English For All

English For All
Singular and Plural

Singular and Plural Criterion  is the singular of  Criteria  Phenomenon is the singular of - Phenomena Datum is the singular of - Data Medium is the singular of - Media Memorandum is the singular of - Memos Curriculum is the singular of - Curricula Gymnasium is the singular of - Gymnasia Spectrum is the singular of - Spectra Stadium -is the singular of  Stadia Referendum is the singular of - Referenda Microorganism is the singular of - Microorganisms Proviso is the singular of - Provisos Alumna is the singular of - Alumnae Antenna is the singular of - Antennae Analysis is the singular of - Analyses Hypothesis is the singular of - Hypotheses Parenthesis is the singular of - Parentheses Diagnosis is the singular of - Diagnoses Thesis is the singular of - Theses Vertebra is the singular of - Vertebrae Formula is the singular of - Formulas Larva is the singular of - Larvae Erratum is the singular of - Errata Ultimatum is the singular of - Ultimatums Aquarium is the singular of - Aquaria Tariff is the singular of - Tariffs Forum is the singular of - Forums Maximum is the singular of - Maxima Medium is the singular of - Media Premium is the singular of - Premiums Novum is the singular of - Novi Minimum is the singular of - Minima Premium is the singular of - Premiums Ultimatum is the singular of - Ultimatums Perpetuum is the singular of - Perpetua Memorandum is the singular of - Memos Infinium is the singular of - Infinia Graffito is the singular of - Graffiti Carnivore is the singular of - Carnivores Proviso is the singular of - Provisos Hippopotamus is the singular of - Hippopotami Aquarium is the singular of - Aquaria Oasis is the singular of - Oases Radius is the singular of - Radii Memorandum is the singular of - Memos Alumna is the singular of - Alumnae Stimulus is the singular of - Stimuli Phenomenon is the singular of - Phenomena Maximum is the singular of - Maxima   Click to contact us 9822716201 arsodyogiraj@gmail.com 4, Dewkinandan, Shinde Plots, Yavatmal. Whatsapp Us Follow Us Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Online & Offline Classes Students can attend online or offline classes according to their convenience. Limited strength in each batch. Modern, innovative concepts based but simple teaching method. Disciplined and highly feasible learning environment. Excellent Previous Result Every year 100% result. In the exam of 2022, our two students are highest in Maharashtra. Completion of syllabus within stipulated time period.. Quality Study Material Notes of all chapters, poems, and novels are provided in pdf and printed form. From the content rich notes learn tips, tricks and strategies. Regular Weekly Revision Tests We conduct regular offline test on each and every topic, daily online test. Regular doubt clearing sessions. Every Sunday special classes for weak students. Long Teaching Experience More than 35 years' teaching experience. Student centered and Exam oriented teaching as well as individual attention. Thanks for Visiting

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English For All
Model Activity Sheet 2

Activity Sheet 2 Q. 1.A) Read the given extract and complete the activity given below: (12 Marks) 1] Arrange the following ideas in order to occurrence as given in the passage.  (a)Her husband encouraged her when she would be nervous. (b)The job needs both strength and courage especially for a woman. (c)She owes a lot of her success to her husband (d) Joycee would handle the pump meter very carefully          Joycee is not only beautiful, but bold too. A bright eyed, slim and smart, she is the first woman in the city to work at the petrol pump! With a warm and welcoming smile on her pretty face, she performs her job with zeal and enthusiasm. One after another vehicles stop in front of her …… “ kitna dalna hai”? She asks very confidently and then……on goes the pump meter. Her eyes reverted on the meter, she is quick and careful enough to stop it as soon as it reaches the right figure. Simple though it may seem, the job needs both strength and courage especially for a woman; strength for it is a continuous and tiring job without any rest, except for a short lunch break and courage because she is working in an exclusively male dominated domain! It was her husband who encouraged her to take up the job, after reading an advertisement in a local daily for a woman petrol pump worker. Even during those days when Joycee was disappointed, he motivated her to continue. “Ignore them and continue your work”, was his gentle advice. Joycee remembers these encouraging words of her husband, to whom she owes a lot of her success. A2.Write the qualities of Joycee. 1] ------------ 2] ----------- 3] ---------- 4] ---------- 5] --------- A3. Joycee is working in an exclusively male dominated domain because she has------------- and --------- A4. Why should women enter into a male dominated profession? Justify your answer  in 50 words.  2 A5. Contextual Grammar: 2                                         (a) She is quick and careful enough to stop it as soon as it reaches the right figure. (“No sooner …….. than”) (b) It was her husband who encouraged her to take up the job.(Rewrite as a simple sentence) A6. Find out the words from the passage which mean.(2) 1] Physically attractive in the face.-------- 2) Strong belief.     ------- 3) went back to previous stage      ---------    4) Stamina/ might  ------ B.Summary:                 Write the summary of the above passage pointing out the qualities of Joycee, her work and the difficulties involved. Suggest a suitable title. (C) MIND MAPPING   3 Marks Develop a ‘Mind Mapping’ frame/design using your ideas /thoughts / concepts to illustrate/develop on the topic- ‘Benefits of English Language’.  Q. 2. complete any two activities from the following. -  8 marks Speech Writing - 4 marks Write the speech on ‘Blood Donation.’ Imagine your college is organizing a speech competition on the above topic. Prepare a speech in 100 words with the help of the following points.  OR Compering –    4 marks Write the script to do compering of the given programme. Your college has organized the elocution competitions on “Farewell party for the students”. Imagine that you are a compere of this programme. Write the script to do compering. You may use the following points in an appropriate sequence. Points - Introduction ….. Welcome of the chief guest……. Welcome song, student’s speeches……… chief guest’s message.. Vote of Thanks.                                                                    OR  Expansion of Ideas   4 marks ‘Expand the ideas of proverb. ‘Manners Maketh Man’.                    [Hints : Explain the concept (introduction), give example (related story) , illustrated the idea and give moral.] OR Appeal – Prepare an appeal for Eye Donation with the help of the following points.   * Prepare an attractive slogan.  * Make a persuasive appeal for eye donation  * Make use of logo. * Make an appeal for active participation of people.  * Add your own points NOVELS Q. 3 Answer in about 50 words to the questions given below. (4)   1] Arrange the incidence in correct  sequence  as  per  their  occurrence  in  the extract.   (2) (a)Aouda accepted Fogg's proposal of marriage. (b)When set free, the first thing that Fogg did was he knocked Fix down. (c)As a part of duty, Fix arrested Fogg. (d)At the fifty-seventh second, Fogg entered the Reform Club Saloon. 2.Passepartout stations himself outside Phileas’ door. Give reasons. (2)  Q. 4 .  Answer in about 50 words to the questions given below. (4) 1. Compare the thought process of Holmes and Dr. Watson in handling the case. (2) 2. Narrate the case of Miss Morstan in your words. (2) HSC Examination Countdown! DaysHoursMinutesSeconds Click to contact us 9822716201 arsodyogiraj@gmail.com 4, Dewkinandan, Shinde Plots, Yavatmal. Whatsapp Us Follow Us Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Online & Offline Classes Students can attend online or offline classes according to their convenience. Limited strength in each batch. Modern, innovative concepts based but simple teaching method. Disciplined and highly feasible learning environment. Excellent Previous Result Every year 100% result. In the exam of 2022, our two students are highest in Maharashtra. Completion of syllabus within stipulated time period.. Quality Study Material Notes of all chapters, poems, and novels are provided in pdf and printed form. From the content rich notes learn tips, tricks and strategies. Regular Weekly Revision Tests We conduct regular offline test on each and every topic, daily online test. Regular doubt clearing sessions. Every Sunday special classes for weak students. Long Teaching Experience More than 35 years' teaching experience. Student centered and Exam oriented teaching as well as individual attention. Thanks for Visiting

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English For All
Model Activity Sheet

Activity Sheet Q.1] (A)  Read the  extract and complete the activities given below: (12)      It was a Langur alarm call. The leader of the gang of Langurs was sitting on the  tall  tree  making  alarm calls out of fear for life. Rest of the Langur brigade continued raising the alarm calls. The network of alarm calls was expanding its range as the Langurs speeded to the trees near and far and secured their places on treetops. All this upheaval was created by only one animal’s presence- a Leopard Many animals make alarm calls when they see a predator - Tiger or Leopard nearby. The Langur is most reliable when it comes to finding clues about the presence of the apex predators in the  jungle.        The mighty elusive Leopard of Umbarzara was out of its lair. He was on the prowl.The stealthily moving figure in spotted gold-black cloak was spied by these Langurs. Even the small ones from the legion of Langurs were giving alarm calls.      ‘Chyak! Chyak!  I stayed put. Gauged the leader Langur’s target sight and scanned the area visually. Took some steps.  Stopped again. A fresh scat was lying before me on the trail The bluish-purple flies were hovering over it. I was sure that the Leopard was somewhere near. The distant alarm call of four-horned antelope was adding to the chaos. I barely walked around15 metres and stopped. I had apparently entered in the sanctum sanctorum of a miracle called Leopard. But the big cat was not visible. It is an elusive animal. The surroundings were reminding me that I was all alone time and again. As I moved forward on the trail to Pitezari, the fading alarm calls were still heard in the background.  I could tell instinctively that the Leopard had moved away.      Meanwhile, I saw a man standing at a distance with a stick in his hand. As I approached, he appeared spooked due to alarm calls of the Leopard. We greeted each other. He was Raju Iskape from Pitezari. He had come to collect logs but retreated due to the Leopard’s movement. Raju was amazed at my regular solitary visits to Umbarzara, the haven for Tigers,  Leopards  and  Sloth   Bears.  We stopped under a Kusum tree to take a break. We both felt a bit relaxed. Now we were four eyes, four hands with a stick. Then we both resumed our walking tour. A1. Rewrite the following sentences and and state whether they are true or false. (2)    (a)  The writer heard the alarm call of the fox in the forest. (b) The writer does not believe in the Langur. (c)  Leopard’s fresh scat was lying on the trail. (d)  Raju Iskape had come to collect logs in the forest. A2. Raju was surprised / shocked because----------- (Choose the correct alternative from the following) (2)    (a)  He had seen the Langurs (b) The writer would visit alone the Umberzara. (c)   He heard the alarm calls. (d)  Sloth Bear had come infront of him. A3. “We both felt a bit relaxed” (Guess and write the purpose behind this statement) (2)     A4. Should we visit the forest? Why? (2)    A5. Language Study (Grammar) (2) (1) Many animals make alarm calls when they see a predator. (Choose the correct alternative to get the sentence of No sooner ---than) (a)  Many animals make alarm calls no sooner they see a predator than (b)  No sooner did many animals see a predator than they make alarm calls. (c)   No sooner do many animals see a predator than they make alarm calls. (d)  No sooner does many animal see a predator than they make alarm calls. (2) The Langur is most reliable. (Choose the correct sentence of positive degree) (a)   Very few reliable are as much as Langur. (b)  Very few animals are as much as Langur. (c)   Langur is not as reliable as the animal. (d)  No other animal is as reliable as Langur.  A6. Match the similar words.(2) A B 1] Brigade 2] Scan 3] Trail 4] Secured A] Look Carefully B] Path C] Protected D] Group  B] 1) Your college celebrated ‘The Maharashtra Day’ Write a report on it for your college Magazine. (4) 2) Grammar. (2) (a) He charged Rs. 5000 ------ square yard. ( Rewrite the sentence using proper article) (b) We travel to learn more about the world then our newspaper’s information.(Spot the error and rewrite the correct sentence)  Q.2] Read the extract and complete the activities given below:  (12)  As I climbed the  stairs  of  my  hostel  room,  my plan  was  ready  in  my  mind.  Normally  most  of  us who  are  educated  in  vernacular  languages  such  as Marathi,  think  in  Marathi,  before  speaking  in  English, translate  it  in  English  and  then  somehow  try  to  speak out  these  translated  English  sentences  in  an  extremely awkward  fashion.         I  had  decided  that  I  would  do  nothing  of  this  sort. I wanted to achieve excellence.  This  urge to  excel  in anything  that  you  try  to  do  has  been  with  me  since the  childhood.  Whether I  would  succeed  in  this  or  not, I  always  set  my  aims  high.  In  this  case  too,  I  wanted to  speak  excellent,  elegant  and  fluent  English.          The  first  thing  I  did  was  to  start  reading  English newspapers  and  English  novels.  I  studied  etymology and  phonetics and  studied  the  roots  of  the  words  and how  to  pronounce  them.  I  used  to  stand  in  front  of the mirror and practice speaking, realizing my mistakes and correcting them myself all the time and improvising and  improving  day  by  day It  took  about  9-10  months  by  which  time. I started feeling quite confident about speaking in  English  at length   with   anybody. My   fear   had   vanished   and I started feeling at home in my hostel.   In my future career,   out of 32   years   in   Information   Technology field, I was the Chief Executive or Managing Director or   head   of   Software   Company   with   thousands   of software   engineers   worldwide.   During   that   period   I had  to  give  several 

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English For All
English Words

शिवजयंती घराघरात शिवराय मनामनात घरगुती शिवजयंती सजावट स्पर्धा -2023🟧🟩🟧🟩https://t.co/eX6xErDwnl🟩🟧🟩🟧🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩📢📢📢📢इतर group वर तसेच सहकारी व नातेवाईकांना शेअर करा. — Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal (@Arsodsir) February 9, 2023 Some Confusing English words A homonym is a word that has the same spelling and pronunciation as another word but has a different meaning. For example, "lead" (a metal) and "lead" (to guide). Bass (a type of fish)- Bass (a low vocal range) Bow (a type of knot)- Bow (to bend forward) Close (nearby)- Close (to shut) Fair (just)- Fair (a festival) Flair (talent)- Flare (a sudden bright light) Foot (a body part)-Foot (a unit of length) Left (opposite of right)-Left (to abandon) Object (to protest)- Object (a thing) Pair (two items)- Pare (to cut or peel) Rock (a type of music)- Rock (a stone) Row (a line)- Row (to argue) Tear (to rip)- Tear (a drop of liquid) Wind (air flow)- Wind (to turn) Band (a group of musicians)- Band (a strip) Bark (the sound a dog)- Bark (the outer layer of a tree) Bass (a type of fish)- Bass (a low vocal range) Lead (to guide)- Lead (a metal) Minute (a unit of time)- Minute (tiny) Presently (soon)- Presently (currently) Read (to interpret written words)- Read (past tense of "red") Right (correct)- Right (opposite of left) Root (the part of a plant that grows underground)- Root (to search for the source) Tear (to rip)- Tear (a drop of liquid) Tack (a small nail)- Tack (to change direction) To (toward)- Too (also) Other words related to homophones and homonyms are: Live (to be alive) Live (happening now) Bow (to bend forward) Bow (a type of knot) Bass (a type of fish) Bass (a low vocal range) Wind (air flow) Wind (to turn) Tear (to rip) Tear (a drop of liquid) Lead (to guide) Lead (a metal) Object (to protest) Object (a thing) Close (nearby) Close (to shut) Row (a line) Row (to argue) Minute (a unit of time) Minute (tiny) Read (to interpret written words) Read (past tense of "red") Right (correct) Right (opposite of left) Root (the part of a plant that grows underground) Root (to search for the source) Tack (a small nail) Tack (to change direction) To (toward) Too (also) Fair (just) Fair (a festival) Flair (talent) Flare (a sudden bright light) Foot (a body part) Foot (a unit of length) Left (opposite of right) Left (to abandon) Presently (soon) Presently (currently) Auto (self) Auto (car) Bow (a type of knot) Bow (to bend forward) Lead (a metal) Lead (to guide) Object (a thing) Object (to protest) Close (to shut) Close (nearby) Read after some time we are editing the post Typing-------- Click to contact us 9822716201 arsodyogiraj@gmail.com 4, Dewkinandan, Shinde Plots, Yavatmal. Whatsapp Us Follow Us Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Online & Offline Classes Students can attend online or offline classes according to their convenience. Limited strength in each batch. Modern, innovative concepts based but simple teaching method. Disciplined and highly feasible learning environment. Excellent Previous Result Every year 100% result. In the exam of 2022, our two students are highest in Maharashtra. Completion of syllabus within stipulated time period.. Quality Study Material Notes of all chapters, poems, and novels are provided in pdf and printed form. From the content rich notes learn tips, tricks and strategies. Regular Weekly Revision Tests We conduct regular offline test on each and every topic, daily online test. Regular doubt clearing sessions. Every Sunday special classes for weak students. Long Teaching Experience More than 35 years' teaching experience. Student centered and Exam oriented teaching as well as individual attention. Thanks for Visiting

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English For All
facts of English language

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English For All
facts of english language

Do you Know? There are many Hindi, Marathi or other indian words that are commonly used in English, especially in the areas of food, culture, and spirituality. Here are some examples: 1] Chutney: A type of condiment made from spices, herbs, and fruits that is popular in South Asian cuisine. 2] Guru: A spiritual teacher or mentor in Hinduism and Buddhism. 3] Karma: The concept of cause and effect in Hinduism and Buddhism, where actions in this life determine one's future in the next life. 4] Mantra: A word or phrase repeated as a form of meditation in Hinduism and Buddhism. 5] Namaste: A traditional Hindu greeting used as a sign of respect, often accompanied by the placing of the palms together in front of the chest. 6] Puja: A Hindu religious ritual performed to honor a deity. 7] Roti: A type of flatbread that is commonly eaten in South Asia. 8] Samosa: A popular snack food in South Asia, consisting of a triangular-shaped pastry filled with spices and vegetables. 9] Shanti: A Sanskrit word meaning "peace" that is commonly used in Hindu and Buddhist practices. 10] Yoga: A physical, mental, and spiritual practice originating in ancient India, aimed at promoting health and well-being. 11] Bhel: A popular snack food in India, made from puffed rice, vegetables, and spices. 12] Chana Masala: A spicy dish made from chickpeas that is popular in Indian cuisine. 13] Dosa: A type of thin, crispy pancake made from fermented batter and typically served with chutney and sambar. 14] Koli: A fishing community native to the state of Maharashtra in India, known for their traditional dances and music. 15] Malvani: A regional cuisine from the Konkan region of India, known for its use of coconut, fish, and spice. 16] Pithla: A thick, spicy dish made from gram flour that is popular in Maharashtra. 17] Thali: A traditional Indian meal served on a large plate, consisting of a variety of dishes, including rice, lentils, vegetables, and bread. 18] Udupi: A region in the state of Karnataka in India, known for its vegetarian cuisine and the Udupi style of cooking. 19] Vada: A popular snack food in India, made from a doughnut-shaped patty of lentils or potatoes, deep-fried and served with chutney. 20] Zunka: A spicy dish made from chickpea flour that is popular in Maharashtra.  Thanks,  to get the notification subscribe by clicking on the following bell icon.  Click to contact us 9822716201 arsodyogiraj@gmail.com 4, Dewkinandan, Shinde Plots, Yavatmal. Whatsapp Us Follow Us Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Online & Offline Classes Students can attend online or offline classes according to their convenience. Limited strength in each batch. Modern, innovative concepts based but simple teaching method. Disciplined and highly feasible learning environment. Excellent Previous Result Every year 100% result. In the exam of 2022, our two students are highest in Maharashtra. Completion of syllabus within stipulated time period.. Quality Study Material Notes of all chapters, poems, and novels are provided in pdf and printed form. From the content rich notes learn tips, tricks and strategies. Regular Weekly Revision Tests We conduct regular offline test on each and every topic, daily online test. Regular doubt clearing sessions. Every Sunday special classes for weak students. Long Teaching Experience More than 35 years' teaching experience. Student centered and Exam oriented teaching as well as individual attention. Thanks for Visiting

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English For All
Best Computer Science Schools in USA

50 best computer science schools in the United States Here is a list of some of the best computer science programs in the United States, in no particular order: 1] Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 2] Stanford University 3] Carnegie Mellon University 4] California Institute of Technology (Caltech) 5] University of California, Berkeley (UCB) 6] Princeton University 7] Harvard University 8] Georgia Institute of Technology 9] University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 10] University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 11] University of Central Florida (UCF) 12] Cornell University 13] University of Texas at Austin 14] University of Washington 15] University of California, San Diego (UCSD) 16] University of Maryland, College Park 17] University of Wisconsin-Madison 18] Columbia University 19] University of Pennsylvania 20] University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) 21] Purdue University, West Lafayette 22] University of Minnesota, Twin Cities 23] Northwestern University 24] University of Southern California (USC) 25] Duke University 26] University of Utah 27] University of Colorado Boulder 28] Ohio State University 29] University of Virginia 30] Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 31] University of Oregon 32] Indiana University, Bloomington 33] University of Pittsburgh 34] University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa 35] University of Arizona 36] University of Iowa 37] University of Kentucky 38] University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) 39] University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 40] University of Massachusetts Amherst 41] University of Illinois at Chicago 42] University of Delaware 43] University of California, Davis (UC Davis) 44] University of Kansas 45] University of Miami 46] University of Tulsa 47] University of Notre Dame 48] University of Missouri, Columbia 49]  University of New Hampshire 50] University of Oklahoma. Note: This list is not exhaustive, and the ranking may change depending on various factors and criteria. You can easily find the contact numbers and addresses of the 50 best computer science schools in the United States. by searching for the specific university on the internet or visiting the university's official website. Click to contact us 9822716201 arsodyogiraj@gmail.com 4, Dewkinandan, Shinde Plots, Yavatmal. Whatsapp Us Follow Us Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Online & Offline Classes Students can attend online or offline classes according to their convenience. Limited strength in each batch. Modern, innovative concepts based but simple teaching method. Disciplined and highly feasible learning environment. Excellent Previous Result Every year 100% result. In the exam of 2022, our two students are highest in Maharashtra. Completion of syllabus within stipulated time period.. Quality Study Material Notes of all chapters, poems, and novels are provided in pdf and printed form. From the content rich notes learn tips, tricks and strategies. Regular Weekly Revision Tests We conduct regular offline test on each and every topic, daily online test. Regular doubt clearing sessions. Every Sunday special classes for weak students. Long Teaching Experience More than 35 years' teaching experience. Student centered and Exam oriented teaching as well as individual attention.

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English For All
Shiwaji Maharaj Jayanti

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Shivjayanti Home Decoration competition

भव्य शिवजयंती सजावट स्पर्धा  सार्वजनिक शिवजयंती महोत्सव समिती आयोजित छत्रपती महोत्सवा अंतर्गत     "भव्य घरगुती शिवजयंती सजावट स्पर्धा" *स्पर्धा नव्हे , कर्तव्य म्हणून शिवजयंतीच्या दिवशी  सजावट करा आणि फोटो पाठवा* सार्वजनिक शिवजयंती महोत्सव समितीच्या वतीने  यवतमाळमध्ये दरवर्षी मोठ्या प्रमाणात  शिवजयंती साजरी करण्यात येते यामध्ये वैचारिक , सांस्कृतिक प्रबोधनात्मक कार्यक्रमा सोबतच वेगवेगळ्या स्पर्धा  सुद्धा आयोजित केल्या जातात, दरवर्षीप्रमाणे या वर्षी सुद्धा यवतमाळमध्ये शिवजयंती घराघरात पोहोचविण्यासाठी “घरगुती शिवजयंती सजावट स्पर्धेचे आयोजन करण्यात आले आहे. ही स्पर्धा खुली असून या  स्पर्धेत पालक किवा  विद्यार्थी कुणालाही सहभागी होता येणार आहे. स्पर्धेत सहभागी सर्व स्पर्धकांना त्यांच्या घरी, शाळा, कॉलेज, शिकवणी वर्ग किंवा व्यवसायिक प्रतिष्ठाणात   छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराजांची  मूर्ती किंवा प्रतिमेची उत्कृष्ट व  आकर्षक सजावट करुण  किंवा छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराजांच्या  जीवनावरील देखावा  उभा करुण. स्पर्धकांनी या सजावटीचे आपल्या कुटूंबा समवेत घेतलेले फोटो, आपले संपूर्ण नाव व पत्यासाहित, सोमवार, दिनांक 19 फेब्रुवारी २०२४  ला दुपारी बारा पुर्वी खालिल कोणत्याही Whatsaap no.  वर पाठवावे. आकर्षक तथा  अभिनव सजावटीसाठी निवड करण्यात आलेल्या पहिल्या दहा मावळ्यांच्या घरी परीक्षक मंडळी प्रत्यक्ष भेट देऊन परीक्षण करेल परंतु परीक्षकांचा निर्णय अंतिम राहील. या स्पर्धेत उत्कृष्ट ठरलेल्या सजावटीसाठी *प्रथम बक्षीस: २००० ₹ रोख; द्वितीय बक्षीस:१५०० ₹ रोख; तृतीय बक्षीस: १००० ₹ रोख, स्मृतिचिन्ह आणि गौरवपत्र*  देण्यात येईल. तसेच  सहभागी  सर्व  मावळ्यांना सुद्धा गौरवपत्र  देण्यात येईल या स्पर्धेचा  बक्षिस वितरण समारंभ मान्यवरांच्या उपस्थितीत, 19 फेब्रुवारी २०२४ ला सायंकाळी साडेआठ वाजता *शिवतीर्थावर* (छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराजांचा पुतळा परीसर,गार्डन रोड, बसस्थानक चौक, यवतमाळ) होईल, असे संयोजक प्रा. सुनील कडू यांनी कळविले आहे  संपर्क    योगीराज अरसोड- 9822716201,  शशिकांत खडसे- 7798390870,  विजय निकम - 9420050480,   अविनाश देशमुख -9403457863,  महेंद्र विरूळकर -9881173116,  श्रीदीप इंगोले - 9404262025,  प्रशांत वानखडे - 7350387140,  विनोद दोंदल - 8806600688 विजय ठाकरे - 9420050463

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English For All
how to earn money online in india for students

शिवजयंती घराघरात शिवराय मनामनात घरगुती शिवजयंती सजावट स्पर्धा -2023🟧🟩🟧🟩https://t.co/eX6xErDwnl🟩🟧🟩🟧🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩📢📢📢📢इतर group वर तसेच सहकारी व नातेवाईकांना शेअर करा. — Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal (@Arsodsir) February 9, 2023 Some Simple ways to earn money online. Earning money online as a student in India can be a great way to supplement your income and gain financial independence. Here are some ways to make money online: 1] Online tutoring: Share your knowledge and skills by offering online tutoring services in subjects you excel in. 2] Freelancing: Offer your services as a freelance writer, graphic designer, web developer, data entry, on freelancing platforms or any other skill you have, on platforms such as Fiverr or Upwork. 3] Affiliate marketing: Promote products or services on your blog or social media and earn a commission on sales made through your referral link. 4] Online surveys: Participate in paid online surveys and get paid for your opinions. 5] Sell digital products: If you have a skill or expertise, you can create and sell digital products such as e-books, courses, or printables. 6] Content creation: Students can create and upload videos, blogs, or podcasts on platforms like YouTube, Medium, or Anchor and monetize their content through advertising, sponsorships, or memberships. 7] Drop shipping: Students can start their own online store by selling products without ever holding inventory using a drop shipping business model.Sell stock photos and videos: Sell your photos and videos on websites like Shutterstock, iStock, or Adobe Stock. 8] Online writing jobs: Write articles, blog posts, or product descriptions for websites and earn money through platforms like Textbroker, HireWriters, or ProBlogger. 9] Virtual assistance: Offer your administrative or technical skills as a virtual assistant on platforms like Zirtual, Upwork, or Fiverr. 10] Sell courses: Create and sell courses on platforms like Udemy, Coursera, or Skillshare. 11] Web development: Offer web development services to clients on platforms like Toptal, Hirable, or Codementor. 12] Voice-over work: Provide voice-over services for clients on platforms like Voices.com, Fiverr, or Upwork. 13] Online coaching: Offer coaching or consulting services in a field you are knowledgeable in on platforms like Clarity, Coach.me, or Thumbtack. 14] Transcription work: Transcribe audio or video files for clients on platforms like TranscribeMe, Rev, or Scribie. 15] Translation work: Offer translation services on platforms like Gengo, One Hour Translation, or Upwork. 16] Online design work: Offer design services such as logo design, illustration, or branding on platforms like 99designs, Crowd spring, or Design Crowd. 17] Online research: Conduct research for clients on platforms like JustAnswer, Wonder, or Upwork. 18] Virtual event planning: Plan and execute virtual events for clients on platforms like Eventbrite, Fiverr, or Upwork. 19] Copywriting: Write copy for websites, advertisements, or marketing materials on platforms like Codify, Contena, or Pro Copywriters. 20] Virtual bookkeeping: Offer bookkeeping services to clients on platforms like Bench, Upwork, or Fiverr. 21] Virtual HR support: Offer HR support services to clients on platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or Toptal. 22] Virtual legal support: Offer legal support services such as document review or research on platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or Toptal. 23] Virtual real estate support: Offer real estate support services such as virtual property tours or research on platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or Toptal. 24] Virtual customer service: Provide customer service for clients on platforms like Amazon Mechanical Turk, Upwork, or Fiverr. 25] Virtual sales support: Offer sales support services such as lead generation or appointment setting on platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or Toptal. 26] Virtual market research: Conduct market research for clients on platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or Toptal. 27] Virtual recruitment support: Offer recruitment support services such as resume screening or job posting on platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or Toptal. 28] Virtual accounting support: Offer accounting support services such as bookkeeping or tax preparation on platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or Toptal. 29] Virtual administrative support: Offer administrative support services such as data entry or scheduling on platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or Toptal. 30] Virtual IT support: Offer IT support services such as troubleshooting or network maintenance on platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or Toptal. 31] Virtual event management: Manage virtual events for clients on platforms. Online tutoring as well as 32] Pet-sitting and dog-walking, 33] Social media management, 34] Virtual event planning, 35] Online personal shopping, 36] E-commerce store, 37] House sitting, 38] Online booking management; 39] Virtual bookkeeping, 40] Virtual interior design, 42] Photography, 43] Ghost writing, 44] E-book publishing, 45] Online personal shopping, 46] Paid online research, 47] Virtual personal shopping, 48] Virtual call center services, 49] Voice-over work, 50] Online focus group participation, 51] Virtual personal training, 52] Virtual event hosting, 53] Virtual fashion consulting, 54] Virtual event photography, 56] Virtual event DJ services, 57] Virtual personal shopping, 58] Virtual event planning, 59] Virtual event DJ services, 60] Virtual event photography, 61] Virtual personal shopping, 62] Virtual event hosting, 63] Virtual personal training etc.   Remember, earning money online requires dedication, hard work, and patience. Choose a method that aligns with your interests and skills and keep working at it to build a sustainable income stream.  Note: Before starting to earn money online, it's important to research the opportunities and be cautious of any scams. It's important to research and understand the terms and conditions of any platform you use and be cautious of scams. With dedication and hard work, you can turn your online earning potential into a steady source of income.31 Click to contact us 9822716201 arsodyogiraj@gmail.com 4, Dewkinandan, Shinde Plots, Yavatmal. Whatsapp Us Follow Us Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Arsod English Classes, Yavatmal For 12th English Online & Offline Classes Students can attend online or offline classes according to their convenience. Limited strength in each batch. Modern, innovative concepts based but simple teaching method. Disciplined and highly feasible learning environment. Excellent Previous Result Every year 100% result. In the exam of 2022, our two students are highest in Maharashtra. Completion of syllabus within stipulated time period.. Quality Study Material Notes of all chapters, poems, and novels are provided in pdf and printed form. From the content rich notes learn tips, tricks and strategies. Regular Weekly Revision Tests We conduct regular offline test on each and every topic, daily online test. Regular

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