Simple compound Complex

Simple Compound Complex

Solve the following Online Test and send the screenshot of your result Rewrite the sentences Sentences of Though / but 1. Mohan studied hard for the exam, but he didn't perform well.2. Though the team practiced tirelessly, they couldn't win the championship.3. The weather was bad, yet they decided to go on the hike.4. Though the movie received mixed reviews, it became a box office hit.5. Mrs. Radha had a sore throat, yet she managed to give a remarkable speech.6. Though my friends were tired, they stayed up all night to help the flood victim.7. The restaurant was crowded, but we found a table for two.8. Though Mohnish was injured, he insisted on finishing the Yavatmal Monsoon marathon.9. My sister was afraid of heights, but she climbed to the top of the mountain.10. Though we were late, we continued the party until the early hours.11. Tarun was offered a higher salary, but he chose to stay with his current job.12. Though all the classmates had disagreements, they remained best friends.13. The traffic was heavy, but they reached their destination on time.14. Though the water was ice cold, the boys went for a swim in the lake.15. The dog was small, but it bravely protected its owner.16. Though the exam was challenging, they managed to score well.17. They were exhausted, but they volunteered to help with the event.18. Though the dress was expensive, my father decided to buy it for the special occasion.19. Rohan missed the bus, but he still made it to the meeting on time.20. Though the book was lengthy, I read it in a single sitting. Download Activity Sheet - July 2023 (supplement paper) : Sentences of and 1. John finished his homework and went out to play with his friends.2. Learning to speak Spanish fluently, I traveled to Spain to practice.  3. Suhana studied hard for her exams, and she aced them all.4. The chef prepared a delicious meal and won the hearts of customers.5. Hiking through the dense forest, we reached the mountain summit.6. Jagdish bought a new car, and took his friends for a joyride.7. Launching a new product, the company gained widespread popularity.  8. The rain poured down heavily and made the city sea.9. Working together diligently, they won the championship.10. She finished writing her novel and left for a walk.11. The children played in the park and laughed gleefully.12. The artist painted a beautiful landscape, and displayed it in an art gallery.13.  Conducting different experiments, the scientist published their findings in a research journal. 14. My brother practiced the guitar daily and became a skilled musician.15. The bakery offered a variety of pastries, and sold all the stock to the customers.16. Preparing for the interview, she confidently answered all the questions.17. The cat purred contentedly and snuggled up on the owner's lap.18. The engineer designed an innovative gadget, and became popular in the industry.19. We went on a road trip and explored various picturesque locations.20.  Cleaning up the beach, the volunteers collected bags of  trash. Sentences of Who/which/that 1] The ancient civilization, building the majestic pyramids of Egypt remains a mystery to modern historians.2] The intricate pattern on the butterfly's wings, which helps it blend into its surroundings, is a marvel of nature.3] The talented musician, composing a new song has won numerous prestigious awards for his work.4] The new smartphone, that boasts impressive processing power, is the latest innovation from the tech company.5] The endangered species which live in the dense rainforest faces a critical threat.6] The novel captivating readers worldwide explores the complexities of human emotions and relationships.8] The team that won the championship exhibited remarkable determination throughout the season.9] The advanced AI system, utilizing machine learning algorithms, is revolutionizing the field of robotics.10] The majestic waterfall that cascades down the mountain attracts tourists from all over the world. 11] The diligent student earning the highest grade in the class spent countless hours studying and researching.. 12] The beautiful painting, which hangs in the gallery, was painted by a famous artist of my town.13] The leader who inspired the people with his speeches was elected the Prime Minister.14] The breathtaking landscape stretching for miles is an oasis of tranquility among the city life.15] The new product, which boasts technology, has become a game-changer in the market.16] The brave firefighter rescuing several people from the burning building received a medal of honor.17] The delicate flower which blooms only once a year is a symbol of beauty.18] The scientific theory, that challenges conventional wisdom, has sparked intense debates within the academic community.19] The ambitious project, aiming to colonize another planet, is a testament to human exploration.20] The thrilling adventure novel which transports readers to distant lands has become a bestseller. Answers of last Examples 1. It is Dr. Mohan who saved my life during the Corona. Ans: Dr. Mohan saved my life during the Corona. 2. It was the heavy storm that caused significant damage to my city. Ans: The heavy storm caused significant damage to my city. 3.  It was the adventure that taught me valuable life lessons. Ans: The adventure taught me valuable life lessons. 4. It was the book of Swami Vivekananda that changed my life. Ans: The book of Swami Vivekananda changed my life. 5. It is the movie on Indian farmers which won many national and international awards. Ans: The movie on Indian farmers won many national and international awards. 6. It was the most delicious meal which the chef had  prepared today. Ans: The chef had  prepared the most delicious meal today. 7. It is the Indian company that produces only high-quality products. Ans: The Indian company produces only high-quality products. 8. It was the decision that we have taken for unexpected consequences. Ans: We have taken the decision for unexpected consequences. 9. It is the accused whom a very famous lawyer helped in the high-profile case. Ans: A very famous lawyer helped the accused in the high-profile case. 10. It was the beautiful melody that the musician played on the piano. Ans: The musician played the beautiful melody

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