English For All
Question bank

QUESTION BANK HSC (SYJC)     SECTION I: PROSE SECTION I: PROSE SET 1: Q.1A SEEN PASSAGES (12 Marks) SET 1: Q.1A SEEN PASSAGES (12 Marks) 1.Read the extract and complete the activities given below:  (12)                  1.Read the extract and complete the activities given below:  (12)                           Punctually at midday he opened his bag and spread out his professional equipment, which consisted of a dozen cowrie shells, a square piece of cloth with obscure mystic charts on it, a notebook, and a bundle of Palmyra writing. His forehead was resplendent (glorious) with sacred ash and vermilion, and his eyes sparkled with a sharp abnormal gleam (shine) which was really an outcome of a continual searching look for customers, but which his simple clients took to be a prophetic light and felt comforted. The power of his eyes was considerably enhanced by their position placed as they were between the painted forehead and the dark whiskers (mustaches) which streamed down his cheeks: even a half-wit’s eyes would sparkle in such a setting. To crown the effect he wound a saffron-coloured turban around his head. This colour scheme never failed. People were attracted to him as bees are attracted to cosmos or dahlia stalks. He sat under the boughs of a spreading tamarind tree which flanked a path running through the Town Hall Park. It was a remarkable place in many ways. A surging crowd was always moving up and down this narrow road from morning till night. A variety of trades and occupations was represented all along its way : medicine sellers, sellers of stolen hardware and junk, magicians, and above all, an auctioneer of cheap cloth, who created enough din all day to attract the whole town. Next to him in vociferousness came a vendor of fried groundnut, who gave his ware a fancy name each day, calling it “Bombay Ice Cream” one day and on the next “Delhi Almond,” and on the third “Raja’s Delicacy,” and so on and so forth, and people flocked to him. A considerable portion of this crowd dallied before the astrologer too. The astrologer transacted his business by the light of a flare which crackled and smoked up above the groundnut heap nearby. Half the enchantment of the place was due to the fact that it did not have the benefit of municipal lighting. The place was lit up by shop lights. One or two had hissing gaslights, some had naked flares stuck on poles, some were lit up by old cycle lamps, and one or two, like the astrologer, managed without lights of their own. It was a bewildering crisscross of light rays and moving shadows. This suited the astrologer very well, for the simple reason that he had not in the least intended to be an astrologer when he began life; and he knew no more of what was going to happen to others than he knew what was going to happen to himself next minute. He was as much a stranger to the stars as were his innocent customers. Yet he said things which pleased and astonished everyone: that was more a matter of study, practice, and shrewd guesswork. All the same, it was as much an honest man’s labour as any other, and he deserved the wages he carried home at the end of a day. A1. State if the given statements are True or False.     (2) The astrologer used to have the preparation of his business in quite professional way. The physical appearance of the astrologer hardly created an impact on the customers. The place was busy with a variety of occupations. The astrologer’s style of handling the business lies in his skills. The astrologer used to have the preparation of his business in quite professional way. The astrologer used to have the preparation of his business in quite professional way. The physical appearance of the astrologer hardly created an impact on the customers. The physical appearance of the astrologer hardly created an impact on the customers. The place was busy with a variety of occupations. The place was busy with a variety of occupations. The astrologer’s style of handling the business lies in his skills. The astrologer’s style of handling the business lies in his skills. A2. Complete the given web.                                   (2)     1] 2] Activities of the astrologer 3] 4] 1] 2] Activities of the astrologer 3] 4] 1] 2] 1] 1] 2] 2] Activities of the astrologer Activities of the astrologer Activities of the astrologer Activities of the astrologer 3] 4] 3] 3] 4] 4]     A3. The astrologer was a shrewd judge of a character. Explain with some details from the extract.   (2) A3. (2) A4. We need to understand even the smallest details of the business in order to succeed. Write your views.   (2) A4. A5. Do as directed.        (2) A5. Do as directed.        (2) It was a remarkable place in many (Choose correct alternative to rewrite the given sentence as an exclamatory sentence) It was a remarkable place in many ways! How a remarkable place in many ways it was! What a remarkable place in many ways it was! What remarkable in many ways the place it was! He spread out his professional equipment, which consisted of a dozen cowrie shells. (Choose correct alternative to rewrite the given sentence as a compound sentence) He spread out his professional equipment but it consisted of a dozen cowrie shells. It was a remarkable place in many (Choose correct alternative to rewrite the given sentence as an exclamatory sentence) It was a remarkable place in many (Choose correct alternative to rewrite the given sentence as an exclamatory sentence) It was a remarkable place in many (Choose correct alternative to rewrite the given sentence as an exclamatory sentence) It was a remarkable place in many ways! It was a remarkable place in

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English For All
Grammar 2

1] Many animals make alarm calls. (Past Perfect continuous Tense) (Past Perfect continuous Tense) Ans: Many animals had been making alarm calls. Ans: Ans: 2] If there is no Nile, Egypt would be a desert. (Spot the error and Rewrite the correct sentence) (Spot the error and Rewrite the correct sentence) Ans: If there is no Nile, Egypt will be a desert. OR Ans: Ans: If there was no Nile, Egypt would be a desert.     3] The law cannot become the guardian of our private manners. (Make affirmative) s (Make affirmative) Ans: The law is unable to become the guardian of our private manners. Ans: Ans: s 4] Bad manners probably do more to poison the stream of the general life than all the crimes in the calendar. (Change the degree) (Change the degree) Ans: All the crimes in the calendar do not probably do as much to poison the stream of the general life as bad manners Ans: Ans: 5] His gaiety was not a wasteful luxury, but a sound investment. (Make Complex sentence) (Make Complex sentence) Ans: Though his gaiety was not a wasteful luxury, it is a sound investment. Ans: Though Ans: 6] I have missed him from my bus route. (Change the Voice) (Change the Voice) Ans: He has been missed from my bus route by me Ans: Ans: 7] The policeman refused to accept Soapy even as a clue. (Rewrite as a negative) (Rewrite as a negative) Ans: The policeman did not accept Soapy even as a clue.   Ans: Ans:   8] There is a revolution in the life style of people which has been affected by  Big  Data. (Remove which and rewrite as a simple sentence) (Remove which and rewrite as a simple sentence) Ans: A revolution in the life style of people has been affected by  Big  Data. Ans: Ans: Big Data has affected a revolution in the life style of people 9] He said to the client,“ Will you give me eight annas?” (indirect speech) click this (indirect speech) Ans: He asked the client if he would give him eight annas.   Ans: Ans:   10] Take the next train. (Use Question Tag) (Use Question Tag) Ans: Take the next train, will you? Ans: Ans: 11] The law must protect me against violent retaliation. (Use another modal auxiliary to make the sentence of suggestion) (Use another modal auxiliary to make the sentence of suggestion) Ans: The law should protect me against violent retaliation. Ans: Ans: 12] Unless I am physically assaulted, it will not permit me to retaliate with reasonable violence. (Rewrite using ‘If —–not’) (Rewrite using ‘If —–not’) Ans: If I am not physically assaulted, it will not permit me to retaliate with reasonable violence. Ans: Ans: 13] On the callous pavement two waiters pitched Soapy (Wh Question) two (Wh Question) Ans: How many waiters pitched Soapy on the callous pavement? Ans: How many Ans: 14] Our fists would never be idle. ( Rhetorical Question) ( Rhetorical Question) Ans: Would our fists ever be idle? Ans: Would Ans: 15] There are few things more catching than bad temper and bad manners. (Rewrite the sentence using as–as) (Rewrite the sentence using as–as) Ans: There are not as much catching bad temper and bad manners as few things Ans: Ans: as 16] If they cross the river, they —– (get) a reward from the king. (Rewrite using proper tense) (Rewrite using proper tense) Ans: If they cross the river, they will get a reward from the king Ans: Ans: 17] My mother told me to put the food ——– the fridge. (Use proper preposition) (Use proper preposition) Ans: My mother told me to put the food into the fridge. Ans: Ans: 18] A dear old family physician gazed at my cracked boots and frayed cuffs.  (Rewrite the sentence using “not only ….. but also .”) (Rewrite the sentence using “not only ….. but also .”) Ans: A dear old family physician gazed at not only my cracked boots but also frayed cuffs. Ans: Ans: not only but also 19] Sachin Tendulkar is a Brain Lara of India. (Spot the error and Rewrite the correct sentence) (Spot the error and Rewrite the correct sentence) Ans: Sachin Tendulkar is the Brain Lara of India Ans: Ans: 20] The teacher threw my incomplete practical book ——– the wall. (Use proper preposition) (Use proper preposition) Ans: The teacher threw my incomplete practical book against the wall Ans: Ans: 21] She goes to ——- university in Urain. (Rewrite using proper article) (Rewrite using proper article) Ans: She goes to a university in Urain. Ans: Ans: 22] The  moon was full and radiant (Frame a Wh Question to get underlined part as an answer) full and radiant (Frame a Wh Question to get underlined part as an answer) Ans: How was the moon? Ans: How was the moon? Ans: 23] A policeman standing before a drugstore two doors away walked down the street. (Make a complex sentence) (Make a complex sentence) Ans: A policeman who was standing (stood) before a drugstore two doors away walked down the street. Ans: Ans: 24] When he came upon another policemen lounging grandly in front  of a  glittering theatre, he caught at the immediate straw of disorderly conduct. (Rewrite using No sooner — than) 24] (Rewrite using No sooner — than) Ans: No sooner did he come upon another policemen lounging grandly in front  of a  glittering theatre than he caught at the immediate straw of disorderly conduct. Ans: No sooner did Ans: 25] Guru Nayak said to the man, “You can’t get out of it now. You dragged me in while I was passing.” (Indirect speech) (Indirect speech) Ans: Guru Nayak told the man that he couldn’t get out of it and added that he dragged him in while he was passing. Ans: Ans:  

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English For All
New Exam Schedule

Change in Exam schedule Important News for Std. XII students and teachers March 5’s Hindi exam (scheduled from 10.30am to 2pm), and exams in German, Japanese, Chinese and Persian (from 3pm to 6.30pm) will now be held on April 5 with the same timings. March 7’s exams in Marathi, Gujarati, Kannada, Sindhi, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Bengali and Punjabi (scheduled from 10.30am to 2pm), and exams in Urdu, French, Spanish and Pali (scheduled from 3pm to 6 30pm) have been rescheduled to April 7 with the same timings. Note: Please contact your college for more information and confirm the changes click here now Note: Please contact your college for more information and confirm the changes

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English For All
Grammar answers

 Answers of Grammar Paper (24 Feb 2022)  Answers of Grammar Paper (24 Feb 2022) Answers of Grammar Paper (24 Feb 2022) [smartslider3 slider=”2″] ARSOD ENGLISH CLASSES ARSOD ENGLISH CLASSES ARSOD ENGLISH CLASSES   Time: 1 hr.                      Marks- 25   Time: 1 hr.                      Marks- 25   Time: 1 hr.                      Marks- 25 1] Nowadays we have gadgets to monitor blood sugar, blood pressure etc. to monitor (Rewrite using gerund form of the underlined word) (Rewrite using gerund form of the underlined word) Ans: Nowadays we have gadgets for monitoring blood sugar, blood pressure etc. Ans: monitoring 2] I‘m down with flu. (Use Question Tag) (Use Question Tag) Ans: I‘m down with flu, aren’t I? Ans: 3] Banking and Finance sector is using Big Data to predict and prevent cybercrimes. (Change the Voice) (Change the Voice) Ans: Big Data is being used by banking and Finance sector to predict and prevent cybercrimes. Ans: 4] It has tremendously helped in improving individual as well as team performance.  (Rewrite using infinitive form of the underlined word) in improving (Rewrite using infinitive form of the underlined word) Ans: It has tremendously helped to improve individual as well as team performance. Ans: improve 5] Advertisers are one of the biggest players in Big Data. (Comparative degree) (Comparative degree) Ans: Advertisers are bigger than most other players in Big Data. Ans: 6] The SEC is using Big Data to monitor financial markets. (Present Perfect continuous Tense) (Present Perfect continuous Tense) Ans: The SEC has been using Big Data to monitor financial markets. Ans: discover this 7] The  eight-and-a-half-hour-long  day  inside  the  hide  was  as  fruitful   as  the  Jambha  tree  standing  tall  on  the edge of Umbarzara. (Make Complex sentence) (Make Complex sentence) Ans: The  eight-and-a-half-hour-long  day  inside  the  hide  was  as  fruitful   as  the  Jambha  tree which stood  tall  on  the edge of Umbarzara. Ans: which stood 8] But the big cat was not visible. (Make negative) (Make negative) Ans: But the big cat was  invisible. Ans: 9] We had to visit —— US  every  few months in those days. (Rewrite using proper article) (Rewrite using proper article) Ans: We had to visit the US  every  few months in those days. Ans: the 10] I   used   to   visit   both   of   these universities. (Use another modal auxiliary) (Use another modal auxiliary) Ans: I would visit   both   of   these universities. Ans: 11] Many animals make alarm calls when they see a predator. (Rewrite using No sooner — than) (Rewrite using No sooner — than) Ans: No sooner do many animals (they) see a predator than they (many animals) make alarm calls Ans: No sooner do many animals ( 12] “We are in the heart of the  man-animal  conflict  zone,”  explains  Shaaz. (Indirect Speech) (Indirect Speech) Ans: Shaaz explains that they are in the heart of the  man-animal  conflict  zone Ans: 13] You cannot be successful if you are a loner. (Rewrite using unless) (Rewrite using unless) Ans: You can be successful unless you are a loner. Ans: 14] After around 50 steps I found a bright red soil trail. (Wh Question) After around 50 steps . (Wh Question) Ans: When did I find a bright red soil trail? Ans:  15] I lifted my camera bag and took the familiar trail to Pitezari. (Use present participle) (Use present participle) Ans: Lifting my camera bag, I took the familiar trail to Pitezari. Ans: 16] We stopped ——- a Kusum tree to take a break.  (Use proper preposition) (Use proper preposition) Ans: We stopped under a Kusum tree to take a break. Ans: under 17] “I will take this route, you go straight,” said Raju to me. (Indirect speech) (Indirect speech) Ans: Raju told me that he would take that route, and advised me to go straight Ans: 18] I felt like shouting to my heart’s content, but there was no other soul to listen to my sound in this wilderness. (Use Though) (Use Though) Ans: Though I felt like shouting to my heart’s content, there was no other soul to listen to my sound in this wilderness. Ans: 19] I saw a man standing at a distance with a stick in his hand. (Rewrite using ‘Who’) (Rewrite using ‘Who’) Ans: I saw a man who stood at a distance with a stick in his hand. (Rewrite using Ans: (Rewrite using 20] Walking alone in a jungle needs more alertness than walking with a companion. (Change the degree) (Change the degree) Ans: Walking with a companion in a jungle does not need as alertness as walking alone (in a jungle) Ans: 21] I never studied for scoring marks in any examination. ( Rhetorical Question) ( Rhetorical Question) Ans: Did I ever study for scoring marks in any examination? Ans: Did I Did I 22] If only he could reach a table in the restaurant unsuspected, success would be his. (Unless) (Unless) Ans: Unless only he could reach a table in the restaurant unsuspected, success would not be his. Ans: 23] Soapy took a stone and dashed it through the glass. (Make a Simple sentence) (Make a Simple sentence) Ans: Taking a stone, Soapy dashed it through the glass. Ans: 24] “Where’s the man that done that?” inquired the officer agitatedly. “Don’t you think that I might have had something to do with it?” said Soapy, with a friendly voice. (Indirect speech) (Indirect speech) Ans: The officer inquired agitatedly where the man was that done that and Soapy asked with a friendly voice if he didn’t  think that he might have had something to do with it. Ans: 25] A moving target is quicker when our notions. (Spot the error and Rewrite the correct sentence) (Spot the error and Rewrite the correct sentence) Ans: A moving target is quicker than our notions. Ans: than

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English For All

Tenses and Examples Tense 1] Present perfect tense -  Have/ has + V3 {I,we,you,they, plural- have ; He, she, it, singular- Has} 2] Present perfect continuous tense - Have/ has + been + ing 3] Past perfect tense-  Had + V3 4] Past perfect continuous tense - Had + been + ing 5] Future perfect tense - shall/will have +V3    {I, We- shall/ for other - will } 1] We had designed it all into the Mac.  (Future Perfect Tense) (shall/will have +V3) Ans: We shall have designed it all into the Mac. 2] I shall live with that diagnosis all day. (Past perfect continuous tense)       Had + been + ing Ans: I had been living with that diagnosis all day. 3] Adults  came to relax.  (come , Came, Come) (Present perfect tense) Have/ has + V3 Ans: Adults have come to relaxay 4] The rain had divided Mumbai into two. (Present Perfect Tense) Ans: The rain has divided Mumbai into two. 5] But it was raining. (Present perfect con. tense) Ans:  But it has been raining. 6] It has been raining without any break. (Past  perfect tense) Ans: It had rained without any break. . 7] My nephew, Dinesh has lived in Kerala. (Future perfect tense) Ans: My Nephew Dinesh will have lived in Kerala. 8] Rain water harvesting has helped to fill it. (Past perfect continuous tense) Ans: Rain water harvesting had been helping to fill it. 9] You are consoling me. (Past perfect continuous tense) Ans: You had been consoling me. 10] Contentment has acted as a barrier. (Future Perfect Tense) Ans: Contentment will have acted as a barrier. 11] It helps me to imagine children exposed to such in humanity. (Future perfect tense) Ans: It will have helped me to imagine children exposed to such in humanity. 12] People were crossing the water. (Present perfect continuous tense) Ans: People have been crossing the water. 13] English is fading into younglish. (Present perfect tense) Ans: English has faded into younglish. 14] He had been trying to achieve success. (Future perfect tense)  Ans: He will have tried to achieve success. 15] Every major global company is formulating an Indian strategy. (Past perfect continuous tense) Ans: Every major global company had been formulating Indian strategy. 16] I have broken a twenty thousand feet world record. (Present perfect continuous tense) Ans: I have been breaking a twenty thousand feet world record. 17] All her colleagues had decided to stay back in the office. (Present perfect tense)  Ans: All her colleagues have decided to stay back in the office. 18] We have built up a small arsenal of spray guns. (Past perfect continuous tense) Ans: We had been building up a small arsenal of spray guns. 19] Diet plays a vital role. (Present perfect continuous tense) Ans: Diet has been playing a vital role. 20] They put forward many interesting stories. (Past perfect tense) Ans: They had put forward many interesting stories. 21] he had treated the gentleman. (Identify the  tense) Ans: Past perfect tense 22] I have missed him  from  my  bus  route  of late. (Identify the  tense) Ans: 23] I shall have sat reading on the top of a bus. (Identify the  tense) Ans: 24] I had been booking for you. (Identify the  tense) Ans: 25] He had set his silk umbrella by the  door  on  entering. (Identify the  tense) 26] The man at the cigar light followed hastily. [Present Perfect Continuous tense] 27] The  umbrella  owner  slowed  his  steps [Past Perfect Continuous tense] 28] I picked it up this morning in a restaurant. [Present Perfect tense] 29] People came running  round  the corner, a policeman  in  the lead. [Past Perfect tense] 30] But as he  set  foot  inside  the restaurant  door, the head-waiter’s  eye  fell  upon  his tattered trousers. [Future Perfect tense] 31] ] Over dinner his family will have teased young Michael (Identify the  tense) 32]You’re wasting your time. [Present Perfect Continuous tense] 33] Michael Dell has discovered the power of another good ideas.[Future perfect tense] 34] He has become the forth-largest manufacturers of personal computers in America. (Identify the  tense) 35] Eight-year–old Michael was explaining that he through it might be good ideas to get high school out of the way. [Past perfect tense] 36] He took the computer apart to figure out how it worked. [Present perfect tense] 37] He hired friends to copy the names and address of recipients of marriage licenses. [Past perfect continuous tense] 38] The next year Dell enrolled at the University of Taxes. [Future perfect tense] 39] Just about everyone on campus was talking about personal computers. [Past perfect tense] 40] Dealers were selling  personal computers. at a hefty mark-up. [Past perfect continuous tense] 41] One day his roommates heaped all his equipment into a pile, preventing him from entering his room. [Future perfect tense] 42] Constant telephone contact with customers kept the company close to the market. [Past Perfect Continuous tense] 43] His company was selling $70 million worth of computers a year.[Present perfect continuous tense] 44] Dell, his wife and their two-year-old daughter lead a pretty normal life.[Future Perfect tense] 45] Three hours later Mrs. Angus, the farmer’s wife called me to dinner.[Past perfect continuous tense] 46) These had become my special duties. (identify the tense) 47) I learnt by observing my children. (Present Perfect Con. Tense) 48) Every student in South had been planting a tree. (identify the tense) 49] I told the  conductor  with as honest a face .[Future perfect tense] 50] I had left  home  without any  money  in  my  pocket. (identify the tense) Click to contact us 9822716201 arsodyogiraj@gmail.com 4, Dewkinandan, Shinde Plots, Yavatmal. Whatsapp Us Follow Us Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal My Marquee Subtext For 12th English My Marquee Subtext Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal My Marquee Subtext For 12th English My Marquee Subtext Online & Offline Classes Students can attend online or offline classes according to their convenience. Limited strength in each batch. Modern, innovative concepts based but simple teaching method. Disciplined and highly feasible learning environment. Excellent Previous Result Every year 100% result. In the exam of

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English For All
Assertive sentence To Rhetorical Question (Interrogative sentence)

Solve all the answers in your Book 1] I wasn’t a bad doctor. (Make Rhetorical Question ) 2] Nothing is more agonizing to the active man than enforced idleness. (Make Rhetorical Question ) 3] I’ve never made a pasture. 4] Dora had never received such a gift. (Rhetorical Questions) 5] She had no finery except her wedding ring. ( Rhetorical Questions) 6] Did this make the child John feel heady? ( Assertive )                                  7] Could there be any sacks left anywhere in town? (Assertive) 8] Do we have enough for our needs? [Assertive Sentence] 9] Would it not be our responsibility to wear mask? (Assertive)   10] Can we ever forget those school days?   11) Who can hold it for me? ( Assertive ) 12) Who is free from sin? 13] No building is tallest than this. (Rhetorical)14] How could I call him only a half? ( Assertive) 15] Why can't we produce good toys in India? ( Assertive) 16] Which medical college would accept a blind student? ( Assertive) 17] What was wrong? (Assertive) 18]  I could talk about Chaitanya’s problem calmly. ( Rhetorical)                               19]  It will not be a one full or a one half word. (Rhetorical )                              20] But how can any child be angry with Ajji for long? [Rewrite as an assertive sentence]                             21]  Who was a wise man? (Assertive)                                22] What more could they ask for? [Make a statement] 23] There were no poor people to be seen anywhere. [ Rhetorical Question]                               24] Do we have a  courage?                        25] No one can tolerate such an insult.                               26]  Copying the West is not the answer to our problem. (Frame a rhetorical question)  27] How can I use your telephone without your permission? 28] There is no room for secrecy or hiding under Bapuji’s leadership. (Frame a rhetorical question) 29] Is that fair? (Rewrite the rhetorical question as a statement) 30] It is true that a player does much for the country. (Rewrite using a rhetorical question) 31] Is he then to be denied opportunities to educate himself? (Make it assertive) 32] It was an immediate sensation. (Make it a rhetorical ques.) 33] Have they brought about much of a change in our social thinking and in our living? (Remove the rhetorical que) 34] 1s it wise to quarrel on the festive day (Make it assertive 35] Wasn't it their stronghold? 36] Shouldn't we be just as worried by the low grade food? (Make it assertive) 37] Have we become mute witnesses to  this  tamasha ? 38] The poor chap was always sulking- (Make it rhetorical ) 39] We have not become mute witnesses to a taciturn tamasha 40] How could he give a flat no to a boy like Dave? (Make it assertive) 41] The engagement with a scientific problem is the most meaningful aspect of a scientist. (Rewrite as a rhetorical question) 42] No one would read it. (Make it a rhetorical question) 43]Her family and their well-being were her highest priority (Make it a rhetorical question) 44] How can any child be angry with Ajji  for long (Make it assertive) 45] What more could they ask for ? (Make it assertive) 46] It sounded like a lot of fun. (Make it an interrogative sentence) 47] Who would put up with a delay in his sowing? (Make it assertive? 48] Sell-esteem is the most important value in life. (Make it a rhetorical question) 49] A poverty-free world would be economically much more stronger than this.                            50] Are we born only to follow other?  (Interrogative sentence) Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal My Marquee Subtext For 12th English My Marquee Subtext Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal My Marquee Subtext For 12th English My Marquee Subtext Online & Offline Classes Students can attend online or offline classes according to their convenience. Limited strength in each batch. Modern, innovative concepts based but simple teaching method. Disciplined and highly feasible learning environment. Excellent Previous Result Every year 100% result. In the exam of 2022, our two students are highest in Maharashtra. Completion of syllabus within stipulated time period.. Quality Study Material Notes of all chapters, poems, and novels are provided in pdf and printed form. From the content rich notes learn tips, tricks and strategies. Regular Weekly Revision Tests We conduct regular offline test on each and every topic, daily online test. Regular doubt clearing sessions. Every Sunday special classes for weak students. Long Teaching Experience More than 35 years' teaching experience. Student centered and Exam oriented teaching as well as individual attention. Click to contact us 9822716201 arsodyogiraj@gmail.com 4, Dewkinandan, Shinde Plots, Yavatmal. Whatsapp Us Follow Us

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English For All
Question Tag

  Sub+ helping verb+ main verb + obj, helping verb (not)+ Sub? Sub+  helping verb+ main verb + obj, helping verb (not)+ Sub?   H.V                 H.V (not)         V1                   Don’t         V2                  Didn’t         Vs                  doesn’t        Will             — Won’t        Let’s              shall we?        Imperative     Will you?       I am                aren’t I?        I am not        am I?   Everyone can help him.   1) I still loved what I did.   Ans. I still loved what I did, didn’t I?   2) She was astonished. see   Ans. She was astonished, wasn’t she?   3) They were perfect, even circles, without lumps or thick edges.   Ans. They were perfect, even circles, without lumps or thick edges, weren’t they?   4) I didn’t have much of a choice.   Ans. I didn’t have much of a choice, did I?   5) And he laughs a lot.   Ans. And he laughs a lot, doesn’t he?   6) This, my friends, is the new Indian reality in our villages.   Ans. This, my friends, is the new Indian reality in our villages, isn’t it ?   7) The reality is that our children are straitjacketed.   Ans.The reality is that our children are straitjacketed, aren’t they ?   8) Sam became the catalyst of a beautification programmed for South Melbourne.   Ans. Sam became the catalyst of a beautification programmed for South Melbourne, didn’t he?   9) Kolhapur is a gourmet’s paradise.   Ans. Kolhapur is a gourmet’s paradise, isn’t it ?   10) The start of new year is time to look back with nostalgic memories of happiness.   Ans. The start of new year is time to look back with nostalgic memories of happiness, isn’t it?   11) This is an itself an ambitious and laudatory goal.   Ans. This is an itself an ambitious and laudatory goal, isn’t it ?   12) Let us aim for a civilized India.   Ans. Let us aim for a civilized India, shall we?   13) Significantly, it fills a global knowledge gap.   Ans. Significantly, it fills a global knowledge gap, doesn’t it ?   14) This is an extreme case of intellectual subversion.   Ans. This is an extreme case of intellectual subversion, isn’t it ?   15) It looks more like Aiyarisation.   And. It looks more like Aiyarisation, doesn’t it ?   16) SMS is hooking generations.   Ans. SMS is hooking generations, isn’t it ?   17) SMS is not a spurious concoction.   Ans. SMS is not a spurious concoction, is it ?   18) The poor chap was always sulking.   Ans. The poor chap was always sulking, wasn’t he ?   19) IN good old days people were happy.   Ans. IN good old days people were happy. Weren’t they ?   20) SMS is an extension of the mind.   Ans. SMS is an extension of the mind, isn’t it ?   21) It fills a global knowledge gap.   Ans. It fills a global knowledge gap, doesn’t it ?   22) These are not SMS massages.   Ans. These are not SMS massages, aren’t they ?   23) Together they found a solution.   Ans. Together they found a solution, didn’t they ?   24) It was devastating.   Ans. It was devastating, wasn’t it ?   25) There was no electricity.   Ans. There was no electricity, wasn’t there ?   26) Robbing children of their childhood is a criminal act.   Ans. Robbing children of their childhood is a criminal act, isn’t it ?   27) Sam quickly became the star attraction of the district.   Ans. Sam quickly became the star attraction of the district, didn’t he ?   28) It was their stronghold.   Ans. It was their stronghold, wasn’t it ?   29) It was a trip of a lifetime.   Ans. It was a trip of a lifetime, wasn’t it ?   30) There was a extreme cold in North India.   Ans. There was a extreme cold in North India, wasn’t there ?   31) The dawn of new year is a time for idealism.   Ans. The dawn of new year is a time for idealism, isn’t it ?   32) Our history during the last millennium makes this an understandable aspiration.   Ans. Our history during the last millennium makes this an understandable aspiration, doesn’t it?   33) All Marched like disciplined soldiers with the sense of solidarity.   Ans. All Marched like disciplined soldiers with the sense of solidarity, didn’t they ?   34) The scenes were really shaking our heart.   Ans. The scenes were really shaking our heart, weren’t they ?   35) Kolhapur was known as Karveernagari.   Ans. Kolhapur was known as Karveernagari, wasn’t it?   36) I want to reach the thirty thousand mark.   Ans. I want to reach the thirty thousand mark, don’t I ?   37) It offers tools for managing the environment.   Ans. It offers tools for managing the environment, doesn’t it ?   38) India carries a historical baggage of caste, discrimination and illiteracy.   Ans. India carries a historical baggage of caste, discrimination and illiteracy, doesn’t she ?   39) India is the flavour of the year.   Ans. India is the flavour of the year, doesn’t she ?   40) Realize your duty.   Ans. Realize your duty., will you?   41] I am ready to help you   Ans. I am ready to help you, aren’t I ?   42] Anyone can tell him   Ans. Anyone can tell him, can’t they?  

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English For All
No Sooner Than

AS SOON AS/when +Sub+ helping verb+ Main verb+ obj,————   No Sooner  + helping verb+ Sub+ Main verb+ obj +than—————-   AS SOON AS/when +Sub+ helping verb+ Main verb+ obj,————   No Sooner  + helping verb+ Sub+ Main verb+ obj +than—————-    AS SOON AS/when +Sub+ helping verb+ Main verb+ obj,————   No Sooner  + helping verb+ Sub+ Main verb+ obj +than—————-   AS SOON AS/when +Sub+ helping verb+ Main verb+ obj,————   No Sooner  + helping verb+ Sub+ Main verb+ obj +than—————-   AS SOON AS/when +Sub+ helping verb+ Main verb+ obj,————   No Sooner  + helping verb+ Sub+ Main verb+ obj +than—————-   Helping verb: am /is/ are/was/were/have/has/ had/ can/ could etc….. Helping verb: am /is/ are/was/were/have/has/ had/ can/ could etc….. V1        do  V1        do  V2       did                  V1 V2       did                  V1 Vs       does Vs       does 1] As soon as Dave had begun his second year, he found himself hopeless. 1] Ans. No sooner had Dave begun his second year than he found himself hopeless. Ans. 2)     When the sky cleared, all the flowers were laid waste Ans. No sooner did the sky clear than all the flowers were laid waste. Ans. 3) As the evening aarti time nears, I trace my steps to the Mahalaxmi. Ans. No sooner does the evening aarti time near than I trace my steps to the Mahalaxmi Temple. Ans. 4) When the war started there was a boom in the iron market. Ans. No sooner did the war start than there was a boom in the iron market. 5)     Work becomes a tyranny for person when it becomes a chore. Ans. No sooner does it become a chore than work becomes a tyranny for person. 6)     When the link between the two is ruptured, we try to find a solution elsewhere. Ans. No sooner is the link between the two ruptured than we try to find a solution elsewhere. Ans. No sooner is 7)     When I see the Brihaddeeswara Temple,  I become happy. Ans.  No sooner do I see the Brihaddeeswara Templ than I become happy. Ans. 8)     As I saw the silence of the night, I heard the heavenly world talking. Ans. No sooner did I see the silence of the night than I heard the heavenly world talking. Ans. 9)     Carter gazed at the magnificent bird, he grew convinced. Ans. No sooner didCarter gaze at the magnificent bird than he grew convinced. Ans. 10)   She fell down in one place. The fellow-person rushed instantly for her help. Ans. No sooner did she fall down in one place than fellow-pedestrians rushed instantly for her help. 11)  My wife enters the kitchen. She finds them scurrying away. Ans. No sooner dose my wife enter the kitchen than she finds them scurrying away. 12) As soon as it rained, the weather became cool. 12) Ans. No sooner did it rain than the weather became cool. Ans. 13) As soon as I reached the platform, the train left. Ans. No sooner did I reach the platform than the train left. 14)     As soon as the principal entered the class, all the boys stood up. Ans. No sooner did the principal enter the class than all the boys stood. Ans. HARDLY——-WHEN HARDLY——-WHEN 1 AS SOON AS +Sub+ helping verb+ Main verb+ obj,——————-   Hardly had +Sub+  Verb3 (Pat participle)+ obj +When—————- AS SOON AS +Sub+ helping verb+ Main verb+ obj,——————-   Hardly had +Sub+  Verb3 (Pat participle)+ obj +When—————- AS SOON AS +Sub+ helping verb+ Main verb+ obj,——————-   Hardly had +Sub+  Verb3 (Pat participle)+ obj +When—————- AS SOON AS +Sub+ helping verb+ Main verb+ obj,——————-   Hardly had +Sub+  Verb3 (Pat participle)+ obj +When—————- AS SOON AS +Sub+ helping verb+ Main verb+ obj,——————-   Hardly had +Sub+  Verb3 (Pat participle)+ obj +When—————- AS SOON AS +Sub+ helping verb+ Main verb+ obj,——————-   Hardly had +Sub+  Verb3 (Pat participle)+ obj +When—————- 2 No Sooner  + helping verb+ Sub+ Main verb+ obj +than—————-   Hardly had +Sub+  Verb3 (Pat participle)+ obj +When—————— No Sooner  + helping verb+ Sub+ Main verb+ obj +than—————-   Hardly had +Sub+  Verb3 (Pat participle)+ obj +When—————— No Sooner  + helping verb+ Sub+ Main verb+ obj +than—————-   Hardly had +Sub+  Verb3 (Pat participle)+ obj +When—————— No Sooner  + helping verb+ Sub+ Main verb+ obj +than—————-   Hardly had +Sub+  Verb3 (Pat participle)+ obj +When—————— No Sooner  + helping verb+ Sub+ Main verb+ obj +than—————-   Hardly had +Sub+  Verb3 (Pat participle)+ obj +When—————— No Sooner  + helping verb+ Sub+ Main verb+ obj +than—————-   Hardly had +Sub+  Verb3 (Pat participle)+ obj +When—————— 1] As soon as it rained, the weather became cool. Ans. Hardly had it rained when the weather became cool. 2)     As soon as the train had gone, I found myself alone on the platform. Ans. Hardly had the train gone when I found myself alone on the platform. 3)  As soon as the principal gave the warning, all the boys ran away. Ans. Hardly had the principal given the warning when all the boys ran away. Ans. Hardly had 4)     No sooner did I see the thief than I closed the door. Ans. Hardly had I seen the thief when I closed the door Ans. Hardly had 5)     No sooner did he open the door than the stranger had gone. Ans. Hardly had he opened the door when the stranger had gone Hardly had 6)     No sooner did he sprinkle water on her face, than the rosy colour came back to her cheek. Ans. Hardly had he sprinkled water on her face, when the rosy colour came back to her cheek. Hardly had 7)   As soon as I reached the platform, the train left. Ans. Hardly had I reached the platform when the train left. 8)   As soon as the tower tumbled, he learned to approach the task in a different way. (Use- Hardly….when) (Use- Hardly….when) Ans. Hardly had the tower tumbled when he learned to approach the task in a different way. 9)   As soon as he

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Modal Auxiliary

Solve the sentences Modal Auxiliaries  Functions Can ability Must Obligation /Compulsion Should advice/  suggestion Would Habitual action in the past Could Request (?) Will Certainty/(More- certain/ more-definite / More- formal) May Permission(?)/possibility, less formal/less definite/less certain    Need  to Necessity Ought to  duty Might less possibility May not Prohibition     Note: Without making any other change in the given sentence only replace the Modal Auxiliary according to the instruction. Examples:  1] They need to follow the instructions. (Use another modal auxiliary to make the sentence of Compulsion) Ans:  2] It would leave him filled and happy for the journey to his winter island. (More certain) Ans:  3] Some other way of entering the limbo must be devised. (Necessity) Ans:  4] The luck would again run against him. (Prohibition) Ans:  5] The nuts vendor will blow out  his lamp . (Habitual action in the past) Ans:  6] The massive data can work wonders. (less certain) Ans:  7] The huge the data might be useful. (More definite) Ans:  8] Big data can be petabytes or Exabyte’s.  ( compulsion) Ans: 9] You must plan your own route. (Make the sentence of advice) Ans:  10] They will also track the condition . (Habitual action in the past) Ans:  Q.2 . Examples of imperative sentences . (If the given sentence is of imperative begin the answer with You then write Modal auxiliary and the remaining sentence) 11] Switch off the light when you leave the room. (Make the sentence of compulsion) Ans:  12] Work hard to achieve success. (Make the sentence of compulsion) Ans: 13] Yoke the bullock. (Make the sentence of ability)  Ans 14] Speak politely to your customers. (Habitual action in the past) Ans:  15] Realize your responsibility. (Obligation) Ans:  16] Understand the meaning of your education. (Necessity) Ans:  17]  Be ashamed of yourself. (Make the sentence of Duty) Ans:  Q.3. Identify the modal auxiliary and write its function. 18] Could I have your number? Ans: Modal auxiliary—          Function— 19] May I help you? Ans: Modal auxiliary—         Function— 20] The proposal must finish on time. Ans: Modal auxiliary—          Function— 21] You ought to have your bike serviced before the winter. Ans: Modal auxiliary—         Function— 22] You should get your teeth cleaned at least once a year. Ans: Modal auxiliary – Function— 23] Tom will write poetry very well. Ans: Modal auxiliary—         Function—  24] Can you lead me ten dollars ? Ans: Modal auxiliary—         Function— Q.4. Rewrite using proper form of modal auxiliary. Use the following table while using proper modal auxiliary Should ought to Must have to/has to (need to) Can may Would used to 25] You should avoid smoking here. (Use another modal auxiliary) Ans:  26] They must call the teacher. (Use another modal auxiliary) Ans:  27] People may use public transport.  (Use another modal auxiliary) Ans:  28] He used to linger in the coconut tree. (Use another modal auxiliary) Ans:  29] But that ought to be updated regularly. (Use another modal auxiliary) Ans:  30]  Socrates would turn to a new voice . (Use another modal auxiliary) Ans:  31]  Drive carefully on the highway. (Make the sentence of Advice) Ans:  32] Turn the people to the literacy mission. (ability) Ans:  33] Take a breakfast early in the morning. (Give your brother a suggestion) Ans:  34] People will park their cars in front of the gates. (Make sentence of compulsion Ans:  35] My friends can encourage us. (Necessity) Ans:  37] Will you please shut the door? (Request) Ans:  38] The book society chose the novel. (More certain) Ans:  39] Your brother do not take a breakfast early in the morning. (Give your brother a suggestion) Ans:  40] People should work always sincerely to build up our nation. (Make the duty) Ans:  41] Can I call you later? (Permission) Ans:  42] The students need to buy text book, by earning money.  (Habitual action in past) Ans:  43] Visit us, while you are in town. (Ability) Ans:  44] Don’t leave medicine where children can get to them. (Write as if doctor is advising you) Ans: 45] You have to go to school today. (Use another modal auxiliary) Ans:  46] Could I have your number? Ans: Modal auxiliary— Function— 47] May I help you? Ans: Modal auxiliary— Function— 48] The proposal must finished on time. Ans: Modal auxiliary— Function— 49] You ought to have your bike serviced before the winter. Ans: Modal auxiliary— Function— 50] You should get your teeth cleaned at least once a year. Ans: Modal auxiliary – Function— 51] Farmers will carry cellphone. (Necessity) Ans:  52] He used to turn towards a new voice. (Use proper modal auxiliary) Ans:  53] I have to recount the story many times. (Habitual action in the past) Ans:  54] Teacher may not neglect their duties now a days. (Advice) Ans:  55] His products may be cheap. (Identify modal auxiliary and function) Ans: Modal auxiliary— Function— 56] It might rain today. (Identify modal auxiliary and function) Ans: Modal auxiliary— Function— 57] We ought to love our parents. (Use another modal auxiliary) Ans:  Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Online & Offline Classes Students can attend online or offline classes according to their convenience. Limited strength in each batch. Modern, innovative concepts based but simple teaching method. Disciplined and highly feasible learning environment. Excellent Previous Result Every year 100% result. In the exam of 2022, our two students are highest in Maharashtra. Completion of syllabus within stipulated time period.. Quality Study Material Notes of all chapters, poems, and novels are provided in pdf and printed form. From the content rich notes learn tips, tricks and strategies. Regular Weekly Revision Tests We conduct regular offline test on each and every topic, daily online test. Regular doubt clearing sessions. Every Sunday special classes for weak students. Long Teaching Experience More than 35 years' teaching experience. Student centered and Exam oriented teaching as well as individual attention. Click to contact us 9822716201 arsodyogiraj@gmail.com 4, Dewkinandan, Shinde Plots, Yavatmal.

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