
"Vitamin C and Mental Wellness
"Vitamin C and Mental Wellness

Unleashing the Power of Vitamin C: Your Ultimate Health and Wellness Guide Introduction: Welcome to our definitive guide on  Vitamin C's amazing advantages. Vitamin C is a superhero nutrient that plays an important part in our general health and wellness, from boosting immunity to fostering glowing skin. We'll go through the numerous advantages, dietary sources, suggested consumption, and much more in this blog article. Prepare to unleash the power of Vitamin C and revitalise your health! 1] "The Immunity Booster: How Vitamin C Strengthens Your Defence System"Discover how Vitamin C boosts your immune system, allowing you to avoid diseases and stay healthy all year. We'll look at the immune-boosting benefits of this crucial vitamin, from treating common colds to lessening the intensity of allergies. 2] "Glowing from Within: Vitamin C for Radiant Skin and a Youthful Complexion"Learn the secrets behind Vitamin C's skincare expertise. Learn how this antioxidant-rich vitamin may boost collagen formation, minimise ageing indications, and give your skin a healthy shine. Say welcome to a more youthful appearance that expresses your inner vigour. 3] "A protective shield against chronic disease: Vitamin C plays a role of a powerful antioxidant that protects our body from the harmful effects of free radicals. We'll see the help of vitamin to avoid chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer. 4] "Vitamin C and Mental Well-Being There is a surprising relationship between vitamin C and mental well-being. We look at how this vitamin can improve our brain health and happiness, it nourishes the Brain and Mood and improve cognitive function to reducing the risk of mental illness. 5] "The Healing Touch: The Role of Vitamin C in Wound Healing and Tissue Repair." Harness the healing properties of vitamin C! Examine its critical function in wound healing, tissue repair and scar tissue formation. Learn how to increase your vitamin C consumption to heal faster and repair damaged tissue. 6] "From the Inside Out: The Impact of Vitamin C on Hair and Nail Health." Vitamin C is the key to shiny hair and strong, healthy nails. We look at how it contributes to hair growth, strength and vitality, and how it makes nails durable and attractive. 7] "Boosting Your Energy Levels: How Vitamin C Fights Fatigue and Boosts Vitality." Say goodbye to sluggishness and hello to boundless vitality! Discover how vitamin C helps treat fatigue, maintain adrenal function and boost overall vitality. Say hello to a more energetic and vibrant life. 8] "Vitamin C for heart health: protection for your most important organ." Vitamin C offers the best for your heart! Discover how this vitamin benefits heart health by reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, maintaining proper blood pressure, and promoting adequate blood flow. 9] The important role of vitamin C for mothers and babies" Vitamin C plays an important role during pregnancy. It promotes healthy foetal. Vitamin C can help with breastfeeding and postpartum healing. 10] "Debunking the Truth: Debunking Common Vitamin C Myths." Separate reality from fiction by debunking common myths and misconceptions about vitamin C. We address common concerns and present evidence-based information to help you make informed decisions about including this important ingredient in your diet. Congratulations on completing our full guide to the incredible benefits of vitamin C. With this information, you can harness the power of this important vitamin to improve your health and well-being. Save our website on your home screen and visit it everyday. Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Online & Offline Classes Students can attend online or offline classes according to their convenience. Limited strength in each batch. Modern, innovative concepts based but simple teaching method. Disciplined and highly feasible learning environment. Excellent Previous Result Every year 100% result. In the exam of 2022, our two students are highest in Maharashtra. Completion of syllabus within stipulated time period.. Quality Study Material Notes of all chapters, poems, and novels are provided in pdf and printed form. From the content rich notes learn tips, tricks and strategies. Regular Weekly Revision Tests We conduct regular offline test on each and every topic, daily online test. Regular doubt clearing sessions. Every Sunday special classes for weak students. Long Teaching Experience More than 35 years' teaching experience. Student centered and Exam oriented teaching as well as individual attention. Click to contact us 9822716201 4, Dewkinandan, Shinde Plots, Yavatmal. Whatsapp Us Follow Us

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Indian Doctors Day honors health care heroes

Happy India Doctors' Day: Dr. Anil Patel Sir Today we celebrate India Doctors' Day, a special occasion that recognizes the selfless dedication and contribution of doctors throughout the nation. Discover the significance of this day and the important role doctors play in our lives. It is important to recognize and celebrate who dedicate their lives to healing and caring for others in a world where health and wellness have taken center stage. Why Indian Doctors' Day is important: Indian Doctors Day, observed on July 1 every year, is of immense importance in recognizing the invaluable services that doctors provide. It commemorates their tireless efforts to save lives, alleviate suffering and promote health. This day recognizes the tireless dedication, compassion and expertise that physicians bring to the healthcare system. Honoring Health Care Heroes: On this day, we Indian have to express thanks to the doctors who work tirelessly to improve our lives. All kinds of doctors in India are known for their expertise, empathy and denotation. there is no words for their devotion for us, which makes them pillars of our society. The impact of physicians: When it comes to caring for the well-being of those around them, surgeons go beyond what is required their job of duties. They conduct out procedures, make treatment plans, diagnose diseases, and provide medical guidance. They greatly contribute in the fight over disease and improving of human health thanks to their knowledge, skills, and constant dedication. There is an enormous amount of trust in doctors, and they make an enormous contribution to community. Indian Doctors' Day Celebration: On this special day, various activities are organized to celebrate the noble profession of medicine. Medical institutions, healthcare organizations and communities come together to honor the hard work and sacrifices that doctors make. Seminars, conferences and workshops are held to promote medical advancement, knowledge sharing and professional development. Patients and their families also participate by sharing their heartfelt stories of gratitude and appreciation. Conclusion:  As the Indian Medical Congress draws near, we have to pause and consider the remarkable contributions doctors give to society. Our entire respect and thanks are due to them for their unwavering commitment, empathy, and knowledge. So join us in honouring the altruistic people who work to enhance the lives of others and in commemorating the health care heroes. Let's work together to make Indian Doctor's Day a celebration of these wonderful people's outstanding efforts and commitment. Remember that our doctors are the real protectors of our health, therefore on this day, let's give them the appreciation they deserve. click  100 Mobile Phones Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Online & Offline Classes Students can attend online or offline classes according to their convenience. Limited strength in each batch. Modern, innovative concepts based but simple teaching method. Disciplined and highly feasible learning environment. Excellent Previous Result Every year 100% result. In the exam of 2022, our two students are highest in Maharashtra. Completion of syllabus within stipulated time period.. Quality Study Material Notes of all chapters, poems, and novels are provided in pdf and printed form. From the content rich notes learn tips, tricks and strategies. Regular Weekly Revision Tests We conduct regular offline test on each and every topic, daily online test. Regular doubt clearing sessions. Every Sunday special classes for weak students. Long Teaching Experience More than 35 years' teaching experience. Student centered and Exam oriented teaching as well as individual attention. Click to contact us 9822716201 4, Dewkinandan, Shinde Plots, Yavatmal. Whatsapp Us Follow Us

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Heat Stroke

उष्माघात: कारणे, लक्षणे, उपाययोजना आणि प्रथमोपचार उष्माघात म्हणजेच हीट स्ट्रोक किंवा सनस्ट्रोक. ही जीवघेणी अवस्था आहे. यात प्रखर तापमानात काम केल्याने शारिरातील उष्णता संतूलन संस्था नाकाम होते. सतत कडक उन्हात काम केल्यानंतर, बाहेरचे तापमान प्रमाणाबाहेर वाढले की शरीरातील तापमान नियंत्रित करण्याची यंत्रणा कोलमडते आणि उष्मापात होतो आणि त्यातून होणारी तीव्र समस्या म्हणजेच उष्माघात होय. शरीराने मर्यादेपेक्षा जास्त उष्णता शोषून घेतली तर हायपरथर्मिया म्हणजेच अतिउच्च तापमानाचा आजार म्हणजे उष्माघात होतो. उष्माघात म्हणजेच हीट स्ट्रोक किंवा सनस्ट्रोक जी जीवघेणी ठरू शकते. यात प्रखर तापमानाला सामोरे गेल्याने शारिरातील उष्णता संतूलन संस्था नाकाम होते. वातावरणातील जास्त तापमान किंवा खूप वेळ उन्हामध्ये खूप शारीरिक कष्ट असलेले काम करणे आणि पाणी, क्षार किंवा इतर तरल पदार्थ कमी प्रमाणात सेवन केल्याने ही परिस्थिति निर्माण होते. यातली मुख्य रोगप्रक्रिया म्हणजे अतिउष्णतेने शरीरातल्या प्रथिनांवर दुष्परिणाम होणे व पेशींमधली जीवनप्रक्रिया थांबणे. शरीरातल्या सर्व अवयवातील पेशींमध्ये हा परिणाम होतो. यात मृत्यूचे कारण बहुधा 'मेंदूसूज' म्हणजेच एनसेफलोपथी हे असते. यामध्ये शरीराचे तापमान अकस्मात उच्च पातळीवर जाते. योग्य ते उपचार वेळेवर न मिळाल्यास संबंधित व्यक्तीच्या मेंदूच्या उतींना नुकसान पोहोचून व्यक्ती कोमात जाण्याची व दगावण्याची शक्यता असते. जास्त तापमानामुळे शरीरातील महत्त्वाचे अवयव निकामी होतात. उष्माघात हा प्रामुख्याने अर्भकं, लहान मुलं, वयोवृद्ध, पाणी कमी पिणारे लोक, दीर्घ आजारी किंवा मद्यप्राशन करणाऱ्यांमध्ये आढळतो. तसेच हृदयरोग, फुप्फुसांचे आजार, मूत्रपिंडाचे आजार, लठ्ठपणा उच्च रक्तदाब, मधुमेह, मानसिक व्याधीसारख्या आजारांनी त्रस्त व्यक्तींनाही सहज उष्माघात होऊ शकतो. खेळाडूना आणि बराच वेळ आउटडोअर काम करणाऱ्यांना उष्मापात होऊ शकतो. उष्मपाताची लक्षणे:  उष्मपाताची बरीच लक्षणे सांगता येतील जसे घाम फुटणे, मळमळ, उलट्या होणे, चक्कर येणे, डोकेदुखी, थकवा येणे आणि स्नायूंना आकडी येणे इ .. म्हणजे प्रमाणाबाहेर वाढलेले शारीरिक तापमान (१०४ डिग्री पेक्षा जास्त). घाम बाहेर पडत नाही त्यामुळे त्वचा गरम आणि कोरडी होते. घाम येण्याचे थांबते, नाडीची आणि श्वासाची गती वाढलेली असते, रक्तदाब सुरुवातीला वाढतो आणि नंतर कमी होतो, शरीरात ताठरता येते, हात आणि पायात आकडी (क्रांप्स) येतात, मानसिक बदल होतो, चिडचिड होते, भ्रम होतो आणि कोमा म्हणजेच बेशुद्धवस्था येते आणि मृत्यू सुद्धा ओढवू शकतो. हे असे क्रमाक्रमाने होते, बेशुद्धवस्था हा वयस्कांमध्ये उष्माघातचा पहिला संकेत असू शकतो. उन्हापासून घ्यायची काळजी: उष्माघाताचा त्रास टाळण्यासाठी थोडी काळजी घेणे आवश्यक आहे. सकाळी १० ते दुपारी ४ वाजेपर्यंत उन्हाची तीव्रता जास्त असते तेव्हा शक्यतोवर उन्हात फिरणे, काम करणे किंवा खेळणे टाळावे. बाहेर जाणे आवश्यक असल्यास काही गोष्टी पाळल्यास उन्हाचा त्रास कमी होऊ शकतो. शक्य असल्यास दुपारच्या वेळी कामासाठी बाहेर पडू नका. सकाळी किंवा संध्याकाळी उशिरा कामांची विभागणी करा. अगदीच आवश्यक असेल सौम्यरंगांचे आणि ढिले कपडे वापरावे. टाइट जीन्स आणि भडक कपडे वापरणे टाळावे. टोपी, कानाला आणि डोक्याला रुमाल किंवा स्कार्फ बांधवा, छत्रीचा वापर करावा. जवळ पाण्याची बाटली ठेवावी. गरजेप्रमाणे मधून मधून पाणी प्यावे. तापमानवाढीबरोबरच पाणी पिण्याचे प्रमाण वाढवावे. तहान लागण्याची वाट न पाहता दररोज ८ ते १० ग्लासपेक्षा जास्त पाणी प्यावे. तसेच नारळपाणी, ताज्या फळांचा रस, ताक, लस्सी, कांजी, लिंबूपाणी, तसेच ओआरएस भुकटी पाण्यात टाकून घेत राहावी. साखरेचे वा अल्कोहोलचे प्रमाण जास्त असलेली पेये घेऊ नयेत. त्यामुळे शरीरातील पाण्याचं प्रमाण कमी होते. तसंच बाहेरील थंड पेय घेणं टाळावे. आहारमध्ये काकडी, संत्री, कलिंगड आणि लिंबू, कांदा यांचा भरपूर वापर करावा. प्रथमोपचार: शरीरातली जास्त झालेली उष्णता लवकरात लवकर बाहेर काढणे व रक्ताभिसरण खेळते ठेवणे हाच प्रथमोपचार आहे. सर्वप्रथम व्यक्तीला शक्य असल्यास वातानुकूलित जागेत अन्यथा सावलीत वा थंड ठिकाणी हलवावे आणि शरीरावरील जास्तीचे कपडे काढून टाकावेत. त्यामुळे शरीरातील उष्ण तापमान कमी होण्यास मदत होते. शरीराला ओल्या कापडाने पुसून काढावे. त्याच्या आजूबाजूला हवा खेळती ठेवावी. बर्फ उपलब्ध असल्यास व्यक्तीच्या मानेवर, पाठीवर, काखेत आणि मांडीच्या सांध्यात बर्फाचा शेक देण्यास सुरुवात करावी. कारण या जागी रक्तप्रवाह संचय हा त्वचेच्या जवळच असतो व थंडाव्यामुळे शरीराचे उष्णतामान कमी व्हायला मदत होते. Improve Your knowledge Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Online & Offline Classes Students can attend online or offline classes according to their convenience. Limited strength in each batch. Modern, innovative concepts based but simple teaching method. Disciplined and highly feasible learning environment. Excellent Previous Result Every year 100% result. In the exam of 2022, our two students are highest in Maharashtra. Completion of syllabus within stipulated time period.. Quality Study Material Notes of all chapters, poems, and novels are provided in pdf and printed form. From the content rich notes learn tips, tricks and strategies. Regular Weekly Revision Tests We conduct regular offline test on each and every topic, daily online test. Regular doubt clearing sessions. Every Sunday special classes for weak students. Long Teaching Experience More than 35 years' teaching experience. Student centered and Exam oriented teaching as well as individual attention. Thanks for Visiting   Click to contact us 9822716201 4, Dewkinandan, Shinde Plots, Yavatmal. Whatsapp Us Follow Us          

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