Opposite Words

List of Opposite Words

There are so many opposite words which we have to use to make negative and affirmative sentences. Opposite words are framed using prefixes and suffices. Some opposite words are totally different.

Opposite words express a contrasting relationship between two things. They have opposite meanings such as big and small, up and down, or difficult and easy.  Read the following list of opposite words.  

Significant - insignificant

Endless - Limited

Useless - Useful

Helpless - Capable

Hopeless - Hopeful

Fearless - Fearful

Painlessly - Painfully

Easily - Difficultly

Gratitude - Ungratitude

Restlessly - Calmly

Sleeplessly - Peacefully

Tirelessly - Tiredly

Recklessly - Carefully

Thoughtlessly - Thoughtfully

willing - unwilling

Unhappy - Happy

Unlucky - Lucky

Unkind - Kind

Unhealthy - Healthy

Unfair - Fair

Unpleasant - Pleasant

Uncomfortable - Comfortable

Unnecessary - Necessary

Unstable - Stable

Unsuccessful - Successful

Unpopular - Popular

Unskilled - Skilled

Uneducated - Educated

Unusual - Normal

Uncommon - Common

Unfriendly - Friendly

Inactive - Active

Incomplete - Complete

Inaccurate - Accurate

Inadequate - Adequate

Inefficient - Efficient

Indecisive - Decisive

Insecure - Secure

Insignificant - Significant

Inappropriate - Appropriate

Inconvenient - Convenient

Incapable - Capable

much - less

Imbalance - Balance

Immaterial - Material

Immature - Mature

Impatient - Patient

Impossible - Possible

Impractical - Practical

Impure - Pure

Immoral - Moral

Improper - Proper

Improperly - Properly

Immensely - Minutely

Impossibly - Possibly

Importantly - Unimportantly

Immediately - Gradually

Impressively - Unimpressively

Immaculately - Messily

Incessantly - Occasionally

Inevitably - Avoidably

Above - Below

Absent - Present

Accept - Reject

Accurate - Inaccurate

Add - Subtract

Admit - Deny

Advance - Retreat

Afraid - Confident

After - Before

Against - For

Agree - Disagree

Alive - Dead

All - None

Always - Never

Ample - Scarce

Angel - Devil

Answer - Question

Antonym - Synonym

Apart - Together

Apparent - Obscure

Approve - Disapprove

Arrive - Depart

Ascend - Descend

Attack - Defend

Attract - Repel

Awake - Asleep

Back - Front

Bad - Good

Beautiful - Ugly

Before - After

Begin - End

Believe - Doubt

Best - Worst

Better - Worse

Big - Small

Birth - Death

Black - White

Bless - Curse

Blunt - Sharp

Bold - Timid

Borrow - Lend

Bottom - Top

Boy - Girl

Brave - Cowardly

Bright - Dim

Build - Destroy

Buy - Sell

Cautious - Reckless

Cheerful - Sad

Clear - Cloudy

Close - Open

Cold - Hot

Comedy - Tragedy

Common - Uncommon

Complete - Incomplete

Confident - Unsure

Connect - Disconnect

Construct - Destruct

Contract - Expand

Cool - Warm

Correct - Incorrect

Courageous - Fearful

Create - Destroy

Cry - Laugh

Cruel - Kind

Dangerous - Safe

Dark - Light

Day - Night

Deaf - Hearing

Deep - Shallow

Defend - Attack

Delicious - Disgusting

Depart - Arrive

Depressed - Happy

Descend - Ascend

Destroy - Create

Die - Live

Difficult - Easy

Dirty - Clean

Disappear - Appear

Discourage - Encourage

Dissolve - Solidify

Divide - Unite

Doctor - Patient

Dull - Lively

Early - Late

Easy - Difficult

Empty - Full

End - Begin

Enemy - Friend

Enjoy - Suffer

Entrance - Exit

Equal - Unequal

Escape - Capture

Even - Odd

Evil - Good

Expand - Contract

Export - Import

Expose - Conceal

Fail - Succeed

Fair - Unfair

False - True

Familiar - Unfamiliar

Famous - Unknown

Fast - Slow

Fat - Thin

Father - Mother

Few - Many

Find - Lose

Finish - Start

First - Last

Float - Sink

Folly - Wisdom

Follow - Lead

Foolish - Wise

For - Against

Forward - Backward

Free - Restricted

Fresh - Stale

Friend - Enemy

Front - Back

Full - Empty

Future - Past

Gain - Loss

Gentle - Rough

Give - Take

Glad - Sad

Glass - Plastic

Global - Local

Good - Bad

Gradual - Sudden

Great - Terrible

Guilty - Innocent

Happy - Sad

Hard - Soft

Harmful - Beneficial

Harmony - Discord

Hatred - Love

Healthy - Unhealthy

Heaven - Hell

Heavy - Light

Hero - Villain

High - Low

Honest - Dishonest

Hot - Cold

Humid - Dry

Husband - Wife

Idle - Busy

Ignorant - Knowledgeable

Ill - Well

Implode - Explode

Impossible - Possible

In - Out

Include - Exclude

Increase - Decrease

Inside - Outside

Intentional - Unintentional

Interesting - Boring

Invincible - Vulnerable

Join - Separate

Joy - Sorrow

Junior - Senior

Keep - Release

Kind - Cruel

Known - Unknown

Large - Small

Last - First

Late - Early

Laugh - Cry

Left - Right

Less - More

Light - Dark

Like - Dislike

Little - Big

Live - Die

Long - Short

Loose - Tight

Loud - Quiet

Love - Hate

Low - High

Male - Female

Maximum - Minimum

Meek - Bold

Mercy - Cruelty

Messy - Neat

Minor - Major

Modern - Ancient

More - Less

Morning - Evening

Mother - Father

Narrow - Wide

Near - Far

Necessary - Unnecessary

Negative - Positive

Never - Always

New - Old

Night - Day

Noisy - Quiet

North - South

Nothing - Everything

Off - On

Often - Rarely

Open - Closed

Optimism - Pessimism

Order - Chaos

Ordinary - Extraordinary

Original - Copy

Out - In

Over - Under

Pain - Pleasure

Pale - Dark

Part - Whole

Passive - Active

Past - Future

Patient - Impatient

Peace - War

Permanent - Temporary

Permission - Prohibition

Permit - Forbid

Pleasant - Unpleasant

Plenty - Scarcity

Polite - Rude

Poor - Rich

Possible - Impossible

Positive - Negative

Possible - Impossible

Post - Pre

Powerful - Weak

Practical - Impractical

Precious - Worthless

Predictable - Unpredictable

Present - Absent

Pretty - Ugly

open - close

Std. XII- Question Bank 2022-2023

Std. X (Marathi Medium) - Question Bank 2022-2023

Std. X (English Medium) - Question Bank 2022-2023

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