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    Learn in simple way 2.4 Have You Earned Your Tomorrow


    1] What should we do to earn more tomorrow?
    a) -------------------------------------
    b) -------------------------------------
    c) -------------------------------------
    d) ------------------------------------

    2] Complete the following.

    3] Write some benefits of using Kind words?
    a) --------------------------------------
    b) -------------------------------------
    c) -------------------------------------
    d) -------------------------------------

    4] You have earned one more tomorrow by the work you did today? (Find and explain the figure of speech)
    5] Compose a short poem of 4 lines on "Kindness" of your own.

    B] Write an appreciation of the poem.


    1] What should we do to earn more tomorrow?

    a) Perform kind deeds that make others feel happier or encouraged.
    b) Greet people warmly and avoid being rude or indifferent.
    c) Help others, especially those who may be struggling or losing hope.
    d) Leave behind kindness, compassion, and positivity rather than selfishness or discontent.

    2] Complete the following.

    3] Write some benefits of using Kind words.
    a) Kind words uplift others and spread positivity.
    b) They foster stronger and more meaningful relationships.
    c) They give hope and encouragement to those who may be feeling down.
    d) Kind words can inspire others to also be kind and compassionate.

    4] You have earned one more tomorrow by the work you did today. (Find and explain the figure of speech)
    Figure of Speech: Metaphor
    Explanation: The phrase "earned one more tomorrow" is a metaphor. It suggests that by doing good deeds today, we "earn" the right to live another day, implying that our actions today determine the value and impact of tomorrow. It compares life and time to a reward that must be earned through kindness and selflessness.

    5] Compose a short poem of 4 lines on "Kindness."
    Kindness is the seed we sow,
    In hearts it blooms, in smiles it grows.
    A gentle word, a helping hand,
    Can light the world, like grains of sand.


    Is anybody happier because you passed his way?
    Does anyone remember that you spoke to him today?
    This day is almost over, and its toiling time (working) is through; (ended)
    Is there anyone to utter (remember) now a kindly word of you?

    Did you give a cheerful (happily) greeting (hello/ welcome) to the friend who came along (met)?
    Or a churlish (rude) sort of “Howdy” and then vanish in the throng (crowd)?
    Were you selfish pure and simple as you rushed along the way,
    Or is someone mighty grateful (thankful) for a deed you did today?
    (howdy= an informal friendly greeting, particularly associated with the western US states. कैसे हो)

    Can you say tonight, in parting with the days that’s slipping fast,
    That you helped a single brother of the many that you passed?
    Is a single heart rejoicing over what you did or said;
    Does a man whose hopes were fading now with courage look ahead?

    Did you waste the day, or lose it, was it well or sorely spent?
    Did you leave a trail of kindness or a scar of discontent?
    As you close your eyes in slumber do you think that God would say,
    You have earned one more tomorrow by the work you did today?

    The synonyms/ Vocabulary

    1.Happier - More joyful, Cheerier (आनंदित, सुखी)
    2. Passed - Went by, Crossed (जाणे, ओलांडणे)
    3. Way - Path, Route (मार्ग, दिशा)
    4. Remember - Recall, Recollect (आठवणे, स्मरण करणे)
    5. Toiling - Working, Laboring (काम करणे, मेहनत घेणे)
    6. Through - Ended, Completed (शेवट, पूर्ण)
    7. Utter - Say, Speak (बोलणे, उच्चारण करणे)
    8. Kindly - Compassionate, Gentle (दयाळू, प्रेमळ)
    9. Cheerful - Happy, Joyful (आनंदी, हर्षोल्लासित)
    10. Greeting - Hello, Welcome (नमस्कार, स्वागत)
    11. Churlish - Rude, Ill-mannered (असभ्य, उद्धट)
    12. Vanish - Disappear, Fade (अदृश्य होणे, नाहीसे होणे)
    13. Throng - Crowd, Gathering (गर्दी, जमाव)
    14. Selfish - Self-centered, Egoistic (स्वार्थी, आत्मकेंद्री)
    15. Pure - Clean, Genuine (स्वच्छ, शुद्ध)
    16. Simple - Plain, Easy (सोपे, साधे)
    17. Rushed - Hurried, Hastened (घाई करणे, धावणे)
    18. Mighty - Very, Extremely (प्रचंड, अत्यंत)
    19. Grateful - Thankful, Appreciative (कृतज्ञ, आभारी)
    20. Deed - Act, Action (कृत्य, कृती)
    21. Parting - Farewell, Goodbye (विरह, निरोप)
    22. Slipping - Passing, Sliding (सुरकुतणे, जाणे)
    23. Fast - Quickly, Rapidly (वेगाने, लवकर)
    24. Helped - Assisted, Supported (मदत केली, सहकार्य केले)
    25. Rejoicing - Celebrating, Delighting (आनंद व्यक्त करणे, उत्सव साजरा करणे)
    26. Fading - Diminishing, Declining (मावळत, कमी होत)
    27. Courage - Bravery, Valor (धैर्य, साहस)
    28. Ahead - Forward, Onward (पुढे, आगाऊ)
    29. Waste - Squander, Misuse (वाया घालवणे, गैरवापर)
    30. Lose - Miss, Misplace (गमावणे, हरवणे)
    31. Sorely - Painfully, Harshly (वेदनादायक, कडवट)
    32. Spent - Used, Exhausted (वापरलेले, संपलेले)
    33. Trail - Path, Track (पायवाट, मार्ग)
    34. Kindness - Compassion, Goodness (दया, सज्जनता)
    35. Scar - Mark, Wound (जखम, खुण)
    36. Discontent - Dissatisfaction, Unhappiness (असमाधान, दुःख)
    37. Slumber - Sleep, Nap (झोप, झोपेची अवस्था)
    38. Earned - Gained, Acquired (कमविलेले, मिळवलेले)
    39. Tomorrow - Next day, Future (उद्या, भविष्य)
    40. Work - Labor, Task (काम, कार्य

    Summary of the poem

    Stanza - I

    Is anybody happier because you passed his way?
    Does anyone remember that you spoke to him today?
    This day is almost over, and its toiling time (working) is through; (ended)
    Is there anyone to utter (remember) now a kindly word of you?

    In the first stanza of this poem, the poet, Edgar Guest starts the poem with a question. He asks if today, the reader did something to make someone’s day better or happier. He is referring to anyone the reader met or helped. The poet then asks if there’s anyone who still remembers a nice word or action from the reader. The main idea is about doing good for others without expecting anything in return. Since the day is almost over, the poet reminds us that time is running out to make a positive impact on someone’s life. He asks if there’s anyone who now thinks kindly of the reader because of their actions today.

    The following examples show how small actions, like lending a hand, offering a kind word, or showing patience, can have a lasting positive effect on others and make them remember you fondly.

    1. Helping any new person: Imagine you saw any one struggling to carry his bags. You offered him a help and walked with him. Later, that person remembers your kindness and feeling grateful for your unexpected help.

    2. Encouraging a Friend : You come to know that your close friend was very nervous today. You listen his problem and try to motivate him with some encouraging words. Your friend will feel hopeful and comforted, remembering your support.

    3. Showing Patience and Kindness : While waiting in line anywhere, you can give a chance to the old person, lady or any disabled person first. Instead, Later, they may recall your patience and feel a little better about their day.

    4. Helping a Colleague : You find that your colleague is struggling with a task given by the boss. If you assist him to complete the task, he will appreciate your help and remembers you for your support.

    5. Cheering Up a Family Member : At home, you saw that your brother or sister was upset about something. You took some time to cheer them up with a joke or by sharing a happy memory. Now, they feel a bit more positive because of your effort.

    Stanza - II

    Did you give a cheerful greeting to the friend who came along ?
    Or a churlish sort of “Howdy” and then vanish in the throng ?
    Were you selfish pure and simple as you rushed along the way,
    Or is someone mighty grateful for a deed you did today?

    (howdy= an informal friendly greeting, particularly associated with the western US states. कैसे हो)

    The second stanza begins with another question, the poet asks if you greeted or welcome your friend happily and cheerfully. He also cares about how you treat the people you know. Then, the poet describes the opposite situation, where someone is rude or unfriendly and quickly disappears into the crowd without caring about others. He says this behavior is purely selfish. He hopes you didn’t act rudely with your friends and be kind, then he will be thankful for your good actions today.

    The following examples show how small choices—being kind or selfish can impact on others and how they remember us.

    1. Greeting a Friend with a respect: You saw an old friend at the park. Instead of just saying a quick “Hi” and leaving, you stopped, smiled, and asked how he is doing. You should spent a lot of time with him. This made your friend feel happy and valued, and he appreciated your friendly nature.

    2. Being Rude and Ignoring: You should not quickly walk away and ignore your friend when he meets you. He will feel ignored and hurt, wondering if he did something wrong to meet you.

    3. Showing Selflessness: You were in a hurry to get home, but you saw a man struggling to start his bike. Instead of ignoring him, you should stop and help him. That person will be very grateful for your kindness and remembered your helpful attitude.

    4. Being Self-Centered: While travelling by a bus, you noticed a lady searching for a seat. Although you had extra space, you didn’t offer it and pretended not to see her. The lady felt unwelcome and isolated.

    Stanza - III

    Can you say tonight, in parting with the days that’s slipping fast,
    That you helped a single brother of the many that you passed?
    Is a single heart rejoicing over what you did or said.
    Does a man whose hopes were fading now with courage look ahead?

    In the third stanza, the poet asks if, before you go to sleep, can you say that you helped at least one person today? It doesn’t have to help many people, just only one person out of everyone you met. The poet highlight that even small acts of kindness can make a big difference.

    In the second part of the stanza, the poet talks about how your actions can courage someone and create a new hope. He says if even one heart is filled with joy because of something you said or did, he would be happy to your treatment. The poet hopes that, because of you, someone’s fading hopes were brought back, and they have a strength to look forward with courage and optimism.

    The following examples show that small, thoughtful actions can make a big difference and give others hope and courage to face the future.

    1. Helping a Stranger in Need : While walking on the street, you noticed someone lost his way. You stopped and gave him the information and smiled. This small act made that person feels more confident.

    2. Encouraging a Friend: You spoke to a friend who was worried about an upcoming exam. You advised and told him what he should do it. Because of your encouragement, his worry will disappear and feel more motivated to study.

    3. Lifting Someone’s Spirits: You noticed your colleague was very nervous after a difficult meeting. You ensured him and said some kind words. Later, he felt more positive and would handle the rest of his work confidently.

    4. Brightening a Child’s Day: You noticed a child crying because he lost his toy. You found a small, similar toy in your bag and offered it to him. The child’s tears turned into a smile, and he was grateful for your kindness.

    Stanza - IV

    Did you waste the day, or lose it, was it well or sorely spent?
    Did you leave a trail of kindness or a scar of discontent?
    As you close your eyes in slumber do you think that God would say,
    You have earned one more tomorrow by the work you did today?

    In the fourth stanza, the poet says that you wanted a day if you didn't help or improve someone’s life that day. If the day was used selfishly, then it was “lost” and not valuable for yourself. But if it was spent doing good things, it leaves a path of kindness.

    The poet ends by asking the reader before going to sleep if God has asked about how the day was spent. If you feel that you did good deeds, then you can earn another day. If not, you should consider that God sees all your actions—both good and bad—and may decide not to give another chance tomorrow.

    The following examples show how reflecting on our actions at the end of the day helps us understand whether we made good use of our time or if we missed the chance to make a positive difference.

    1. A Wasted Day : If you spent the entire day complaining and being angry at small things, without showing kindness or patience to anyone around you, by the end of the day, you realize you didn’t do anything positive or helpful for others.

    2. A Day Well-Spent: You donated your blood to the needy person and helped to save his life that made him feel welcomed. When you look back on your day before going to bed, you feel content, knowing that you left a positive impact.

    3. Reflecting on Actions: At night, when you think about your day. you recall a moment when you misbehave a stranger, and it makes you feel regret. But you also remember helping your neighbor earlier, and this brings you some comfort.

    4. Living with Purpose : Throughout the day, you went out of your way to make others smile, held the door open for someone, and complimented a co-worker. As you lie in bed, you feel grateful for a day filled with small, meaningful actions.

    The poem in short

    The poem is about self-reflection and the importance of kindness and good deeds. The poet asks if you made anyone’s day better or if someone remembers you for your positive words or actions. He wants to know if you greeted people cheerfully or treated them rudely and selfishly.

    The poet encourages us to think about whether we helped even one person during the day. Did we make someone feel happier or give hope to someone who was losing courage? He also questions if we wasted the day or spent it doing good things.

    In the end, the poet asks us to consider if, when we go to sleep, we feel that we’ve done enough good deeds for God to allow us to see another day. If we were kind and helpful, we have earned a new tomorrow. But if we misbehave or selfish to others, it shows that we should do better next time. The poem encourages us to live our life with kindness and thoughtfulness towards others.

    Brainstorming (Questions and Answers)

    (A1) Discuss with your friend how she/he spent the whole day that was beneficial for others.
    Ans: (a) bought the vegetables from the farmers instead of from Malls
    (b) Worked for the health and well-being of orphan children
    (c) Visited old age home to serve them
    (d) Helped the poor by giving clothes and needy things

    (ii) What do you think about this poem?
    Ans: I was touched by this poem because in life you always have to do good deeds so that people remember us and help us when we need it. We never know what will happen in our life so we have to be always kind with the other and forget the day that has passed. This poem also shows me that we must always help people in difficulty, no matter if we are rich or poor.

    (iii) Which two thoughts evolve in your mind after reading this poem?
    Ans: Two thoughts evolve in my mind after reading this poem:
    1) God is always there to keep watch on you, so we should do only good deeds so that our GOD means we feel great mentally to live one more day i.e tomorrow.
    2) if we hurt other day to live means we will not be happy in the next day or life.

    (iv) What will you do today to improve your tomorrow?
    Ans: I think, I do well not only today but also every day to make a successful tomorrow. I shall try to change my nature that makes unhappy to my friends. I shall keep my mind positive today and work through positive way. I can learn from my today’s experience and make a better tomorrow.

    (v) State whether the following statements are true or false.
    1] Somebody should be happier because you passed his way. -True
    2] Someone should remember you for speaking to him. - True
    3] There should be none to utter a kind word of you.- False
    4] You should give cheerful greetings to the friend. –True
    5] The poet expects to welcome our friends open heartedly- True.
    6] The speaker expects us to waste our day- false
    7] We should not leave the scar of discontent behind us - True.
    8] Speaking rudely is counted as good behaviour. - false
    9] Our bad behaviour decides that the day is wasted. –True
    10] Our good deeds earn tomorrow for us. –True

    (vi) Complete the following sentences.
    (a) Every day in one’s life becomes worthy if ------------------
    Ans: one has made anybody happier with one’s actions or words.
    (b) “Is a single heart rejoicing over what you did or said”, the poet means-------
    Ans: even if a single heart is filled with joy due to our good deeds or actions, it is a precious act of kindness.
    (C) poem presents a number of probing questions to a listener to ask----------
    Ans: how they spend their days to improve the day of another person.
    (d) Edgar A. Guest is trying to convey a message that -------
    Ans: every good deed you do will come back to you and spread happiness.

    (vii) Complete the following web showing the speaker’s expectation from the readers.

    (A2) (i) ....'was it well or sorely (so—li/ largely) spent'? Explain the meaning and give illustrations.

    Ans: The poet wanted to say from the above given sentence if you spent each day well or wasted it. We all are busy with our daily jobs, but along with the daily work we help the other, speak kindly or at least encourage the person who lost his hope. In short the poet wants the reader not to waste his days; he should use it for better tomorrow.

    (ii) 'As you close your eyes in slumber do you think that God would say, You  have  earned  one  more  tomorrow  by  the  work  you  did  today?'   Elaborate the idea expressed  in  these  lines.

    Ans: These lines mean that at the end of the day, we should know it in our heart that we have made something good in someone else's life by helping them out or by just making them happy. Once our heart says that we have really made positive deed to change other people's lives, we will be able to hear God's voice telling us that we have earned our tomorrow because of the good deeds that we did today.

    (iii) The poet suggests that one should do good to others. Complete the table by giving examples of doing good to following people.

    (iv) Pick up the lines in which the speaker asks the reader whether he has done good deeds for others.


    1) Is anybody happier because you passed his way?

    2) Is there anyone to utter now a kindly word of you?

    3) Did you give a cheerful greeting to the friend who came along?

    4) Or is someone mighty grateful for a deed you did today?

    5) That you helped a single brother of the many that you passed?

    6) Is a single heart rejoicing over what you did or said;

    (A3)  (i) Pick  out  the  describing  words  from  the  poem  and  add  a  noun  of  your own.  One is  done  for  you.

    (ii) Match the words given in column A with their meaning in column B.

    (iii) There are a few examples of homonyms in the poem. For example, 'spoke'. List homonyms from the poem and give their meanings. (homonyms = having the same spelling or pronunciation but different meanings)


    Find out expressions / phrases which denote, 'going away', from each stanza.

    One is  given  below. "Vanish in  the  throng"

    Ans: Stanza 1  - passed his way.

             Stanza 2 - rush along

             Stanza 3 – parting with, slipping fast, passed

             Stanza 4 - leave a trail

    (A4)  (i) The poet has used different poetic devices like Alliteration and Interrogation in the poem.  Identify them and  pick  out  the  lines.

    (ii) The Figures of speech:

    1) Is anybody happier because you passed his way?
    Ans: Interrogation because the sentence is in the form of question.
    Metaphor because here an implied comparison has been made between passing way and meeting/ encountering someone.
    2) Does anyone remember that you spoke to him today?
    Ans: Interrogation because the sentence is in the form of question.
    3) This day is almost over, and its toiling time is through.
    Tautology because the words over and through are of same meaning.
    Alliteration because the sound of letter ‘t’ is repeated.
    Personification because here the time has been given human quality of toiling (working/ hardworking)
    4) Is there anyone to utter now a kindly word of you?
    Ans: Interrogation because the sentence is in the form of question.
    Ans: Inversion because the sentence is not in the correct prose order. – The correct prose order is changed “Is there now anyone to utter a kindly word of you?”
    5) Did you give a cheerful greeting to the friend who came along?
    Ans: Interrogation because the sentence is in the form of question.
    Alliteration because the sound of letter ‘g’ is repeated.
    6) Or a churlish sort of “Howdy" and then vanish in the throng?
    Ans: Interrogation because the sentence is in the form of question.
    7) Were you selfish pure and simple as you rushed along the way.
    Ans: Alliteration because the sound of letters ‘s’ and ‘w’ are repeated.
    Paradox because selfish pure and simple’ two contradictory things have been used.
    8) Or is someone mighty grateful for a deed you did today?
    Alliteration because the sound of letter ‘d’ repeated.
    Ans: Interrogation because the sentence is in the form of question.
    9) Is a single heart rejoicing over what you did or said.
    Ans: Alliteration because the sound of letter ‘s’ repeated.
    Ans: Synecdoche because a part (heart) refers to a whole (a person).
    (synecdoche (suh• nek• duh• kee) -a figure of speech in which a part is made to represent the whole or vice versa, as in England lost by six wickets (meaning ‘ the English cricket team’)
    10) Does a man whose hopes were fading now with courage look ahead?
    Ans: Interrogation because the sentence is in the form of question.
    11) You have earned one more tomorrow by the work you did today?
    Ans: Antithesis because the opposite words Today and tomorrow have been used.
    12) Did you leave a trail of kindness or a scar of discontent?
    Ans: Antithesis because the opposite words a trail of kindness and a scar of discontent have been used.
    13) Did you waste the day, or lose it, was it well or sorely spent?
    Ans: Antithesis because the opposite words well and sorely have been used.
    Tautology because the words waste and lose are of same meaning.

    (iii) Rhyme scheme of the first stanza is 'aabb'. Find the rhyme scheme of other stanzas.
    Ans: Stanza 2 - aabb
    Stanza 3 - aabb
    Stanza 4 – aabb

    (iii) 1] Compose 4-6 lines on your 'Good deeds'.
    Ans: An orphan child was really in need,
    I gave him clothes and food to feed,
    I also sent him school to write and read,
    And made him happy with my deed.

    2]. Compose a short poem by using words ' today, tomorrow and yesterday'.
     Forget past means yesterday
    Work today with gay
    And earn better tomorrow
    By following the positive way.

    3] Think of only today
    No one has seen tomorrow
    Don’t worry about yesterday
    That is already the past day.

    4] Did you speak with kindness?
    Clear others’ blindness?
    Did you give a cheer?
    Make them feel dear?

    5] True friendship is something pure,
    A bond that’s steady and sure.
    For every problem, it holds a cure,
    Never swayed by any lure.

    Poetic Appreciation

    (B) Write an appreciation of the poem, ‘Have you earned your tomorrow?’
    Ans: About the poem / poet / title
    ‘Have you earned your tomorrow?’ is a simple and optimistic poem written by American poet of British origin, Edgar Guest. He is known as ‘people’s poet’ for his simple style and optimistic tone of writing. He also wrote columns in newspaper and magazines.
    This is an inspirational poem where the speaker is asking the readers whether they have done any good deed to improve the life of another human being for our better future.
    The Theme:
    The theme or the central idea of the poem is that it tells an importance of being kind and helpful towards others. The poet asks the readers if they have done anything to improve the life of the other people that is responsible for our good days and bad days in future.
    Poetic Style: The poem has four stanzas of four lines each. The poet used interrogation in eleven lines in the poem of sixteen lines. The title of the poem arouses interest. The first line rhymes with the second line and the third line with the fourth line in each stanza.
    Poetic devices: Poetic devices like personification, Tautology, Metaphor, Paradox, Antithesis, Alliteration, Synecdoche, & Interrogation have been used in this poem. The poet has made use of rhetorical questions to inspire and convey his ideas to the readers. This is unique and innovative style used by the poet. The rhyme scheme of the poem is a – a – b - b

    Special feature : Visual imagery is a special feature of this poem like "vanish in the throng", "rushed along the way". "slipping fast" and "close your eyes in slumber",.

    The message: The poem gives us a message that we should live our life in such a manner that our existence becomes helpful for others so that we earn a bright future by our good and kind actions that we do every day. We should be kind to everybody, always and everywhere in the form of words and deeds. I like the poem because it helps to improve the lives of others and teaches kindness. It is truly an inspirational poem.

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