2.6 Money - Learn In a Simple Way

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    Learn in simple way 2.6  Money


    A1. Compare between the rich and poor people

    Rich People
    Poor people

    A2. Explain the reasons for which many false friends came knocking at the poet's door.
    A3. Define, 'Friendship' in your own words.
    A4. Name and explain the figure of speech in the following line: "About their work from morn till night."

    A5. Compose four poetic lines of your own on 'happiness.'

    (B) Write poetic appreciation of the poem. 



    A1. Compare between the rich and poor people

    Rich People
    Poor people
    (1) Have many false friends 
    1] Have few but true friends 
    (2) Often lack true happiness 
    2] Live with contentment and joy 

    A2. Explain the reasons for which many false friends came knocking at the poet's door.

    Ans: Many false friends came to the poet when he was wealthy because people are often drawn to money and material success. They wanted to benefit from his wealth, pretending to be his friends for personal gain rather than out of genuine care or affection.

    A3. Define, 'Friendship' in your own words.

    Ans:  Friendship is a bond of trust, care, and loyalty between people. True friends stand by each other in both good and bad times, offering support and joy without expecting anything in return. Friendship is based on mutual respect and understanding.

    A4. Name and explain the figure of speech in the following line: "About their work from morn till night."

    Ans: Find in the following notes.

    A5. Compose four poetic lines of your own on 'happiness.'


    Happiness blooms in simple ways,
    In laughter shared on whole days.
    It’s found in love, not gold or fame,
    A glowing light, a gentle flame.

    (B) Write poetic appreciation of the poem. 

    Ans: Ans: Find in the following notes.



    When I had money, money, O!
    I knew no joy till I went poor;
    For many a false man as a friend
    Came knocking all day at my door.

    Then felt I like a child that holds
    A trumpet that he must not blow
    Because a man is dead; I dared
    Not speak to let this false world know.

    Much have I thought of life, and seen
    How poor men’s hearts are ever light;
    And how their wives do hum like bees
    About their work from morn till night.

    So, when I hear these poor ones laugh,
    And see the rich ones coldly frown
    Poor men, think I, need not go up
    So much as rich men should come down.

    When I had money, money, O!
    My many friends proved all untrue;
    But now I have no money, O!
    My friends are real, though very few


    The synonyms/ Vocabulary

    Joy – Happiness – आनंद
    False – Deceptive – फसवणूक करणारे
    Knocking – Tapping – ठोठावणे
    Trumpet – Horn – तुतारी
    World – Society – जग
    Hearts – Souls – हृदय
    Wives – Spouses – पत्नी
    Hum – Buzz – गुणगुणणे
    Work – Labor – काम
    Laugh – Giggle – हसणे
    Coldly – Indifferently – थंडपणे
    frown - a facial expression indicating disapproval, displeasure
    Rich – Wealthy – श्रीमंत
    Real – Genuine – खरे.Br

    Summary of the poem 

    Stanza - I

    The poem in short

    The poem shows on how the speaker’s life changed after losing money. When he was rich, many people pretended to be his friends, but those friendships were false. After becoming poor, he realized that his real friends, though few, were honest and genuine.

    The speaker also observes that poor people seem happier and more carefree, while rich people are often cold and serious. The poem suggests that being wealthy doesn’t guarantee true happiness or real friendships. It also conveys the idea that rich people should be more humble and that real joy and true relationships often come from simplicity and honesty, not wealth.


     Brainstorming (Questions and Answers)

    (A1) (i) 'Money does not mean everything in life'. Discuss with your partner and justify the statement by giving examples. Take help of the following points.
    a) Money cannot give you eternal happiness.
    b) Art, music and literature can give you unending happiness.
    c) Money is short-lived.
    d) Money cannot purchase happiness and contentment.

    Ans: I completely agree with the statement, "Money does not mean everything in life." Money cannot buy true happiness, and it doesn't last forever. While money is useful, it cannot bring endless joy or satisfaction. Real happiness comes from art, music, and literature, which can bring endless joy.

    Money is temporary—people may stay around you when you have it, but disappear when it's gone. We can truly earn respect and happiness in society only with our good actions and kindness, not wealth. That's why I believe that money isn't everything in life.

    2] Debate on the following topic in groups. "Money is the solution for everything."
    Ans: It’s true that money can’t buy everything like family, peace, or happiness, but being poor is really hard. We need money for almost everything, so I believe money is the solution for most things.

    Without money, you can’t give your children a good education, or fulfill their needs. You can’t buy a nice home or provide comfort for your family. In today’s society, people with money are respected, while the poor, no matter how smart, are often overlooked. Money gives you the freedom to do what you want and take care of your family well.

    (A2) (i) State whether the following statements are True or False. Correct the False statements with the help of the poem.
    a) The poet knew no joy till he was rich. - False
    Correct statement: The poet knew no joy till he was poor
    b) The poet felt that he should talk about his poverty. - True
    c) When poet had money, he had many true friends. – False
    Correct statement: When poet had money, he had many false friends.
    d)When poet became poor he had a few real friends. - True

    (ii)Write reasons for the following statements.
    1) Friends came knocking all day at the poet’s door.
    Ans: Because poet had money and they would come only for their benefits.
    2) Poor men’s wives hum like bees.
    Ans: because their wives have to take more effort to maintain the household work, but they are happy.
    (iii)Money makes the world go round. Explain it in the light of the poet's experience.
    Ans: The expression "money makes the world go round " means that money is very important, it is the most important or one of the essential things in life, a lot of events could not happen without it, when he possessed sufficient money to spend, he had more friends in life
    (iv) Poor men need not go up so much as rich men should come down. Express your views regarding this statement.
    Ans: The statement "poor men need not go up so much as rich men should come down" signifies that it is not required for the poor people to become rich because it is in poverty that they have found true happiness. However, it is important for rich men to become poor, only to realize the meaning of true happiness. Richness attracts all kinds of fake people who want to be around a person only to benefit from his wealth: whereas poverty attracts genuine people who stay with a person because they truly care about him and not about whether he is rich or poor.

    (A3) (i) Find out meanings of the phrases given below and use them in your own sentences.
    (a) be in the money : to suddenly have a lot of money:
    Ans: He doesn’t want to know me any more now he’s in the money.
    (b) win lots of money : to earn money by a matter of chance
    Ans: Gambler people expect to win lots of money.
    (c) for my money : in my opinion.
    Ans: For my money, Sunday is the best day to travel because the roads are quiet.
    (d) Money for old rope: money earned with little effort.
    Ans: This job will be money for old rope.
    (e) put one's money where one's mouth is: to show by your actions and not just your words
    Ans: He speaks only about helping the homeless; I wish he'd put his money where his mouth is.

    (ii) Complete the crossword with the help of the clues from the poem.

    (1) A brass musical instrument
    (2) A low steady continuous sound
    (3) False
    (4) Say Something
    5) Not imaginary
    (6) Ponder
    (7) Stinging insects
    (8) In large number
    (9) Strike a surface noisily


    (A4) (i) Complete the following table.

    (ii) The Figures of speech:

    1) When I had money, money, O!
    Ans: Repetition because here the word 'money has been repeated
    *Exclamation because here the sentence is in exclamatory form
    2) I knew no joy till I went poor;
    Ans: Alliteration because here the sound of n has been repeated
    3) For many a false man as a friend
    Ans: Alliteration because here a letter m has been repeated
    *Simile because here a 'false man' is directly compared to a
    'friend' with the use of the word "as'.
    4) Came knocking all day at my door.
    Ans: Alliteration because here the sound of d has been repeated
    5) Then felt I like a child that holds
    Ans: Simile because here the poet himself is directly compared to a 'child' with the use of the word like
    *Inversion because here the sentence is not in the correct prose order
    The correct prose order is “Then I felt like a child that holds”
    6) A trumpet that he must not blow
    Ans: Inversion because here the sentence is not in the correct prose order
    The correct prose order is “That he must not blow a trumpet
    7) Because a man is dead; I dared
    Ans: Alliteration because here a letter “d” has been repeated
    8) And how their wives do hum like bees
    Ans: Onomatopoeia because here the word ‘hums' suggests the sound

    9) About their work from morn till night.
    Ans: Antithesis because here two opposite words 'morn' and 'night' have been used
    10) So, when I hear these poor ones laugh,
    Ans: Onomatopoeia because here the word ‘laugh' suggests the sound
    11) Poor men, think I, need not go up.
    Ans: Inversion because here the sentence is not in the correct prose order
    The correct prose order is “I think, poor men need not go up”

    12) My many friends proved all untrue;
    Ans: Paradox because here two contradictory ideas have been put together of friend and untrue
    13) But now I have no money, O!
    Ans: Exclamation because here the sentence is in exclamatory form.

    (iii) Identify the rhyme scheme of all the stanzas of the poem.
    Ans: Stanza 1 : a b c b
    Stanza 2 : a b c b
    Stanza 3 : a b c b
    Stanza 4 : a b c b
    Stanza 5 : a b a b

    (Q4.) Compose a short poem on

    1. Money and Friendship
    Money brings many friends,
    But they are not true.
    When wealth is all gone,
    Few real friends stay.


    2. Joy in Simplicity
    Happiness is not bought,
    It comes from the heart.
    Riches don’t bring peace,
    Simplicity brings joy.


    3. Wealth and Loneliness
    With riches, I’m alone,
    Surrounded by false smiles.
    Without money, I find,
    Real friends by my side.


    4. Light Hearts of the Poor
    The poor laugh with ease,
    Their hearts are so light.
    Their joy is eternal,
    With love and simple life.


    5. False Wealth, True Life
    Money gives no peace,
    It only brings noise.
    Life’s beauty is found,
    In truth, not in wealth.


    6. Humble and Content
    The poor are content,
    The rich always frown.
    True joy is within,
    Not in jewels or crowns.


    7. Life Beyond Wealth
    Money fades so fast,
    But life carries on.
    True happiness stays,
    In love and good deeds.


    8. The Value of Respect
    Respect is not bought,
    It’s earned with good deeds.
    A rich man may frown,
    But kindness plants seeds.


    9. Friends of the Heart
    Money brings false friends,
    Love brings the true ones.
    When wealth disappears,
    Real friends will remain.


    10. The Power of Art
    Music lifts the soul,
    Art speaks to the heart.
    Money cannot buy,
    The joy that they start.

    11. 'Friendship'.
    The friend encourages you
    during uncertain times
    He is who stand with you
    without seeing good or bad times

    Poetic Appreciation

    (A5) Write an appreciation of the poem. 
    About the poem and poet: ‘Money’ is a reflective poem written by W.H. Davies. He was a Welsh poet, known as the ‘Tramp poet’. Through this poem, the Poet has described his self-experienced about money and personal happiness.

    The theme: The theme of the poem is the disadvantage of money. A rich man has many false friends and he lacks true happiness whereas a poor man has few friends, but they are true and real. Thus, he is full of goodness and happiness.

    Poetic device and language: The poem consists of five stanzas of four lines each. It has a simple narrative style. Alliteration, Antithesis, Inversion, Simile, Onomatopoeia and Repetition are the figures of speech used in this poem.

    Special features of the poem: The poet has made use of vivid imagery. For example, ‘wives hum, like bees’ or ‘came knocking all day at my door’ and ‘Then felt I like a child that holds / A trumpet that he must not blow’, these lines effectively present the visuals. The rhyme scheme of the first four stanzas is a b c b and of the last stanza is a b a b.

    The message: The message of the poem is that to experience true joy and happiness one need not to be rich and wealthy. It is not necessary for the poor to become rich, but the rich must become poor to enjoy true happiness.

    I like this poem: I like this poem because it shows the real value of money. It also describes the false and fake beliefs of being rich. This poem certainly teaches a valuable life-lesson to all that “prosperity makes friends and adversity tests them.” "समृद्धी मित्र बनवते आणि संकट त्यांची परीक्षा घेते."

    Tomorrow there will be test on 2.6
    Tomorrow there will be test on 2.6

    Admission Inquiry

    Admission Inquiry
    We Proved It (1)

    Solve the following online Test.

    #1. What realization does the speaker come to about life after losing his wealth?

    #2. What does the speaker think about rich people?

    #3. What do the wives of poor men do, according to the speaker?

    #4. What does the speaker suggest rich people should do?

    #5. What is the simile the speaker uses for his silence?

    #6. What realization does the speaker come to about life after losing his wealth?

    #7. What comparison does the speaker make about himself when he had money?

    #8. How does the speaker feel about the rich compared to the poor?

    #9. What does the speaker say that he did not experience until he lost his money?

    #10. When the speaker lost his money, what did he realize about his today's friends?

    #11. What is the central theme of the poem?

    #12. According to the speaker, what happened when he had money?

    #13. The poet was finally became

    #14. What does the speaker say about poor men’s hearts?

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