strolled - (walked)
asphalt - a mixture of dark bituminous pitch with sand or gravel, used for surfacing roads, डामर
Avenue – Road
Vest -(waistcoat / जाकीट)
trim (nice)
lady missionary- (nun)
Thanksgiving Day (The fourth THURSDAY of November).
Roasted – grilled / भाजलेले
Mallard (wild)
Cheese- दुधापासून तयार केलेला पदार्थ
call forth - (take)
winter island.- (jail)
Set foot - (entered)
tattered -(old and torn)
trousers – pant
Decadent - (old and worn out)
Conveyed (transport or carry to a place/ लेजना)
Haste - (quickly pushed)
Averted -(prevented/टाळणे/बचना)
Ignoble (low/poor)
fate (luck/life)
Menaced (frightened/ scared/घाबराई हुई/ घाबरलेली)
Coveted - (greatly desired/ इच्छित)
limbo (border place between heaven and hell/ jail)
Devised (planned)
Cunningly (cleverly)
Display – exhibit/ put
Wares – goods
plate-glass – sheet of glass
lead (ahead/आगे)
brass buttons – metal buttons.
Agitatedly. - (anxiously)
friendly voice - (without fear),
greets good fortune.- express the hope that they will be happy./
Clue (hint/ सुराग).
Smash (break)
to chat (speak)
Take to the heels (run away).
drawn (moving round)
club (दंडा)
pursuit (Chase/ run behind).
Disgust (unpleasant/ upset)
Drifted (wander)
along, twice unsuccessful.
no great pretensions - simple.
Catered (fill/provide)
Appetites (hunger)
Modest purses (low money).
Napery (cloth)
consumed – eat
beefsteak, flapjacks, doughnuts and pie - name of foods
callous (hard)
pavement- foothpath. (road)
Pitched (threw)
Arose (stood up),
joint by joint – step by step
Elusive (difficult to find)
drugstore – medical store
dreadful -fearful
enchantment- (charm/ जादू)
rendered (made/ performed)
immune (keep away from/free)
Panic (terror)
lounging (linger/समय बिताना)
grandly –largely
glittering (dazzling/ जगमगाता)
straw (slim chance)
disorderly conduct (bad conduct/ behavior).
Yell (cry)
drunken gibberish (useless talking like drunken man/ बड़बड़)
howled (shout),
raved (talk in a noisy, excited, or foolish manner/बड़बड़ाना; मूर्खता-भरी बातें करना)
merely (only)
twirled (turned)
remarked – said
citizen - man
Yale (university)
lads (boys)
celebratin - celebrating
goose – bird
to let them be.” (to leave them/avoid)
Disconsolate (very unhappy/ उदास; मायूस),
unavailing (unsuccessful / failure)
racket (noise).
lay hands – arrest
fancy (imagination/ according to him),
Arcadia - (heaven/paradise).
chilling wind – cold wind
swinging – moving
grabbled – picked up
sauntered (walk leisurely)
hastily (hurriedly).
sternly ( harshly/ कठोरतापूर्वक).
sneered (scornfully/ खिल्ली उड़ाना;)
petty (beautiful)
larceny (theft/ चोरी).
premonition (feeling of fear/unpleasant to come/ पूर्वसंकेत)
eyed – looked.
savagely. (in a vicious manner/ निष्ठुरता से/ जंगली जानवर की तरह)
Retreated (move back/ पीछे हटना/ पीछे लौटना).
Hurried (moving rapidly/ जल्दी में)
to assist (help)
a tall blonde (a woman with fair skin and hair/ गोरे रंग एवं सुनहरे बालों वाली महिला)
hurled (threw)
excavation (digging/ गढ़ा).
Muttered – said / speak but in low voice
the men who wear helmets and carry clubs. – Policemen clutches (hand/ शिकंजे),
avenues (road)
the glitter – lighting
turmoil (noise/ शोरगुल; हलचल)
faint - less.
instinct (natural quality/force एहसास; भावना; अनुभूति/ घराची ओढ)
survives (remain alive/ पैदा होना)
unusually (remarkably/असमान्यत)
standstill (stopped).
quaint (strange/ अनोखा/ आकर्षक)
rambling (spreading/ दूर तक फैला)
gabled (the vertical triangular wall between the sloping ends of gable roof/ छत के दो हिस्सों के बीच बाहरी दीवार का नुकीला हिस्सा).
violet-stained (coloured)
glowed – shine /glitter
organist- a person who plays the organ.
loitered – move
mastery – practice
Sabbath (a day of rest and worship, Sunday)
Anthem - prayer.
drifted out (float/बहना)
transfixed (fascinated / hypnotized /स्तंभित)
convolutions (coil)
fence (compound).
radiant (bright);
pedestrians (a person who travels by foot/पैदल चलनेवाला)
twittered (चहकना)
the eaves (evening)
a country – village
churchyard – church area
cemented (make fast as if with cement)
immaculate (pure / innocent / virtuous/ शुद्ध; निर्मल; पवित्र)
collars (reputation).
The conjunction (Combination)
receptive (ready to receive/ संग्रहणशील)
the pit (hole/ गड्ढा)
tumbled (fell),
the degraded (embarrassing /तुच्छ/ लज्जित)
unworthy (bad/ worthless /घृणित)
desires (will),
wrecked (destroyed / बरबाद)
faculties (power/ ability/ capacity/ क्षमता; गुण; योग्यता) base motives – useless aim
existence (life/ अस्तित्व).
thrillingly (excitingly)
impulse (desire / motivation/प्रेरणा)
to battle (fight)
desperate (sad /hopeless/निराशाजनक)
mire (a difficulty or embarrassment/ दलदल)
conquer (beat/ जीतना; हराना;)
the evil –bad things
enslaved (गुलाम)
resurrect (recover / पुनर्जीवित करना)
faltering (hesitation / बेहिचक).
solemn (holy/religious/ गंभीर; पवित्र)
notes (tune)
revolution (Transformation/ क्रांति)
A fur (a garment made of the dressed hairy coat of a mammal)
Importer – businessman
place (job)
Magistrate – judge
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