
Why We Travel -Words

Lesson | Difficult words | Pictures | Videos We travel, initially, to lose ourselves; and we travel, next, to find…

1 year ago

The Cop and The Anthem- words

Difficult words , Video and Pictures strolled - (walked)asphalt - a mixture of dark bituminous pitch with sand or gravel,…

1 year ago

On Saying Please Vocabulary

Difficult words and Related Pictures [metaslider id="741"]Offence  - Crime Complainant –One who makes complaint (शिकायतकर्ता)Concession - privilege / छूट/ अधिकारDeclined -…

2 years ago

An Astrologer's Day vocabulary

Difficult words and Related Pictures Midday - (12 noon) Equipment (instruments), which Obscure - difficult to understandResplendent - glowingSacred -…

2 years ago