2.7 She Walks in Beauty - Learn in a simple way

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    2.7 She Walks in Beauty - Learn in a simple way








    She walks in beauty, like the night
    Of cloudless climes (Climate) and starry skies;
    And all that’s best of dark and bright
    Meet in her aspect (face) and her eyes;
    Thus mellowed (softened) to that tender light
    Which heaven to gaudy (sunny) day denies.

    One shade the more, one ray the less,
    Had half impaired (spoiled) the nameless grace (beauty)
    Which waves in every raven (black) tress, (lock of hair)
    Or softly lightens o’er her face;
    Where thoughts serenely (calmly) sweet express,
    How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.

    And on that cheek, and o’er that brow, (forehead)
    So soft, so calm, yet eloquent, (effective/expressive)
    he smiles that win, the tints (skin) that glow,
    But tell of days in goodness spent,
    A mind at peace with all below,
    A heart whose love is innocent! (free from sin)


    The synonyms/ Vocabulary

    1. Walks - Moves, Strolls, Strides - चालते, भटकते, फिरते
    2. Beauty - Grace, Elegance, Loveliness - सौंदर्य, मोहकता, सुंदरता
    3. Cloudless - Clear, Unclouded, Bright - निर्मळ, स्वच्छ, स्पष्ट
    4. Climes - Regions, Areas, Zones - प्रदेश, क्षेत्रे, विभागे
    5. Starry - Glittering, Shining, Sparkling - ताऱ्यांनी भरलेले, चमकणारे, तेजस्वी
    6. Bright - Luminous, Radiant, Vivid - तपस्वी, तेजस्वी, झगमगता
    7. Aspect - Appearance, Look, Expression - दृश्य, स्वरूप, रूप
    8. Mellowed - Softened, Toned down, Subdued - मऊ, सौम्य, शीतल
    9. Tender - Gentle, Delicate, Soft - नाजूक, कोमल, मऊ
    10. Shade - Shadow, Hue, Tint - सावली, रंगाची छटा, छाया
    11. Ray - Beam, Gleam, Stream - किरण, तेज, प्रकाश
    12. Impaired - Damaged, Spoiled, Weakened - नुकसान झालेले, खराब, कमजोर
    13. Nameless - Unspoken, Indescribable, Unexpressed - अज्ञात, अवर्णनीय, न सांगितलेले
    14. Grace - Charm, Elegance, Refinement - कृपा, मोहकता, शालीनता
    15. Raven - Black, Dark, Ebony - काळा, गडद, काळा रंग
    16. Serenely - Calmly, Peacefully, Tranquilly - शांतपणे, निश्चिंतपणे, समरसतेने
    17. Pure - Clean, Unblemished, Innocent - शुद्ध, निर्मळ, निष्पाप
    18. Dear - Beloved, Precious, Cherished - प्रिय, मौल्यवान, जिव्हाळ्याचा
    19. Cheek - Face, Countenance, Jaw - गाल, चेहरा, कपाळ
    20. Calm - Tranquil, Peaceful, Composed - शांत, निश्चिंत, स्थिर
    21. Eloquent - Expressive, Articulate, Persuasive - प्रभावी, बोलके, वक्तृत्वपूर्ण
    22. Glow - Radiance, Shine, Luminosity - तेज, चमक, प्रकाश
    23. Goodness - Virtue, Kindness, Generosity - सद्गुण, दयाळुता, उदारता
    24. Mind - Thoughts, Brain, Intellect - मन, विचार, बुद्धी
    25. Peace - Tranquility, Harmony, Calm - शांती, समरसता, निश्चिंती
    26. Heart - Soul, Spirit, Core - ह्रदय, आत्मा, अंतरात्मा
    27. Innocent - Pure, Blameless, Guiltless - निर्मळ, निष्पाप, निर्दोषBr

    Summary of the poem 

    Stanza - I

    She walks in beauty, like the night
    Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
    And all that’s best of dark and bright
    Meet in her aspect and her eyes;
    Thus mellowed to that tender light
    Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

    In the first stanza, the poet compares the woman’s beauty to a clear, starry night. Her beauty is not just physical but also reflects her inner, spiritual qualities. She has the perfect mix of light and dark, especially in her eyes, which makes her look gentle. This harmony of light and dark in her appearance is so special that even heaven does not give such a unique combination to the bright daytime.


    Stanza - II

    One shade the more, one ray the less,
    Had half impaired the nameless grace
    Which waves in every raven tress, 
    Or softly lightens o’er her face;
    Where thoughts serenely sweet express,
    How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.

    The lady's beauty is perfect. Even the smallest change in light or shadow could spoil it. Her beauty is beyond words. Her black hair is compared to the shining color of a crow, softly falling on her face. Her pure and precious look shows her sweet, angelic emotions, which are perfectly expressed on her face.


    Stanza - III

    And on that cheek, and o’er that brow,

    So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
    he smiles that win, the tints that glow,
    But tell of days in goodness spent,
    A mind at peace with all below,
    A heart whose love is innocent!

    The poet is deeply moved by the lady's beauty and is captivated by her glowing, smiling face. Her cheeks and forehead show soft, calm smiles that stand out. Her skin radiates with a bright glow, revealing her virtuous life. She has a peaceful mind and an innocent, loving heart, which adds to her charm.


    The poem in short

    The poem "She Walks in Beauty" by Lord Byron praises the perfect mix of a woman's inner and outer beauty. The poet compares her grace to a calm night with clear skies full of stars. He describes how her peaceful and glowing presence shows her purity, innocence, and kindness. Everything about her, from her gentle looks to her kind thoughts, shows a beautiful balance of light and dark. This reflects her peaceful spirit and a heart full of pure love. The poem captures her beauty, not just in appearance, but in the goodness of her character.


     Brainstorming (Questions and Answers)

    (A1) (i) ‘Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder’ - you have probably heard this saying. Discuss in your class how far the statement is true.
    Ans: “Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder” is a quote from Margaret Wolfe Hungerford, and it means that if you concentrate on good things in a person or thing you will find its beauty so I think this statement is true. Some consider Tajmahal as the most beautiful monument because they concentrate on its structure. Other do not like Tajmahal because they concentrate on the tomb of Mumtaz Mahal. This is what is all about beauty lies in eyes of beholder.

    (ii) Discuss with your partner about the most inspirational person you have come across. Also explain the reasons behind your opinion.
    Ans: I find it hard to pick just one person who inspires me because many people have had an impact on me. But the most inspirational person for me is my grandfather, my father's father. He was the most determined and hardworking person I’ve ever known. Even though he came from a poor village, he was determined to educate his children. He faced many hardships, but he never gave up. My grandmother stood by his side, giving him full support. In the end, he succeeded in making his children successful and respected members of society.

    (iii) Discuss with your partner about the Harmony (balance) of mind and body described in this poem.
    Ans: In this poem, the poet shows how a person’s outer beauty reflects their inner goodness. It highlights the harmony (balance) between the mind and body, where physical appearance matches inner character. For instance, in the final stanza, the poet describes the woman’s calm look and gentle smile, which suggest that she has a kind nature and a peaceful mind. This balance between her appearance and her inner self creates a sense of overall harmony.

    (iv)How does the poet describe the lady's beauty in “She Walks in Beauty”?
    Ans: In "She Walks in Beauty," the poet describes the lady’s beauty as a perfect blend of physical and inner qualities. Her beauty is compared to a cloudless night sky, where darkness and brightness exist together. The light she gives off is calm and gentle, not bright or showy like the daytime. This balance of dark and light reflects both her outward appearance and her inner goodness.

    (A2) (i) After reading the poem match column A with column B.

    (ii) The lady in the poem has a winning smile and a glowing skin. According to the poet she is blessed with these things because ----------------------
    Ans: She spent her life doing good deeds without committing any sins. 

    (iii) In this poem the poet brings a perfect balance of outer beauty and inner beauty. Write a few lines on how the poet brings this balance in his description.
    Ans: One of the main themes in the poem is the balance between outer and inner beauty.
    1] In the second stanza, the poet describes that her beauty is so perfect that even a slight change in shade or light would affect it. Her calm and serene thoughts are also gently expressed on her face. The poet wonders how beautiful her heart would be where her pure thoughts stay.
    2] In the final stanza, the poet shifts to her inner beauty, describing her sweet smile, glowing skin, peaceful mind, loving heart, and pure life. This inner goodness increases her outer beauty, because of her good work, showing a perfect balance between the two.

    (iv) ‘Beauty is skin deep’- Do you agree with the statement? Or do you feel that beauty comes from within? Explain your views in a few sentences.
    Ans: I agree with the statement "Beauty is skin deep" because true inner beauty is more important than physical appearance. Real beauty is not about fair skin, fancy clothes, or perfect hair. It’s about having a kind heart, a positive attitude, and being helpful to others. A person’s inner qualities, like honesty and kindness, shine through more than outward looks. If someone has negative or harmful thoughts, it shows in their expression. So, inner beauty is what truly defines a person.

    (A3) (i) Find out the words which are used to describe the lady in the poem.
    Ans: 1] the night which is cloudless and full of stars the nameless grace
    2] raven tress
    3] Winning smiles
    4] Glowing tints
    5] Peaceful mind
    6] Loving heart

    (ii) A contraction is a shortened version of the written and spoken forms of the word, syllable or word groups created by omission of internal letters and sounds. Find out the instances of contractions from the poem.
    Ans: 1] that’s –that is
    2] o’er – over

    (A4) (i) The poet creates an imagery of light and darkness to bring out the beauty of the lady. Find out the lines with such imageries and complete the table.

    (ii) Find out the imagery used in the poem.
    Ans: Imagery is used to make readers feel things through their five senses. Byron has used images such as, “night”; “starry sky”; “cloudless climes”; “cheek” and “brow.” Etc.

    (iii) Write the rhyme scheme of the poem.
    Ans: The rhyme scheme of the poem is A B A B A B.

    (ii) The Figures of speech:

    1] She walks in beauty,
    like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
    Ans: Simile because here a 'beauty of woman' is directly compared to a 'beauty of night'.
    Ans: Alliteration because here a letter ‘K (c) and s’ have been repeated
    2] And all that’s best of dark and bright
    Ans: Antithesis because here two opposite words ' dark and bright ' have been used.
    Ans: Alliteration because here a letter ‘b’ have been repeated
    3] Thus mellowed to that tender light
    Ans: Tautology because here the words mellowed and tender of the same meaning.
    4] Which heaven to gaudy day denies.
    Ans: Alliteration because here a letter ‘d’ has been repeated.
    Ans: personification because here heaven has given human quality of denying the gaudy day.
    5] One shade the more, one ray the less,
    Ans: Antithesis because here two opposite words ' more and less ' have been used.
    Ans: Repetition because here the word 'one’ has been repeated
    7] Which waves in every raven tress,
    Ans: Metaphor because here a 'colour of tress' is indirectly compared to a 'colour of ravan'.
    8] Where thoughts serenely sweet express,
    Ans: Alliteration because here a letter ‘s’ has been repeated
    Ans: Inversion because here the sentence is not in the correct prose order
    The correct prose order is “Where sweet thoughts serenely express”
    9] How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.
    Ans: Personification because here the mind has been personified describing as human a dwelling-place.
    Ans: Metaphor because here a 'mind' is indirectly compared to a ' dwelling-place'.
    Ans: Alliteration because here a letter ‘s’ has been repeated
    10] And on that cheek, and o’er that brow.
    Ans: Personification because the lady’s “cheek” and “brow” are given human quality of speaking about the good days.
    11] So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
    Ans: Repetition because here the word 'so’ has been repeated
    12] The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
    Ans: Personification because here smile has been given human quality of winning.
    13] But tell of days in goodness spent,
    Ans: Personification because the lady’s “cheek” and “brow (tint)” are given human quality of speaking about the good days.
    Ans: Inversion because here the sentence is not in the correct prose order
    The correct prose order is “But tell of days spent in goodness”
    14] A mind at peace with all below,
    Ans: Transferred epithet because an epithet peace is transferred from a lady to mind.
    Ans: Synecdoche because here a part mind represent the lady , the whole
    15] A heart whose love is innocent!
    Ans: Exclamation because the statement is in exclamatory form.
    Ans: Personification because the heart has been given human quality of having love.
    Ans: Synecdoche because here a part heart represent the lady, the whole

    Q5 : Compose a poem of at least 4 - 6 lines on 'Beauty of Nature'.

    1. Her Beauty Like the Night
    She walks with grace,
    Like stars in space.
    Dark and bright blend,
    In her eyes they mend.


    2. The Glow of Her Eyes
    Her eyes softly shine,
    A beauty so divine.
    Light and dark meet,
    In harmony, complete.


    3. Perfect Balance
    One shade too much,
    Would ruin her touch.
    Her beauty is rare,
    Beyond compare.


    4. Soft and Serene
    Her face is calm,
    Like a soothing psalm.
    Her smile glows,
    In peaceful flows.


    5. A Heavenly Blend
    Her beauty shines,
    Like stars in lines.
    Heavenly and bright,
    A perfect sight.


    6. Pure Emotions
    Her face reveals,
    The purest feels.
    Sweet and kind,
    With peace in mind.


    7. Dark and Light
    In her eyes, I see,
    Light and dark agree.
    A blend so true,
    In her heart too.


    8. A Virtuous Soul
    Her days are spent,
    With pure intent.
    Her glowing face,
    Shows endless grace.


    9. Innocence and Love
    Her heart is pure,
    Innocent and sure.
    Her love so bright,
    Shines like light.


    10. Peaceful and Bright
    Her mind at peace,
    Her thoughts release.
    A glowing heart,
    Of love and art.


    11] Wind

    No one can tell me,
    Nobody knows,
    Where the wind comes from,
    Where the wind goes.


    12] Nature

    Can there be anything more lovely
    Than the beauty of a tree?
    Her leaves shimmering in the wind,
    Dancing so gracefully.

    Poetic Appreciation

    (B) Write an appreciation of the poem, 

    Today there will be test on the third poem - The Inchcape Rock
    Today there will be test on the third poem - The Inchcape Rock

    Admission Inquiry

    Admission Inquiry
    We Proved It (1)

    Solve the following online Test.

    #1. What is the effect of light and darkness in the woman's appearance?

    #2. The phrase "meet in her aspect and her eyes" refers to the combination of which two elements?

    #3. What does the "cloudless clime" in the poem suggest about the woman’s beauty?

    #4. In the poem, what is the woman's beauty compared to?

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