of the people) at home, and seeing everything I thought I knew in a different light (way/ A way of presenting or perceiving something such that it appears differently to the way it would appear by an alternative presentation or perception), and from a crooked (out of place) angle. Though it’s fashionable (representing a current popular style) nowadays to draw a distinction between the “tourist” and the “traveler,” perhaps the real distinction lies between those who leave their assumptions (a thing or thought without proof/information / धरणा) at home, and those who don’t (leave assumptions). Among those who don’t, a tourist is just someone who complains, “Nothing here is the way it is at home,” while a traveler is one who grumbles, “Everything here is the same as it is in Cairo - or Cuzco (कुज्को) or Kathmandu.” It’s all very much the same. But for the rest of us, the sovereign (sovin/ supreme/ great) freedom of travelling comes from the fact that it whirls (move) you around and turns you upside down, and stands everything you took for granted (to accept without question or objection) on its head. If a diploma can famously be a passport (to a journey through hard realism), a passport can be a diploma (for a crash course in cultural relativism (information). [One can acquire permission (passport) to travel to foreign countries for educational purposes based on her academic achievements (diploma) and travelling to foreign countries enriches one the most regarding the knowledge and wisdom of the world.] And the first lesson we learn on the road, whether we like it or not, is how provisional (temporary) and provincial (small area) are the things we imagine to be universal (must be given a great importance). We travel, then, in part just to shake up our complacencies (कम्प्लेसन्सी /आत्मसंतुष्टता/ feeling of quiet pleasure or security) by seeing all the moral and political urgencies (importance), the life-and-death dilemmas (a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives / दुविधा), that we seldom have to face at home. And we travel to fill in the gaps left by tomorrow’s headlines (to get more information which we read in the newspaper). When you drive down the streets of Port-au-Prince (the capital and most populous city of Haiti.), for example, where there is almost no paving (a surface made up of flat stones laid in a pattern) your notions of the Internet and a “one world order” grow usefully revised. Travel is the best way we have of rescuing the humanity of places, and saving them from abstraction शून्यमनस्कता (the quality of dealing with ideas rather than events) and ideology.   And in the process, we also get saved from abstraction ourselves, and come to see how much we can bring to the places we visit, and how much we can become a kind of carrier pigeon (a gullible person/ messanger) - an anti-Federal Express (a major American cargo airline), if you like - in transporting back and forth (to and fro/ around) what every culture needs. I find that I always take Michael Jordan (US basketball player) posters to Kyoto(an industrial city in central Japan), and bring woven ikebana (इकेबाना / the art of Japanese flower arrangement) baskets back to California. But more significantly, we carry values and beliefs and news to the places we go, and in many parts of the world, we become walking video screens and living newspapers, the only channels that can take people out of the censored limits of their homelands. In closed or impoverished इम्पावरिश्ट (गरीब) places, like Pagan(पेगन) or Lhasa (the capital of Tibet) or Havana(the capital of Cuba,), we are the eyes and ears of the people we meet, their only contact with the world outside and, very often, the closest, quite literally, they will ever come to Michael Jackson or Bill Clinton. Not the least of the challenges of travel, therefore, is learning how to import - and export - dreams with tenderness (kindness). By now all of us have heard (too often) the old Proust प्रोस्ट (French novelist) line about how the real voyage (a long journey involving travel by sea or in space) of discovery consists not in seeing new places but in seeing

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English For All

Index Add a header to begin generating the table of contents Q.4.C (3) Expansion of idea – 4 Marks. How to write the Expansion of idea. 1] Give the suitable title.   2] Explain the meaning of the given phrase or statement in your words in the first paragraph. (introduction) 3] In the second paragraph write a moral story related to the phrase or statement. 4] illustrate the idea and finally end your answer with a moral / message.  5] Write the answer in 4 to 5 paragraphs. (in 120 - 150 words). Expansion of Idea - 1 Expand the ideas of ‘Friends – a real treasure ’. (A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed.) Hints: Explain the concept (introduction), give example (related story) , illustrated the idea and give moral.  Ans: ‘Friends – a real treasure.           This proverb means a friend who stands by us in our risk or difficult condition. Or we can say: if someone supports you, in such conditions that's a real friend. In our life, we have so many friends. But all friends are not true. The following story proves it.       Once upon a time, two friends had great love for each other and promised to help each other, in the hour of need. They were passing through a deep forest, suddenly a bear came in front of them. One of them climbed a tree, leaving his friend alone.       The other friend was unable to climb the tree, he laid on the ground and held his breath pretending to be dead. The bear came up to him and smelt him. Found him a dead, the bear left the place. Then the other friend came down and asked, "What did the bear say to you?" The friend replied that the bear warned me not to trust someone who leaves you in danger.'       We have heard many stories of true friendships such as friendship of Krishna and Sudama, Duryodhana and Karna, etc. Such friends were the real treasure of life.                It's important to know the difference between good and bad friends. A true friend sticks by you through all situations, while a selfish friend sticks by you only for his benefits who leaves you in your hardship. Trust is earned, and real friends earn it. so "The true friends are priceless. Expansion of Idea - 2 Expand the ideas of proverb. 'A little learning is a dangerous thing.’ [Hints: Explain the concept (introduction), give example (related story) , illustrated the idea and give moral.] Ans: 'A little learning is a dangerous thing.’             The phrase, ‘A little learning is a dangerous thing’. we have experienced, in the period of Corona, we have watched videos on the social Medias about how to protect us from the corona, but most of the information misguided us due to which many people did not take proper medical guidance and lost their lives.           Let’s see a story which will clear our idea; one day, a camel entered the melon field and stated eating melons. By chance, a melon got jammed in the camel’s throat. The animal began to make noise. When the owner of the camel saw it, he understood the matter at once. He got a blanket and wrapped it around the neck of the camel and hit it hard with a wooden mallet. The melon broke and the camel swallowed it easily.         A man who came late there saw this half process. He thought it was a treatment for a goiter. In the next village, he pretended to be a doctor who could cure goiters. The villagers brought an elderly woman to him for treatment. The man asked for a blanket and a mallet, just like he had seen before. He wrapped the blanket around the woman's neck and hit her hard with the mallet, thinking it would help her. Unfortunately with that forceful blow, the woman passed away instantly. The villagers caught the quack doctor and handed over the police. Finally he was sent to prison for his little knowledge.     Listening to the advice of someone who is less educated can lead to wrong choices in life. It gives us a moral that A Little Knowledge is Dangerous Thing Expansion of Idea - 3 Expand the ideas of proverb, “A book cannot be judged by its cover”. [Hints: Explain the concept (introduction), give example (related story) , illustrated the idea and give moral.]                The proverb, “A book cannot be judged by its cover explains that a book with a very attractive cover may not have readable material inside. On the other hand, a book with a very dull cover may be very interesting. This is true of everything in life. or one can say what we see is not true.  Let’s see a story which will clear our idea; a doctor entered the hospital in a hurry for an urgent surgery of a boy. The boy’s father was waiting in the hall for the doctor. On seeing him, the dad yelled: “Why did you take all this time to come? Don’t you have any sense of responsibility?”  The doctor smiled & said: “I am sorry, I wasn’t in the hospital, but I came as fast as I received the call…… And now, I wish you’d calm down so that I can do my work.”   “Calm down?! If your own son dies now, what will you do?” said the father angrily. The doctor smiled, changed his clothes and went into the operation theater. After some time, the doctor came out happily,        “Thank goodness! Your son is saved!” And without waiting for the father’s reply, he absolutely ran away from there.          “Why is he so arrogant? He couldn’t wait some minutes so that I ask about my son.” said the father. The nurse answered, with the tears “His son died yesterday in a road accident, he was in the burial

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English For All
The Sign of Four

The Sign of Four Chapter II The Statement (introduction) of the Case        Miss Morstan entered the room with a firm step and an outward composure of manner. She was a young lady, small, dainty, well gloved, and dressed in the most perfect taste.  There was, however, a   plainness   and   simplicity   about   her costume which bore with it a suggestion of limited means. The dress was a somber grayish beige, untrimmed and unbraided, and she wore a small turban of the same dull hue, relieved only by a suspicion of white feather in the side.              Her face had neither regularity of feature nor beauty of complexion, but her expression was sweet and amiable, and her large blue eyes were singularly spiritual and sympathetic. In an experience of women which extends over many nations and   three   separate   continents,  I   have never looked upon  a face  which  gave  a clearer promise of a refined and sensitive nature.  I could not but observe that as she took the seat which Sherlock Holmes placed for her, her lip trembled, her hand quivered, and she showed every sign of intense inward agitation.        “I have come to you, Mr.  Holmes,” she said, “because you once enabled my employer, Mrs. Cecil Forrester, to unravel a little domestic complication.  She was much impressed by your kindness  and skill.”        “Mrs. Cecil Forrester,” he repeated thoughtfully. “I believe that I was of some slight service to her. The case, however, as I remember it, was a very simple one.”       “She did not think so. But at least you cannot say the same of mine. I can hardly imagine anything more strange, more utterly inexplicable, than the situation in which I find myself.”   Holmes rubbed his hands, and his eyes glistened. He leaned forward in his chair with an expression of extraordinary concentration upon his clear-cut, hawk - like features. “State your case,” said he, in brisk, business tones.  I felt   that   my   position   was   an embarrassing one. “You will, I am sure, excuse me,” I said, rising from my chair.       To my surprise, the young lady held up her gloved hand to detain me. “If your friend,” she said, “would be good enough to stop, he might be of inestimable service to me.” I relapsed into my chair.        “Briefly,” she  continued,  “the  facts are  these.  My  father  was  an  officer  in an  Indian  regiment  who  sent  me  home when I was quite a child. My mother was dead, and I  had  no  relative in England. I was placed, however, in a comfortable boarding establishment   at   Edinburgh, and there I remained until I was seventeen years of age. In the year 1878 my father, who was senior captain of his regiment, obtained twelve months’ leave and came home. He telegraphed to me from London  that  he  had  arrived  all  safe, and directed me  to  come  down  at  once, giving the Langham Hotel as his address. His message, as I remember, was full of kindness and love. On reaching London I drove to the Langham, and was informed that Captain Morstan was staying there, but that he had gone out the night before and had not yet returned.  I waited all day without news of him. That night, on the advice of the manager of the hotel, I communicated with the police, and next morning we advertised in all the papers.     Our inquiries led to no result; and from that day to this no word has ever been heard of my unfortunate father. He came home with his heart full of hope, to find some peace, some comfort, and instead—” She put her hand to her throat, and a choking sob cut short the sentence. “The date?” asked Holmes, opening his note-book. “He disappeared upon the 3rd of December, 1878. —nearly ten years ago.  “His luggage?”  “Remained at the hotel. There was nothing in it to suggest a clue,-some clothes, some books, and a considerable number of curiosities from the Andaman  Islands.  He had been  one of the officers in charge of the convict - guard there.” “Had he any friends in town?” “Only one that we know of,—Major Sholto, of his  own  regiment, the 34th Bombay Infantry. The major had retired some little time before, and lived at Upper Norwood. We communicated with him, of course, but he did not even know that his brother officer was in England.” “A singular case,” remarked Holmes. “I have not yet described to you the most singular part. About six years ago— to be exact, upon the 4th of May, 1882— an advertisement appeared in the Times asking  for  the  address  of  Miss  Mary Morstan  and  stating  that  it  would  be  to her  advantage  to  come  forward.  There was no name or  address  appended .  I had at that time  just  entered  the  family of Mrs. Cecil Forrester in the capacity of governess. By her advice I published my address in the advertisement column. The same day there arrived through the post a small card-board box addressed to me, which I found to contain a very large and lustrous pearl.  No word of  writing  was enclosed. Since then every year upon the same  date  there  has  always  appeared  a similar  box,  containing  a  similar  pearl, without  any  clue  as  to  the  sender. They have been pronounced by  an  expert  to be of a rare variety and of considerable value.  You can see  for  yourselves  that they are very handsome.” She opened a flat box as she spoke, and showed me six of the finest pearls that I had ever seen. “Your statement is most interesting,” said Sherlock  Holmes.  “Has anything else occurred to you?” “Yes  and  no  later  than  to-day.  That is why I have come to you. This morning I   received this   letter,   which   you   will perhaps read for yourself.” “Thank   you,”   said   Holmes.  “The envelope too, please. Postmark, London, S.W. Date, July 7.  Hum!  Man’s  thumb- mark on corner—probably postman. Best quality paper.  Envelopes at

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English For All
The Sign of Four - Small

History of Jonathan Small Jonathan Small is the main antagonist of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's novel The Sign of the Four‎‎. He is a peg-legged man who has an accomplice in his loyal friend Tonga.Small He joined the army and served in India. During that time, he was swimming in a river when a crocodile bit his leg off, leaving him crippled. Later Small worked on a plantation as an overseer, and during the Indian mutiny of 1857 his friends were killed and he was forced to flee to Agra to save himself. At Agra, Small was charged as a guard. Two Sikhs, on duty with him, took him hostage and told him of their plan to kill a messanger of Raja, who was to arrive shortly carrying a treasure box full of jewels. If he refused to join them they would kill him. so Small finally agreed. Small, the two men and a third Sikh killed the messanger, hid the treasure, and drew a map with the four signing as the Sign of Four. Their plan was ruined when the body of the victim was discovered and Small was sentence to hard labor for life in the Andaman Islands. In the prison, Small overheard two officers of guard, Arthur Morstan and John Sholto talking about their gambling losses and how they may have to hand in their commissions and be ruined. He told them about the treasure, and also told them that if they help him and his friends, they can have equal share amounting each. Morstan sent Sholto to check, but Sholto tricked Small and Morstan, and took the treasure back to England. In 1882 Small then with Tonga managed to escape the prison by killing a guard. He hit the guard with his wooden leg, saying later that that was his only crime. After their escape from prison island in Tonga's boat. When they reached England, Small found out where Sholto was but not where the treasure was. Sholto was, by this time a dying man, and had called his sons Thaddeus and Bartholomew to him to reveal the treasure's location. A glimpse of Small's face in a window panicked Sholto so much that he died before revealing where the treasure was to his sons. Small kept an eye on the house through an agent in the house though he travelled much. In 1888 Small found out about the recovery of the treasure. He wanted to stage robbery. Tonga who was agile climbed up the Sholto house and tied a rope, and Small climbed up. When they climbed up, Small saw Bartholomew Sholto. Small wanted only to tie him up, but Tonga who got there first shot a poison dart into him killing him, which enraged Small. Small took the treasure and ran away. He engaged a fast steam launchboat called Aurora for their escape, but was tracked down by Holmes, Watson and the police. In the chase on the Thames, Holmes and Watson killed Tonga, who tried to kill them with a poison dart. While the Aurora managed to make it to the shore, Small got stuck in the mud. The treasure box was empty - Small had threw it overboard just before to his capture At Baker Street, Small told his history, and the police took him away. Small admits but doesn't express regret for any of the crimes he was involved in - except for the death of Bartholomew Sholto. He observes that despite his "claim" to the Agra Treasure that it never brought anything except bad luck to those who tried to posses it {The Servant who had it was killed; Major Sholto lived in years for fear and guilt; Small spending over half of his life building a breakwater in the Adaman Islands and will likely spend the rest of his life building drains in Dartmoor Prison}. The Sign of Four (Movie) Educational News--HSC Board Activity Sheet - July 2023*Expected answers/ download board paper Click here : July 2023 activity sheet Stay Up-to-Date with our new posts Join our WhatsApp Community Click to contact us 9822716201 4, Dewkinandan, Shinde Plots, Yavatmal. Whatsapp Us Follow Us

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